The New York Times gained one of the first inside views by a news organization of life under lockdown in Kashmir and found a population that felt besieged, confused, frightened and furious by the seismic events of this week.
Daily Archives: 10. August 2019
Top U.S. diplomat for Western Hemisphere, Kimberly Breier, to step down
“The WHA team has many successes to its credit, from launching a productive relationship with the new government in Mexico, to our unprecedented Venezuela policy, to taking full advantage of the new era in South America and beyond,“ Breier wrote, expressing satisfaction with her accomplishments during her nearly 10 months in office.
FBI wants to monitor Facebook and Instagram for domestic threats in real time
This is not the first time the FBI has sought access to a wide array of social media data. In 2016, the agency announced it had hired the social media analysis company Dataminr to allow law enforcement to „search the complete Twitter firehose, in near real-time, using customizable filters.“ Dataminr, which looks at open source information only, is also contracted by media outlets including CNN.
Jeffrey Epstein RIP: But Many More Questions Remain to be Answered
So, he is dead but did he do it himself or was he helped? There are many prominent individuals and powerful government agencies that will be very pleased that he is gone as most of his secrets will have gone to the grave with him.
Top intel official interrupted meeting to urge his deputy to resign
When discussing his attempt to replace Coats with Texas Republican Rep. John Ratcliffe on July 30, the President told reporters that intelligence community needed „somebody like that that‘s strong and can really rein it in. As you‘ve all learned, the intelligence agencies have run amok. They‘ve run amok.“
He reportedly tried to kill himself two weeks ago. And is allowed to finish the job now? Bullshit.
Ocasio-Cortez demands ‚answers‘ after Epstein found dead in jail cell
Multiple media outlets reported Saturday that Epstein‘s body was discovered in his jail cell about 7:30 a.m. at the Metropolitan Correctional Center (MCC).
Many immediately began questioning the details surrounding his death after Epstein was reportedly put on suicide watch in late July following a possible suicide attempt.
Regierungskrise in Italien: Treffen für Dienstag geplant
In der Regierungskrise in Italien sollen in der kommenden Woche auch die Vorsitzenden der Fraktionen der Abgeordnetenkammer in Rom zusammenkommen. Kammerpräsident Roberto Fico habe den Termin für Dienstagmittag anberaumt, berichtete die Nachrichtenagentur ANSA gestern Abend. Am Montag sollen bereits die Fraktionsvorsitzenden des Senats zusammenkommen.
Sonntagsfrage zur Bundestagswahl • Forsa für RTL/n-tv: CDU/CSU 26 % | GRÜNE 25 % | AfD 13 % | SPD 12 % | FDP 8 % | DIE LINKE 8 % | Sonstige 8 %
Deutsches Unternehmen setzt US-Embargo gegen Venezuela um
Die deutsche Firma Sedo, ein international tätiger Domainhändler, hat am Dienstag sämtliche Konten venezolanischer Bürger und Unternehmen „mit sofortiger Wirkung“ geschlossen.
Türkei: Proteste gegen Goldgruben
Der kanadische Konzern hat nach eigenen Angaben ein mehr als 1.500 Hektar großes Areal erworben. In diesem Goldgrubengebiet seien bisher rund 200.000 Bäume gefällt worden, erklärte Doganay Tolunay, Forstwirtschaftsprofessor an der Universität Istanbul, am Freitag
The Mississippi raid: Trump’s attack on immigrants and his Democratic enablers
Photographs taken at a Mississippi gym on Wednesday night show children of immigrant detainees, some as young as four years old, huddled together, many of them crying or visibly traumatized by the arrest of their father, their mother, or both.
I’m at the airport in Dallas, waiting for my flight home to DC from El Paso, and something incredible is happening.
Little girl sobs for her father after he was taken during the Mississippi ICE raids. She pleads for him to be let go: „I need my dad.“
On the 1st day of school in Mississippi, kindergarteners were begging ICE agents to see their parents. This cruel raid had one purpose: to terrorize and torment. If you aren’t outraged, you aren’t paying attention #defundhate #defundICE #AbolishICE #FamiliesBelongTogether
Razzia in den USA: 680 Migranten bei der Arbeit festgenommen
Laut Staatsanwaltschaft wurden sie am Mittwoch in lebensmittelverarbeitenden Betrieben von der Einwanderungspolizei ICE in Gewahrsam genommen. Ein örtlicher Fernsehsender zeigte, wie die Kinder der festgenommenen Migranten weinten und nach ihren Eltern riefen.
