Around 200 different demonstrations were called across the country, with around 9,500 people counted in southern Montpellier, 4,000 in eastern Strasbourg and 3,400 in Bordeaux, according to local authorities.
Daily Archives: 21. August 2021
Gericht in Argentinien hebt ein Urteil gegen Túpac Amaru-Anführerin Milagro Sala auf
Am fünften Jahrestag der Verhaftung Salas gingen Tausende Menschen in der Hauptstadt von Salas Heimatprovinz Jujuy und in der Bundeshauptstadt für ihre Freilassung auf die Straßen. Davor haben bereits zahlreiche Persönlichkeiten aus Politik, Menschenrechtsorganisationen, gewerkschaftlichen und sozialen Bewegungen in einem offenen Brief ihre Haftentlassung gefordert.
Außenminister von Peru wenige Wochen nach Antrittsrede aus dem Amt
Béjar forderte mit Meinungsäußerung Marine heraus. Kabinett von Präsident Castillo unter Druck der oppositionellen Mehrheit im Parlament
Anti-Atomwaffen-Kampagne ruft auf zu Menschenkette am Fliegerhorst Büchel
Die Kampagne „Büchel ist überall!“ ruft auf zu einer Menschenkette gegen Atomwaffen am 5. September am Fliegerhorst Büchel in der Eifel. Mit der Menschenkette am letzten Stationierungsort von US-Atomwaffen in Deutschland bringt die Kampagne das Thema Atomwaffen und nukleare Abrüstung in den Wahlkampf ein. Die Debatte der letzten Jahre um die Fortführung der nuklearen Teilhabe und das Inkrafttreten des Atomwaffenverbotsvertrags (AVV) bestärkt die atomwaffenfrei-Kampagne darin, den Druck auf die Parteien gerade jetzt im Vorfeld der Bundestagswahl zu erhöhen.
Malaysian PM sworn in as scandal-hit party reclaims leadership
A new Malaysian leader was sworn in Saturday following the previous government‘s collapse, reclaiming the premiership for his scandal-mired party without an election.
Biden to nominate Nicholas Burns as ambassador to China
Biden also picked Rahm Emanuel, a former Chicago Mayor and White House Chief of Staff under former President Barack Obama, as ambassador to Japan.
US Court Admits Mexican Gun Trafficking Lawsuit
Meanwhile, Marcelo Ebrard also cited that „the companies know in whose hands they are placing their products. They argue that they no longer have a responsibility when they go on sale, but they do. And of course, they have precise information if someone comes in and buys five Barretts 50“.
Hundreds arrested in Australia protests as country posts worst Covid rise
Sydneysiders were plunged into lockdown in late June, and restrictions now reach across two states and the nation‘s capital, affecting over 15 million people.
This War Needed to End
The attacks of 9/11 were an enormous crime; they caused enormous human suffering. But they did not change the world. Bush’s words later that evening changed the world—when he said that he would answer this crime with a determination to “win the war against terrorism,” taking the world to war. Lee understood that danger, and her moral conscience, backed by the moral movement against war that took shape within hours of the attacks themselves, led her to stand up and reject war as an answer.
VP Biden on Afghanistan: „We are leaving in 2014. Period.“
(Oct 12, 2012)
Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan is the most brave thing any US President has done in my lifetime
change my mind
Zapfenstreich: Appell
Gegen den ursprünglich für dem 31. August 2021 geplanten – Großen Zapfenstreich vor dem Reichstagsgebäude in Berlin kuriert ein Appell, das Event gleich ganz abzusagen
There are a million articles out right now with leaks from intel ghouls insisting that they tried to warn Biden that the Afghan Army would crumble immediately. This would suggest those articles should all be safely discarded as propaganda and bullshit.
Afghanistan: Horchposten
Auf einen „interessanten“ Nebenaspekt, worum es den US bei ihrem Afghanistan Einsatz auch gegangen zu sein scheint, weist der Hardliner John Bolton hin, die viele Jahre in führenden Positionen am Krieg mitgestrickt hatte.
The world‘s dumbest fucking people (Media Matters liberals) are expressing bewilderment at my statement that CIA influences corporate media outlets like CNN (even though CNN employs former top CIA officials). If you don‘t understand this basic fact about the US, you know nothing.
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald talks to Tucker Carlson about the way the media and others have turned on Biden following the Afghanistan withdrawal
Pompeo Delivers R.N.C. Speech From Israel, With Eye Toward 2024
No sitting secretary of state had previously addressed a national political convention in at least 75 years.
Here is Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, meeting with Mullah Abdul Ghanu Baradar – the co-founder of the Taliban who has taken over Kabul – on November 21, 2020, after the Trump administration helped to secure his release from prison.
