Archiv: medicine / drugs / vaccines

20.11.2023 - 02:17 [ World Health Organization / Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) ]

WHO-led joint UN and Red Crescent mission evacuates 31 infants from Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza

(19 November 2023)

The evacuation, which was requested by health workers and patients during the joint mission yesterday, became necessary as Al-Shifa Hospital is no longer able to function due to a lack of clean water, fuel, medical supplies, food, other essential items and the intense hostilities. WHO remains deeply concerned about the safety and health needs of patients and health workers who remain at Al-Shifa Hospital, and in the few partially functional hospitals in the north that face imminent closure.

Al-Shifa Hospital, previously the largest and most advanced referral hospital in Gaza, together with other hospitals, must be fully restored to provide urgently needed health services in Gaza

20.11.2023 - 01:20 [ World Health Organization / Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) ]

WHO leads very high-risk joint humanitarian mission to Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza

(18 November 2023)

Earlier in the day, the IDF had issued evacuation orders to the remaining 2500 internally displaced people who had been seeking refuge on the hospital grounds. They, along with a number of mobile patients and hospital staff, had already vacated the facility by the time of the team‘s arrival.

Due to time limits associated with the security situation, the team was able to spend only one hour inside the hospital, which they described as a “death zone,” and the situation as “desperate.” Signs of shelling and gunfire were evident. The team saw a mass grave at the entrance of the hospital and was told more than 80 people were buried there.

Lack of clean water, fuel, medicines, food and other essential aid over the last 6 weeks
have caused Al-Shifa Hospital – once the largest, most advanced and best equipped referral hospital in Gaza – to essentially stop functioning as a medical facility. The team observed that due to the security situation, it has been impossible for the staff to carry out effective waste management in the hospital. Corridors and the hospital grounds were filled with medical and solid waste, increasing the risk of infection. Patients and health staff with whom they spoke were terrified for their safety and health, and pleaded for evacuation.

20.11.2023 - 01:06 [ Mehdi Hasan, @mehdihasanshow on @MSNBC & NBC's @peacockTV / Twitter ]

The WHO team visiting the Shifa hospital described it as a „death zone“.

11.08.2023 - 10:22 [ ]

ECOWAS Orders ‘Standby Force’ to Niger

On Wednesday, Nigeria’s former central bank governor, Sanusi Lamido Sanusi, met with coup leaders in Niamey to begin talks. But the junta appeared unwilling to budge without first receiving major concessions, including easing sanctions on the military regime to allow medicine and food to enter the country as well as forcing Nigeria to restore electricity to Niger.

But catering to junta demands and looking wishy-washy over its threat of military intervention is not a great look for the regional bloc.

22.04.2023 - 08:50 [ CNN ]

Supreme Court protects access to abortion pill

lawyer for the group of doctors who brought the challenge downplayed the order. “As is common practice, the Supreme Court has decided to maintain the status quo,” Erik Baptist, a lawyer for Alliance Defending Freedom, said in a statement.

“Our case seeking to put women’s health above politics continues on an expedited basis in the lower courts,” Baptist added. “We look forward to a final outcome in this case that will hold the FDA accountable.”

22.04.2023 - 08:48 [ the Hill ]

Supreme Court pauses abortion pill restrictions from taking effect during appeal

The justices, in a brief order, said they will put on hold a ruling from a Texas federal judge while the Biden administration’s appeal proceeds.

The decision is a temporary victory for the Biden administration that for now, keeps the Food and Drug Administration’s authority on drug approvals.

Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, two of the court’s conservatives, said they would have denied the request for a pause.

05.11.2022 - 12:37 [ Cristian Terhes, Member of the European Parliament representing Romania and the Christian-Democratic National Peasants' Party (PNTCD) / Nitter ]

The lockdown abusers and their enablers now call for an AMNESTY, but without confessing the damage they‘ve done and asking for forgiveness. I don‘t want revenge, just justice at the fullest extent of the law! Do not vote into public offices any Freedom deniers and their parties!

05.11.2022 - 12:14 [ ]

Pandemic Amnesty? Not So Fast

It is simply wrong for people to publicly advocate for segregation and unemployment of a group of people because they don’t want a medicine that is fifteen minutes old.

