Daily Archives: 14. Januar 2020

14.01.2020 - 20:27 [ MSNBC ]

Bernie Sanders is looking indestructible

Ed Luce writes in the Financial Times that ‚…Sanders has good odds of winning the first Democratic caucus in Iowa next month — and New Hampshire the following week.‘ Luce joins Morning Joe to explain.

14.01.2020 - 20:16 [ ABC News ]

The Note: Sanders vs. Warren fight tests both candidates at only Iowa debate

The non-aggression pact between Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren has been a prominent feature of the previous six Democratic debates. That will mean nothing if they choose this moment to say publicly what their campaigns are saying about each other privately — marking perhaps the biggest strategic question facing the major Democratic candidates in the final 20 days before the caucuses.

14.01.2020 - 20:10 [ Jeremy's Knesset Insider ]

16th Poll of 2020 Election: Blue & White 34, Likud 31, Joint List 14, Labor+Meretz 9, Shas 8, UTJ 7, Yisrael Beitenu 7, HaYamin HeHadash 6, United Right List 5; + 1 Scenario Poll

Current Knesset seats in [brackets]

34 [33] Blue & White (Gantz)
31 [32] Likud (Netanyahu)
13 [13] The Joint List – Hadash-Taal-Raam-Balad (Odeh)
09 [11] Labor + Meretz (A.Peretz)
08 [09] Shas (Deri)
07 [08] Yisrael Beitenu (Lieberman)
07 [07] United Torah Judaism (Litzman)
06 [03] HaYamin HeHadash (Bennett)
05 [04] United Right List (R.Peretz)

14.01.2020 - 19:59 [ Haaretz ]

For Israel‘s Left, Jewish-Arab Partnership ‚Unwanted,‘ Activists Charge After Merger

In contrast, the Joint List of Arab-majority parties did not conceal its satisfaction over the move. They sent their blessing to Meretz and Labor over the union, taking into account Israel’s larger political context, but also for probably boosting participation in the Arab electorate. “Members of the Zionist left who believe in Jewish-Arab partnership and in social justice are welcome to join the Joint List,” said Hadash MK Aida Touma-Sliman.

14.01.2020 - 19:41 [ Sueddeutsche ]

Merkel lädt für Sonntag zu Libyen-Treffen in Berlin ein

Der Bürgerkrieg in Libyen tobt seit dem vom Westen unterstützten Sturz des Langzeitherrschers Muammar al-Gaddafi im Jahr 2011. Die Türkei unterstützt die international anerkannte Regierung von Ministerpräsident Al-Sarradsch. Russland stärkt – wie Ägypten, Saudi-Arabien und die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate (VAE) – General Haftar.

14.01.2020 - 19:28 [ Daniel Schwerd ‏/ Twitter ]

Die Bundesregierung hat einen „Beobachter“ in den #Amri-Untersuchungsausschuss entsandt, der schon vor dem Attentat in die Sache verstrickt war. Damit kann er nicht mehr als Zeuge wirken. Das Ganze stinkt zum Himmel.

14.01.2020 - 19:17 [ DailyKos.com ]

Kaine and Lee predict as many as 10 Republicans could support war powers resolution

Lee said that the language of the resolution is unobjectionable, saying it simply states that „additional hostilities against Iran need to be authorized by Congress.“ He added, „That is a perfectly unremarkable statement. […] The fact that this would be objectionable to anyone in either political party is really saying something.“ That‘s particularly true after Kaine agreed to amendments from Republicans to make the resolution applicable to any president, and to ensure that it wouldn‘t force a withdrawal of troops in areas where proxy forces of Iran are present.

14.01.2020 - 19:10 [ theHill.com ]

Up to 10 GOP senators consider bucking Trump on war powers

Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) is circulating a bipartisan resolution that would direct Trump to remove U.S. forces from any hostilities against Iran within 30 days of its enactment.

GOP Sens. Mike Lee (Utah) and Rand Paul (Ky.) have already voiced their support for the measure, and Kaine says about eight more Republicans, including Sens. Susan Collins (Maine), Lisa Murkowski (Alaska), Todd Young (Ind.) and Mitt Romney (Utah), are reviewing it.

