Archiv: normale Menschen / normal people

30.04.2024 - 10:35 [ / Mastodon ]

Professor Susan Bernofsky from Columbia university: “I do feel that the students are highly critical of Israeli politics, and I do not believe that is inherently antisemitic at all. And I do not feel threatened as a Jewish faculty member in any way by what’s happening on campus.”

23.03.2024 - 16:21 [ ]

Moscow terrorist attack: World sends condolences and condemnation

Allies and adversaries alike have denounced the massacre at the Crocus City Hall concert venue

29.01.2024 - 07:12 [ Regierung von Norwegen / Government of Norway ]

Statement on UNRWA

Norway is a major donor to UNRWA. Currently, some countries have paused their aid to the Palestinian people through UNRWA in this situation. Norway has decided to continue its funding. While I share the concern over the very serious allegations against some UNRWA staff, I urge other donors to reflect on the wider consequences of cutting funding to UNRWA in this time of extreme humanitarian distress. We should not collectively punish millions of people.

We must distinguish between what individuals may have done and what UNRWA stands for. UNRWA has 30,000 staff across Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the West Bank including East Jerusalem, and Gaza. 13,000 of these work in Gaza to distribute aid, save lives and ensure the population’s essential needs and rights. The people of Gaza urgently need humanitarian assistance and must not pay the price for the actions of others.

12.12.2023 - 09:50 [ Common Dreams ]

United Nations Honor, United States Shame in Gaza

There is a larger and far more important point. Hamas can be demobilized through diplomacy, and only through diplomacy. Israel and the United States need finally to abide by international law, accept a sovereign state of Palestine alongside Israel, and welcome Palestine as the 194th member state of the UN. The US needs to stop arming the Israeli operation of ethnic cleansing in Gaza and stop protecting Israel’s rampant violations of basic human rights in the West Bank. Fifty-six years after its illegal occupation of Palestinian lands, and after decades of illegal settlements in the occupied territories, Israel needs finally to withdraw from the occupied Palestinian lands.

20.11.2023 - 02:49 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Hundreds Gathered in Tel Aviv for Anti-War Protest, Calling for Ceasefire

Protesters carried signs in Hebrew, Arabic and English calling for an end to the war, with slogans reading “In Gaza and in Sderot girls want to live,” “No to occupation and siege, yes to peace,” “Peace solution – not war,” “War has no winners,” “An eye for an eye and we are all blind.” The police forbade the waving of some anti-war signs among them: “Massacre does not justify massacre,” “Peace solution,” “Bibi [PM Benjamin Netanyahu] should be imprisoned,” “No to Apartheid,” “Food instead of bombs,” and “Return the captives, stop the revenge.” Cops also tried to prevent people with t-shirts with the phrase “Looking at the occupation in the eyes” from entering, claiming that even using the word “occupation” constituted incitement, but after a long argument, they let them in. The police censorship was not hermetic, and all the signs were later seen in the demonstration.

23.10.2023 - 17:05 [ B’Tselem ]

Voices from Gaza

Residents of the Gaza Strip live in a humanitarian disaster zone. This entirely man-made disaster is a direct result of a policy employed by Israel, which, to this day, continues to dictate what daily life in Gaza looks like. This callous, unjustifiable policy sentences the nearly two million residents of the Gaza Strip to a life of abject poverty in near inhuman conditions no longer seen in the Western world. In testimonies collected by B‘Tselem‘s field researchers, residents of the Gaza Strip describe their lives, the dreams they will not get to realize, the medical conditions they have no way of treating, the ongoing separation from family members and friends outside the Strip, and the unbearable suffering caused by their confinement to the Strip, with no hope for change.

21.10.2023 - 12:12 [ CNN بالعربية / Twitter ]

متظاهرة مصرية تواجه مراسلة CNN على حدود #مصر و #غزة.. شاهد ما حدث

21.10.2023 - 12:05 [ Nihal | نهال / Twitter ]

Egyptian volunteers currently trying to push through the Rafah border gates to get humanitarian aid in


16.10.2023 - 15:00 [ David Sheen / Twitter ]

Israeli police released Frey by his car and allowed the lynch mob to chase him down at high speed. He drove to a hospital mistakenly believing he’d be protected there. Fascists shut down the hospital entrance for hours searching for him. He’s now in hiding

16.10.2023 - 14:15 [ Israel Frey @freyisrael1 / Twitter ]

מוציא את השבת כדי לגלות שרק ב-24 שעות שהייתי מנותק, נהרגו ברצועת עזה 126 ילדים. בשבוע האחרון נהרגו שם 2215 אנשים, מתוכם 724 ילדים ו-458 נשים. תקשיבו לי טוב: לא צריך להיות שמאלן דגול כדי לבקש סטופ. תעצרו רגע. כמו שרצח עידו בבארי הוא פשע, כך רצח אחמד בעזה הוא פשע. חלאס, תעצרו.

