Archiv: Israel election September 2019 / following power struggle

07.11.2023 - 17:03 [ Haaretz ]

With Netanyahu‘s Coup in Full Swing, His Trial Is Stuttering. Not by Accident


The trial and the coup are now simultaneously underway, but while the first is lumbering along, the second is galloping forward. The hearings in the Jerusalem District Court will resume only after Passover. Until the judges return from their hiatus, the wings of the High Court of Justice might be clipped, the Judicial Appointments Committee might be under full control of the politicians, or Israel might be in the throes of a historic constitutional crisis.

07.11.2023 - 16:40 [ Haaretz ]

Mendelblit, Don’t Delay


The police announcement Tuesday – that the investigations into two cases involving Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had been completed – came 13 months after Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit decided that a “preliminary examination” of the allegations, which itself took six months, should become full-fledged criminal investigations.

16.07.2023 - 07:10 [ Haaretz ]

Protest’s Lesson for Anti-occupation Left: Mobilize Israelis, Not International Community

This has brought them deserved admiration in the small bubble of the Western human-rights industry and helped with much-needed funding, and has done absolutely nothing to change the dismal situation on the ground, which has steadily gotten worse.

The plaudits and platforms abroad have not resulted in any pressure on successive Israeli governments to change their policies. Not one foreign government or major financial body has changed its policies towards Israel as a result.

23.06.2023 - 12:20 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Three Netanyahu advisors indicted for intimidating witness in PM‘s trial


Yonatan Orich, Ofer Golan and Israel Einhorn attempted to intimidate Shlomo Filber, a witness in Netanyahu’s Case 4000, while being employed by the Likud as part of its 2019 election campaign, according to the State Attorney’s Office.

The three allegedly sent a mobile device with an external speaker to Filber’s home, and played a recording in which they accused the witness of lying.

04.11.2022 - 06:14 [ Axios ]

Netanyahu assured Putin „I will be back soon“ after losing election

(Oct 13, 2021)

Days after being ousted as prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu passed a message to Russian President Vladimir Putin promising a quick comeback, a source close to Netanyahu and a European diplomat told me.

Why it matters: Netanyahu and Putin had a close relationship that grew even closer after Russia began its military involvement in Syria in 2015.

13.09.2022 - 12:00 [ Haaretz ]

The Magic Number Aaron Judge, Benjamin Netanyahu and Yair Lapid Are All Chasing

A few days removed from the hysteria of an impending nuclear deal with Iran, the political-media ecosystem is now obsessing about splits and mergers. 
On the right, there was a split in the minuscule, spare-parts junkyard party Zionist Spirit (formerly Naftali Bennett’s political home when it was named Yamina).

If you read the verbose stories with their endless gossipy details about who exactly instigated the dissolution, you’d think this was on the scale of the Southern secession in 1861 or the divisions of Germany and Korea in 1945. Of the 9.5 million Israelis, it is hard to imagine anyone – other than the immediate families of those involved, plus maybe another 500 politicians and journalists – caring about this split.

31.07.2022 - 06:38 [ Haaretz ]

Gantz Is Expecting Lapid to Bow Out Gracefully Once Again

Gantz is expecting Lapid to be the silver platter on which his government will rest. He’s expecting Lapid to bow out gracefully a fourth time.

First, Lapid gave up on leading Kahol Lavan (back when it was a joint ticket). Then he gave up on a rotation as prime minister should it win. Then he let Naftali Bennett be the first prime minister in the outgoing rotation government. As far as Gantz and his supporters are concerned, that’s Lapid’s purpose – to be an indefatigable capitulator, the person who provides springboards and makes governments for others.

04.07.2022 - 05:29 [ Haaretz ]

Israel Election: After Bennett Quits, His Party May Not Make It to Next Knesset, Poll Show

Likud, led by former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, would remain the largest party in parliament, according to the poll, with 34 out of 120 seats.

Together with a coalition of right-wing parties who have backed the current opposition leader – far-right Religious Zionism party, projected 10 seats, and ultra-Orthodox parties Shas and United Torah Judaism, with eight and seven seats, respectively – a Netanyahu-led bloc would have 59 seats, two short of a majority.

