Die Bundeswehr hatte zu Wochenbeginn ihre Ausbildungsaktivitäten in Taji im Zentralirak und in Erbil in der Kurdenregion im Norden des Landes vorübergehend ausgesetzt.
Daily Archives: 16. Mai 2019
Partner der Generäle
All dies sowie die Lieferung zweier Fregatten haben die deutschen Rüstungsexporte nach Algerien massiv in die Höhe schnellen lassen. Lagen sie bis 2010 bei Jahreswerten allenfalls im kleinen zweistelligen Millionenbereich, so bewegten sie sich 2011 und 2012 bereits um eine Viertelmilliarde Euro; 2013 (825 Millionen Euro) und 2017 (1,35 Milliarden Euro) war Algerien der größte Empfänger deutschen Kriegsgeräts überhaupt. Dabei soll die Rüstungskooperation noch weiter ausgebaut werden.
United States security forces have broken into the Venezuela embassy in Washington
teleSUR reporter Jorge Gestoso on site outside the embassy says there are security service, federal agents and dozens of D.C. police officers heavily armed at the back entrance of the embassy. According to Gestoso the authorities dressed in military gear took up position in the embassy‘s basement where there are no surveillance cameras. This allowed U.S. authorities to make the arrests out of the site of the public and the media.
Ausweiszwang für Poster „geeignet, politische Gegner mundtot zu machen“
Ausweispflicht, Deanonymisierung – das geplante Gesetz hat bereits viele Namen erhalten. Offiziell heißt es eigentlich „Bundesgesetz über Sorgfalt und Verantwortung im Netz“. Es soll Nutzer unter anderem dazu verpflichten, bei Onlinediensten ihre Identität zu hinterlegen. – derstandard.at/2000103186172/Ausweiszwang-fuer-Poster-geeignet-politische-Gegner-mundtot-zu-machen
Facebook Busts Israeli Campaign to Disrupt Elections in African, Asian and Latin American Nations
Facebook has faced pressure to more transparently tackle misinformation since the revelation that Russia used Facebook to sway the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
Uploadfilter: Europol und BKA schaffen Tatsachen
In „PERCI“ werden nur Inhalte verwaltet, die den Behörden oder den Internetfirmen bekannt geworden sind. Um selbst entsprechende Dateien zu finden, finanziert die EU-Kommission Forschungen für eine Suchmaschine für kriminelle Internetinhalte. Deutsche TeilnehmerInnen sind das Cybercrime Research Institute in Köln und die Hochschule für den öffentlichen Dienst in Bayern, die Deutsche Hochschule der Polizei ist beratend mit an Bord.
San Francisco erschwert Anschaffung von Überwachungstechnologien und verbietet Gesichtserkennung
Der Stadtrat von San Francisco hat in einer wegweisenden Verordnung die Anschaffung von Überwachungstechnologie für städtische Behörden erschwert. Diese müssen darlegen, wie die Privatsphäre beeinträchtigt wird und den Einsatz regelmäßig evaluieren. Die Verordnung verbietet zudem den Einsatz von Gesichtserkennung.
The success of San Francisco’s #FacialRecognition ban is owed to a vast grassroots coalition that has advocated for similar policies around the Bay Area for years. Thanks to @ACLU_NorCal @SecureJustice @CAIRSFBA @ColorOfChange @mediajustice and so many others who fought for this.
Big Brother Britain: Extraordinary moment police FINE pedestrian £90 for disorderly behaviour after he tries to cover his face from facial recognition camera on the streets of London
Officers set up the camera on a van in Romford, East London, which then cross-checked photos of faces of passers-by against a database of wanted criminals.
But one man was unimpressed about being filmed and covered his face with his hat and jacket, before being stopped by officers who took his picture anyway.
After being pulled aside, the man told police: ‚If I want to cover me face, I‘ll cover me face. Don‘t push me over when I‘m walking down the street.‘
„It‘s psychologically unhealthy,“ says Supervisor @AaronPeskin San Francisco has become the first U.S. city to ban police use of facial recognition tech
Tory so-called ‚rebels‘: all mouth and no trousers. Craven and pathetic.
Theresa May must quit to end ‚national humiliation‘, says PM‘s ex-adviser
„Every day wasted from here makes life harder for whoever leads Britain into the future.
„We need to end this national humiliation, deliver Brexit, and save the Tories. The prime minister, I am sorry to say, must do her duty and stand aside.“
Tories lose fifth of their voters to Nigel Farage‘s Brexit Party in new poll blow for Theresa May
The exclusive Ipsos MORI survey for the Evening Standard revealed the Government’s ratings in freefall and the Conservatives’ vote share in a general election down 13 points in one month to a shocking low of 25 per cent.
Gefährliches „Hilfsmittel“ Gesundheitsrisiko Polizei
Keine Konsequenzen aus neuerlichem Todesfall nach Taser-Einsatz in Hessen. Innenministerium: Nur »positive Erfahrungen« gemacht
Huawei hits back after Trump declares national emergency on telecoms ‚threat‘
Huawei has criticised as “unreasonable” Donald Trump’s declaration of a national emergency to ban technology from “foreign adversaries” that is deemed to pose a risk to national security.