16.10.2023 - 14:00 [ David Sheen / Twitter ]

Israeli police finally made an arrest – of @freyisrael1 the Jew who read the mourners’ prayer for everyone who has died – while his attackers yell at him “Nazi”.

He is the only ultra-Orthodox journalist in the country who considers non-Jews to be human, hence he must be silenced

16.10.2023 - 13:43 [ Raviv Drucker / Twitter ]

זה סרטון מתוך דירתו של העיתונאי ישראל פריי ב 1:59 לפנות בוקר. בריונים אלימים באו לתקוף אותו, ירו זיקוקים, רדפו אחריו, המשטרה לא סיפקה הגנה נאותה. כן, לפריי יש דעות נוקבות, לא קלות לעיכול לחלק מאיתנו. יש טעם לכתוב שזה לא מספק רבע הצדקה למשטרה לא לספק לו הגנה הרמטית??? המטח שאתם רואים פגע בדירה מתחתיו ושבר את כל הזכוכיות בחזית.

16.10.2023 - 13:34 [ David Sheen / Twitter ]

When a mob of dozens organized by an activist from @Netanyahu‘s ruling @Likud_Party attacked left-wing ultra-Orthodox journalist @freyisrael1 at his flat with his young children, @israelpolice spat at Frey, who then spent all night fleeing the lynch mob

17.07.2023 - 18:30 [ Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People´s Republic of China ]

​​Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Mao Ning’s Regular Press Conference on July 17, 2023

TASS: The Black Sea grain deal will expire today. Russia is yet to announce its final decision on the deal. Meanwhile, Russia has repeatedly expressed dissatisfaction with how the Russia-part of the deal is being implemented. What is your comment?

Mao Ning: China hopes that the deal will continue to be implemented in a balanced, full and effective manner. China put forward the cooperation initiative on global food security, and would like to have more communication and cooperation with parties on this to help build more international consensus and contribute to global food security.

17.07.2023 - 18:25 [ RT,com ]

Beijing expresses hope for grain deal extension – TASS

Beijing hopes that the Black Sea grain agreement will be extended, according to remarks by Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Mao Ning on Monday, cited by TASS news agency.

“China hopes that the grain transportation initiative will continue to be fully implemented and is ready to work more closely with all parties to reach agreements on ensuring world food security,” she said.

16.03.2023 - 08:54 [ Haaretz ]

Israel Protest | Nationwide Demonstrations Underway Against Netanyahu’s Judicial Overhaul

– Likud lawmaker David Bitan becomes first gov‘t MK to call to freeze judicial coup legislation, launch negotiations
– Dozens of protesters block coastal highway in central Israel
– Students erect barbed wire fence at Tel Aviv University: ‚Barrier defending freedom of expression and academic opinion‘
– Hundreds of reservists block an intersection in ultra-Orthodox city of Bnei Brak, shouting ‚go to the army‘
– Protesters paint road leading to Supreme Court in Jerusalem, police arrested five suspects
– Israeli navy veterans block transit route to Haifa port with boats
– Protests against judicial overhaul set to begin nationwide

19.02.2023 - 09:36 [ courtney / Nitter ]

From an economic standpoint the United States is making a shit ton of money off of this war. In a capitalist economy profit will always mean more in value than human life; American or not. They follow where the money flows and where American corporations benefit in the long run.

19.02.2023 - 09:28 [ Pavel Pashkov / Nitter ]

States and transnational corporations, in the race for profit, play off entire nations, provoke conflicts, try to force us to fight each other, to hate each other. Don‘t give in! Be strong.

17.02.2023 - 06:48 [ Adam / Nitter ]

I don’t understand- can’t a F-35 get close enough to take a high res picture- and then do a simple reverse image search to see it was a hobby balloon?


