Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit, who earlier this year recommended to indict the long-serving prime minister on charges of bribery and fraud, has been ordered by the High Court to come up with a legal opinion on the matter 48 hours before the court assembles to debate it.
Daily Archives: 24. Dezember 2019
Jordan Valley annexation plans halted after ICC statement
Plans of Israel‘s incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to annex the West Bank’s Jordan Valley have reportedly entered a “deep freeze”over concerns that it could potentially intensify confrontation with the International Crime Court.
Israel bans officials from public discussions on ICC probe strategy
The move was initiated by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Ministers speaking on condition of anonymity were cited as saying that public discussion and media media coverage of Israel‘s efforts to forestall the ICC from launching its probe could potentially compromise Israel‘s national interests.
Newsweek reporter quits after editors block coverage of OPCW Syria scandal
According to whistleblower testimony and leaked documents, OPCW officials raised alarm about the suppression of critical findings that undermine the allegation that the Syrian government committed a chemical weapons attack in the city of Douma in April 2018. Haddad’s editors at Newsweek rejected his attempts to cover the story. “If I don’t find another position in journalism because of this, I’m perfectly happy to accept that consequence,” Haddad says. “It’s not desirable. But there is no way I could have continued in that job knowing that I couldn’t report something like this.”
Guest: Tareq Haddad, journalist who recently resigned from Newsweek over its refusal to cover the OPCW’s Syria scandal.
Mercenaries flock to Libya raising fears of prolonged war
A new wave of mercenaries from Sudan is fighting in Libya, deepening concerns that the conflict in the north African state has descended into an intractable international war that could destabilise much of the region.
Leaders of two different groups of Sudanese fighters active in Libya have told the Guardian that they had received hundreds of new recruits in recent months. Both groups were fighting with the Libyan National Army (LNA) led by General Khalifa Haftar against the internationally recognised government in Tripoli.
Trump could resign sparked by Senate trial Scaramucci says
The Donald Trump impeachment trial in the Senate could include testimony under oath by Mick Mulvaney, John Bolton, Rudy Giuliani, and Mike Pompeo. How would the president respond? Joy Reid and her panel discuss.
Poll: Trump approval rating nears 50 percent heading into 2020
Forty-nine percent of Americans surveyed said they approve of the president’s job performance, up from 46 percent from the previous Dec. 8-9 poll. Fifty-one percent said they disapprove, a drop from 54 percent earlier this month.
Obama talks up Warren behind closed doors to wealthy donors
Last week, more than 200 lower- and mid-level Obama staffers who worked on his presidential campaigns and in his administration threw their support behind Warren.
It Seemed Like a Popular Chat App. It’s Secretly a Spy Tool.
A technical analysis and interviews with computer security experts showed that the firm behind ToTok, Breej Holding, is most likely a front company affiliated with DarkMatter, an Abu Dhabi-based cyberintelligence and hacking firm where Emirati intelligence officials, former National Security Agency employees and former Israeli military intelligence operatives work. DarkMatter is under F.B.I. investigation, according to former employees and law enforcement officials, for possible cybercrimes. The American intelligence assessment and the technical analysis also linked ToTok to Pax AI, an Abu Dhabi-based data mining firm that appears to be tied to DarkMatter.
Where Even the Children Are Being Tracked
As they go about their daily lives, many Pasadena residents we spoke with, like the rest of us, frequent locations whose populations for one reason or another could be vulnerable — because they attend mosques or synagogues or work at secure facilities, like NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. We plucked one scientist at the lab out of the data, and when we tracked him down in real life and explained how we did it, he was alarmed. “Somebody who might want to get some information from [the lab] for instance, they might target me,” the scientist told us. “This will be a treasure trove for any spying agency, I would presume.” He asked that we preserve his anonymity in this story.
There has been literally not a word on this from the ‘internationalist’ TUC. Our fellow workers are engaged in mass strike action just a few miles across the Channel, and the voice of the British trade union movement is silent. Totally shameful.
Proteste gegen Rentenreform: Bahnstreik in Frankreich gilt auch Heiligabend
Das gesetzliche Renteneintrittsalter liegt derzeit bei 62 Jahren. Macron will auf Rentenpunkte umstellen, die für alle Franzosen gleichermaßen gelten sollen – Sonderrechte würden abgeschafft.
Gegen das Vorhaben regt sich jedoch massiver Widerstand.