It is simply wrong to whip your children up into a frenzy about something you have only heard about on the mainstream news to the point where they are yelling at strangers less than two meters away.

It is simply wrong to uninvite family members from Christmas because they didn’t take the same medicine you did.

It is simply wrong to close churches—you know, those places you go to when death is near—because you think death is near!

It is simply wrong to close the borders for years on end and completely ruin businesses that rely on tourism.

It is simply wrong to demonize every dissenting opinion in the pursuit of scientific and medical answers. Something about the scientific method requiring dissenting opinions and contrary evidence to buttress claims comes to mind…

I could go on and on.

05.11.2022 - 12:10 [ ]

Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty


We have to put these fights aside and declare a pandemic amnesty. We can leave out the willful purveyors of actual misinformation while forgiving the hard calls that people had no choice but to make with imperfect knowledge. Los Angeles County closed its beaches in summer 2020. Ex post facto, this makes no more sense than my family’s masked hiking trips. But we need to learn from our mistakes and then let them go. We need to forgive the attacks, too. Because I thought schools should reopen and argued that kids as a group were not at high risk, I was called a “teacher killer” and a “génocidaire.” It wasn’t pleasant, but feelings were high. And I certainly don’t need to dissect and rehash that time for the rest of my days.

Moving on is crucial now, because the pandemic created many problems that we still need to solve.

30.08.2022 - 16:37 [ New York Times ]

Death in Navy SEAL Training Exposes a Culture of Brutality, Cheating and Drugs

An often heard unofficial adage in the SEALs holds that, “if you ain’t cheating, you ain’t trying.”

During BUD/S, he said, the “enemy” to be outfoxed is the course itself.

“No one can do everything the instructors ask, so you have to learn how to cheat to get through,” he said. “Everyone knows it happens. The point is to learn how to not get caught.”

“Basically, you are selecting for guys who are willing to cheat,” he added.

19.08.2022 - 08:17 [ ]

RNA for Moderna’s Omicron Booster Manufactured by CIA-Linked Company

The firm only acquired its first commercial manufacturing plant in March 2021, located in Boston, MA and purchased from Sanofi, followed shortly thereafter by the acquisition of another separate plant located in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. Makeovers were announced for the plants, but little is publicly known about their progress. Prior to the acquisitions, the company had been subleasing a Bay area facility in Fremont, California. Reporters were puzzled at the time as to why a company with roughly 700 employees at the time had acquired a total of 599,00 square feet of manufacturing space after having only emerged from stealth less than 6 months prior.

In April 2021, National Resilience acquired Ology Bioservices Inc., which had received a $37 million contract from the US military the previous November to develop an advanced anti-COVID-19 monoclonal antibody treatment. This acquisition also provided National Resilience with its first Biosafety Level 3 (BSL-3) laboratory and the ability to manufacture cell and gene therapies, live viral vaccines and vectors and oncolytic viruses.

Despite being in the earliest stages of developing its “revolutionary” manufacturing capabilities, National Resilience entered into a partnership with the Government of Canada in July of last year.

13.08.2022 - 17:49 [ ]

Discreetly Deleted From CDC Website: “mRNA and the Spike Protein Do Not Last Long in the Body”

How many Americans took the Covid-19 jabs because they believed people like Anthony Fauci or organizations like the CDC when they said the spike proteins didn’t stay in the bodies of the injected? Tens of thousands? Hundreds of thousands? Millions?

If reports that the spike proteins last indefinitely weren’t ignored by corporate media and suppressed by Big Tech, would more Americans have opted out of taking the “vaccines”? Absolutely.

Now, the CDC has discreetly removed from their website the important claim they’ve made from the beginning that spike proteins, whether injected directly into the body through J&J jabs or created by the body through the Pfizer or Moderna mRNA jabs, do not last long in the body.

05.08.2022 - 04:55 [ ]

White House declares monkeypox a public health emergency

The Biden administration on Thursday officially declared monkeypox a public health emergency, a move that’s aimed at freeing up emergency funding and improving distribution of vaccines and treatments.