Children of undocumented immigrants arrested in Mississippi rely on strangers for food and shelter
12 News reporter Alex Love was granted permission to talk to community leaders and the children.
Children relied on neighbors and strangers to pick them up outside their homes after school. They drove the children to a community center where people tried to keep them calm. But many kids could not stop crying for mom and dad.
Mississippi Communities Still In Shock Following ICE Raids And Arrests
Communities are still in shock in Mississippi following the arrest of some 680 people this week for suspected immigration violations. Federal authorities made the arrests at food processing plants across the state. About 300 of the people who were picked up have been released and given orders to appear before an immigration judge. The rest are being held in detention facilities in Mississippi and Louisiana.
‚Let them go!‘: Tears, shock over ICE raids at Mississippi food processing plants
Workers filled three buses — two for men and one for women — at a Koch Foods Inc. plant in tiny Morton, 40 miles east of Jackson. They were taken to a military hangar to be processed for immigration violations. About 70 family, friends and residents waved goodbye and shouted, „Let them go! Let them go!“ Later, two more buses arrived. A tearful 13-year-old boy whose parents are from Guatemala waved goodbye to his mother, a Koch worker, as he stood beside his father. Some employees tried to flee on foot but were captured in the parking lot.
Sonntagsfrage zur Landtagswahl in Brandenburg (#ltwbb) • Forsa/MAZ: AfD 21 % | CDU 18 % | SPD 17 % | GRÜNE 16 % | DIE LINKE 14 % | FDP 5 % | BVB/FW 4 % | Sonstige 5 %
Who’s Afraid of Tulsi Gabbard?
The lawmakers talks about the environment, war, nuclear safety, the media, pay-for-play politics, and the 2020 presidential race in a new Rolling Stone podcast
The average donation to our campaign: $19. The most common profession: teachers. I don’t sit around in wealthy people‘s living rooms and leave with thousands of dollars. We are building a movement of working people.
Debatte über Haushalt: Schwarze Null „ökonomisch unklug“?
Der deutsche Staat kann derzeit mit Schuldenmachen Geld verdienen. Ein Beispiel: Wenn der Staat sich bei Anlegern 100 Euro leiht, muss er später nur 99,50 Euro zurückzahlen. Die Differenz kann er behalten. Inzwischen gilt dieser Negativzins auch für Staatsanleihen mit einer sehr langen Laufzeit von 30 Jahren. Der Grund dafür ist, dass deutsche Staatsanleihen bei Anlegern als sicher gelten.
Do not forget Julian #Assange. Or you will lose him. I saw him in Belmarsh prison and his health has deteriorated. Treated worse than a murderer, he is isolated, medicated and denied the tools to fight the bogus charges of a US extradition. I now fear for him. Do not forget him.
Excellent rebuttal of CNN‘s biased story on Assange‘s time in the embassy from an Ecuadorian diplomat who worked at the embassy for 6 years of Assange‘s stay (and knows what actually happened):
CNN did not learn the lesson from the Manafort hoax 40 Rebuttals to CNN’s Bias on Assange
Having worked as a diplomat at the Ecuadorian embassy in London for six out of the seven years that Julian Assange lived there as a political refugee, unlike others, I am privy to what actually happened there. I am alarmed by CNN’s June 15th 2019 story, alleging Assange turned the Ecuadorian embassy in London into a command post for election meddling.
The story contains several substantive shortcomings and too many factual errors. I warned CNN about them when I was approached during their „investigation,“ but none of my points were included in the article.