01.07.2022 - 10:54 [ Haaretz ]

Travel Warning: Israel‘s Election Will Be Long and Dirty

It capped a week that symbolized everything that was bad about it during the little over a year it was in power: a fractured coalition, too many of whose heads were convinced they were destined to be prime minister and waged an endless campaign, mainly against one another; a coalition with too few responsible adults and too many opportunists. Above all, however, it was a coalition faced with an opposition the likes of which we have never seen: violent, vulgar, brutal, cynical, without a drop of empathy for human suffering, no matter where; that spits on the general public, including its own voters. An opposition without any red lines but with a personality cult; that is captive to a single person who seeks to escape his trial and who along the way turns every stone and scorches every bit of earth in order to completely destroy the young experiment known as Israeli democracy.

12.04.2022 - 17:48 [ ]

PM vows will not seek coalition with Joint Arab List, Netanyahu

Asked about the immediate aftermath of Silman‘s resignation, he said that „the first order of business was to stabilize the faction. I‘ve spoken with the party heads and this government is moving forward. The alternative is to return to the dark days of more election campaigns. Instead of fighting terrorism, fighting each other.“

Bennett further rejected the assertion that the current 60-60 situation in the Knesset has left his government paralyzed, saying that political paralysis „is measured in actions. Controversial laws are hard to pass, but we have no issue with regular legislation.“

01.02.2022 - 03:25 [ ]

Ministers Bid Farewell to Mandelblit at End of His Term

Ministers paid tribute to Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit on Sunday, who is set to leave the job this week after six years.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said that Mandelblit has filled a “great and significant” role. “We all owe you a debt of gratitude. On behalf of the government of Israel, I would like to thank you, Avichai, for many dedicated years of service to the State of Israel.”

17.01.2022 - 15:17 [ הדמוקרטים @democratimOrg / Twitter ]

ארגוני מחאת בלפור הודיעו כי יפגינו ליד ביתו של היועמ“ש מנדלבליט, בעקבות פרסומים על משא ומתן עם נתניהו. „לאחר שנים של טיוח תיקים ושנמוך אישומים, מנסה מנדבליט, רגע לפני פרישתו, להציל את עורו של הנאשם. שום טיעון לא יכול להצדיק את קיומה של העסקה המפוקפקת הזאת שפוגעת באמון הציבור“

17.01.2022 - 15:12 [ BBC ]

Israeli ex-PM Netanyahu‘s cases could be dropped in plea deal

Reports say Mr Netanyahu is, however, objecting to accepting a charge which would require him to leave politics.

Israel‘s longest serving leader was unseated after elections last year.

17.01.2022 - 04:49 [ ABC News ]

Case against Netanyahu includes billionaire witnesses

(December 2, 2019)

By submitting his letter to parliament’s speaker, Mandelblit began an official 30-day window for Netanyahu to ask parliament for immunity. With only a minority in favor, Netanyahu’s odds of success appear slim.

But late Monday, the parliament’s legal adviser, Eyal Yinon, said that any request for immunity would have to be considered by the legislature’s “House Committee.”

The current caretaker government does not have such a committee, and it appears unlikely that it will appoint one before the Dec. 11 deadline.

That means that if Netanyahu submits an immunity request, it will likely be ruled upon only after new elections and formation of a new government that appoints a committee.

13.12.2021 - 20:23 [ Times of Israel ]

Netanyahu was fraying democracy, we were saved ‘by grace of God,’ AG reported to say

(7 December 2021)

Avichai Mandelblit said to tell associates privately that the ex-PM he put on trial hoped to appoint prosecutors and judges who would protect him; ‚democracy not guaranteed‘

15.10.2021 - 02:38 [ Haaretz ]

It’s Official: The Netanyahu Era Is Over

Yuli Edelstein did it, big-time. He said out loud what other senior Likud politicians have been whispering to journalists “not for attribution” – that former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has no chance of being able to form a government even after the next election. Edelstein broke the fear barrier.