14.01.2020 - 19:02 [ Rolling Stone ]

Why Is Congress So Afraid to Use Its War Powers?

Congress’ refusal to act — and the ever-growing powers of the president — means endless war and anxiety for the U.S. and the world

14.01.2020 - 18:58 [ Cynthia Gair / Twitter ]

This is not a monarchy – Vote in Congressional war powers!

@GOP @SenateGOP @SenateDems @DNC #TrumpsWar

14.01.2020 - 18:35 [ Khamenei.ir, Iran's Supreme Leader / Twitter ]

It‘s been repeated recently that Europeans have created #instex financial channel. This is more like a joke, a bitter joke. What they‘re responsible to do is totally different from what they‘re doing. Once again, Europeans stabbed us in the back. We can‘t expect them anything.


14.01.2020 - 18:26 [ Sina Toossi ‏/ Twitter ]

3. Even when European countries had waivers to buy Iranian oil, few did. The „INSTEX“ mechanism—originally aimed at facilitating broad trade—failed to take off even for allowed humanitarian trade.

14.01.2020 - 18:22 [ Radio Utopie ]

Maas und Zarif: Um die Wette heucheln in Teheran


Anstatt die Sanktionen der U.S.-Regierung nach deren einseitiger Aufkündigung des internationalen Atomabkommens (JCPOA) endlich effektiv zu umgehen, haben die Regierungen im Iran und in Deutschland die dafür notwendigen Finanzgesellschaften immer noch nicht umgesetzt.

Am 24. September letzten Jahres versprachen die Regierungen von Russland, China, Großbritannien, Frankreich, Deutschland, sowie die „Europäische Union“, auf einem Treffen der Außenminister und der E.U.-Außenbeauftragten Federica Mogherini am 24. September in New York dem Iran die Aufsetzung einer Finanzgesellschaft („Special Purpose Vehicle“), welche die durch den Vertragsbruch der U.S.A. und deren einseitigen Sanktionen verursachten finanziellen Verluste für Vertragspartner mit dem Iran (Importeure, Exporteure, Konzerne, etc, etc) auffangen solle.

Geschehen ist bis heute effektiv nichts. Die mittlerweile „INSTEX“ („Instrument in Support of Trade Exchange“) getaufte Finanzgesellschaft ist immer noch nicht arbeits-, also zahlungsfähig (wir berichteten bereits).

Heute nun stand Außenminister Heiko Maas schon wieder da, diesmal in Teheran, und redete sich heraus. Man arbeite „sehr intensiv an der Umsetzung“ von INSTEX, so Maas.

14.01.2020 - 18:12 [ Auswärtiges Amt ]

Gemeinsame Erklärung der Außenminister Deutschlands, Frankreichs und des Vereinigten Königreichs zur Nuklearvereinbarung mit Iran

Seit Mai 2018 arbeiten wir gemeinsam daran, die Vereinbarung zu erhalten. Die E3 haben ihre Verpflichtungen aus der Nuklearvereinbarung mit Iran vollständig eingehalten, auch die darin vorgesehene Aufhebung von Sanktionen. Zusätzlich zu der durch unsere vertraglichen Verpflichtungen vorgegebene Aufhebung aller Sanktionen haben wir unermüdlich auf eine Förderung des legitimen Handels mit Iran hingearbeitet, auch durch die Zweckgesellschaft INSTEX.

14.01.2020 - 18:10 [ Auswärtiges Amt ]

Joint statement by the Foreign Ministers of France, Germany and the United Kingdom on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action: 14 January 2020

Since May 2018, we have worked together to preserve the agreement. The E3 have fully upheld our JCPoA commitments, including sanctions-lifting as foreseen under the terms of the agreement. In addition to the lifting of all sanctions, required by our commitments under the agreement, we have worked tirelessly to support legitimate trade with Iran, including through the INSTEX special purpose vehicle.

14.01.2020 - 18:00 [ theHill.com ]

UK, Germany, France move to sanction Iran over nuclear steps

Germany, France and the United Kingdom moved on Tuesday to formally sanction Iran over claims that Tehran has violated the 2015 nuclear agreement.

