(November 28, 2022)
The NIS 58 billion defense budget set for the IDF in the coming year is expected to allow the Israeli military to focus on the threats posed by Iran across the region, with some NIS 3.5b. designated specifically for this.
(November 28, 2022)
The NIS 58 billion defense budget set for the IDF in the coming year is expected to allow the Israeli military to focus on the threats posed by Iran across the region, with some NIS 3.5b. designated specifically for this.
Did the drone strike on the Iranian site – conducted while Israel‘s army chief is in Washington – surprise the Americans?
Kohavi was initially set to meet with Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley, head of the US Central Command Gen. Kenneth McKenzie Jr., and head of the US Special Operations Command Gen. Richard D. Clark, according to The Jerusalem Post.
According to Kochavi, the secrecy, with which the affair was handled, was important „in order to safeguard his privacy and the privacy of his family … while guarding a big secret.“
Kochavi added that the IDF managed to stop „him at the last minute,“ before he caused harm.
THE PRESIDENT: Folks, I’ve just spoken with Prime Minister Netanyahu. Earlier today, I spoke with President Al Sisi of Egypt.
And Minister — Prime Minister Netanyahu informed me that Israel has agreed to a mutual, unconditional ceasefire to begin in less than two hours. The Egyptians have now informed us that Hamas and the other groups in Gaza have also agreed.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s office said Thursday night that the cabinet had unanimously approved the truce without preconditions on the recommendation of all defense officials, including IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kochavi, Shin Bet head Nadav Argaman, Mossad Director Yossi Cohen and National Security Advisor Meir Ben-Shabbat.
The statement said that Israel‘s achievements in Operation Guardian of the Walls were „unprecedented.“
Mit einem Lächeln auf den Lippen betritt Heiko Maas einen Konferenzraum. Streckt Benny Gantz die Hand hin. Der israelische Verteidigungsminister lächelt ebenfalls und schüttelt Maas die Hand. Ziemlich kräftig. Gantz überragt seinen deutschen Kollegen deutlich. Die Szene wirkt herzlich, fast als sähen sich zwei alte Kollegen zum ersten Mal seit Langem wieder.
Everyone knew it at once. Some Israelis hated the idea, others saw it as a blessing in disguise. After all, even if Israel had already lost the war, even if parallel lynch mobs of Israeli Arabs and Israeli Jews were out for rival blood; even if in Israel synagogues were torched and a Muslim cemetery desecrated and sacred texts firebombed to ash, Netanyahu’s death grip on power had been rescued. By Hamas. And by the Jewish scumbag fascist supporters of terror whom Netanyahu had spent recent months coddling and courting and campaigning for.
Explosions shook Gaza City and orange flares lit up the night sky, with airstrikes also reported in the central town of Deir al-Balah and the southern town of Khan Younis. As the sun rose, residents surveyed the rubble from at least five family homes destroyed in Khan Younis. There were also heavy airstrikes on al-Saftawi Street, a commercial thoroughfare in Gaza City.
Germany, Czech Republic and Slovakia‘s top diplomats will arrive in Israel as part of Jerusalem‘s effort to strengthen its legitimacy as it defends itself against Gaza’s terrorist factions
The pro-Palestinian stance of these lawmakers reached unprecedented levels on Wednesday after Reps. Alexandria-Ocasio Cortez, Rashida Tlaib and Mark Pocan introduced a resolution attempting to block a $735 million arms sale to Israel — the first-ever attempt by sitting members of Congress to block such a sale.
The president’s top spokeswoman has repeatedly declined to say whether Israel’s military response in the Gaza Strip was appropriate to the provocation, while many Democrats have not been shy about calling it disproportionate. And Biden and his advisers have stuck to an assertion that liberal Democrats reject as insufficient, the notion that Israel has a right to defend itself.
That has led to sharp criticism of the Biden administration from some Democrats, which otherwise has been rare.
President Donald Trump’s close alliance with Netanyahu may have helped erode the once ironclad bipartisan consensus around Israel. But many Democrats are also waking up to how Trump’s predecessors, including Biden himself during the Obama years, did not stop the steady expansion of Israeli settlements or impose costs on Israel for undermining the prospects of a viable Palestinian state.
