On March 1, the U.K. Observer threw a grenade into this extraordinarily fraught situation: a leaked January 31 email from a National Security Agency manager. The NSA manager was demanding a full court espionage press on the members of the Security Council — “minus US and GBR of course,” the manager jocularly said — as well as non-Security Council countries who might be producing useful chatter.
Daily Archives: 31. August 2019
The Whistleblower Who Almost Stopped the Iraq Invasion
Two-time Oscar nominee Keira Knightley is known for being in “period pieces” such as “Pride and Prejudice,” so her playing the lead in the new film “Official Secrets,” scheduled to be released in the U.S. on Friday, may seem odd at first. That is until one considers that the time span being depicted — the early 2003 run-up to the invasion of Iraq — is one of the most dramatic and consequential periods of modern human history.
Druck aus Opposition und Wirtschaft zeigt Wirkung. Berliner Senat rudert zurück. Aktien von Immobilienkonzernen gehen durch die Decke
Die Obergrenzen fallen höher aus und sollen mit der Inflation mitwachsen. Sanierungsaufschläge bleiben zulässig und Mietsenkungen auf das Niveau der Obergrenze sollen nur in Härtefällen möglich sein, wie Bausenatorin Karin Lompscher (Die Linke) am Freitag in Berlin erläuterte.
Lackmustest Landtagswahlen
Die Brandenburger Linke hatte mit ihrer Zustimmung zur Verschärfung des Polizeigesetzes, dem Ausbau des Landesamtes für Verfassungsschutz und der von Datenschützern kritisierten automatischen Kennzeichenerfassung auf Autobahnen Anhänger der Partei nachhaltig verärgert. Dass die Koalition aus SPD und Linken – entgegen der Beschlusslage der sogenannten demokratischen Sozialisten – sogar die Kooperation der Bundeswehr mit Schulen verteidigte und unter besagter Landesregierung selbst die Kinderarmut anstieg, dürfte darüber hinaus zum Vertrauensverlust beigetragen haben.
Thousands March In Moscow Protest Defying Authorities
Thousands of Russians defied authorities and marched in central Moscow, ignoring officials‘ warnings and pressing demands to let independent candidates run in upcoming city council elections.
Proteste in Moskau: Es geht nicht mehr nur um freie Wahlen
Die Opposition in Moskau will erneut demonstrieren – wieder sind die Proteste nicht genehmigt. Es geht dabei längst nicht mehr nur um freie Wahlen. Vor allem junge Menschen wollen eine Veränderung des Systems.
Reuters fake report on Hong Kong is a stain on global journalism
According to a so-called „exclusive“ Reuters report released Friday, Carrie Lam, Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR), submitted a proposal to Beijing earlier this summer that asked for „5 key demands“ from the Hong Kong protesters to be taken seriously but was rejected.
The Global Times has since learned the Reuters story is fake. In fact, it intends to create an illusion by interweaving rumors with public events in an attempt to misguide public opinion.
Enacting emergency laws to block websites would signal an end to Hong Kong’s ‘open internet’, warns industry body
The Hong Kong Internet Service Providers Association (HKISPA) issued a statement on Thursday expressing opposition to reports of a possible blocking of selected internet services in response to recent unrest. The organisation warned that any such measures could cripple the local economy and urged the government to consult the community before imposing any restrictions.
Polizei: Leiter der für „Unabhängigkeit“ plädierenden Hongkonger Gruppen inhaftiert
Chan sagte auf seinem Account des sozialen Netzwerks, dass er am Donnerstagabend auf dem Internationalen Flughafen Hongkong festgenommen wurde, als er sich auf den Abflug vorbereitete.
Chan war Leiter der Hong Kong National Party, einer politischen Gruppe, die von der Regierung der Sonderverwaltungszone Hongkong (HKSAR) für illegal erklärt wurde.
Police fire live round in Victoria Park as Hong Kong‘s protests worsen
– Protesters block major roads in Admiralty and Tsim Sha Tsui, having earlier lit huge fire on Hennessy Road in Wan Chai
– Police water cannons fire blue dye to clear demonstrators on Harcourt Road
Leung Chun-ying says protesters demanding regime change
Leung’s comments come after Xinhua described the ongoing political crisis as a “colour revolution.“
Chinesischer Professor: „Farbrevolution“ wird in Hongkong bestimmt scheitern
Weiter sagte Professor Zhang, einige US-Organisationen wie die US-Nationalstiftung für Demokratie (NED) und der Zentralnachrichtendienst (CIA) hätten durch verschiedene Methoden gewaltlose Bewegungen unter dem Vorwand der Demokratie ermutigt und die Machtübergabe in der arabischen Welt verursacht. Die westlichen Kräfte versuchten zurzeit, die so genannte „Farbrevolution“ in Hongkong durchzuführen und die Wut der Jugendlichen auf die Regierung der Sonderverwaltungszone zu lenken. Dies schade der Wirtschaft Hongkongs und werde noch eine lange Zeit andauern.