28.07.2022 - 18:24 [ Senator Ron Johnson / Nitter ]

Conflicting statements by @CDC officials about monitoring COVID-19 adverse events calls into question their integrity and transparency. This is just another example of why Americans have completely lost faith in federal health agencies.

28.07.2022 - 18:16 [ Washington Examiner ]

CDC grilled after revealing it didn‘t perform data analysis on COVID-19 vaccine doses

(July 26, 2022)

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) is demanding answers from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention after the agency told a nonprofit group that it never conducted a mandated data mining analysis on reported adverse effects that followed the administration of COVID-19 vaccine doses.

The CDC is tasked with performing a proportional reporting ratio, or PRR, data mining analysis on a weekly basis to determine whether the amount of reported „adverse events“ following the administration of COVID-19 vaccine doses in the public Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS, database is proportional to reported adverse events linked to the administration of other vaccines.

But the CDC said in a June 16 letter to Children‘s Health Defense, a nonprofit group led by anti-vaccine activist Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., that „no PRRs were conducted by the CDC.“ The CDC‘s letter, which was in response to an FOIA request submitted by the group, added that „data mining is outside of th[e] agency‘s purview“.

28.07.2022 - 17:34 [ NBC News ]

Menstrual changes after Covid vaccines may be far more common than previously known

(July 15, 2022)

A study found that 42% of people with regular menstrual cycles said they bled more heavily than usual after their Covid vaccination.


The new survey started in April 2021, around the time people began to report unexpected bleeding and heavier flow post-vaccine. However, these anecdotes were at the time met with the rebuttal that there was no data linking menstrual changes to vaccination.

That was both true and indicative of a larger problem. Individuals who took part in Covid vaccine trials were not asked if they experienced menstrual changes.

28.07.2022 - 17:26 [ US Department of Health & Human Services ]

COVID-19 vaccines linked to small increase in menstrual cycle length

(January 25, 2022)

The study was funded by NIH’s Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) and Office of Research on Women’s Health. Results appeared in Obstetrics & Gynecology on January 5, 2022.


The team found that women who received a COVID-19 vaccine had an average increase in cycle length of nearly one day for each dose. Among women who received a two-dose vaccine, the first dose was associated with a 0.71-day increase in cycle length and the second dose with a 0.91-day increase. After adjustment for age, race and ethnicity, BMI, education, and other factors, the change in cycle length was still less than one day for each dose.

Receiving two vaccine doses within the same menstrual cycle increased the cycle length further—about two days on average. Women’s cycle lengths often fluctuate, and experts consider cycle variation of up to eight days to be normal. The longer menstrual cycles after vaccination decreased in subsequent cycles, suggesting they are likely temporary. The researchers did not find any effect of COVID-19 vaccination on the number of menstrual bleeding days.

28.07.2022 - 15:19 [ Washington Times ]

Fertility rates down, death rates up as pandemic upends country’s demographics

The coronavirus pandemic has done a doozy on the country’s demographics, with fertility rates plummeting and death rates higher than expected for years to come, the Congressional Budget Office said Wednesday.

Analysts are now figuring an additional 140,000 deaths per year, or about 4.5% extra, for the rest of this decade.

The fertility rate, meanwhile, has dropped to 1.6 births per woman. Even when it begins to rise again, it will plateau at 1.75 births — well below the 1.9 births CBO figured on before the pandemic, and far less than the 2.1-birth “replacement rate” needed to maintain the population.

28.07.2022 - 15:18 [ Fortune ]

Elon Musk has been talking about an ‘underpopulation crisis’ for years. So why did the U.S. birth rate rise 1% last year?

But a new report released Tuesday from the National Center for Health Statistics, part of the Center for Disease Control and Prevention that compiles health data and science, reveals that birth rates in the U.S. are not collapsing, and in fact rose 1% in 2021.

“The 1% increase in the number of births in 2021 was the first increase in births since 2014,” researchers for the National Vital Statistics System, the division within the NCHS that produces reports using birth data, wrote. The data, which is based on registered birth certificates, is provisional and could be subject to change.