14.01.2020 - 17:54 [ Tagesschau ]

Europäische Iran-Politik: Letzter Rettungsversuch für Atomdeal

Nach den jüngsten Verstößen des Iran gegen das Atomabkommen erhöht Europa den Druck auf Teheran. Deutschland, Frankreich und Großbritannien starteten gemeinsam den in dem Atomabkommen enthaltenen Streitschlichtungsmechanismus. Dieser könnte in letzter Konsequenz zur Wiedereinsetzung der Sanktionen gegen die Islamische Republik führen.

14.01.2020 - 17:51 [ theHill.com ]

House to vote Wednesday on sending articles of impeachment to Senate

Pelosi did not announce at Tuesday morning‘s House Democratic Caucus meeting which lawmakers will serve as prosecutors — also known as impeachment managers — in the Senate trial.

But the resolution slated to hit the House floor on Wednesday is expected to name the impeachment managers.

14.01.2020 - 16:44 [ junge Welt ]

Chile: Rechtliche Repression

In einem am Sonntag in der rechten Tageszeitung El Mercurio erschienenen Interview erklärte der Justizminister des Landes, Hernán Larraín, die Regierung von Präsident Sebastián Piñera arbeite an einem neuen Versammlungsrecht. Ein entsprechendes Gesetz solle noch in der ersten Hälfte des Jahres in den Kongress eingebracht werden.

14.01.2020 - 16:26 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Die nächste Frontlinie

In Deutschland werden seit geraumer Zeit Forderungen laut, es der U.S. Navy gleichzutun. Dabei wird darauf verwiesen, dass auch Frankreich Kriegsschiffe durch die Taiwan-Straße schickt. In französischen Militärkreisen heißt es, dies geschehe gewöhnlich einmal pro Jahr. Im Juni 2019 hieß es unter Berufung auf hochrangige Beamte in Berlin, im Verteidigungsministerium werde diskutiert, künftig auch deutsche Kriegsschiffe nach Ostasien zu entsenden:

14.01.2020 - 15:42 [ Tagesschau ]

Anschlag am Breitscheidplatz: Erneut Eklat im Amri-Ausschuss

Ein Verfassungsschützer nimmt regelmäßig an Sitzungen des U-Ausschusses zum Anschlag auf dem Breitscheidplatz teil. Dabei hatte er beruflich mit Kontaktleuten des Attentäters zu tun, wie die Regierung nun zugeben muss.

14.01.2020 - 14:27 [ Claire Robinson / GMWatch ]

Researchers assumed CRISPR-mediated disruption of genes was turning them off – but they were wrong

A new study reveals yet another major unintended effect from the CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing tool – with potentially serious implications for the food safety of gene-edited plants. The study found that CRISPR-Cas9 edits intended to knockout the function of a gene fail to do so. Instead, proteins are still produced from the damaged genes, many of which are still functional. The result could be the production of gene-edited plants that are toxic or allergenic.

14.01.2020 - 14:26 [ Radio Utopie ]

US-Militärbehörde D.A.R.P.A. weltweit größter Förderer der „Gen-Drive“-Forschung


Forschungsbehörde des Verteidigungsministeriums der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, D.A.R.P.A., weltweit größter Förderer der „Gen-Drive“-Forschung (Genome Editing und CRISPR-Cas9)

U.S.-Geheimdienstkreise sehr interessiert.

14.01.2020 - 14:23 [ Colin Todhunter / CounterPunch ]

GM in India: Faking it on the Astroturf

With GM crops largely shut out of Europe and many countries reluctant to embrace the technology, Western agro-biotech conglomerates are desperate to seek out and expand into untapped (foreign) markets to maintain profitability. India presents potential rich pickings. And this is the bottom line: GM is not about ‘helping farmers’ or ‘feeding the masses’ (myths that have been deconstructed time and again). It is about hard-nose interests endeavouring to displace existing systems of production and capturing and exploiting markets by any means possible – not least fakery and deception.

14.01.2020 - 14:04 [ BusinessGhana ]

Ghana, Turkey sign MoU towards diplomatic enriching archives

The signing ceremony took place, on Saturday, in Istanbul , Turkey, where Madam Ayorkor Botchwey is leading a high-powered Ghanaian delegation, comprising the Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Export Promotions Authority, Madam Afua Asabea Asare, Chief Executive Officer of the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre (GIPC), Mr Yofi Grant , Mr Edwin Provencal , Chief Executive Officer of the Bulk Oil Storage and Transportation (BOST) and other high level officials from both the public and the private sector.

