Daily Archives: 28. Januar 2020

28.01.2020 - 22:56 [ Guardian News / Youtube ]

Firefighters clash with riot police in France protests

Police have used teargas, water cannons and batons against protesting firefighters in Paris. Thousands of firefighters attended the demonstration in the French capital, asking for an increase in their hazard bonus, which has not changed since 1990

28.01.2020 - 22:51 [ France24 ]

French police clash with firefighters at Paris demonstration

Firefighters previously demonstrated in October and this earlier protest was marked by clashes with the police. One protester in the southern city of Dijon was seriously hit in the eye and has not recovered his vision.

28.01.2020 - 19:26 [ Btselem.org ]

בצלם עם פרסום תוכנית טראמפ: לא שלום – אפרטהייד

תוכנית הממשל האמריקאי הממותגת כ“דיל המאה“ היא גבינה שוויצרית במסגרתה מציע הנשיא טראמפ להעניק לישראלים את הגבינה ולפלסטינים את החורים. ישנן דרכים רבות לסיים את הכיבוש, אבל האפשרויות הלגיטימיות היחידות הן אלו המבוססות על שוויון וזכויות אדם לכולם. לכן, התוכנית הנוכחית – שמכשירה, מקבעת ואף מרחיבה את היקף הפרות זכויות האדם שביצעה ישראל ב-52 השנים האחרונות – אינה חלופה מתקבלת על הדעת.

28.01.2020 - 19:23 [ Btselem.org ]

B‘Tselem on President Trump‘s „peace“ plan: not peace, Apartheid

The American administration’s plan branded as the “Deal of the Century” is more like Swiss cheese, with the cheese being offered to the Israelis and the holes to the Palestinians. There are many ways to end the occupation, but the only legitimate options are those based on equality and human rights for all. This is why the current plan which legitimizes, entrenches and even expands the scope of Israel’s human rights abuses, perpetuated now for over 52 years, is utterly unacceptable.

28.01.2020 - 19:12 [ Ben White / Twitter ]

Israeli human rights group @btselem describes the Trump administration plan as „apartheid“, rather than „peace“. „The Trump plan drains the principles of international law of any meaning and completely neuters the concept of accountability for breaching them.“

28.01.2020 - 19:06 [ Max Blumenthal / Twitter ]

I‘ve never heard Netanyahu this ecstatic. He‘s talking about humiliations imposed by Trump on the Palestinians like mouth watering items at an apartheid all you can eat buffet.

28.01.2020 - 18:51 [ Haaretz ]

Donaldus Trumpus Caesar Set to Reward Provincial Governor Netanyahu With ‚Deal of the Century‘

If one believes the leaks emanating from Netanyahu’s office and other top right-wing politicians in recent days, Trump’s “deal of the century” shouldn’t be classified as a proposal at all. Its main purpose is to serve as a crude cover for Israel to annex the Jordan River Valley and most Jewish settlements in the West Bank. Once the Palestinians reject the plan as expected, Israelis have been led to believe, the U.S. administration will give Israel a green light to unilaterally seize areas earmarked for annexation, which it has long desired.

Needless to say, this is not the way peace proposals are supposed to work.

28.01.2020 - 17:21 [ The Hill ]

Watch live: Trump delivers remarks with Netanyahu on Mideast peace plan

The press conference is slated for noon. Watch the live video above.

28.01.2020 - 17:17 [ taxi-agentur.de ]

Bolivien: De-facto-Regierung schmeißt Deutschland aus dem Lithium-Geschäft

Die De-facto-Regierung in Bolivien hat angekündigt, ein Abkommen mit dem deutschen Unternehmen ACI Systems zur Industrialisierung von Lithium definitiv zu kündigen.

28.01.2020 - 17:07 [ teleSUR ]

Tunisia‘s 2011 Revolution Symbol, Lina Ben Mhenni Dies Aged 36

Using her name and taking significant risks, Ben Mhenni founded the blog, „A Tunisian Girl,“ to report and speak out against the human rights abuses during the rule of Ben Ali, who banned her blog in 2007.

But in 2011, she started blogging once again and was the first to report on the protests after street vendor Mohamed Bouazizi set himself alight on December 17, 2010, sparking the Arab uprisings.

In English, French, and Arabic, her accounts of the revolution highlighted her engagement against the dictatorship. They were a crucial source of information about the violent crackdown on protesters by security forces, particularly in Sidi Bouzid, the cradle of the revolution, and in other disadvantaged cities in the interior of the country.

28.01.2020 - 17:00 [ teleSUR ]

Socialist Presidential Candidate Luis Arce Arrives in Bolivia

Luis Arce, the presidential candidate of the Movement To Socialism (MAS), arrived Tuesday in El Alto (Bolivia) from Buenos Aires (Argentina) to participate in the campaign for the May elections, although he said that “there are no guarantees” for a free and transparent electoral process.