25.02.2022 - 09:08 [ ]

More evidence Covid was tinkered with in a lab? Now scientists find virus contains tiny chunk of DNA that matches sequence patented by Moderna THREE YEARS before pandemic began

„Sometimes these things happen fortuitously, sometimes it‘s the result of convergent evolution “ …

‚It‘s a quirky observation but I wouldn‘t call it a smoking gun because it‘s too small.

He added: ‚It doesn‘t get us any further with the debate about whether Covid was engineered.‘

15.02.2022 - 16:37 [ ]

Women say they are having heavier and more painful PERIODS since getting their COVID-19 vaccines – as several claim it has also messed up their monthly cycle

(7 April 2021)

In February, officials looked at nearly 7,000 reactions reported to the agency‘s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

They found that nearly 80 percent of the reactions were reported by women, making them four times more likely to report a side effect than men.

This held true whether they were receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine or the Moderna vaccine, and is despite the fact that women are less likely to fall severely ill from COVID-19 than men are.

12.01.2022 - 13:32 [ ]

Repeat booster shots have immune-system risks: European Medicines Agency

European Union regulators warned that frequent Covid-19 booster shots could adversely affect the immune system and may not be feasible.

Repeat booster doses every four months could eventually weaken the immune system and tire out people, according to the European Medicines Agency.

07.01.2022 - 15:47 [ Spiro P. Pantazatos, Hervé Seligmann / ]

COVID vaccination and age-stratified all-cause mortality risk

(October 2021)

Accurate estimates of COVID vaccine-induced severe adverse event and death rates are critical for risk-benefit ratio analyses of vaccination and boosters against SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in different age groups. However, existing surveillance studies are not designed to reliably estimate life-threatening event or vaccine-induced fatality rates (VFR). Here, regional variation in vaccination rates was used to predict all-cause mortality and non-COVID deaths in subsequent time periods using two independent, publicly available datasets from the US and Europe (month-and week-level resolutions, respectively). Vaccination correlated negatively with mortality 6-20 weeks post-injection, while vaccination predicted all-cause mortality 0-5 weeks post-injection in almost all age groups and with an age-related temporal pattern consistent with the US vaccine rollout. Results from fitted regression slopes (p<0.05 FDR corrected) suggest a US national average VFR of 0.04% and higher VFR with age (VFR=0.004% in ages 0-17 increasing to 0.06% in ages >75 years), and 146K to 187K vaccine-associated US deaths between February and August, 2021.

07.01.2022 - 15:28 [ ]

Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64


The number of hospitalizations in the state is now higher than before the COVID-19 vaccine was introduced a year ago, and in fact is higher than it’s been in the past five years, Dr. Lindsay Weaver, Indiana’s chief medical officer, said at a news conference with Gov. Eric Holcomb on Wednesday.

07.01.2022 - 15:11 [ ]

Most of the ‘medical experts’ determining Israel’s Covid policies aren’t even doctors


In a rather shocking revelation, of the 90 alleged health experts on the Health Ministry’s official panel recommending the fourth vaccine, only 42 are medical doctors reports Mako News.

This is the Helth Ministry’s panel that has submitted their official recommendation of the fourth booster shot.

07.01.2022 - 09:44 [ New York Times ]

Women’s Periods May Be Late After Coronavirus Vaccination, Study Suggests

A study published on Thursday found that women’s menstrual cycles did indeed change following vaccination against the coronavirus. The authors reported that women who were inoculated had slightly longer menstrual cycles after receiving the vaccine than those who were not vaccinated.

Their periods themselves, which came almost a day later on average, were not prolonged, however, and the effect was transient, with cycle lengths bouncing back to normal within one or two months.

07.01.2022 - 09:36 [ New England Journal of Medicine ]

Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons

(April 21, 2021)

Among 3958 participants enrolled in the v-safe pregnancy registry, 827 had a completed pregnancy, of which 115 (13.9%) were pregnancy losses and 712 (86.1%) were live births (mostly among participants vaccinated in the third trimester).

07.01.2022 - 09:30 [ ]

COVID-19: More than 13,000 women report changes to periods after having vaccine but experts say fertility not affected

(7 July 2021)

The number of women reporting changes to their menstrual cycle linked to having a COVID vaccine has risen to 13,000.