Regarding Information Privacy, the statement said, any information (document, software and data) and hardware obtained in the context of the joint activities to be carried out under the MoU „shall not be shared with third parties without the written consent of the other Party“.

The MoU may be amended by mutual consent of the Parties through exchange of notes via diplomatic channels, the statement explained.

14.01.2020 - 11:56 [ Politico.com ]

Congress: Senate vote to limit Trump‘s military actions against Iran in limbo

“It should be voted on when everybody’s in the chamber,” he said, noting Tuesday’s presidential debate. “A, I want to pass it. But B, it is the kind of a vote that should not happen with people absent.”

Story Continued Below

Tuesday’s debate will include Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) and Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.).

14.01.2020 - 08:44 [ Ayanna Pressley, Abgeordnete im US Repräsentantenhaus / Twitter ]

I’m so proud to announce my campaign for re-election in 2020. Together, we’ve advocated, legislated, organized & mobilized for progress & to hold this admin accountable.

I can’t wait to continue working along w/ you in the coming year & beyond.

Join us:


14.01.2020 - 07:58 [ i24news.tv ]

Bennett‘s party to run ‚independently‘ ahead of Israel‘s upcoming elections

In a statement released by the party, it said that “The New Right will run as the party of the ideological and liberal Right. This is the only chance of the Right bloc to reach 61 seats and victory.”

Bennett’s party argued that running in parallel to the considerably more religious joint slate of Ministers Bezalel Smotrich and Rafi Peretz and nationalist hardliner Itamar Ben Gvir, would, in total, attract more votes to the parties of the right than unifying all into one slate.

14.01.2020 - 07:53 [ Times of Israel ]

Jewish Home members approve merger with far-right Otzma Yehudit

Vote by right-wing party’s central committee also paves way for alliance with Betzalel Smotrich’s National Union

14.01.2020 - 07:33 [ israelnationalnews.com ]

Barak: Leaving Shaffir out is a ‚serious mistake‘

Former Prime Minister and Defense Minister Ehud Barak on Sunday welcomed the expected union between the Labor and Meretz parties, but expressed concern over the fact that Green Movement chairwoman Stav Shaffir was left out of the alliance.

14.01.2020 - 07:30 [ i24news.tv ]

Israel‘s two historic left-wing parties announce merger

Leaders of the Labor-Gesher and Meretz parties, Amir Peretz and Nitzan Horowitz, stood alongside each other as they announced their merger at a press conference held in Beit Sokolov in Tel Aviv on Monday evening.

“If you want to vote Right you can vote for Likud or Blue and White,” Horowitz said in a tongue-in-cheek manner, placing Benny Gantz’s alliance together with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s right-wing base.

14.01.2020 - 06:59 [ Spiegel ]

Berater-Affäre: Von der Leyen löschte alle SMS auf ihrem Diensthandy

Seit Juni schon fragen die Abgeordneten im Untersuchungsausschuss immer wieder nach möglicherweise relevanten SMS-Nachrichten auf dem Diensthandy von der Leyens. Monatelang wurden sie hingehalten, nun erfuhren sie schriftlich, dass letztlich alle SMS von der Leyens unwiederbringlich gelöscht sind.

Der Ablauf der Löschung liest sich obskur.

14.01.2020 - 06:05 [ i24news.tv ]

Israeli lawmakers approve committee to debate Netanyahu immunity

The lawmakers with Likud and other right-wing parties stormed out of the room amid a heated debate on the legality of the gathering, paving the way to a 16-1 vote overruling a prior vote that granted Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein the power to pick members of the House Committee.

At the start of the gathering, panel chair Avi Nissenkorn (Blue & White party) urged lawmakers to abstain from trying to sabotage the discussion on immunity.

14.01.2020 - 06:01 [ Times of Israel ]

Knesset committee launches Netanyahu’s process

It’s a dry procedural vote — technically an overturning of a previous decision of the Arrangements Committee on December 15 reserving that right to the Knesset speaker — but with dramatic consequences.

