Daily Archives: 8. Juni 2019
A Vast Archive Exposed the Secret History of Kidnapping and Assassination in Guatemala. Now It’s Under Threat.
The archive is a repository for the entire historical record of the National Police of Guatemala, an institution that was founded in the 19th century as the country’s first national security force, and abolished and dismantled in 1997 by order of the peace accords that were signed in 1996 to end Guatemala’s 36-year armed conflict.
This historical archive is not just their origin records from the 1890s. It goes right through those terrible years following the U.S.-funded and supported coup in 1954, which destroyed the democratic government that Guatemala had then, through the military dictatorship in the 1960s, when real anti-communist fervor gripped the country, through the 1970s and ’80s when there were these waves of state violence, including military operations in the countryside but also many clandestine covert operations in Guatemala City and other urban areas.
Mexico to deploy 6,000 troops to southern border as Trump postpones tariffs
On Thursday, Mexican officials announced plans to deploy 6,000 Mexican National Guard troops to Mexico’s southern border. The deployment will consist of 13 units made up of between 450 and 600 troops. Ten units will be sent to the border with Guatemala, where most Central American asylum seekers cross into Mexico, and three will operate in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec region of southern Mexico. The troops are set to arrive by September.
Amerikanische Lehrer fordern Freilassung von Julian Assange und Chelsea Manning
Gavin, ein Lehrer aus Detroit, sagte dem WSWS Teacher Newsletter zum Fall Assange: „Auch dies ist ein Angriff auf verfassungsmäßig garantierte demokratische Grundrechte und die Pressefreiheit. Er wird sich abschreckend auf jede Kritik am Herrschaftssystem auswirken.“ Weiter sagte er, „die Anklage mit Hilfe des Spionagegesetzes, besonders wo es um die Verfolgung eines ausländischen Staatsbürgers geht, ist ein gefährlicher Präzedenzfall und ein Warnsignal für die ganze Welt, dass niemand auf diesem Planeten die Presse nutzen soll, um Verbrechen der USA zu kritisieren.“
WikiLeaks warnt: US-Justizministerium bereitet weitere Anklagepunkte gegen Assange vor
Laut WikiLeaks basieren die Anklagepunkte auf den Aussagen von Sigurdur Thordarson, einem FBI-Informanten, der bereits wegen Betrugs verurteilt wurde. Er war vor Kurzem in die USA gereist, um sich einer Befragung zu stellen, die der Vorbereitung einer neuen Anklage diente.
NASA to open International Space Station to tourists from 2020
NASA will open the International Space Station to tourists from 2020.
The US space agency said it would open the orbiting lab up to new commercial opportunities including space tourism from next year, it was announced today.
Bernie Sanders backs 2 policies to dramatically shift corporate power to U.S. workers
Sanders said his campaign is working on a plan to require large businesses to regularly contribute a portion of their stocks to a fund controlled by employees, which would pay out a regular dividend to the workers. Some models of this fund increase employees’ ownership stake in the company, making the workers a powerful voting shareholder. The idea is in its formative stages and a spokesman did not share further details.
Sanders also said he will introduce a plan to force corporations to give workers a share of the seats on their boards of directors.
Joe Biden is a Trump Republican
The left, after controlling the White House for two of the three previous administrations — and having little to show for it — is beset by ennui. Biden holds tight his old running mate, Barack Obama. He calls himself an ‘Obama-Biden’ Democrat. That’s a savvy strategy for a presidential campaign aimed at the center ground, but it could become a problem with Biden’s own party. Some on the left are registering open disappointment with Obama.
The Case of the Illegal Ukranian Flights from Turkey to Libya – SPECIAL REPORT
As Jihadi fighters from Idlib in Syria pour into GNA forces, and Erdoğan sends further armored vehicles and weapons to Salah Badi’s militias to fight the LNA, regular secret flights by the Ukranian Air Alliance from Turkey to Misrata with unknown cargo are adding to accusations of illegal shipment of arms and fighters. In this Special Report Al Marsad looks at the evidence and provides details to help connect the dots.
Even if the next Tory leader keeps no deal on the table, Labour must not block Brexit
Labour MPs need to take a view, knowing where we are now, on both what is best for the country and what is most likely to hold together the party’s vital coalition of support between mostly Remain-orientated liberal-minded middle-class people and the largely Leave-leaning industrial working-class voters who have long been Labour’s electoral bedrock. Maybe reconsidering no deal would be the right thing for Labour MPs to consider on both counts.
Labour lost 10,000 votes in Peterborough. It has lost Scotland. It is losing in its old industrial heartlands. This is a party in serious crisis. It is becoming little more than the plaything of the London-based woke bourgeoisie, says Brendan O’Neill
Julian Assange. In his own words: Authoritarianism in the West
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EU surveillance state: This week the Justice and Home Affairs Ministers debated increasing the surveillance in their Member States. US authorities could soon also wiretap legally in Europe. #5G #DataRetention #eEvidence #cloudACT
How Europe smothered the radical Left
For Streeck this is all evidence that the Left, broadly defined, is losing its soul to the European project:
“There is not even a debate on the crucial issue of whether the EU can at all be a vehicle for anti-capitalist politics. Instead, there is a naïve or opportunistic acceptance — and it’s hard to say which is worse — of the feel-good ‘Europeanism’ so popular among young people and so useful for both Green electioneering and European technocrats seeking legitimacy for their neoliberal regime.”
