Scharfe Kritik äußert FIAN unter anderem an dem Africa Agriculture and Trade Investment Fund (AATIF), den das Bundesentwicklungsministerium aufgelegt hat und an dem die Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau und die Deutsche Bank beteiligt sind.
Daily Archives: 3. Dezember 2018
Trumps Außenpolitik: Das Gleiche tun und ein anderes Ergebnis erwarten
Nun, hier sind einige unaufgeforderte Ratschläge für den Präsidenten: Hören Sie auf die Menschen, die Sie gewählt haben, die genug davon haben, dass die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika die Polizei der Welt sind. Die Ukraine und Russland sollen mit ihren eigenen Probleme selbst fertig werden. Werfen Sie alle Ihre „Experten“ hinaus und beginnen Sie von vorne mit einer echten proamerikanischen Außenpolitik: dem Nicht-Interventionismus.
Trump Foreign Policy: Doing the Same Thing and Expecting a Different Result
Well here’s some unsolicited advice to the president: Listen to the people who elected you, who are tired of the US as the world’s police force. Let Ukraine and Russia work out their own problems. Give all your “experts” a pink slip and start over with a real pro-American foreign policy: non-interventionism.
Syngenta-Konzern wegen Mordes an MST-Aktivist in Brasilien schuldig gesprochen
Damals besetzten 150 Mitglieder der internationalen Bewegung der Kleinbauern „Via Campesina“ ein Experimentierfeld für genmanipulierte Agrarpflanzen der Syngenta. Es lag in Nachbarschaft zum Nationalpark Iguaçu, im Westen des Bundesstaates Paraná
Confessions of a pro-Brexit millennial
It’s 2014, and I’m sitting in a university classroom in England. Right now, I’m a dance educator and studying for a more theoretical MA in the subject at the same time. This class is about contextualising performance practices within the political sphere. But most art isn’t political, I think. Our lecturer goes on to explain. Politics, I hear, is really a term about power relations. Almost every action performed by a human when there are other humans present is political, in so much as it is an assertion of status, whether higher or lower, in the greater game of power relations. We act out of a desire to attain something, perhaps to create order, perhaps to make things work for ourselves, but it’s impossible, I hear, to create art that is not an assertion of status in the context of human relations in some capacity. From now on, I look at government-funded art in a different way. I look at all art in a different way.
“I have an old-fashioned left-wing view of the EU. I don’t think it is democratic, I don’t think it works very well, and I think it is run in the interests of big business rather than ordinary people.” Larry Elliott on #Brexit
Relax – a no-deal Brexit will be fine
Preparations have been made, the costs largely sunk already. Deal or no deal makes little difference.
Useful demolition of Theresa May’s tactics by @LiamHalligan, which mentions high-level concerns about May’s deal ‘subordinating UK defence to EU military control’.
GOING NOWHERE: Desperate May tells Phillip Schofield she won’t quit next week even if her Brexit deal is defeated by MPs – but admits she IS finding life ‘tough’
THERESA May today insisted she WON‘T quit next week if her Brexit deal is voted down by Parliament – telling Phillip Schofield she‘ll „still have a job in two weeks‘ time“.
The PM refused to explain what her back-up plan will be if the withdrawal agreement is defeated by MPs on December 11.
Students blockade schools as French protests spread: About 100 schools under blockade while prime minister meets opposition leaders
High-school students – who have been protesting against changes to colleges and the university system – also seized on the mood of protest and stepped up their blockades.
About 100 high schools were fully or partially blockaded around the country, including in the southern city of Toulouse and in Créteil in the Paris area.
France fuel protests: 80-year-old woman killed in Marseille
An 80-year-old woman has died after being hit by a tear gas canister at her window during Saturday‘s fuel protests in the French city of Marseille.
The woman, who lived in an apartment near to where the protests were taking place, was hit in the face while closing the shutters.
Labour leads calls for government to face contempt proceedings over Brexit legal advice
A cross-party alliance of MPs has written to Speaker John Bercow calling on him to launch proceedings
LIVE: ‚Contempt of parliament‘ bid launched over Brexit legal advice
– PM‘s own Brexit negotiator warned her deal risks ‚bad outcome‘
– Both new Brexit secretary and PM‘s adviser admit Irish backstop is ‚uncomfortable‘
– Labour and DUP join four other parties alleging contempt of parliament
– Brexit deal: How is your MP expected to vote?
– Force party leaders to debate on TV – have you signed the petition?
– Live reporting by Aubrey Allegretti and Greg Heffer, political reporters
As the #GiletsJaunes protests in #Paris #France continue and grow stronger, it also receives support from policemen A group of police officers took off their helmets and didn‘t intervene against the #YellowVests Many calls are being made by policemen to join the protests
#GiletsJaunes #France The ambulance drivers supporting #YellowVests have blocked the lower house of the French parliament, the Assemblee Nationale, and the Place de la Concorde in #Paris
via @Ozkok_
#GiletsJaunes « Il faut se rendre compte de la détermination et du courage des gens qui ont passé des heures sur les barrages, en semaine, le weekend. E. Macron doit les respecter et commencer par annuler la surtaxe sur les carburants » @JLMelenchon
Bauern und Studenten nahmen an den Demonstrationen gegen Macron und seine Wirtschaftspolitik teil. #YellowVests #GiletsJaunes
French president Emmanuel Macron was booed as he visited rioting sites in Paris. It is estimated 75,000 people took part in demonstrations across the country over the president‘s fuel tax increases. France is considering a state of emergency:
Police violence in the middle of #Europe The harsh intervention of the French police against the #YellowVests continues… A single protester was insensibly beaten up by 8 police officers during #GiletsJaunes in #Paris #France
#GiletsJaunes in #Toulouse #France Students are joining the #YellowVests in many cities now. The police is shooting tear gas capsules right at them. Also reports of shots being fired. The students are shouting #MacronDemission on the streets.