28.01.2020 - 16:52 [ Alba-Suiza / Portal amerika21.de ]

Die De-facto-Regierung in Bolivien und ihre Verbrechen gegen die Menschheit

Stellungnahme und Aufruf des Schweizer Bündnisses Alba Suiza zu den Ereignissen in Bolivien

28.01.2020 - 16:36 [ Rolf Gössner / Lebenshaus Schwäbische Alb ]

Wie politisch dürfen gemeinnützige Vereine agieren?

Gemeinnützigkeitsentzug: VVN/BdA angeblich „linksextremistisch“

Aktuell sorgt der Fall des Bundesverbandes der Vereinigung der Verfolgten des Naziregimes – Bund der Antifaschistinnen und Antifaschisten (VVN-BdA) bundesweit und international für Empörung. Im November 2019 entzog das Berliner Finanzamt der antifaschistischen Traditionsorganisation die Gemeinnützigkeit. Zur Begründung bezieht es sich auf den bayerischen „Verfassungsschutz“ (VS), der die VVN schon lange als „linksextremistisch beeinflusst“ einstuft.

28.01.2020 - 12:50 [ Ö1 Journale ‏/ Twitter ]

Heute Abend wissen wir mehr über #Trumps Friedensplan für #Israel. „Der Plan hat so gut wie keine Chancen in dieser Form umgesetzt zu werden, aber vielleicht kann er Bewegung in den jahrelangen Stillstand bringen“, berichtet Tim Cupal aus Tel Aviv.

28.01.2020 - 12:23 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu Withdraws Request for Immunity From Prosecution in Corruption Cases

Netanyahu made his decision public after his chief political rival, Kahol Lavan leader Benny Gantz – who met with Trump on Monday but decided to skip the release of the peace plan in order to take part in the immunity debate – was already back in Israel.

28.01.2020 - 12:21 [ Washington Post ]

Facing loss in parliament, Benjamin Netanyahu withdraws request for immunity from prosecution

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, hours before facing a likely defeat in the Israeli parliament, withdrew his request for official immunity from prosecution on corruption charges Tuesday, giving up a controversial gambit to shield himself from legal peril a month before a national election.

28.01.2020 - 12:13 [ Washington Post ]

If senators fail to call Bolton, their trial is a farce

LAST WEEK, senators trying the impeachment charges against President Trump did not know for sure whether former national security adviser John Bolton could answer outstanding questions about the case. Now they know.

28.01.2020 - 12:09 [ LA Times ]

Column: Trump says Bolton is a disgruntled liar. Let him testify under oath so we can find out

“I’m with the Bush-Cheney team, and I’m here to stop the count.”

Those words were bellowed by John Bolton in a Tallahassee library in December of 2000, when he was part of a team of Republican lawyers trying to stop the Florida recount of votes cast in the Bush-Gore race. Until now, it was the most famous utterance President Trump’s former national security advisor had ever made.

28.01.2020 - 12:06 [ Washington Post ]

Bolton book roils Washington as onetime allies turn on Trump’s former national security adviser

People close to Bolton said he wanted to testify, and a spokeswoman denied that he was behind the leak of the book, adding that the National Security Council has had a copy of it since Dec. 30.

28.01.2020 - 12:02 [ NPR.org ]

Trump Lawyers Ready For Final Day Of President‘s Impeachment Defense

Shortly before winding down Monday night‘s arguments in the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump, defense lawyer Alan Dershowitz addressed the elephant in the room: whether potential testimony from former national security adviser John Bolton would alter the course of the proceeding.

28.01.2020 - 11:36 [ New York Times ]

In Iowa, the ‘Not Sanders’ Democrats Find Voters Torn

No Democrat in modern times has lost contested races in both Iowa and New Hampshire and claimed the nomination.

The early primary and caucus outcomes could have an outsize impact on later primaries, including the large states voting in March, some of which begin collecting mail-in and early ballots in the immediate aftermath of Iowa.

28.01.2020 - 11:28 [ Slate.com ]

“The President Has the Power to Basically Destroy the World”

Seventy-five years into the nuclear era, we still haven’t come to grips with the destructive force we’ve put in the hands of Donald Trump.

28.01.2020 - 10:32 [ polizeigesetze-stoppen.de ]

Polizeigesetze stoppen!


Letzte Verschärfung 2018
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28.01.2020 - 10:17 [ Piratenpartei ]

Polizeigesetze stoppen: PIRATEN veröffentlichen Übersicht zu Polizeigesetzen

Die Piratenpartei veröffentlicht eine Website mit einer bundesweiten Übersicht zu den Polizeigesetzen der Länder. Die Seite fasst bundesweit Informationen zu vorhandenen Befugnissen der Polizei zusammen und zeigt geplante Verschärfungen.