The Biden administration notified Congress on May 5 that it approved selling Israel $735 million in weapons, mostly Boeing-made Joint Direct Attack Munitions that can turn so-called dumb bombs into precision-guided missiles.
Wiping out entire families in Israeli bombings was one of the characteristics of the war in 2014. In the roughly 50 days of the war then, UN figures say that 142 Palestinian families were erased (742 people in total). The numerous incidents then and today attest that these were not mistakes: and that the bombing of a house while all its residents are in it follows a decision from higher up, backed by the examination and approval of military jurists.
Israel‘s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared to ignore US President Joe Biden‘s plea for a scaling back of the Israel Defense Force‘s (IDF) retaliatory attacks on Hamas and other Islamists within the Gaza Strip.
Following the release of a transcript detailing the conversation between the two earlier Wednesday, in which Biden called for „significant de-escalation“ on the path to a ceasefire.
US President Joe Biden in a phone call with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Wednesday said that he „expected a significant de-escalation today on the path to a ceasefire,“ according to a readout of the call provided by the White House.
Nach Medienberichten hat Daif bei Angriffen Israels in der Vergangenheit bereits ein Auge, einen Arm und beide Beine verloren.
Im August 2014 kamen während des letzten Gaza-Krieges bei einem Luftangriff Israels im Gazastreifen die Frau des Hamas-Führers sowie zwei seiner Kinder ums Leben.
Two Palestinians were killed and eight others injured on Tuesday on the 9th day of Israel’s continued attacks on the Gaza Strip, raising the death toll in the besieged enclave to 217, including 63 children and 36 women.
Der UNO-Sicherheitsrat hat angesichts der Gewalteskalation in Nahost seine vierte Dringlichkeitssitzung in acht Tagen abgehalten – und erneut ohne eine gemeinsame Erklärung beendet. „Wir glauben nicht, dass eine öffentliche Erklärung zu diesem Zeitpunkt zur Deeskalation beitragen wird“, sagte die US-Botschafterin bei der UNO, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, wie die Nachrichtenagentur AFP gestern aus Diplomatenkreisen erfuhr.
Wie der EU-Außenbeauftragte Josep Borrell am Dienstag nach einer Videokonferenz mit den Ministern, darunter Alexander Schallenberg (ÖVP), mitteilte, blockierte Ungarn eine von ihm vorgeschlagene EU-Positionierung. „Priorität hat der sofortige Stopp aller Gewalt und die Umsetzung einer Waffenruhe“, sagte Borrell. Gründe für die ungarische Blockade nannte der Spanier nicht.
The statement distributed on Monday among the council members calls on the parties to reach a ceasefire and expresses concern for a possible eviction of Palestinian families from the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Jerusalem.
An Israeli official said that the statement was predictable given the „bias“ of the council members. As expected, the United States blocked the passing of the statement by exercising its veto.
President Biden spoke with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday night, their second phone call since Saturday. The president is expressing support for a ceasefire, which comes as fellow Democrats are urging him to do more to stop the violence.
According to the readout of the call, Mr. Biden „reiterated his firm support for Israel‘s right to defend itself against indiscriminate rocket attacks.“ Mr. Biden also „encouraged Israel to make every effort to ensure the protection of innocent civilians.“
Die deutsche Kanzlerin Angela Merkel (CDU) hat Israels Regierungschef Benjamin Netanjahu angesichts des neuen Konflikts zwischen Israel und der radikalislamischen Hamas die Solidarität der deutschen Regierung zugesichert.
Merkel telefonierte heute mit Netanjahu über die aktuelle Eskalation im Nahost-Konflikt, wie Regierungssprecher Steffen Seibert mitteilte.
Like Trump, both Bibi and Hamas have kept power by inspiring and riding waves of hostility to “the other.” They turn to this tactic anytime they are in political trouble. Indeed, they each have been the other’s most valuable partner in that tactic ever since Netanyahu was first elected prime minister in 1996 — on the back of a wave of Hamas suicide bombings.
No, Hamas and Bibi don’t talk. They don’t need to. They each understand what the other needs to stay in power and consciously or unconsciously behave in ways to ensure that they deliver it.