14.06.2021 - 12:00 [ / Twitter ]

Avigdor Lieberman has long been misjudged by both the left and the right in Israel. But without him, Benjamin Netanyahu wouldn’t be packing his bags to leave the prime minister’s residence, writes Alon Pinkas

11.06.2021 - 12:39 [ ]

Möglicher Machtwechsel Israels: Koalitionäre zittern um die Mehrheit

Der Vorwurf der Netanyahu-Anhänger: Verrat. Wer mit Stimmen rechter Wähler ins Parlament gekommen sei, könne sich an dieser Koalition nicht beteiligen, erklärte Benjamin Netanyahu in den vergangenen Tagen immer wieder.

„Wir sind Zeugen des größten Wahlbetrugs in der Geschichte des Staates, vielleicht sogar in der Geschichte der Demokratie. Ich habe etwas Vergleichbares gesucht, aber auch viele Wissenschaftler konnten solch einen Betrug nirgendwo anders finden. Es sind die Parteien, die rechts reden und links handeln und so ihre Wähler in die Irre geführt haben. „

04.06.2021 - 12:12 [ ]

No ‘provoking’: Israeli official vows quieter tone with US

Sitting across a table from his U.S. counterpart at the Pentagon, Gantz said, “Our dialogue is so important to ensuring that any deal effectively meets its goal of keeping Iran away from nuclear weapons.”

“Of course, given the scope of the threat, Israel must always make sure that it has the ability to protect itself,” Gantz added.

01.06.2021 - 10:40 [ Haaretz ]

Lapid Prepares to Tell the President He Has Formed a New Government

Following overnight efforts, the negotiating teams of the parties opposing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have made progress in formulating an agreement for a unity government, officials from the parties said Tuesday morning.

The teams from Yesh Atid, Yamina, New Hope and Yisrael Beiteinu will reconvene in Kfar Hamacabiah in the afternoon in an effort to seal the agreements.

12.05.2021 - 07:35 [ Bernie Sanders / Twitter ]

I am extremely concerned by the growing conflict in Israel and Palestine. Once again we are seeing how the irresponsible actions of government-allied right-wing extremists in Jerusalem can escalate quickly into devastating war.

Israeli children should not have to spend the night scared in bomb shelters, as many are doing tonight. Palestinian children should not have to grow up under the constant violence and oppression of occupation, as so many do, and have done.

The United States must call for an immediate cease-fire and an end to provocative and illegal settlement activity. And we must also recommit to working with Israelis and Palestinians to finally end this conflict.

07.05.2021 - 12:00 [ Haaretz ]

A Change Has Started Within the anti-Netanyahu Bloc

Twenty-nine chaotic and nightmarish months, during which Israel has been dragged kicking and screaming into four elections by a cynical, unrestrained, corrupt and corrupting leader, might soon come to an end. Maybe even next week. A disgraceful, dark chapter in the country’s 73 years will end.

05.04.2021 - 13:07 [ ]

Anklägerin wirft Netanjahu Machtmissbrauch vor

Vor Beginn der Zeugenbefragung sprach Liat Ben Ari heute im Bezirksgericht in Jerusalem von einem schwerwiegenden Korruptionsfall.

Netanjahu habe seine große Macht zu persönlichen Zwecken missbraucht und zentralen Medien im Land Vergünstigungen gewährt, unter anderem, um wiedergewählt zu werden.

17.03.2021 - 11:04 [ ]

העקרונות שלנו

קביעת שכר מינימום בגובה של 60% מהשכר הממוצע במשק. הגדלת קצבאות הילדים ב-40%, ובכך החזרתן לרמתן הריאלית ב-2003. השוואה של קצבאות הנכות וקצבאות הזקנה לשכר המינימום. תכנית דיור חברתי, שתיתן מענה הולם לצרכי הדיור של השכבות השונות, ותכלול מגוון של פתרונות דיור. ועוד..

17.03.2021 - 10:56 [ ]

אסור לאבד את

תודה שהתגייסת!

אם אין מרצ לביבי יש 61. אם אין מרצ הוא מקים ממשלה עם בן גביר והכהניסטים.

אסור לאבד את מרצ.

כך תשכנעו עוד 3 חברים שחייבים להצביע מרצ!

מחקרים הוכיחו שהדרך הכי אפקטיבית לגרום למישהו להצביע היא פשוט לפנות לאנשים שאתם מכירים באופן אישי ולשכנע אותם. זה יותר טוב מכל סרטון בפייסבוק או מכל שלט חוצות. אם כל מי שמצביע מרצ ישכנע עוד שלושה חברים או קרובי משפחה שמתלבטים, מרצ תעבור בבטחה, ולביבי לא יהיו 61.