AK: Vermögen in Österreich besonders ungleich verteilt
Alleine das reichste Prozent der Bevölkerung besitzt 22,6 Prozent des gesamten Nettovermögens. Die reichsten fünf Prozent verfügen über 43,1 Prozent des Gesamtvermögens, die reichsten zehn Prozent haben 56,4 Prozent in ihrem Eigentum. Die reichsten 20 Prozent, also das reichste Fünftel, zählt 72,8 Prozent des Gesamtvermögens zu ihrem Besitz.
Centre-left at latest election
UK Labour
Lowest seats since 1935
Lowest since 1945
2nd lowest since 1949
Lowest ever
Lowest ever
Lowest ever
Lowest since 1908
2nd lowest since 1962
Maybe it‘s not just about Brexit?
The New Right revolution
Very recently it was common to hear people ask, with a genuine puzzlement, what had happened to the prospect of a mildly centrist, progressive, pro-European political force. The December 2019 election has shattered that possibility, perhaps for ever. The Blairites in the Labour Party are a tiny, uninfluential rump. Their vocal media cheerleaders are an anachronism. The Europhile progressives who quit their parties have been everywhere rejected, not least because of Britain’s brutal first-past-the-post voting system. The Liberal Democrats have been decapitated.
But beyond the current lack of individual leaders, there is a yawning gap of vision.
Italienisches Abgeordnetenhaus billigt Budgetgesetz
Geplant sind unter anderem eine Websteuer, eine Plastiksteuer und eine Zuckersteuer. Auch ein stärkerer Kampf gegen Steuerhinterziehung soll mehr Geld bringen. Dazu will die Regierung auch den Gebrauch des Bargelds zurückdrängen und mehr Anreize für elektronische, also nachverfolgbare Zahlungen schaffen.
NATO: Durchmarsch Richtung Osten
Es wird die umfangreichste Verlegung von US-Truppen nach Europa seit mehr als einem Vierteljahrhundert sein: das Großmanöver »Defender Europe 20«, mit dem die Mächte des Westens schon bald nach den Feiertagen das neue Jahrzehnt einläuten wollen.
Global Hawk: Neue NATO-Drohnen fliegen im Korridor über Deutschland
Die NATO nimmt im kommenden Halbjahr ihr erstes unbemanntes Überwachungsprogramm in Betrieb. Die Bundeswehr bezahlt rund ein Drittel aller Ausgaben und stellt 14 Piloten. Bereits die zweite von insgesamt fünf Drohnen ist auf einem Stützpunkt in Sizilien angekommen. Nun ist erstmals bekannt geworden, wo sie fliegen sollen.
The Christmas Truce of 1914: Abolish All Wars. Indict Today’s War Criminals in High Office
Under the Nuremberg Charter, wars of aggression are the ultimate crime: „The Crime against Peace“. US and allied troops have a Duty to Disobey unlawful orders
Weihnachten 1914 legten einhundertundtausend Soldaten die Waffen nieder
Vor einhundert Jahren, am ersten Heiligen Abend des Ersten Weltkrieges, folgten deutsche, englische und französische Soldaten in den Schützengräben, die an der Westfront in Belgien und Frankreich gekämpft hatten, nicht den Befehlen der Generäle sondern den natürlichen ihres Herzens. Diese Nacht schrieb Geschichte, die im englischen als „Christmas Truce“ bezeichnet und der bis heute in einen viel grösseren Ausmass in den U.S.A. und Grossbritannien als in Deutschland in den Kirchen gedacht wird, vor allem auch mit dem Lied „Christmas in the Trenches“.
Ron Paul: Die wirkliche Bedeutung des Waffenstillstands zu Weihnachten 1914
Die ermutigende Botschaft, die wir dem weihnachtlichen Waffenstillstand von vor 100 Jahren entnehmen sollten ist, dass die meisten Menschen sich nicht gegenseitig umbringen wollen, wenn sie die Möglichkeit dazu haben. Beim Nürnberger Kriegsverbrecherprozess sagte der Naziführer Hermann Göring: „Natürlich wollen die einfachen Menschen keinen Krieg, weder in Russland, noch in England, noch in Amerika, und auch nicht in Deutschland.“ Aber, so fügte er hinzu: „Die Menschen können immer dazu gebracht werden, das zu tun, was ihre Führer wollen. Das ist leicht. Alles was man dazu machen muss ist ihnen zu sagen, dass sie angegriffen werden, und die Pazifisten verurteilen wegen mangelndem Patriotismus, und weil sie das Land in Gefahr bringen. Das wirkt in allen Ländern auf die gleiche Weise.“