14.01.2020 - 05:42 [ CNSNews ]

Sen. Mike Lee: Defense Secretary Should Agree to Support War Powers Resolution

“Well, I‘m worried. And as a United States senator and as a voter and citizen, I have learned not to simply take the federal government‘s word at face value. I mean, look, we were lied to about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. We were lied to for a couple of decades about what was happening in Afghanistan. We have been lied to about a lot of things,” Lee said.

14.01.2020 - 04:06 [ Meagan Day ‏/ Twitter ]

“In my view a woman could be elected president of the United States.” — Bernie Sanders, 1988

14.01.2020 - 04:01 [ New York Times ]

Sanders and Warren Meet and Agree: They Both Are Probably Running


Only the two senators were present and they stated what has become abundantly clear: that they are both seriously considering seeking the Democratic nomination in 2020. But neither Ms. Warren nor Mr. Sanders sought support from the other or tried to dissuade the other from running, said the officials familiar with the meeting.

14.01.2020 - 03:52 [ MJ Lee, CNN political correspondent / Twitter ]

New: In a new statement, Elizabeth Warren says about her meeting with Bernie Sanders in 2018: “I thought a woman could win; he disagreed.”

14.01.2020 - 03:38 [ MJ Lee, CNN political correspondent / Twitter ]

What we just broke on air @CNN: Bernie Sanders told Elizabeth Warren in a private meeting in December 2018 that he did not believe a woman could win, according to four sources.

Full story here, including Sanders‘ aggressive on-the-record pushback:

14.01.2020 - 03:35 [ Des Moines Register ]

Everything you need to know about the latest Iowa Poll results and what they mean

U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders narrowly leads his rivals with 20% of likely Democratic caucusgoers naming him as their first choice. U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren is close behind with 17%.

14.01.2020 - 03:31 [ Time.com ]

6 Democratic Candidates Will Face Off in the Last Debate Before the Iowa Caucuses. Here‘s What to Know

The Democratic National Committee’s (DNC) seventh Democratic debate of this cycle — and the first of the election year — will take place on Jan. 14 at Drake University in Des Moines, Iowa. CNN will co-host the debate with The Des Moines Register and broadcast the event live from 9 to 11 p.m. EST.

14.01.2020 - 03:13 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

EU-Datenbanken: Upgrade für das Schengener Informationssystem

Die Europäische Union baut ihre polizeiliche Datenlandschaft um. Bestehende Systeme werden zusammengelegt und durch neue ergänzt, auch der Kreis der Zugriffsberechtigten ist größer.

14.01.2020 - 02:06 [ Caitlin Johnstone / Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity ]

„Iran Must Begin Acting Like A Normal Nation,“ Says Totally Normal Nation

“We want Iran to simply behave like a normal nation,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a press statement the other day. “We believe that the sanctions we imposed today further that strategic objective.”

14.01.2020 - 02:02 [ Ron Paul / Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity ]

US to Iraq: ‘Vote All You Want, We’re Not Leaving!’

On Thursday Iraqi Prime Minister Mahdi phoned Pompeo to urgently request that Washington enact a US troop “withdrawal mechanism” in Iraq. American troops are in Iraq by invitation of the Iraqi government and the Iraqi government had just voted to revoke that invitation.

The State Department responded with a statement titled “The US Continued Partnership with Iraq,” in which it essentially said that the US would not abide by the request of its Iraqi partners because the US military is a “force for good” in the Middle East and that as such it is „our right“ to maintain „appropriate force posture” in the region.

14.01.2020 - 01:56 [ Ron Paul / antikrieg.com ]

USA an Irak: ‚Stimmt ab, was ihr wollt, wir gehen nicht!‘

Das Außenministerium antwortete mit einer Erklärung unter dem Titel „Die fortgesetzte Partnerschaft der USA mit dem Irak“, in der es im Wesentlichen sagte, dass die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika dem Wunsch ihrer irakischen Partner nicht nachkommen würden, weil das US-Militär eine „Kraft für das Gute“ im Nahen Osten sei und dass es daher „unser Recht“ sei, eine „angemessene Truppenstärke“ in der Region beizubehalten.