זה בידיים שלכם! הרשמו עכשיו ואנחנו נעזור לכם להפוך קול אחד ל-3 קולות

17.03.2021 - 10:35 [ Haaretz ]

After Four Elections, Israeli Voters Are Losing Their Party Loyalty

Israeli voters tell Haaretz why they will vote differently in next week‘s election

15.03.2021 - 11:24 [ Haaretz ]

‚A Catastrophic Move‘: As Lapid Courts Their Voters, Leftist Parties Fear Eradication in Upcoming Election

“This is a catastrophic move,” the source continued, adding that when Kahol Lavan Chairman Benny Gantz “did something similar in the last election, we made sure to stop the campaign when the other parties hit six seats so as not to endanger the bloc.”

15.03.2021 - 11:16 [ ]

Ahead of March 23 vote, Gantz says ‚no regrets‘ in joining Netanyahu coalition


The ex-military chief‘s Blue and White political alliance won 33 seats in the March 2020 polls, before he fell just short of cobbling together a ruling 61-member coalition in the 120-seat legislature.

Weeks later, he shocked supporters by joining Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu — his right-wing nemesis — in a precarious unity government, as a first wave of the coronavirus pandemic shook the country.

06.03.2021 - 08:12 [ Foreign Policy ]

How a Journalist-Turned-Politician Became the Best Hope for Israel’s Anyone-but-Bibi Camp

Centrist Yair Lapid refused to join Netanyahu’s coalition last year. Now the decision is paying off.

23.02.2021 - 05:36 [ Haaretz ]

5 U.S. Billionaires Who Are Potential Witnesses at Netanyahu’s Corruption Trial


Several prominent U.S. billionaires are on the list of over 300 people who could potentially be called as witnesses at Prime Minister Benjamin’s Netanyahu’s upcoming corruption trial.

23.02.2021 - 05:02 [ Haaretz ]

Court Will Hear Witnesses in Netanyahu‘s Trial Only After Israeli Election

The opening of the premier‘s trial last May followed years of investigations, deliberations and legal proceedings that eventually took place during the course of three election campaigns, capped by a last-minute delay due to the coronavirus.

23.02.2021 - 04:57 [ ]

Next stage of Netanyahu‘s corruption trial postponed until after elections

The court rejected a demand from the prime minister‘s lawyers to dismiss the indictment by reason of Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit‘s failure to formally file a written request for the probe of Netanyahu.

However, the court did condemn Mandelblit for the oversight, saying it was a „defect“ in the legal procedures.

„This is a matter of procedural defect which doesn’t concern the root of the matter,“ the court stated, as cited by Hamodia.

23.02.2021 - 04:55 [ ]

Netanjahu-Prozess: Zeugenvernehmung beginnt nach Wahl

Die Anwälte des Regierungschefs hatten Berichten zufolge auf einen Termin nach dem für den 23. März geplanten Urnengang gedrängt. Es ist die vierte Abstimmung binnen zwei Jahren.

08.02.2021 - 10:39 [ Bloomberg Quicktake / Twitter ]

HAPPENING NOW: Protesters rally outside the Jerusalem court where the corruption trial for Israel‘s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu resumes. The trial was postponed due to the #coronavirus lockdown.

05.02.2021 - 11:33 [ Haaretz ]

Lapid Finally Has His Moment in the Election Ring With Netanyahu. He’ll Have Just One Chance

In 2019, he agreed to merge his Yesh Atid party into Benny Gantz’s Kahol Lavan and accepted Gantz’s leadership.

17.01.2021 - 11:04 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu Making Progress in Bid to Cancel His Corruption Trial

A year ago, Netanyahu waived his parliamentary immunity after he realized that in the Knesset elected in September 2019, he had no chance of receiving immunity. But the prime minister’s lawyers recently claimed in court that he never waived his right to parliamentary immunity, saying that the Knesset’s immunity proceedings were flawed.