The administration of US President Joe Biden has earlier this month approved the sale of $735 million in precision-guided weapons to Israel, the Washington Post reported on Monday.
According to the outlet, US lawmakers were notified of the move on May 5, well before the latest military escalation between Israel and Gaza Strip-based terrorist groups.
Civilian deaths on both sides raise urgent questions about which military actions are legal, what war crimes are being committed and who, if anyone, will be held to account.
If history serves as a guide, however, after a ceasefire is reached, the conflict will slowly fade from the headlines, the world will go back to its business and the Palestinians will largely be forgotten — yet again. For those who sincerely want to see a just and lasting peace in the Middle East, this time must be different. The world, and especially the Biden administration, cannot look away but must engage on the question of Palestine. It‘s 2021 — a homeland for Palestinian Christians and Muslims is long overdue, as is safety and equality for Palestinians.
Twenty-eight Democratic senators, led by Sen. Jon Ossoff, and eight House Democrats issued joint statements calling for a swift end to the flare-up in order to prevent a further loss of life.
“To prevent any further loss of civilian life and to prevent further escalation of conflict in Israel and the Palestinian territories, we urge an immediate cease-fire,” the senators said.
It’s an awkward public fight for a party that has made its commitment to social and racial justice a main part of its platform. As the US comes to grips with its own history of racism in new ways and adopts the Black Lives Matter movement in a mainstream way, liberals want to apply similar notions of justice to foreign policy, where an increasing number see apartheid in Israel’s approach to the Palestinians.
14 out of 15 Security Council members were in favor of the statement. Only the US was opposed. And since the US has ‘veto power’ at the UN Security Council, they were able to block the resolution.
The U.S. also blocked a similar resolution this past Monday, May 10th, the day that the escalation began.
Two Israeli airstrikes in Gaza killed at least 43 Palestinians — including eight children — and injured 50 others, most of whom were women and children early Sunday, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health. (…)
Defense Minister Benny Gantz said in a Tweet on Saturday that „Israel has no interest in escalation, but is ready for any scenario,“ echoing an Israeli military official, who said on Friday that Israel is prepared to continue hitting „quality targets“ for an „extended period of time.“
Das ist wahnsinnig. Das ist unglaublich, das ist unerträglich und unvorstellbar. Das ist unbeschreibbar. Ich habe das Gefühl, dass die israelischen Piloten jeden Einzelnen von uns, auch die Kinder hassen. Ich kann es mir sonst nicht erklären, wie sie gezielt eine Wohnung bombardieren, obwohl sie sehen, dass da Kinder schlafen (geschlafen haben, denn sie sind jetzt tot). Anzahl der Getöteten, von denen die meisten Zivilisten sind, ist weiter gestiegen. Heute am Freitagabend gibt es 122 Tote, von denen 31 Kinder waren. Waren die Kinder Hamas-kämpfer? Es gibt ca. 800 Verletzte, die zusätzlich zu den vielen an Covid19 Erkrankten behandelt werden müssten – wenn es denn genug Medikamente, Ärzte und Betten gäbe
Gestern Nacht waren die Angriffe heftiger, stärker, und irgendwie anders. Denn das Haus bebte und bebte und bebte. Es wackelt und wackelt und wackelt, wenn die Bomben in der Nachbarschaft fallen. Und die Geräusche sind sehr, sehr beängstigend. Das ist total gruselig. Ich dachte, es handle sich um einen USA Action- Film. Es ist aber LEIDER sehr real. Die vierte Nacht infolge ohne Schlaf, weder ich noch die Kinder und ebenso wenig meine Frau. Dann wurden Gift-Gas-Granaten auf unterschiedliche Stadtviertel in Gaza Stadt und im Norden vom Gazastreifen abgeworfen. Uns brannten gestern Nacht die Augen und wir hatten schlimme Atemproblem.
Das ist ein Horrorfilm und wir sind mittendrin.
In recent days, the United States has on at least three occasions refused to engage in negotiations initiated by Norway and Tunisia aimed at adopting a Security Council statement criticizing Israel’s evictions and demolitions of Palestinian properties in occupied East Jerusalem.