The figure has increased from around 4,000 women last month.

26.12.2021 - 09:26 [ ]

Head of US FDA’s advisory group: ‘We never expected Covid vaccines to be so good, so effective’

(25 Dec 2021)

In an interview with the Guardian, Monto considered both this possible future – in which Covid-19 “is not going away, in spite of how well our vaccines perform” – and an incredible and perplexing year of vaccine distribution.

“The first thing is [that] we never expected our vaccines to be so good, so effective,” said Monto. “This was a very happy surprise to everybody – and it was a surprise.”

26.12.2021 - 09:15 [ New England Journal of Medicine ]

Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons

(April 21, 2021)

Among 3958 participants enrolled in the v-safe pregnancy registry, 827 had a completed pregnancy, of which 115 (13.9%) were pregnancy losses and 712 (86.1%) were live births (mostly among participants vaccinated in the third trimester).

26.12.2021 - 09:02 [ Reuters ]

Fact Check-Data from a study does not conclude that over 80% of pregnancies end in miscarriage after COVID-19 vaccinations; figures taken out of context


Of the 3,958 participants, 827 had what the study defines as a ‘completed pregnancy’. This term includes those who either had a baby (what the authors call a ‘live birth’), or those who suffered from a miscarriage or still birth (termed ‘pregnancy loss’ in the study). The rest were either still pregnant or a follow-up had not yet been made by the time the preliminary analysis had been released.

Of the 827 women who had a completed pregnancy, 104 had a miscarriage.

26.12.2021 - 08:36 [ ]

One in 5 women in survey said menstrual cycles changed after Covid jab

(05 December 2021)

One in five women who took part in a survey said their menstrual cycles were affected after they received a covid jab, UK researchers have revealed.

However there was no evidence of the vaccine causing long-term disruption to their periods or affecting their fertility.

26.12.2021 - 08:30 [ Boston Globe ]

Researchers at Harvard, BU to study possible links between coronavirus vaccines and changes in menstruation

(September 9, 2021)

Harvard Medical School and the Boston University School of Public Health are among a group of institutions awarded funding to study potential links between coronavirus vaccinations and changes in menstruation.

Researchers at five institutions were awarded a total of $1.67 million by the National Institutes of Heath to look into the question after anecdotal reports from women earlier this year that after they were vaccinated, they saw changes, including earlier, heavier, and more painful periods.

26.12.2021 - 08:27 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli Group to Research Link Between Menstrual Changes and COVID Vaccines


The medical establishment could not explain the phenomenon or associate it with the vaccination, among other things because irregular menstruation is common and influenced by many factors. It is usually not considered exceptional. However, the mounting complaints and increased concern women were showing over taking the shots due to the phenomenon, has spurred the medical community to look into the matter. Preliminary research has been published in Britain and the United States, and the U.S. government has allocated $1.67 million for research on the subject.

26.12.2021 - 08:22 [ ]

COVID-19: More than 13,000 women report changes to periods after having vaccine but experts say fertility not affected

(7 July 2021)

The number of women reporting changes to their menstrual cycle linked to having a COVID vaccine has risen to 13,000.

The figure has increased from around 4,000 women last month.

26.12.2021 - 08:14 [ New Indian Express ]

Changes in menstrual cycle after COVID vaccine jab? Don‘t worry, say doctors

(28th June 2021)

Doctors point out that there is no scientific evidence to show that vaccination can alter cycles and bleeding patterns. They, however, say it could be related to stress.

26.12.2021 - 07:59 [ ]

Women say they are having heavier and more painful PERIODS since getting their COVID-19 vaccines – as several claim it has also messed up their monthly cycle

(7 April 2021)

In February, officials looked at nearly 7,000 reactions reported to the agency‘s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

They found that nearly 80 percent of the reactions were reported by women, making them four times more likely to report a side effect than men.

This held true whether they were receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine or the Moderna vaccine, and is despite the fact that women are less likely to fall severely ill from COVID-19 than men are.