Deutsche Medien und Julian Assange: Schweigen und Verunglimpfung
Als Assange im April von der britischen Polizei aus der ecuadorianischen Botschaft gezerrt und illegal in das Hochsicherheitsgefängnis Belmarsh verschleppt wurde, hatten ihn führende Zeitungen – darunter die Bild-Zeitung, die taz und die Süddeutsche Zeitung – denunziert oder seine Festnahme sogar enthusiastisch begrüßt. Nun, da ihre falschen Anschuldigungen gegen Assange von höchstrichterlicher Stelle widerlegt wurden, bringt es kaum eine deutschsprachige Zeitung fertig, über dieses wichtige politische Ereignis auch nur zu berichten.
Der einzige Artikel, der neben der Berichterstattung der WSWS bei einer Google-Suche auftaucht, erschien am 31. Juli, also einen Tag nach Zurückweisung der Klage, unter der Überschrift „US-Urteil: WikiLeaks durfte Mails aus Demokraten-Hack veröffentlichen“ auf Spiegel Online. Der Artikel ist ein Hohn auf eine objektive Berichterstattung. Er steht beispielhaft für die Selbstgleichschaltung der bürgerlichen Medien und ihre Rolle als Propagandawerkzeug der Geheimdienste und der Bundesregierung.
Italy Faces Its Moment of Truth on the Euro
Most important, the League leader will have to decide where he really stands on fundamental questions that he has dodged so far – from Italy’s economic policy to its place in the euro zone and the European Union. Before now he could blame his weak coalition partner, the Five Star leader Luigi Di Maio, or his technocratic finance minister Giovanni Tria for any difficulties. The easy ride is over.
Scandals Aren’t Enough to Stop Salvini
It’s an index of the Left’s impotence that its main hope of stopping Matteo Salvini today lies in some sort of institutional “fix” to prevent early elections.
Not decided if we‘ll run alone-Salvini
Interior Minster Matteo Salvini said Friday that he has not decided whether his League party will run alone or allied with other groups in eventual early elections. „Nothing has been decided about whether we‘ll run alone,“ he said.
Salvini greift nach der Macht: Der gefährlichste Populist Europas
Der Chef der italienischen Lega ist gut für einen erfolgreichen Wahlkampf aufgestellt. Salvini als italienischer Ministerpräsident – ein Gedanke, der Gänsehaut verursacht.
Italien: Matteo Salvini ist kaum noch aufzuhalten
Nicht Salvini, sondern dem amtierenden Staatspräsidenten Sergio Mattarella fällt jetzt eine Schlüsselrolle zu. Mattarella hätte eine Reihe guter Gründe, keine schnellen Neuwahlen auszurufen. Dazu gehört, dass nicht nur Italien Stabilität braucht, sondern auch die Europäische Union.
Massiver Stromausfall sorgt in Großbritannien für Chaos
UK power cuts: Almost a million customers left without electricity as massive National Grid failure causes travel chaos
The National Grid Electricity System Operator later said issues with two generators were to blame for blackouts across London and the southeast, midlands, southwest, northeast and northwest.
Now No 10 cancels all holidays for aides in the latest sign that Boris Johnson is gearing up for a day-after Brexit election after he fast-tracks a spending review to fulfil pledges on police, the NHS and schools
– PM ordered fast-track spending review to make good on police, NHS pledges
– The move has fueled raging speculation about an imminent general election
– Allies say Mr Johnson would set poll date after Brexit if he loses confidence vote
– Move would frustrate Remainer efforts to stop him going through with No Deal
– PM has repeatedly refused to rule out setting the election date for November
No Deal Brexit bailout fund to stop some of Britain‘s biggest employers going out of business if the UK crashes out the EU is being planned by Boris Johnson‘s ‚war cabinet‘
– The Prime Minister has created a list of British employers considered at risk
– It comes after the country‘s economy shrunk for first time in seven years
– Economy is the lowest it has been in a decade, prompting fears of recession
Boris Johnson tells Civil Service to ‘urgently and rapidly’ prepare for no-deal Brexit
The Prime Minister said laying the groundwork for leaving the EU without a Withdrawal Agreement was now the Government’s “top priority”.
Mr Johnson set out the change of pace in a letter to all Whitehall staff.
Buckingham Palace and Downing Street plan to keep the Queen out of looming constitutional crisis over Brexit
The conversation was prompted by growing speculation that politicians will try to force the Queen to get involved if Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister, loses a no-confidence vote early next month.