Hong Kong police water cannon truck fires blue-coloured water as protesters besiege gov’t HQ
Hong Kong police have deployed water cannon trucks against protesters in Admiralty, firing water with blue dye.
Officers on the scene said over loudspeakers that the dyed water will be used for identifying protesters for later arrest.
Protesters lit fires to block the road near the Hysan Place while being chased away by HK police
Israel‘s Democratic Union Fails to Take Off
Hunting gender-segregated events robs time and energy from the left’s two fundamental raisons d’etre. The first is the struggle against the occupation and racism and the second – safeguarding citizens’ welfare and survival with dignity. As long as the Democratic Union is preoccupied with smoking out religious coercion and fires in the Amazon, it will remain solely within the esoteric borders of its current sector.
Israel is making the case for war, in public, against Lebanon
Israel‘s military went on a propaganda offensive against Iran and Hezbollah using social media to drastically increase tensions with neighboring Lebanon hours after Benjamin Netanyahu warned the nation‘s enemies, in Arabic, to „watch it.“
The Israeli prime minister was on the campaign trail ahead of elections scheduled for September 17. But the barrage of agitprop by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) represented a dramatic shift towards a warning of outright war.
The United States of America was not involved in the catastrophic accident during final launch preparations for the Safir SLV Launch at Semnan Launch Site One in Iran. I wish Iran best wishes and good luck in determining what happened at Site One.
In a Tweet Taunting Iran, Trump Releases an Image Thought to Be Classified
A mysterious explosion on Thursday at an Iranian space center prompted speculation that it was American sabotage, rather than an accident, that was responsible for the third successive failure of Tehran’s efforts to show it could loft satellites into orbit.
As pictures from commercial satellites of a rocket’s smoking remains began to circulate, President Trump denied Friday on Twitter that the United States was involved.
Netanyahu tells Macron ‘now is precisely not the time to talk to Iran’
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke Friday with French President Emmanuel Macron, urging him not to negotiate with Iran at the present time.
Scoop: Netanyahu tried to reach Trump to block Zarif meeting
Netanyahu frantically tried to get President Trump on the phone — who was in back-to-back meetings and couldn’t take the call — while his office contacted multiple senior Trump administration officials, trying to connect the two leaders.
Olmert: „Netanyahu might draw us into war for political gain“
„This aggressive pretentiousness has no purpose other than political gain, and I do not retract my words,“ he added, saying that „it is not coincidental that he made his statement by the side of Moshe Feiglin. I accuse him of possibly drawing us into war for political gain.“
„It‘s unquestionably pure politics and Prime Minister Netanyahu does it unstoppably.
Blue & White party tops Netanyahu in upcoming election: poll
A new i24NEWS/Israel Hayom poll shows the Blue and White political alliance overtaking the ruling Likud party for the first time with less than three weeks until Israel‘s general election on September 17.
The survey shows that if Israeli elections were today, Blue and White – led by former IDF chief Benny Gantz – would receive 32 Knesset (Israeli Parliament) seats to the Likud party‘s 30.
Netanyahu urges boycott of ‘fake’ Channel 12, calls its ‘Our Boys’ anti-Semitic
Earlier the Central Elections Committee rejected a petition from Netanyahu’s Likud party to bar news outlets from publishing transcripts and documents from Netanyahu’s corruption investigations ahead of national elections next month.
Maariv & 103 FM Poll: Likud 32, Blue & White 31, Yamina 10, Joint List 10, Yisrael Beitenu 10
Under 3.25% Electoral Threshold
2.5% [00] Otzma (Ben Gvir)
1.6% [00] Zehut (Feiglin)
Phase 2 Recommendations:
57 [60] Right-Religious Bloc (Have ruled out nominating Gantz for PM)
53 [55] Center-Left-Arab Bloc (Have ruled out nominating Netanyahu for PM)
10 [05] Pushing Unity Government (Lieberman)
In Deal With Far-right Leader, Netanyahu Edges Closer to Reelection. Next Up: The Kahanists
Feiglin was a serious obstacle who was in Netanyahu‘s way – and he was pushed out of the way. Next in line are the Kahanist members of the Otzma Yehudit party. Negotiating with them would be more complicated for Netanyahu, because even our prime minister, who has lost all his brakes and morals over the past few years, wouldn‘t think of offering Itamar Ben-Gvir a ministerial post. Or would he?
Zehut bows out of elections after Netanyahu promises Feiglin a cabinet post
Netanyahu has been putting intense pressure on several small right-wing factions to drop out of the election in September so that their votes don’t get “wasted” if they fail to clear the 3.25-percent threshold for entering the Knesset. As with Zehut, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu or his political representatives have also met over the past two weeks with candidates from the extremist Otzma Yehudit and Noam parties.
Interview zu den Landtagswahlen – „Konzept von Stabilität greift nicht mehr“
heute.de: Halten Sie eine Jamaika-Minderheitsregierung für denkbar? Dass CDU, FDP und Grüne – sollten sie keine Mehrheit haben – Unterstützung suchen bei der Linken und der SPD?
