Daily Archives: 17. Mai 2020

17.05.2020 - 21:08 [ PressTV ]

Defense minister: Iran ready for strategic partnership with Iraq

Hatamai underlined the need for defense cooperation between Baghdad and Tehran to restore security and stability in the region.

17.05.2020 - 18:38 [ OTZ / Twitter ]

Wie jeden Samstag kamen auch heute mehrere Demonstranten in #Jena zusammen, um gegen die Einschränkung demokratischer Grundrechte zu protestieren – darunter viele junge Familien. #Coronavirus


17.05.2020 - 18:18 [ ORF ]

Hunderte bei Kundgebung in Salzburg

In der Salzburger Innenstadt haben heute zahlreiche Aktivisten unter anderem gegen die CoV-Maßnahmen der Bundesregierung demonstriert. Beobachter sprechen von mehr als 500 Teilnehmern, die Behörden von rund 200.

17.05.2020 - 18:07 [ Ali Utlu / Twitter ]

Bei der nächsten Demo gehe ich gemeinsam mit @LicentiaLisa Mal schauen ob Linksextremisten auch schwule Migranten angreifen, die sich wehren können. #SolimitLisa

17.05.2020 - 18:04 [ Lisa Licentia, von Links diffamiert, von Rechts verachtet / Twitter ]

Man hört und sieht es im Livestream. Dennoch berichtet Köln gegen Rechts, dass ich jemanden damit geschlagen hätte und @ksta_news , dass ich jemandem bedroht hätte. Antifa + Presse können sich nicht mal korrekt absprechen.

17.05.2020 - 17:59 [ Kölner Stadtanzeiger ]

Corona-„Detektivarbeit“: Dieses Team kümmert sich um das Contact Tracing in Köln

Schon 13.000 Menschen haben die Virusdetektive mittlerweile angerufen – davon viele täglich – um Symptome abzufragen.
Am 1. April dachten viele, es handele sich um einen Aprilscherz. Einige Menschen schimpfen auf den „Überwachungsstaat“ und legen auf.

17.05.2020 - 17:51 [ Wiener Zeitung ]

Contact Tracing gegen zweite Welle

Um nach der Lockerung der Maßnahmen ein neuerliches Ansteigen der Neuinfektionen mit dem Coronavirus zu verhindern, setzen die Behörden auf Clusteranalysen und Contact Tracing.

17.05.2020 - 17:43 [ NZZ.ch ]

Hielt sich ein Infizierter in einem Grossraumbüro auf oder besuchte er eine Party, wird die Arbeit der Corona-Detektive knifflig

Die Virus-Detektive, die seit Anfang Woche in der kantonalen Tracing-Zentrale am Flughafen Zürich arbeiten, meistern ihre Aufgabe gut. Allerdings ist die Zahl der Fälle so kurz nach dem Ende des Lockdowns noch sehr überschaubar. Die Bewährungsprobe wird später kommen.

17.05.2020 - 17:15 [ USA Today ]

‘50 states and 50 different approaches:‘ States scramble to hire COVID-19 contact tracers

Massachusetts has added more than 1,000 workers and sent some into communities with large numbers of cases. California last week began training the first recruits of a planned 20,000-person contact tracing team. And New York plans to add as many as 17,000 contact tracers through a partnership with former Mayor Mike Bloomberg, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health and Resolve to Save Lives, headed by former CDC Director Tom Frieden.

17.05.2020 - 17:00 [ S.C. / Twitter ]

UK – We now have an army of snitches – Michael Gove reveals 17,000 coronavirus contact tracers recruited …

17.05.2020 - 16:42 [ PoliticsHome.com ]

Michael Gove heaps praise on under-fire Matt Hancock and reveals 17,000 coronavirus contact tracers now recruited

A senior government source told the Mail on Sunday last week that Mr Hancock was on “borrowed time” and had “fallen out with the most powerful figures in the Government”, including Mr Johnson.

But Mr Gove, who revealed that “just over 17,000 of the contact tracers” had now been recruited – told Sky News’ Niall Paterson: “Here I have to praise the work of the Health Secretary Matt Hancock.”

17.05.2020 - 16:22 [ Spiked ]

Social distancing corrodes society

Life without human interaction is hardly life at all.