14.01.2021 - 19:07 [ Haaretz ]

Gantz, We’ll Take It From Here

It’s hard not to feel uncomfortable when we hear Gantz – who gave Netanyahu the government, betraying his voters and his partners – trying to look like someone worried about the future of the “Anyone But Bibi” camp and trying to serve as a strategic adviser.

13.01.2021 - 10:00 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Netanyahu trial postponed by coronavirus lockdown


The order could potentially postpone the calling of witnesses to right before Election Day, or right after.

The order came less than 48 hours after the same court rejected Netanyahu’s request for postponing his January 13 hearing next week.

12.01.2021 - 14:53 [ Haaretz ]

‚I Was Wrong to Join Netanyahu‘: Gantz Calls for Broad Center-left Coalition

Kahol Lavan chairman Benny Gantz called on leaders of center-left parties to unite ahead of Israel‘s March 23 election in order to replace Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – his coalition partner over the past year.

08.01.2021 - 21:17 [ Haaretz ]

President Rivlin, Act Now – Before It‘s Too Late

The moment of truth for our future is approaching. What we saw the other day on the steps of the Capitol and inside it is a warning sign. Netanyahu’s readiness to break every rule and law is obvious, and reached a peak at the start of his trial, with that scene in the courthouse that could have come right out of a gangster movie. And in fact, the prosecutor in his trial is already under guard day and night, just like the prosecutors in the trials of organized crime bosses, and for the same reasons.

The trial has begun, and so a new situation is before us.

22.12.2020 - 06:41 [ Haaretz ]

Gantz’s Political Party Was Last Year’s Largest. Now It’s the Walking Dead

There is no scenario now under which Gantz can credibly lead his party into another election. And without Gantz as a potential replacement for Netanyahu, there is no reason for Kahol Lavan to continue to exist as a political entity.

22.12.2020 - 06:29 [ ]

Israel vor vierter Wahl in zwei Jahren

Ohne Einigung in letzter Minute wird sich das Parlament am Dienstagabend um Mitternacht automatisch auflösen

20.12.2020 - 10:33 [ Haaretz ]

Three Days to Stave Off Election: Gantz Met With Netanyahu Rival Sa‘ar

Defense Minister and Kahol Lavan chairman Benny Gantz met on Saturday with breakaway Likud lawmaker Gideon Sa‘ar, three days before the Knesset is expected to disband.

03.11.2020 - 06:28 [ ]

Gantz asserts Netanyahu won‘t honor coalition agreement: report

Gantz, according to the report, stressed that he is willing to “pay with [his] seat,” but will delay a decision for two weeks.

04.10.2020 - 08:59 [ Niv Lilien / Twitter ]

תגיד, אתה ראש ממשלה או סמרטוט? תדרשו לפטר את אוחנה ולסיים את העוצר הכללי, או שאתם מפילים את הממשלה. אופציה ב‘ – תעברו ישר לחלק של להפיל את הממשלה. תעיפו את נתניהו!

04.10.2020 - 08:55 [ בני גנץ - Benny Gantz, Verteidigungsminister von Israel / Twitter ]

תקיפת המפגינים הערב ובימים האחרונים בלתי מתקבלת על הדעת. ההפגנות המתקיימות לפי ההנחיות הן דבר לגיטימי וחיוני בדמוקרטיה. אני קורא למשטרה לשים את ידה על התוקפים ולמצות עימם את הדין.

11.08.2020 - 21:36 [ Haaretz ]

Kahol Lavan Says Won‘t Back Bill Preventing Netanyahu From Forming Future Government

The bill, brought forward by Kahol Lavan‘s former political allies Yesh Atid, is aimed at preventing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu from running for office in the next election. Netanyahu currently stands trial for suspected bribery, fraud and breach of trust.

27.07.2020 - 20:34 [ Haaretz ]

Israel‘s Protests Are a No-confidence Vote in Its Corrupt Democratic System

This shows that the youth revolution isn’t against Netanyahu alone; it’s a kind of no-confidence vote in Israel’s corrupt democratic system. And it’s happening because most of the people ruling over us don’t actually represent the public. Instead, it turns out that they made it into the Knesset through all kinds of tricks and for the sake of ulterior motives.