Pompeo: Biden ‚has refused‘ to show leadership during Afghanistan ‚debacle‘
„I didn’t hear a single thing that would give comfort to the very allies you spoke about. I’ve heard from people in the region. They are frightened by the American collapse—the American collapse of temerity and strength and power that we demonstrated for four years that had frankly kept the Taliban at bay and prevented precisely what you’re precisely seeing happen today, and I didn’t hear a single thing that would frighten a single Taliban who thinks there’s any risk that this administration would impose any cost on them for their activities, for what they are doing to Americans today and holding them hostage—not permitting them to get into the airport in Kabul so that we can get them home to their families. „
Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, Boeing, Northrop Grumman and other defense contractors received $445.5 billion from the Pentagon this year alone. All of them have been convicted or reached settlements for misconduct. Fraud is the business model of the military industrial complex.
McChrystal raus, Petraeus degradiert: Die „Warlord AG“ Afghanistan bekommt einen neuen Geschäftsführer
(23. Juni 2010)
Am Montag, den 22.Juni, veröffentlichte die Washington Post auf ihrer Webseite den neunundsiebzig Seiten langen Bericht des „Unterausschusses für Nationale Sicherheit und Auswärtige Angelegenheiten“ mit dem Titel „Warlord, Inc.: Extortion and Corruption Along the U.S. Supply Chain in Afghanistan“, für den der Leiter des Ausschusses, der Republikaner John F. Tierney (D-Mass.), verantwortlich zeichnete (1, 2).
Der „Unterausschuss für Nationale Sicherheit und Auswärtige Angelegenheiten“ ist ständiger Teil des „Ausschuss für Aufsicht und Reform der Regierung“ des Repräsentantenhauses.
Die Veröffentlichung des Berichts fällt mit den Machtkämpfen um die Kompetenzen der CIA, der Geheimdienste des US-Verteidigungsministeriums und den eigenmächtigen Spionagediensten des US-Militärs (wie diejenigen des General Petraeus) um die Kontrolle der Oberhoheit in den besetzten Gebieten zusammen, in denen sich Geschäfte mit Hilfe korrupter Politiker in mehrfacher Milliardenhöhe abwickeln lassen – die Möglichkeiten zum Geldverdienen reichen von der Opiumproduktion, den Rüstungsgeschäften und Waffenhandel, Lizenzen für die Ausbeutung der Rohstoffe, Aufträge für die Bauunternehmen bis hin in alle Bereiche des öffentlichen Lebens einer Gesellschaft. Es geht um die reine Ausbeutung eines Landes.
David Petraeus‘ bright idea: give terrorists weapons to beat terrorists
Former CIA director David Petraeus is advocating giving arms to members of al-Nusra Front, an al-Qaida off-shoot, to beat Isis. That is madness
Petraeus zu afghanischer Armee: „Sie hatten plötzlich keine Rückendeckung mehr“
US-Präsident Biden und die Bundesregierung werfen der afghanischen Armee fehlenden Kampfwillen vor. Dem widerspricht im Interview mit STRG_F der ehemalige General und Ex-CIA-Chef Petraeus. Er verteidigt die afghanischen Soldaten.
General David Petraeus tells Biden it was premature to leave Afghanistan because Al Qaeda was always ‚going to come back‘ and the Afghan forces were ‚not sustainable‘
– Petraeus commanded forces in Afghanistan and Iraq and helped formulate ‚counterinsurgency‘ strategies
– He criticized Biden‘s decision to pull out of Afghanistan in a New Yorker interview
– Disagreed with decision to pull out liaison, special forces trainers, contractors
– Said it began an epidemic of ‚surrender‘ for the Afghans
– Called departure ‚premature‘ but didn‘t say how much more time was needed
– Warned Al Qaeda could reemerge
– Acknowledged ‚overbuilt‘ nation-building aspects, but said it was necessary for a hand-off
– Biden said the U.S. could not fight when Afghans were unwilling to do so
– ‚To say that the Afghans won’t fight for their country needs an asterisk‘
Remarks by President Biden on Evacuations in Afghanistan
Now, Justin Sink of Bloomberg.
Q Thank you, Mr. President. You just said that you would keep a laser-focus on counterterrorism efforts and that you don’t see as great of a threat of terrorism from Afghanistan as other parts of the world. But if you and your administration so badly misassessed how quickly the Taliban would sweep through Afghanistan and we no longer have an embassy there from which to run intelligence operations, how can you at all be confident of your assessment of the risk of terrorism and the ability of the U.S. to conduct over-the-horizon missions to keep it in check? Can you tell Americans that they’re safe and will remain safe from terror attacks in Afghanistan?
THE PRESIDENT: I think you’re comparing apples and oranges. One question was whether or not the Afghan forces we trained up would stay and fight in their own civil war they had going on.
No one — I shouldn’t say “no one” — the consensus was that it was highly unlikely that in 11 days they’d collapse and fall, and the leader of Afghanistan would flee the country.