17.05.2020 - 15:50 [ BBC ]

Coronavirus: Boris Johnson accepts ‚frustration‘ over lockdown rules

„I understand people will feel frustrated with some of the new rules,“ the PM wrote.

„We are trying to do something that has never had to be done before – moving the country out of a full lockdown, in a way which is safe and does not risk sacrificing all of your hard work.

„I recognise what we are now asking is more complex than simply staying at home, but this is a complex problem and we need to trust in the good sense of the British people.“

17.05.2020 - 15:30 [ France24 ]

Afghanistan’s President Ghani signs power-sharing deal with rival Abdullah

„The Political Agreement between President Ghani and Dr. Abdullah Abdullah has just been signed,“ said Sediq Sediqqi, Ghani‘s spokesman, on Twitter. Abdullah would lead the council for peace talks with the insurgent Taliban and his team members would be included in cabinet, Sediqqi added.

17.05.2020 - 15:15 [ @adambb76, British Army 77th Brigade / Twitter ]

That cop knee dropped deliberately to break his rib. Utterly disgusting and assault. Outrageous! Shocking! How can anyone justify that. Total brutality. He‘s a thug criminal @IOPC_Help

17.05.2020 - 15:05 [ Thomas Hornall / Twitter ]

Piers Corbyn, brother of ex-Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, also led away in handcuffs after saying 5G and coronavirus pandemic linked, calling it a ‘pack of lies to brainwash you and keep you in order’

17.05.2020 - 15:04 [ Thomas Hornall / Twitter ]

Protesters boo as man led away in handcuffs by police at Hyde Park anti-lockdown protest

17.05.2020 - 14:58 [ Metro.co.uk ]

19 arrested as anti-lockdown protests take place across country

The London rally was one of many that took place across the country today as people flouted social distancing rules to group together in Manchester, Bristol, Nottingham and parts of Scotland.

17.05.2020 - 14:54 [ Al Jazeera ]

Iran media warn US against any move on fuel shipment to Venezuela

A senior official in President Donald Trump‘s administration told Reuters News Agency last week the US was considering measures it could take in response to Iran‘s shipment of fuel to crisis-stricken Venezuela.

17.05.2020 - 14:36 [ teleSUR ]

Venezuelan Army Captures Another Member of Operation Gedeon

The Strategic Operational Command of the Bolivarian National Armed Forces (CEOFANB) reported that the arrest was made by the Operational Defense Comprehensive Zone (ZODI) of northern Aragua state.

17.05.2020 - 11:55 [ Max Otte / Twitter ]

#Berlin: meine geschätzte Mitstreiterin im Kuratorium der Desiderius-Erasmus-Stiftung @erasmusfreunde , die #DDR-Widerstandskämpferin Angelika #Barbe, wird abgeführt. #Corona

17.05.2020 - 11:52 [ Krypto Nachrichten / Twitter ]

„Wir sehen einen Trend, dass Extremisten, insbesondere Rechtsextremisten, das Demonstrationsgeschehen instrumentalisieren“, sagte der Präsident des Bundesamtes für Verfassungsschutz, Thomas Haldenwang, der „Welt am Sonntag“.

17.05.2020 - 11:02 [ Andreas Schwartmann, Mietrecht - Familienrecht - Verkehrsrecht - Strafverteidigung / Twitter ]

Replying to @HenrietteReker: Sie sollten nicht alle, die eine andere Meinung zu den Grundrechtseingriffen vertreten, als Rechtsextreme und Verschwörungstheoretiker desavouieren. Das verträgt sich nicht mit der Neutralitätspflicht Ihres Amtes, Frau Reker.


17.05.2020 - 09:55 [ Patrick-Eike-Maria / Twitter ]

Aufnahme von Lisa Licentia‘s Festnahme

17.05.2020 - 09:47 [ Lisa Licentia / Youtube ]

Corona Demo Köln


17.05.2020 - 09:46 [ Hopfen&Malz - GG erhalts / Twitter ]

Lisa Licentia attakiert: Der Livestream läuft weiter und aufgrund des Tons gewinnt man den Eindruck, dass die Polizei dort weitermacht, wo die Antifa aufgehört hatte.