26.12.2021 - 06:31 [ Regierung des Vereinigten Königreichs - ]

Myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination: clinical management guidance for healthcare professionals

(Updated 7 December 2021)

Background to myocarditis and pericarditis after COVID-19 vaccination and guidelines:

– this is a rare condition following vaccination (see the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency’s (MHRA) weekly summary for the latest data)
– most patients who develop symptoms do so within a week of vaccination
– most patients who develop symptoms have usually been vaccinated with a mRNA vaccine (Pfizer or Moderna)
– myocarditis and pericarditis following vaccination is usually mild or stable and most patients typically recover fully without medical treatment
– myocarditis – a very small number of those with this condition have been admitted to hospital. In 2 studies from the US [footnote 1] [footnote 2], significant left ventricular (LV) fibrosis has been described in a high percentage of those children admitted to hospital, with a small percentage of these having non-sustained ventricular tachycardia (VT)
. no long-term follow-up data is available yet on hospitalised patients

26.12.2021 - 06:29 [ ]

Health ministry warns of vaccine‘s side effects

( Dec. 4, 2021)

Japan‘s health ministry has listed inflammation of the heart muscle and of the outer lining of the heart in younger males as possible serious side effects of the Moderna and Pfizer COVID vaccines.

26.12.2021 - 06:28 [ New York Times ]

Researchers find a higher than expected risk of myocarditis in young men after full vaccination.

(Oct. 6, 2021)

Males between 16 and 29 years of age have an increased risk of developing heart problems after receiving a second dose of coronavirus vaccines made by Pfizer-BioNtech or Moderna, according to a large new analysis published on Wednesday in the New England Journal of Medicine.

The study, conducted in Israel, estimated that nearly 11 of every 100,000 males in that age group developed myocarditis, inflammation of the heart, a few days after having been fully vaccinated. That figure is higher than most earlier estimates.

26.12.2021 - 06:15 [ New York Times ]

Heart Problem More Common After Covid-19 Than After Vaccination, Study Finds

(Published Aug. 25, 2021 Updated Sept. 1, 2021)

Although the study did not break down the myocarditis risks by age or by sex, the median age of people who developed the condition after vaccination was 25, and 19 of the 21 cases were in males, the researchers reported.

In addition to myocarditis, the Pfizer vaccine was also associated with an increased risk of swollen lymph nodes, appendicitis and shingles, although all three side effects remained uncommon in the study.

23.12.2021 - 08:31 [ ]

CDC Study at Federal Prison in TX Finds No Vaccine Benefit: Vaccinated and Unvaxed Persons Infected w/COVID Transmitted It at the Same Rate. No Infected Prisoners Died Even Though Over 70% were Obese


CDC Researchers studied a Corona outbreak in a prison in Texas in July 2021. In the following weeks, regular smears and tests were taken from a selected group of inmates. The result: There is no difference whatsoever between the vaccinated and non-vaccinated inmates.

No statistically significant difference was detected in the duration of viral culture positivity between participants who were fully vaccinated (median: 5 days) compared with those who were not fully vaccinated.

23.12.2021 - 07:36 [ ]

Transmission potential of vaccinated and unvaccinated persons infected with the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant in a federal prison, July—August 2021


Results A total of 978 specimens were provided by 95 participants, of whom 78 (82%) were fully vaccinated and 17 (18%) were not fully vaccinated. No significant differences were detected in duration of RT-PCR positivity among fully vaccinated participants (median: 13 days) versus those not fully vaccinated (median: 13 days; p=0.50), or in duration of culture positivity (medians: 5 days and 5 days; p=0.29).

15.12.2021 - 05:07 [ ]

Latest statistics on England mortality data suggest systematic mis-categorisation of vaccine status and uncertain effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccination

(December 2021)

At first glance the ONS data suggest that, in each of the older age groups, all-cause mortality is lower in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. Despite this apparent evidence to support vaccine effectiveness-at least for the older age groups-on closer inspection of this data, this conclusion is cast into doubt because of a range of fundamental inconsistencies and anomalies in the data. Whatever the explanations for the observed data, it is clear that it is both unreliable and misleading. While socio-demographical and behavioural differences between vaccinated and unvaccinated have been proposed as possible explanations, there is no evidence to support any of these. By Occam‘s razor we believe the most likely explanations are systemic miscategorisation of deaths between the different categories of unvaccinated and vaccinated; delayed or non-reporting of vaccinations; systemic underestimation of the proportion of unvaccinated; and/or incorrect population selection for Covid deaths.