Das Projekt zur „intelligenten Videoüberwachung“ am Berliner Bahnhof #Südkreuz geht in die nächste Runde, jetzt mit alleiniger Verantwortung der Bahn. Getestet wird die Erkennung gefährlicher Situationen und auffälligen Verhaltens. @algorithmwatch
Polizeipräsident Uwe Jacob weist Vorwürfe zurück
Als Polizeipräsident bin ich für die Sicherheit der Menschen in Köln mitverantwortlich und nehme diese Verantwortung sehr ernst. Wiederholt machen wir seit längerem deutlich, warum die Gegend um den Dom und den Hauptbahnhof in einem besonderen Fokus der Polizei steht. Deshalb reagieren wir mit der erforderlichen Konsequenz auf Situationen, die Menschen Angst machen und den Anschein erwecken, dass erhebliche Gefahren drohen. Nicht zuletzt, weil es auch darum geht, Gesundheit und Leben der eingesetzten Polizeibeamten zu schützen.
#PolizeiNRW #Köln #Leverkusen :Aktuelle Info zur Situation am #Hauptbahnhof Köln: Wir kontrollieren verdächtige Männer in weißen Gewändern. Sie sollen laut Zeugenangaben im Laufschritt den Bahnhof betreten haben. Die Hintergründe sind noch unklar. Derzeit keine Gefahrensituation!
Nach derzeitigem Stand keine #Bundeswehr beim #Fusionfestival.
Clashes in Central Tel Aviv as Hundreds Protest Cancellation of Music Festival
The three-day Doof Festival was set to take place in Hamat Gader, a hot springs resort in the Golan Heights, starting Friday, but police banned it earlier this week, citing intelligence that suggests drugs would be sold at the venue.
Neither Israel‘s nor Germany‘s Slide Into Fascism Was Accidental
It would be a mistake to see this degeneration as a necessary, let alone inevitable, evil. It is the realization of merely one potential, however central, of identity in a national context. It is neither ordained by heaven nor a divine law. It is a choice, and one that ought to be changed.
Überraschender Vorschlag – Bayern-Genossen wollen Sarrazin als SPD-Chef
Mexiko: Keine US-Strafzölle zum Preis der Militarisierung der Südgrenze
Am gestrigen Freitagabend, 20 Uhr Ortszeit, gab der mexikanische Außenminister Marcelo Ebrard auf seinem Twitter-Account bekannt, dass doch noch ein Abkommen mit der US-Administration erreicht wurde. Nach einer Woche intensiver Gespräche in Washington konnte somit die Drohung Donald Trumps, ab dem kommenden Montag Strafzölle auf alle Produkte aus dem Nachbarsland zu verhängen, in letzter Minute abgewendet werden.
No habrá aplicación de tarifas por parte de EU el lunes. Gracias a todas las personas que nos han apoyado dando cuenta de la grandeza de México.
I am pleased to inform you that The United States of America has reached a signed agreement with Mexico. The Tariffs scheduled to be implemented by the U.S. on Monday, against Mexico, are hereby indefinitely suspended.
Mexico, in turn, has agreed to take strong measures to….
Mexico Confirms 6,000-Troop Deployment to Guatemalan Border, Arrests Migrant Advocates
Mexico is strengthing its migration enforcement at its border with Guatemala by sending up to 6,000 National Guard troops, Minister of the Interior Olga Sanchez announced Friday afternoon after meetings between Mexican and White House delegates in Washington. Meanwhile, the country is cracking down on human rights and migrant advocates.
300 US Southcom Troops Arrive in Honduras To Teach ‚Humanitarian Assistance‘
Southcom has been a controversial actor in Latin American politics for many years since its founding as a force to defend U.S. interests at the Panama Canal. The commander of Southcom, U.S. Admiral Craig Faller has intimated that the force could be reoriented for intervention in Venezuela by aiding the opposition:
Boris Johnson: Kurz vor dem Ziel?
Nach dem Referendum und Camerons Rücktritt war das noch schief gegangen. Sein Brexit-Mitstreiter Michael Gove hatte ihm überraschend die Unterstützung entzogen und ging selber ins Rennen. Johnson zog daraufhin seine Kandidatur zurück.
Michael Gove has probably torpedoed his hopes of winning the Tory leadership election by admitting he was prepared to delay Brexit again in order to clinch a deal, @WorldofDinah has said. #StandUp4Brexit
Michael Gove‘s cocaine confession: Leading contender in race to be PM reveals his ‚deep regret‘ at taking Class A drug on ‚several occasions‘
He told the Daily Mail: ‘I took drugs on several occasions at social events more than 20 years ago. At the time I was a young journalist. It was a mistake. I look back and I think, I wish I hadn’t done that.’
Mr Gove, 51, insisted his past mistakes should not be held against him as he battles to replace Theresa May as prime minister. She stepped down as Tory leader yesterday.
Theresa May formally resigns as Conservative leader, triggering race for Number 10
The Prime Minister handed her resignation letter to Charles Walker and Dame Cheryl Gillan, the acting chairs of the powerful 1922 Committee of Tory backbenchers, this afternoon.
It means Mrs May is now the acting leader of the Conservative party, under Electoral Commission rules, and remains as Prime Minister until a replacement is found.