On behalf of the American people, I congratulate Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, Alternate Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, and all the members of the new Israeli cabinet. I look forward to working with Prime Minister Bennett to strengthen all aspects of the close and enduring relationship between our two nations.
Daily Archives: 13. Juni 2021
Netanyahu loses office for the first time in 12 years, making way for Naftali Bennett.
The long and divisive reign of Benjamin Netanyahu, the dominant Israeli politician of the past generation, officially ended on Sunday, at least for the time being, as the country’s Parliament gave its vote of confidence to a precarious coalition government stitched together by widely disparate anti-Netanyahu forces.
Israel’s Parliament, the Knesset, approved the new government by just a single vote — 60 to 59, with one abstention.
WATCH: Opposition leader and former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu moves to his new seat in the opposition after Naftaly Bennet was voted in as Israel’s new Prime Minister.
And that’s it, Naftali Bennett is swearing loyalty as the 13th prime minister of Israel. Get used to saying “former prime minister Netanyahu”
Israeli Knesset voted 60:59 for the Bennett-Lapid government
Moments of announcement #Israel36gov
The Knesset vote for the new Israeli government has begun.
The 67 votes in favor of Mickey Levy consist not only of the 61 members of the new coalition but also the 6 members of the Joint List, which is a little surprising.
Levy gives his inaugural speech.
Yesh Atid‘s Mickey Levy is elected Speaker of the Knesset, replacing Yair Levin, with immediate effect.
The Knesset has started to vote on a new Speaker, who will then preside over the vote for the new government.
Benny Gantz making last speech in debate before the vote to appoint a new Knesset Speaker, preceding confidence vote. He’ll remain defense minister in the new government but no longer “alternate prime minister.”
Welcome the extremely photogenic and adorable family of Israel‘s next prime minister, Naftali Bennett.
The Bennett children making heart shapes as their father speaks and is heckled. Quite a change from the current first son.
Shameful display in Knesset ahead of new gov‘t swearing-in – COMMENT
The shameful scene also revealed that indeed, it was high time for the outgoing members of the government to head to the opposition. As Lapid said, their behavior reminded him why it was so important to replace them. Their concept of democracy and free speech has been distorted beyond recognition by too much time in power.
Protesters outside the Knesset in a celebratory mood, dancing and singing to mark the ouster of Israel‘s longest-serving prime minister who was indicted on four corruption charges
Bennett-Lapid Government Set to Assume Power. But When Is Netanyahu Moving Out?
Israel, unlike many countries, lacks a detailed protocol for the transfer of power, but the Basic Law on the Government explicitly states that “the government shall be established once the Knesset has expressed confidence in it, and the ministers shall thereupon assume office.”
Column: Israel is trying to oust Bibi Netanyahu. But will he really go?
So is this the end of the road for the man who has been the dominant Israeli political figure of his era? Is this the beginning of a sharp change in direction for Israel?
My advice? Don’t bet the house on it. And don’t count him out until you hear the prison doors clang shut behind him.
When is the Knesset vote?
Natasha Bates Replying to
After the MKs have dinner. Maybe in an hour.
Boring party statements now. Starting with concentrated sycophancy from Likud’s Yoav Kisch
Netanyahu does a little walkabout in the plenum, glad-handling Likudniks. Interestingly, he ignores Nir Barkat whose already launched his own unofficial Likud leadership campaign.
Can Netanyahu say just what he likes?
The storyteller said he was convinced at that moment that Netanyahu himself believed it.
If apocryphal, it is definitely in character. Netanyahu regularly embraces bad ideas or even lies so totally that he convinces himself of their rightness. Others start to believe them too. His outlandish idea, uttered in a speech, was that Hitler would have been happy with just expelling Jews if a Palestinian, the then grand mufti of Jerusalem, had not suggested annihilation instead.