In a statement reported by the state-run Global Times, Huawei said: “If the US restricts Huawei, it will not make the US safer, nor will it make the US stronger. It will only force the US to use inferior and expensive alternative equipment, lagging behind other countries … and ultimately harming US companies and consumers.”
Trump nimmt Huawei ins Visier
Per präsidialem Dekret macht es Donald Trump dem US-Handelsministerium leichter, ausländische Telekommunikationsunternehmen auszubooten. Es ist wohl vor allem ein Schritt gegen Huawei und China.
Trump says he doesn‘t want war with Iran, but that‘s exactly what he wants, because that‘s exactly what Saudi Arabia, Netanyahu, al-Qaeda, Bolton, Haley, and other NeoCons/NeoLibs want. That’s what he put first–not America.
Trump, frustrated by advisers, is not convinced the time is right to attack Iran
Trump grew angry last week and over the weekend about what he sees as warlike planning that is getting ahead of his own thinking, said a senior administration official with knowledge of conversations Trump had regarding national security adviser John Bolton and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.
“They are getting way out ahead of themselves, and Trump is annoyed,” the official said. “There was a scramble for Bolton and Pompeo and others to get on the same page.”
„It would lead to endless wars…our kids and our grandchildren would never see a time when there would be peace.“ @BernieSanders can‘t see a scenario where sending 120K troops to the Middle East – as part of a plan to counter Iran – would be justified.
Majority of Europeans expect end of EU within 20 years
In France, Germany, Belgium, Italy, the Netherlands, Austria, Slovakia, Romania, Greece, the Czech Republic and Poland, a majority of people surveyed thought EU disintegration was a “realistic possibility” in the next 10 to 20 years.
European Parliament voting intention: BREX: 30% (+3) LAB: 24% (-3) CON: 12% (-4) LDEM: 11% (+3) GRN: 6% (+2) CHUK: 4% (-) UKIP: 4% (-3)
via @Survation, 08 – 09 May
Labour leaders: ‘We’re all Remainers now’
Take Keir Starmer, the former director of public prosecutions-turned-Labour Remainer-in-Chief. Starmer is the ‘shadow Brexit secretary’ – the sort of through-the-looking-glass job description Orwell might have invented, like calling a government’s fake-news department the Ministry of Truth.
This week anti-Brexit secretary Starmer warned Corbyn that no Brexit deal he might cook up with Theresa May would pass through parliament, unless it promised a ‘confirmatory referendum’.
Prime Minister Imran Khan fulfils his promise to the tribal areas of Pakistan
On Monday, May 13, 2019, the National Assembly of Pakistan, unanimous, in a rare show of parliamentarian unity, approved the 26th Constitution Amendment Bill, which recommends an increase in the number of seats for the former Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) in the National Assembly and the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Assembly. Since the inception of the present National Assembly in August 2018, this is the first amendment in the Constitution that has approved by a united parliament.
Dallas City Council, LGBTQ Groups To Protest Visit From Brazil‘s Bolsonaro
Another visit to the United States will likely bring another round of protests and official rebukes of far-right Brazil President Jair Bolsonaro, as American activists and lawmakers opposed to his his racist, sexist, homophobic and environmentally destructive policies attempt to make him persona non grata in the U.S. Seven members and members-elect of the Dallas city council blasted Bolsonaro before he arrived in the city on Wednesday, urging the organizations behind the Brazilian president’s visit to cancel scheduled events with a leader who, they said in a letter, “represents a deep disdain for democracy and civil society.” The councilmembers urged the World Affairs Council of Dallas/Fort Worth ― a nonprofit group that hosts international leaders and events on global affairs and will hold an event with Bolsonaro ― to cancel his appearance. “Providing President Bolsonaro a platform dangerously normalizes his authoritarianism and shows tacit support for his discriminatory actions, words, and policy positions,” the councilmembers said in the letter. “President Bolsonaro does not reflect the values of the City of Dallas.” Scott Griggs, a city councilman who helped organize the letter, said Bolsonaro’s visit represented “a terrible step backward” for Dallas. “Dallas is a welcoming city built on love,” Griggs, who is running for mayor this year, told HuffPost by phone Wednesday. “Welcoming Bolsonaro sends the wrong message not only to our city but to our state, our country and the world.”
Auch New York mag Bolsonaro nicht
Wie es scheint, mag man den brasilianischen Präsidenten Jair Bolsonaro in New York nicht sehr, denn auf Grund der heftigen Kritik und des schweren Drucks musste er die Reise in diese Stadt absagen, wo er die Ehrung der Handelskammer Brasilien-USA erhalten sollte.
Wie das brasilianische Außenministerium bestätigte, ist das neue Ziel Bolsonaros Dallas in Texas, wo er mit dem ehemaligen Präsidenten George W. Bush zusammentreffen und am Donnerstag die Auszeichnung Persönlichkeit des Jahres 2019 erhalten wird, die ihm im April von besagter Handelskammer verliehen worden war, die ihn auch zu einem Galadiner in New York eingeladen hatte.
Brazil education cuts spur biggest protests yet against Bolsonaro government
Tens of thousands of protesters gathered in cities across Brazil on Wednesday to rally against education spending freezes in the biggest demonstrations to date against the government of President Jair Bolsonaro, who called marchers “useful idiots and imbeciles.”