28.01.2020 - 09:38 [ Tagesschau ]

Vereinigung der Nazi-Verfolgten: Weiterer Verein verliert Gemeinnützigkeit


In einem Schreiben der Berliner Finanzbehörden dazu, das der Nachrichtenagentur dpa vorliegt, wird die Entscheidung damit begründet, dass der Verein in den Verfassungsschutzberichten Bayerns seit Jahren als linksextreme Gruppierung geführt wird. Das reiche aus, um ihm die Gemeinnützigkeit zu entziehen. Der volle Beweis des Gegenteils sei nicht erbracht worden.

28.01.2020 - 09:28 [ Auschwitz Exhibition / Twitter ]

Elza Baker, Auschwitz survivor: „In times like these when minorities have to feel vulnerable again, I can only hope that everyone would stand up for democracy and human rights.“ #Auschwitz75

28.01.2020 - 05:02 [ Vimeo ]

Die Befreiung von Auschwitz – HD – Brutale, verstörende und bedrückende Aufnahmen!

Dieser mehrfach ausgezeichnete Dokumentarfilm enthält alle bekannten Filmaufnahmen, die sowjetische Kameramänner nach der Befreiung von Auschwitz zwischen dem 27. Januar und dem 28. Februar 1945 gedreht haben. Um die Authentizität der Dokumente zu wahren, werden selbst grausamste Bilder ohne Kürzungen gezeigt und auf Geräusch- und Musiksynchronisationen verzichtet.

28.01.2020 - 04:50 [ chronoshistory / Youtube ]

The Liberation of Auschwitz (includes 1945 original Red Army footage)

Warning – This historical documentary contains some explicit Scenes that are of a violent nature and may be disturbing to some viewers!

This Film contains footage taken by Soviet cameramen after the liberation of the Auschwitz camp in January 27, 1945.
Among other things, it depicts the camp area immediately after entry by the First Ukrainian Front of the Red Army.

Documentary pictures are interspersed with an interview with Alexander Vorontzov, the cameraman who accompanied the Red Army soldiers and did most of the filming. The whole is accompanied by commentary describing, among others, the selection and extermination process, medical experiments and everyday life in the Auschwitz concentration camp.

28.01.2020 - 03:09 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Die Völkerrechtsbrecher

Darüber hinaus entspricht es internationalem Recht nicht, Unruhen und Aufstände in fremden Staaten zu befeuern, wie es die Bundesrepublik in diversen Ländern von der Ukraine bis Syrien tat. Sie hat damit stets dazu beigetragen, Völkerrechtsbrüche zu normalisieren.

28.01.2020 - 02:46 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Im Einsatz in Saudi-Arabien

Demnach sollen bis Ende dieser Woche insgesamt 13 Bundespolizisten nach Riad entsandt werden und die Ausbildung saudischer Grenzschützer fortsetzen, die im Jahr 2009 das Bundesinnenministerium unter dem damaligen Minister Wolfgang Schäuble eingeleitet hatte, um dem Airbus-Konzern einen milliardenschweren Auftrag zur Hochrüstung der saudischen Außengrenzen zu sichern – gegen Konkurrenz aus Frankreich und den USA.

28.01.2020 - 02:39 [ Bernie Sanders, candidate for President / Twitter ]

“We should not be scared of what will happen if we try. We should be scared of what will happen if we don’t.” –@AOC

28.01.2020 - 02:30 [ Common Dreams ]

Establishment Democrats Panic at Possibility Bernie Sanders Could Be 2020 Nominee

Bernie 2020 Iowa State director Misty Rebik said in a press release Sunday that the campaign was going to rely on the movement to get the campaign over the finish line.

„Our volunteers are working harder than ever to reach as many Iowans as possible and expand the electorate,“ said Rebik. „Our movement is fueled by working people who want to see real, fundamental change. Together, we‘re going to win the Iowa caucus, send Bernie Sanders to the White House, and make history.“

28.01.2020 - 01:10 [ MDR ]

Orden für Ägyptens Präsident – Semperoper distanziert sich von Semperopernball

Naumanns Meinung nach hat sich die afroamerikanische Jugend „sehr stark aus der Verantwortung gezogen“. Hier brauche es einen Durchbruch, der nur dadurch erreicht werden könne, „wenn man die jungen Afroamerikaner zum Militär einzieht, ihnen dort Disziplin beibringt und eine berufliche Ausbildung ermöglicht“. Aus freien Stücken würden sich Afroamerikaner keine Zwänge auferlegen, so Naumann.