28.06.2020 - 15:44 [ Haaretz ]

Gantz Disappoints Time and Again

This isn’t how a political leader talks, and certainly not one who is interested in being an alternative to the inciter in the Prime Minister’s Office. Gantz’s contempt for the Palestinians demonstrates arrogance, pettiness and lack of understanding of the national conflict between the two peoples. If there’s any “deep shit” in which the Palestinians are drowning, it’s the 53-year-old occupation, a messianic project of oppression that has been perpetuated by successive Israeli governments and maintained by the army, formerly headed by Gantz himself.

23.06.2020 - 17:24 [ Haaretz ]

Gantz on Annexation: Palestinians ‚In Deep Shit,‘ Israel ‚Won‘t Keep Waiting for Them‘

Gantz, who in the past publicly backed dialogue with the Palestinians toward an agreement leading to a two-state solution, said the Israeli government should “not only to manage the conflict but shape it as well.” And if the Palestinians choose not to hold talks with Israel about the annexation, “then we will have to move forward without them,” he said.

13.06.2020 - 06:01 [ Haaretz ]

Annexation? Israeli Apartheid? Hounding Journalists? Gantz Didn‘t Come to Fight

The Kahol Lavan leader seems to have forgotten that his party was supposed to represent an alternative to Netanyahu’s aggressive ways

01.06.2020 - 09:08 [ Haaretz ]

The Government vs. the Public

Under cover of the fight against the coronavirus and fears of a threatened “second wave,” the Netanyahu-Gantz government is trying to appropriate draconian legislative powers that will deal a mortal blow to human rights. The cabinet is advancing a bill to give itself special authorities as a replacement for existing emergency regulations that are due to expire. This bill would undermine not just fundamental rights, but also the principle of the separation of powers and the basic rules of democracy.

23.05.2020 - 11:07 [ Haaretz ]

After Losing Hope for Change, Top Left-wing Activists and Scholars Leave Israel Behind

They founded anti-occupation movements and fought for the soul of Israeli society, but ultimately decided to emigrate. The new exiles tell Haaretz how they were harassed and silenced, until they had almost no choice but to leave

21.05.2020 - 07:40 [ Haaretz ]

Despite Despair, Israel‘s Left Must Pick Up and Move On

The left put former generals at its helm and failed (they joined the right), as well as civilian personalities, who also failed to deliver the goods. It tried a decentralized model, with Labor and Meretz running separately, and hit a wall. It learned its lesson and ran as a united front of multiple parties (Labor and Meretz, Kahol Lavan), also meeting no success. It flirted with a post-Zionist concept and a state of all its citizens (Meretz) or, alternatively, highlighting its Zionist image (the Zionist Union), failing both times in garnering public support. …

07.05.2020 - 14:45 [ ]

Israel Parliament votes to approve Netanyahu-Gantz unity government

The Knesset (Israel Parliament) also passed a raft of legislative changes to the country‘s semi-constitutional Basic Laws, paving the way for a government to be established after more than a year of political deadlock.

27.03.2020 - 02:09 [ Ynet ]

Lapid: Gantz stole votes, gave them to Netanyahu

Lapid lambasted Gantz‘s actions as „a betrayal to voters and a theft of votes.“

26.03.2020 - 17:40 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Meretz leader Nitzan Horovitz: You elected Gantz? You got Netanyahu

Horovitz added that Gantz was “spitting in the face” of his voters with his latest decision.

The Meretz leader called on others in the left bloc to not support this move.

02.03.2020 - 11:16 [ Tagesschau ]

Parlamentswahl in Israel: Netanyahu zwischen Amtssitz und Gefängnis

In Israel wird heute ein Parlament gewählt, zum dritten Mal innerhalb eines Jahres. Für Premierminister Netanyahu werden es aber nicht nur deshalb spannende Wochen. Korruptionsvorwürfe haben ihn vor Gericht gebracht.

03.01.2020 - 15:53 [ Haaretz ]

Will the Knesset Speaker Be Loyal to the Country or to the Man Holding It Hostage?

As Knesset Speaker, Yuli Edelstein has the authority to block the Knesset Arrangements Committee from meeting, thereby blocking the convening of the House Committee and preventing it from discussing the immunity request.