Am Samstag hatte das Militär nach einer Vorwarnung auch das Gebäude in Trümmer gelegt, in dem die Nachrichtenagentur AP und der katarische Fernsehsender Al-Dschasira ihre Büros hatten. Standardmäßig nannte es eine Präsenz der Hamas in dem Haus als Grund und warf Hamas vor, Journalisten als menschliche Schutzschilde benutzt zu haben. AP-Präsident Gary Pruitt sagte dagegen, die Nachrichtenagentur habe seit 15 Jahren in dem Gebäude gearbeitet und keinerlei Hinweise auf eine Anwesenheit der Hamas dort gehabt, obwohl sie dies aktiv und nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen prüfe.
The current casualty toll seems modest and a far cry from the numbers that were circulating in Israel about mass deaths in the tunnels. Netanyahu, who initially planned a big press conference, made do with a short and cautiously worded video. But not all his mouthpieces got the message in time: one of them tweeted about the genius maneuver led by him and the IDF chief, but quickly deleted it. Mainstream media took longer to get the message.
Foreign journalists stationed in Israel and senior editors in international media outlets are enraged over reports in the Israeli media stating that the Israel Defense Forces deliberately misled them as part of a wider scheme against Hamas. Several reporters who spoke with Haaretz said that the incident will lead media to mistrust IDF statements in the future.
An Israeli airstrike destroyed a high-rise building in Gaza City that housed offices of The Associated Press and other media on Saturday, the latest step by the military to silence reporting from the territory amid its battle with the militant group Hamas. (May 15)
The Jala Tower complex in the Gaza Strip is also where the Gaza offices of several international news media outlets are based, including the Associated Press and al-Jazeera.
The tower‘s owner had received a warning from the IDF ahead of the airstrikes, allowing the civilians inside to evacuate, media reports suggest.
( December 3, 2020 )
“Behind me is one of the most advanced war machines in the world, which poses a significant leap forward in the Israeli military’s ability to ensure our strength at sea and in naval operations,” said the military’s chief, Lt. Gen. Aviv Kohavi.
Israel agreed to buy the vessels in a 2015 deal valued at roughly €430 million (U.S. $480 million at the time), with the German government covering about one-quarter of the cost.
Several Israeli businessmen, including confidants of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and a former commander of the Navy, are suspects in a graft scandal connected to the purchase of the warships and submarines from German conglomerate ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems.
“This is where we need the intervention of the international community,” Rivlin insisted – “not in the field of international law, which is being cynically exploited for political means in order to weaken the State of Israel.”
„Wir teilen die Sorge um die Sicherheit Israels und wir teilen das Ziel, die Entwicklung und den Erwerb von nuklearen Waffen durch den Iran auszuschließen“, so Van der Bellen.
Der Bundespräsident plädierte gleichzeitig für einen „Weg zurück an den Verhandlungstisch“. Er verwies in diesem Zusammenhang darauf, dass im Gegensatz zu Österreich Israel dem Wiener Iran-Atomabkommen von 2015 skeptisch gegenübersteht.
Von Wien aus reist er nach Paris weiter, wo er am Donnerstag Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron trifft.
Im Mittelpunkt von Rivlins Europa-Tournee steht laut israelischen Medienberichten der Iran-Atomdeal sowie die jüngst angekündigten Ermittlungen des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs (IStGH) zu Kriegsverbrechen in den Palästinensergebieten. Rivlin wird auf der Reise vom israelischen Generalstabschef Aviv Kohavi begleitet.
“We trust that our European friends will stand by us in the important fight on the misuse of the International Criminal Court against our soldiers and civilians,” he said.
IDF Chief of Staff Aviv Kohavi, who accompanied Rivlin on the trip, said Israeli soldiers “do everything” to avoid harming innocent civilians.
McKenzie’s arrival – he is scheduled to spend one day in Israel – is the first high-level visit by a top American official since Joe Biden was sworn in as president last week.
Israel’s top general said on Tuesday that its military was refreshing its operational plans against Iran and that any U.S. return to a 2015 nuclear accord with Tehran would be “wrong.”