06.11.2022 - 11:19 [ ]

Majority of 2019 Tory voters urge Rishi Sunak to tax the rich in stunning new poll


The plea comes three weeks before the Government unveils its Autumn Statement mini-Budget, with six in 10 voters who backed the Tories last election calling for higher taxes on the wealthy

27.10.2022 - 02:53 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

MK Odeh: The Right’s Only Hope for Victory is To Suppress Arab Votes

The Hadash and Ta’al list led by Knesset members Ayman Odeh and Ahmed Tibi, released a new election campaign video urging the Arab public to vote in the elections in order to stop the right-wing parties’ intention to carry out a new Nakba.

15.03.2022 - 16:00 [ Norbert Häring ]

Liebe Mitmenschen: Bitte bleiben Sie Menschen aller Nationen gegenüber menschlich

Die berechtigte Empörung über den Angriffskrieg Russlands gegen die Ukraine darf uns nicht vergessen lassen, dass wir alle Menschen sind, auch Russen, die in Deutschland leben oder arbeiten. Ihr Akzent, ihr Aussehen oder ein Eintrag in ihrem Pass machen sie nicht zu Sympathisanten oder gar Mittätern oft ist sogar das Gegenteil der Fall. Sie deswegen zu schikanieren ist eine unmenschliche Form von Nationalismus

24.02.2022 - 11:40 [ CNN ]

‚We have severed diplomatic relations with Russia‘: Zelensky addresses Ukrainian citizens

Ukrainian President Zelensky addressed the citizens of his country following the beginning of a Russian invasion.

24.02.2022 - 11:32 [ FRANCE 24 English / Twitter ]

During his press conference following the attacks on #Ukraine, President #Zelensky finished his speech in Russian. He appealed to Russian language speakers, imploring them to communicate with their close ones in #Russia. „Tell them the truth of what is happening“

15.02.2022 - 05:19 [ Marcel Irnie / Youtube ]

Freedom Convoy ADDRESS TO THE NATION – Feb.6, 2022 „State of Emergency Update“ | IrnieracingNews

Freedom Convoy Leadership Update – Address to the Nation 7:00pm February 6, 2020. Ottawa Mayor declared a state of emergency. How Ottawa Police taking the convoy fuel and occupying the convoy tents does not impact the Freedom Convoy logistics. #irnieracingnews #freedomconvoyupdate #freedomconvoyaddresstothenation

14.02.2022 - 06:11 [ ]

The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil

In The Lucifer Effect: Understanding How Good People Turn Evil, Philip Zimbardo theorizes that people discount situational influences when judging the actions of others. In particular, he recounts in detail the events of the 1971 Stanford Prison Experiment (SPE), which he designed and directed: He replicated a prison block in a Stanford building and assigned male undergraduate volunteers to act the part of guards and prisoners.

The experiment, which was originally planned for two weeks, grew so dangerously out of control that Zimbardo was forced to shut it down after less than a week.

Drawing on his experience as an expert witness for the court-martial hearings on Abu Ghraib, Zimbardo presents a body of research evidence to suggest that the military as well as the Bush administration fostered a situation that turned ordinary soldiers into torturers and abusers. Zimbardo also suggests, however, that the power of situations can be used to promote good behavior and turn ordinary people into heroes. The Lucifer Effect is at times unbalanced and disjointed but well worth reading to remind us that where we are may affect us as much as who we are.

11.02.2022 - 04:33 [ Jason Kenney, Premier of Alberta / Twitter ]

COVID-19 restrictions have caused so much terrible division in our communities and even in our personal relationships. It’s time to come together, put these damaging restrictions behind us, and move on!

08.02.2022 - 07:26 [ BMedia / Twitter ]

Germany – Garmisch [Feb 7, 2022]

#Spaziergaenge, demonstrations in more than 2000 places in Germany! The people are DONE!

#NoVaccinePassports #NoGreenPass #NoAlPaseSanitario #NonAuPassVaccinal #NaoAoPassaporteSanitario #NeinzurImpfpflicht #Freedomrally #GeenQR

08.02.2022 - 07:16 [ BMedia / Twitter ]

Germany – Altenburg [Feb 7, 2022]

#Spaziergaenge (walks), demonstrations in more than 2000 cities in Germany! The people are DONE!