This is Edelstein’s most important test as an elected official: Will he be faithful to his position as Knesset speaker, or will he be faithful to the man who has decided to hold the country hostage?

03.01.2020 - 10:53 [ Haaretz ]

Requesting Immunity, Master Manipulator Netanyahu Gave One of the Worst Performances of His Life

By requesting immunity Netanyahu hopes to postpone all of this until after the March 2 election. But he knows from all the incessant polling he has carried out that this is a hard sell, even among his right-wing base. In recent days, he tried to float his “immunity is a cornerstone of democracy” canard, but it didn’t fly.

02.01.2020 - 18:21 [ ]

Israel: Netanyahu will Immunität

Am 2. März ist eine dritte Parlamentswahl angesetzt. Nach Einschätzung des Politik-Experten Amir Fuchs wird vor einer Regierungsbildung nach der Wahl kein Komitee zustande kommen. Eine Abstimmung über die Immunität könne damit möglicherweise erst im Mai stattfinden.

01.01.2020 - 22:52 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu Announces He Is Requesting Immunity From Prosecution in Three Criminal Cases

According to Israeli law, the Knesset House Committee is to discuss his request and should it be approved, the request will need to pass a vote by the Knesset plenum.

However, since the House Committee has not been appointed since the April general election, and is not expected to be assembled before the upcoming March election, the discussion will only take place in several months. Until the committee makes a decision, an indictment against Netanyahu can‘t be handed officially to the court.

01.01.2020 - 12:12 [ ]

Netanyahu expected to seek immunity as Wednesday deadline looms

Israel’s incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s deadline to formally request immunity from Knesset (Israeli parliament) Speaker Yuli Edelstein expires Wednesday night.

It is expected that Netanyahu will opt for protection from prosecution in three corruption cases against him, Hebrew media reported.

01.01.2020 - 12:05 [ ]

Israel‘s High Court delays ruling on whether Netanyahu can be PM

Heading a three-judge panel, High Court of Justice President Esther Hayut said there were no legal impediments holding Netanyahu back from seeking reelection, ruling that the question is not ripe for a decision before he is actually tasked with leading a government.

31.12.2019 - 10:32 [ Haaretz ]

High Court Petition to Block Netanyahu‘s PM Bid Over Corruption Indictment Irrelevant Before Election, Justices Say

The hearing on the metter is held by Supreme Court President Esther Hayut, Deputy President Hanan Melcer and Justice Uzi Vogelman.

Hayut stressed that there isn‘t any legal impediment barring Netanyahu from running in the March election, while Vogelman said it‘s unprecedented to rule on an issue before an authority was given – in this case the mandate to form a government.

31.12.2019 - 10:22 [ Ynet ]

High Court debates whether indicted Netanyahu can form government

Hayut says three-justice panel must first decide whether the court should even debate the issue, echoing instruction from AG; hearing comes after petition by 67 members of academic and high-tech worlds objecting to allowing a Knesset member battling criminal charges to be tasked with putting together a coalition

29.12.2019 - 15:49 [ Jewish Community ‏/ Twitter ]

A-G refuses to tell High Court his view on PM eligibility – again: On Sunday, the High Court set a hearing for December 31 for Mandelblit to argue before it along with other parties about whether Netanyahu can form a government.

(26.12.2019) JPost

29.12.2019 - 13:08 [ Jerusalem Post ]

The triumvirate: Avigdor Liberman, Avichai Mandelblit & Aviv Kochavi

For a decade, Netanyahu dominated Israel like few others since founding prime minister David Ben-Gurion, leaving a huge imprint on every sphere: diplomatic, economic, military.

But in 2019 – Netanyahu’s own annus horribilis, as Queen Elizabeth II referred to her own “horrible year” in 1992 – his utter dominance began to fade.

29.12.2019 - 11:44 [ Haaretz ]

Israel‘s General Election Will Be a Totally Different Game for Netanyahu

What happens in Likud stays in Likud. Any connection between the outside world and the mystical devotion of this party’s members to their leader, despite his political failures and dire legal situation, isn’t l

Likud lost seven or eight Knesset seats between the April and September elections. Around 250,000 voters said enough, we’re fed up. Thursday’s leadership primary won’t bring them back.oose, it’s nonexistent.