Netanyahu attacks Bennett on Iran issue: he always does the opposite of what he says
Netanyahu compared the current U.S. policy on Iran to the American refusal to carry out bombing missions to hinder the Nazi genocide of the Jews during the Second World War. „The new U.S. administration has asked me to keep our disagreements under wraps,“ Netanyahu said. „But I told them we won‘t do it and I‘ll tell you why. The lessons of history are in front of my eyes. In 1944, at the height of the Holocaust, President Roosevelt refused to bomb the trains and the gas chambers, what could have saved many of our people,“ Netanyahu said.
knesset, livestream, english
Honestly, disgusting brats. They won‘t let PM designate Naftali Bennett get a word out of his mouth. #schande
ישיבת מליאה לבחירת יו“ר הכנסת ה-24 וכינון הממשלה ה-36
על-פי החלטת הוועדה המסדרת, הדיון יהיה דיון סיעתי – כשלכל אחת מ-13 סיעות הבית יוקצו 9 דקות לנאום.
בפתח הדיון יישאו דברים נפתלי בנט, יאיר לפיד ובנימין נתניהו.
Post-Netanjahu-Ära: Israel versucht Zeitenwende
Am Sonntag endet wohl die Ära von Benjamin Netanjahu – herbeigeführt durch ein Duo, das von ihm – fast – alles gelernt hat: In Israels Parlament, der Knesset, findet die Vertrauensabstimmung über die Links-bis-rechts-Koalition von Jair Lapid und Naftali Bennett statt.
Am Sonntag um 16 Uhr Lokalzeit (15 Uhr unserer Zeit) findet in der Knesset die Abstimmung zur neuen israelischen Regierung statt.
Grüne lehnen Kampfdrohnen nicht generell ab
Kanzlerkandidatin Annalena Baerbock hatte in ihrer Parteitagsrede bereits betont, dass Menschenrechte hier grundsätzlich mehr Gewicht haben sollten als wirtschaftliche Interessen.
Die deutsch-russische Gaspipeline Nord Stream 2, die von der Regierungskoalition aus Union und SPD befürwortet wird, lehnen die Grünen aus geopolitischen und Klimaschutz-Gründen ab.
Kritik des Bundesrechnungshofs – Meldeten Kliniken falsche Intensiv-Zahlen?
„Das RKI äußerte gegenüber dem BMG mit Schreiben vom 11. Januar 2021 die Vermutung, dass Krankenhäuser zum Teil weniger intensivmedizinische Behandlungsplätze meldeten, als tatsächlich vorhanden waren.“
Der BRH merkte jedoch an, dass Intensivkapazitäten teils rückwirkend korrigiert wurden.
Dass es lange Zeit keine einheitliche Definition gab, was genau ein Corona-Intensivbett ausmacht, haben diverse Gremien und Forscher immer wieder kritisiert.
Ursprung von Sars-CoV-2: Nach 18 Monaten immer noch im Dunkeln
Auch bei dem in der kommenden Woche in Brüssel anstehenden EU-USA-Gipfel wird eine entsprechende Erklärung dieses Inhalts erwartet. Im Entwurf der Erklärung heißt es, eine „transparente, faktengestützte und von Experten geleitete“ Untersuchung unter Leitung der WHO sei notwendig. Diese müsse „frei von Beeinflussungen“ stattfinden.
Kurz vor NATO-Gipfel: Laschet fordert höhere Verteidigungsausgaben
Vor dem NATO-Gipfel am Montag hat sich Unions-Kanzlerkandidat Laschet für ein stärkeres sicherheitspolitisches Engagements Deutschlands ausgesprochen. Dazu gehöre auch ein Bekenntnis zum Zwei-Prozent-Ziel.
Appell an die Politik: Millionäre fordern höhere Steuern
Unter anderem schlagen sie vor, die Vermögenssteuer wiedereinzuführen. Sie fordern zudem eine Vermögensabgabe im Falle einer Schuldenbremse und striktere Regeln gegen Steuervermeidung. Die bevorstehenden Wahlen böten „eine einmalige Gelegenheit“, die Orientierung von Vermögen am Wohle der Allgemeinheit zu stärken, heißt es in dem Appell.