25.11.2021 - 18:55 [ ]

Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination across 68 countries and 2947 counties in the United States

(2021 Sep 30)

At the country-level, there appears to be no discernable relationship between percentage of population fully vaccinated and new COVID-19 cases in the last 7 days (Fig. 1). In fact, the trend line suggests a marginally positive association such that countries with higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people. Notably, Israel with over 60% of their population fully vaccinated had the highest COVID-19 cases per 1 million people in the last 7 days.

25.11.2021 - 11:16 [ ]

COVID-19: stigmatising the unvaccinated is not justified


In the USA and Germany, high-level officials have used the term pandemic of the unvaccinated, suggesting that people who have been vaccinated are not relevant in the epidemiology of COVID-19. Officials’ use of this phrase might have encouraged one scientist to claim that “the unvaccinated threaten the vaccinated for COVID-19”.1
But this view is far too simple.

There is increasing evidence that vaccinated individuals continue to have a relevant role in transmission.

25.11.2021 - 11:15 [ ]

The epidemiological relevance of the COVID-19-vaccinated population is increasing


High COVID-19 vaccination rates were expected to reduce transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in populations by reducing the number of possible sources for transmission and thereby to reduce the burden of COVID-19 disease. Recent data, however, indicate that the epidemiological relevance of COVID-19 vaccinated individuals is increasing. In the UK it was described that secondary attack rates among household contacts exposed to fully vaccinated index cases was similar to household contacts exposed to unvaccinated index cases (25% for vaccinated vs 23% for unvaccinated).

10.11.2021 - 17:57 [ ]

Comparing SARS-CoV-2 natural immunity to vaccine-induced immunity: reinfections versus breakthrough infections

(August 25, 2021)


SARS-CoV-2-naïve vaccinees had a 13.06-fold (95% CI, 8.08 to 21.11) increased risk for breakthrough infection with the Delta variant compared to those previously infected, when the first event (infection or vaccination) occurred during January and February of 2021. The increased risk was significant (P<0.001) for symptomatic disease as well. When allowing the infection to occur at any time before vaccination (from March 2020 to February 2021), evidence of waning natural immunity was demonstrated, though SARS-CoV-2 naïve vaccinees had a 5.96-fold (95% CI, 4.85 to 7.33) increased risk for breakthrough infection and a 7.13-fold (95% CI, 5.51 to 9.21) increased risk for symptomatic disease. SARS-CoV-2-naïve vaccinees were also at a greater risk for COVID-19-related-hospitalizations compared to those that were previously infected.

10.11.2021 - 17:45 [ ]

Necessity of COVID-19 vaccination in previously infected individuals


Results Among the 52238 included employees, 1359 (53%) of 2579 previously infected subjects remained unvaccinated, compared with 20804 (42%) of 49659 not previously infected. The cumulative incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection remained almost zero among previously infected unvaccinated subjects, previously infected subjects who were vaccinated, and previously uninfected subjects who were vaccinated, compared with a steady increase in cumulative incidence among previously uninfected subjects who remained unvaccinated. Not one of the 1359 previously infected subjects who remained unvaccinated had a SARS-CoV-2 infection over the duration of the study.

10.11.2021 - 17:25 [ ]

A 1 to 1000 SARS-CoV-2 reinfection proportion in members of a large healthcare provider in Israel: a preliminary report

(March 8, 2021)

In this descriptive preliminary report, we conducted a large-scale assessment on the country level of the possible occurrence of COVID-19 reinfection within the members of a large healthcare provider in Israel. Out of 149,735 individuals with a documented positive PCR test between March 2020 and January 2021, 154 had two positive PCR tests at least 100 days apart, reflecting a reinfection proportion of 1 per 1000.