Korte: Ja, das wäre eine moderne Art, geradezu postmodern, wie man eine Regierungsbildung in Vielparteienparlamenten hinbekommt. Die Labilität eines solchen Bündnisses, die man wagen müsste, kann unglaublich vitalisieren.
How Boris Johnson boxed his Brexit opponents in
This makes it clear that the Government is working within the legal stipulations set by Dominic Grieve’s political chicanery, and is responding in kind. So there is nothing unconstitutional or improper here. And if the Commons does not like the move, then it is free to pass a motion of no confidence in the Government. As long as a majority of MPs have confidence in the Government, but disapprove of its Brexit policy, they cannot complain about any legal and constitutional means the Government employs to achieve its objectives.
John Bercow’s Next Job?
As Britain’s EU membership finally comes to an end next month, so (hopefully) will John Bercow’s miserable time as Speaker. Luckily, however, the St Helena Tourism Board have posted a job vacancy perfect for him should he be looking for a new job over the coming weeks.
Boris Johnson will take on Remainer Tories by sacking MPs who vote to block No Deal Brexit
TORY MPs who vote to block a No Deal next week will be sacked from the party, we can reveal.
No10 will bar Remainer rebels from standing at the next general election.
Dominic Cummings reads SPADs the riot act: Furious Brexit mastermind scolds aides for ‚leaking bulls***‘ and tells them they can ‚f*** off‘ if they don‘t like him after advisor was sacked for ‚lying about contact with Remainers‘
– Maverick Brexit chief sent the stark warning at a gathering of advisers tonight
– Showed no regret for dramatic axing of Sonia Khan who he accused of leaks
– Told advisers if they didn‘t agree with his decision, they knew where door was
Sajid Javid‘s media adviser ‚escorted from Downing Street‘ after being sacked by No 10 strategist Dominic Cummings
Boris Johnson‘s gamble is paying off: Tory lead over Labour nearly DOUBLES in three weeks and most voters think the Queen was RIGHT to approve his request to suspend Parliament in his drive to deliver Brexit
– Even a fifth of Labour supporters believe Mr Johnson is doing a good job so far
– They think he has more of the ‚common touch‘ than Jeremy Corbyn
– Only a month into the job, Jo Swinson is seen as a more suitable PM to Corbyn
– The survey puts the Tories on 31 per cent, Labour on 24 and Lib Dems on 21
Sachsen und Brandenburg: Das Bangen der GroKo vor den Wahlen
Die CDU regiert in Sachsen seit der Wende. Doch bei dieser Wahl steht sie unter Druck von rechts. Auch die SPD stellt schmerzlich fest, wie viel Vertrauen im Osten verloren gegangen ist.
Implant Teardown
The implant has access to all the database files (on the victim’s phone) used by popular end-to-end encryption apps like Whatsapp, Telegram and iMessage. We can see here screenshots of the apps on the left, and on the right the contents of the database files stolen by the implant which contain the unencrypted, plain-text of the messages sent and received using the apps:
There‘s something thus far which is conspicuous only by its absence: is any of this encrypted? The short answer is no: they really do POST everything via HTTP (not HTTPS) and there is no asymmetric (or even symmetric) encryption applied to the data which is uploaded. Everything is in the clear. If you‘re connected to an unencrypted WiFi network this information is being broadcast to everyone around you, to your network operator and any intermediate network hops to the command and control server.
This means that not only is the end-point of the end-to-end encryption offered by messaging apps compromised; the attackers then send all the contents of the end-to-end encrypted messages in plain text over the network to their server.
A very deep dive into iOS Exploit chains found in the wild
I recommend that these posts are read in the following order:
Google Hackers Reveal Websites Hacked Thousands of iPhone Users Silently for Years
“To be targeted might mean simply being born in a certain geographic region or being part of a certain ethnic group,” he said. “All that users can do is be conscious of the fact that mass exploitation still exists and behave accordingly; treating their mobile devices as both integral to their modern lives, yet also as devices which when compromised, can upload their every action into a database to potentially be used against them.”
Mysteriöser iOS-Hack: Websites infizierten jahrelang iPhones
Außerdem war die IP-Adresse des Servers, zu dem die Daten versandt wurden, fest in der Malware kodiert. Das erleichtert es, den Angreifer ausfindig zu machen – Google hat aber hierzu keine weiteren Informationen öffentlich gemacht.
Slowakei: Misstrauensantrag gegen Regierungschef
Pellegrini hatte schon nach ersten Medienberichten über diese angeblichen Kontakte der Staatssekretärin Monika Jankovska zum derzeit wegen eines Betrugsverdachts in Untersuchungshaft sitzenden Unternehmer Marian K. erklärt, er werde sie sofort abberufen, wenn sich der Verdacht gegen sie bestätigen sollte. Von Polizei und Staatsanwaltschaft nicht bestätigte Mediengerüchte seien ihm aber für so einen Schritt zu wenig.