#NoVaccinePassports #NoGreenPass #NoAlPaseSanitario #NonAuPassVaccinal #NaoAoPassaporteSanitario #NeinzurImpfpflicht #Freedomrally #GeenQR

08.02.2022 - 07:13 [ BMedia / Twitter ]

Germany – Lübeck [Feb 7, 2022]

#Spaziergaenge, demonstrations in more than 2000 cities in Germany! The people are DONE!

#NoVaccinePassports #NoGreenPass #NoAlPaseSanitario #NonAuPassVaccinal #NaoAoPassaporteSanitario #NeinzurImpfpflicht #Freedomrally #GeenQR

08.02.2022 - 06:57 [ BMedia / Twitter ]

Germany – Köln [Feb 7, 2022] #Spaziergaenge, demonstrations in more than 2000 places in Germany! The people are DONE!

07.02.2022 - 15:46 [ BMedia / Twitter ]

Canada – Vancouver [Feb 6, 2022] The welcome party for Vancouver’s Freedom Convoy!

#NoVaccinePassports #NoGreenPass #NoAlPaseSanitario #DoNotComply #NonAuPassVaccinal #NaoAoPassaporteSanitario #TruckersConvoy2022 #TruckersForFreedom2020 #onverdeeldopen #GeenQR

06.02.2022 - 06:32 [ Ottawalks / Youtube ]

LIVE Ottawa – RAW Footage: Freedom Convoy 2022 Day 9 – Parliament Hill – Saturday February 5 pt 4

06.02.2022 - 06:22 [ Lincoln Jay / Twitter ]

So many people on Parliament hill right now. It’s hard to walk through the crowd. @JustinTrudeau it’s time to end the mandates. #TruckersForFreedom2022

01.02.2022 - 15:26 [ BMedia / Twitter ]

Germany – Augsburg [Jan 31, 2022] In 2000+ (!!) places in Germany people demonstrate against vax pass & mandates, during the Montags #Spaziergänge

01.02.2022 - 15:08 [ Boris Reitschuster ]

Trotz zunehmender fadenscheiniger Verbote: Montagsspaziergänge in mehr als 2.000 Städten

2.173 auf den Telegrammkanälen gemeldete Spaziergänge und Demonstrationen an diesem Montag waren genau 100 mehr als vor einer Woche – ein weiterer Rekord, dem nasskalten Wetter zum Trotz.

30.01.2022 - 08:51 [ Guillaume Roy / Twitter ]

Night vibe in Ottawa #TruckerforFreedom



29.01.2022 - 17:27 [ ]

No passport, no problem! Clubbers enjoy end of Plan B restrictions by hitting the dancefloors in England without needing Covid passes or masks for first time

– Thousands of clubbers make the most of the end of Plan B restrictions in England for wild Friday night parties

16.01.2022 - 08:35 [ Constitutional Freedom / Twitter ]

PATRONS hold the line at Bar Wunder in Toowoomba QLD refusing to back down to Police Government tyranny they shouted „GET OUT“ repeatedly as Police tried to enter the premises. 15 January 2022.

Full video here:

11.01.2022 - 14:14 [ Freiheit in der Krise ]

Papa hier gibt es keine Bankräuber

Schweden im Januar 2022. Maskierte Menschen sind für meine Kinder Bankräuber und ein großer Spaß für sie ist es Bankräuber zu zählen. Wer die meisten gesehen hat, hat gewonnen. Leider erwies sich dieses Spiel in Schweden als ziemlich langweilig.

01.01.2022 - 06:49 [ Elang photography / Youtube ]

Happy New Year 2022 Jakarta, Detik-detik Pemotor Terkena Kembang Api

Di menit menjelang pergantian tahun terjadi suasana tidak kondusif di Karenakan salah satu pemotor terkena ledakan kembang api sehingga membuat macet dan suasana tidak kondusif

27.12.2021 - 07:42 [ Aaron Ginn / Twitter ]

While several EU countries enact Christmas lockdowns over omicron hysteria, this is India today.

28.10.2021 - 15:36 [ Reitschuster ]

Schweden: Keine Maßnahmen – und keine Herbst-Corona-Welle

Aussagekraft des “Fälle”-Voodoo tendiert gegen null

24.10.2021 - 06:25 [ Rio Times ]

Partying in Norway: Covid-19 cases plunge after the country gets rid of all restrictions

(OctoberNorway is one of three Nordic nations that has scrapped all Covid-19 rules in the past few weeks – along with Sweden and Denmark. 20, 2021)