17.05.2020 - 09:44 [ Jakub Komorek / Twitter ]

Journalist knocked down by police during today‘s #protests in #Warsaw. The measures taken (including such a large number of #police officers) against protesters seem unjustified

17.05.2020 - 08:57 [ wRealu24 / Youtube ]

PILNE! Mega protesty przedsiębiorców w Warszawie! Dojdzie do starć z policją? LIVE!

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17.05.2020 - 08:56 [ ORF.at ]

Polizei löst Demo gegen Regierung in Warschau gewaltsam auf

Die Organisatoren des Protests betonten im Internetdienst Facebook ihre Unabhängigkeit von politischen Parteien. Die nationalkonservative Regierung Polens hatte im März im Zuge der Coronavirus-Pandemie Beschränkungen der Versammlungsfreiheit verfügt.

17.05.2020 - 08:29 [ Tout va bien / Youtube ]

Interpellation par la police à Montpellier d‘une gilet jaune manipulant une gigantesque marionnette

Moment de liesse à l‘arrivée d‘une marionnette géante, place de la Comédie.
#Montpellier #deconfinementjour6 #manifestation #GiletsJaunes marqués malheureusement quelques minutes plus tard par l‘interpellation de la dame à la marionnette.
#deconfinementjour6 #Montpellier #GiletsJaunes

17.05.2020 - 08:25 [ John Lichfield / Twitter ]

Biggest turnout of Gilets Jaunes, on defiance of epidemic rules, was an estimated 350 in Montpellier. Crowd refused to disperse. Some scuffling, some tear gas. Police used batons at one stage. One woman hurt. Just like old times…

17.05.2020 - 08:11 [ TVLiberties.com ]

Des manifestations de « Gilets jaunes » interdites ce samedi à Nantes, Angers, Saint-Nazaire, Toulouse, Montpellier et Lyon

Alors que des appels à manifester ce samedi ont été lancés dans plusieurs villes où les Gilets jaunes espéraient de nouveau battre le pavé, ils ont reçu l’interdiction de manifester à Angers, Nantes, Saint-Nazaire, Toulouse, Montpellier et Lyon.

17.05.2020 - 08:06 [ ORF.at ]

Erste „Gelbwesten“-Proteste seit „Lock-down“

Innenminister Christophe Castaner hatte zuvor daran erinnert, dass Versammlungen von mehr als zehn Personen nicht erlaubt seien.

Unter anderem in Paris, Lyon, Marseille, Montpellier und Straßburg gingen aber Menschen auf die Straßen – jedoch bei weitem nicht so viele wie vor Beginn der Coronavirus-Krise.

17.05.2020 - 07:16 [ SRF.ch ]

Demos gegen Corona-Massnahmen – Polizei kontrolliert, verzeigt und weist weg

Gegner der Corona-Massnahmen demonstrieren unter anderem in Zürich, Bern und Basel. Die Polizei greift ein.

17.05.2020 - 07:08 [ Volksblatt.at ]

Demos gegen Corona-Maßnahmen in Europa

In mehreren europäischen Staaten ist am Samstag gegen Coronamaßnahmen protestiert worden.

17.05.2020 - 07:02 [ DW Politik / Twitter ]

Impfgegner, Demokratiefeinde und Verschwörungstheoretiker demonstrieren gemeinsam gegen Deutschlands Corona-Politik. Diesen Schulterschluss gibt es außerhalb Deutschlands nur selten – am ehesten in den USA.

17.05.2020 - 06:57 [ FOCUS Online Politik / Twitter ]

– Corona-Proteste – ein deutscher Sonderfall?


17.05.2020 - 06:47 [ the Hill ]

Legal challenges to stay-at-home orders gain momentum

Opponents of stay-at-home orders got a major boost this week when the Wisconsin Supreme Court invalidated the state’s coronavirus health order, a decision that’s already generating momentum behind similar challenges across the country.

17.05.2020 - 06:31 [ Cnet.com ]

COVID-19 could set a new norm for surveillance and privacy

The outbreak has also brought new privacy issues, as companies beef up surveillance with tech like thermal cameras and facial recognition in preparation for when people return to their everyday lives.

Surveillance technology has slowly integrated into our daily lives, with facial recognition getting added as a „convenience“ feature for casinos and ordering food. The coronavirus has sped up that process, in the name of public health.

17.05.2020 - 06:18 [ ABC News ]

The psychological toll of reopening the country amid the COVID-19 pandemic will further the divide between „haves“ and „have-nots“

Dass-Brailsford said the majority of Americans will experience some form of anxiety, fear or paranoia as they step back out into the world.

„I wonder whether this person has COVID-19,“ she said some will think as they interact with more people.

17.05.2020 - 05:42 [ New York Times ]

Coronavirus Cases Slow in U.S., but the Big Picture Remains Tenuous


The slowing of new cases is a stark change from two weeks ago, when coronavirus cases were stuck on a stubborn plateau nationally and case numbers were rising in many states. As of Friday, new cases were decreasing in 19 states and increasing in three, while staying mostly the same in the rest, according to a database maintained by The New York Times.

17.05.2020 - 05:09 [ wicz.com ]

Trump privately questions whether coronavirus deaths are being overcounted as Fauci projects the opposite


But inside the West Wing, officials said there have been steady doubts about coronavirus figures arriving from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, either because they are behind or potentially skewed. In meetings of the White House task force, senior officials have raised questions about how the agency is compiling and tracking its data.

The death count questions illustrate the degree to which Trump and his allies have begun to scrutinize the data and advice emerging from government sources: Death counts are questioned, models are doubted, recommendations are debated and discarded and medical experts — even those widely trusted by the American people — are viewed with suspicion.

17.05.2020 - 04:28 [ Washington Post ]

As deaths mount, Trump tries to convince Americans it’s safe to inch back to normal


During a task force meeting Wednesday, a heated discussion broke out between Deborah Birx, the physician who oversees the administration’s coronavirus response, and Robert Redfield, the director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Birx and others were frustrated with the CDC’s antiquated system for tracking virus data, which they worried was inflating some statistics — such as mortality rate and case count — by as much as 25 percent, according to four people present for the discussion or later briefed on it.

17.05.2020 - 04:22 [ Fox6now.com ]

Questions raised over accuracy of US coronavirus death toll

Last week, The Washington Post reported that at a recent discussion on COVID-19 data, Birx told CDC Director Robert Redfield that “there is nothing from the CDC that I can trust.”

According to the paper, Birx and others feared the CDC was inflating coronavirus statistics, like mortality rates and case numbers, by up to 25 percent.

But not everyone shares the view that COVID-19 deaths are being overcounted.

17.05.2020 - 03:49 [ Economist.com ]

The coronavirus may have peaked in America


As more tests are conducted, the number of new cases of covid-19 inevitably goes up. Then there is the issue of geographical variation. Though the number of new cases is falling in New York City, an early centre of the outbreak, the trend in the rest of the country is less certain. Finally there is the problem of data quality. The number of reported new cases tends to be higher at weekends and on Mondays, and lower on Thursdays and Fridays, for example. Adjusting for such seasonality can be tricky; a peak or valley on any given day can be accentuated by a number of other factors, not least variation in tests performed.

17.05.2020 - 03:45 [ factcheck.org ]

Testing, By the Numbers


It’s true that the U.S. — by far — has conducted the most tests for COVID-19, the disease caused by the novel coronavirus, as measured in raw numbers. In the press conference, Giroir showed a graph, similar to the one below, by Our World in Data, a project based at the University of Oxford, that demonstrated this.

We’d note that Our World in Data cautions comparisons of different countries may not be apples-to-apples. It notes: “[T]here are substantial differences across countries in terms of the units, whether or not all labs are included, the extent to which negative and pending tests are included and other aspects.”

17.05.2020 - 03:07 [ the Hill ]

Amash decides against Libertarian campaign for president

“I continue to believe that a candidate from outside the old parties, offering a vision of government grounded in liberty and equality, can break through in the right environment. But this environment presents extraordinary challenges,” Amash said. “Polarization is near an all-time high. Electoral success requires an audience willing to consider alternatives, but both social media and traditional media are dominated by voices strongly averse to the political risks posed by a viable third candidate.”