The myth of xenophobic Britain
Take it from an immigrant: this is one of the most welcoming nations on Earth.
You can hate me as much as you like – it’s not a crime
The proposed introduction of ‘hate crime’ marks the latest step towards the ‘thought-crime’ described by Nineteen Eighty-Four, and also observed in all totalitarian systems of government. Yet the Law Commission is pressing for this innovation, and we need to be clear about what it means.
Why Liberals Aren’t as Tolerant as They Think
(9.5.2017) The political left might consider itself more open-minded than the right. But research shows that liberals are just as prejudiced against conservatives as conservatives are against liberals.
The nightmare for Europe‘s centre left continues
Regionalwahl in Spanien: Rechtsradikale feiern Erfolg in Sozialistenhochburg Andalusien
Andalusien ist die bevölkerungsreichste Region Spaniens – und eigentlich fest in der Hand der Sozialisten von Premier Sánchez. Nun hat die rechtsradikale Partei Vox ein zweistelliges Ergebnis erzielt.
Another terrible election result for Europe‘s mainstream centre-left and centre-right parties.
Brexit deal: How is your MP expected to vote?
The magic number that the prime minister needs to win the crucial Commons vote on 11 December is 320.
But Sky News data-crunching signals she will fall short of the target by at least 90 votes with some 399 MPs expected to reject or not back her EU divorce settlement.
The Prime Minister’s lousy, stinking deal will leave us shackled to the EU with no say on how it’s run
The Prime Minister is counting on the people who are ‚bored of Brexit‘ and just want Theresa May to ‚get on with it‘, but we aren‘t sick of Brexit, we are sick of being bullied by Brussels
The Withdrawal Agreement: Legal and Governance Aspects
EU Legislation Team
26 November 2018
—Legal note–not for general distribution—
Leaked Commons legal analysis of Brexit deal vindicates Trump, contradicts May and adds to Brexiteers’ concerns
The note – marked ‘not for general distribution’ and obtained by BrexitCentral – is dated 26th November and states that the UK-EU customs union which would come into effect if the backstop is triggered “would be a practical barrier to the UK entering separate trade agreements on goods with third countries”.
This is in direct contradiction to the Prime Minister who has insisted that her deal will allow the UK to have an entirely independent trade policy. Indeed, she told the House of Commons just last Monday how “for the first time in 40 years, the UK will be able to strike new trade deals and open up new markets for our goods and services”.
House prices to collapse 30% in no-deal Brexit and people are getting excited
„So Mark Carney,with his crystal ball economics, has claimed house prices will drop 30% due to a no deal Brexit. Well. If true. So what?. Some people can only afford rent and have to rent forever. I am happy to take 30% hit if it creates a fairer society,“ Andy Alexander tweeted .
Las evidencias
German Chancellor Angela Merkel has chosen to visit a restaurant in the Argentine capital Buenos Aires without closing the restaurant to ordinary visitors.
Live Session – Tash Sultana – Melbourne
Live Session of Tash Sultana in Bourke Street/Melbourne
Tash Sultana – Blackbird – 7 Layers Sessions #5
Am 05.10.2016 veröffentlicht
Tash Sultana performs Blackbird for 7 Layers Sessions live in Amsterdam.
Nahles warnt vor Spaltung
Den ersten Schlag setzte Juso-Chef Kühnert. Gerade in der Anfangszeit sei die Akzeptanz für die Koalition sehr hoch gewesen, betonte er: „Dass das Gerede wieder angefangen hat, hatte mit der überaus überschaubaren Performance dieser Koalition zu tun.“ Die Jusos hätten lange stillgehalten. Erst bei der nicht nachvollziehbaren Affäre um den inzwischen entlassenen Verfassungsschutzpräsidenten Hans-Georg Maaßen habe es ihnen gereicht.
Merz macht Schäubles Kanzlerpläne öffentlich
Dass sich die beiden CDU-Politiker nahestehen, ist seit Langem bekannt. Bereits vor einigen Wochen hatte der SPIEGEL berichtet, wie sich Merz und Schäuble verbündeten, um Merkel zu entmachten.
Theresa May’s Brexit vote could be scrapped as Government plans to reopen talks with EU in hope of further concessions
THERESA May’s crunch Brexit vote in the Commons next week could be abandoned, The Sun can reveal.
Government whips have discussed plans to seek further concessions from the EU before putting the deal to MPs.
A new Magna Charta?
The Select Commmitee is deliberately not supporting a position for or against a codified constitution, believing it is for the British People to decide that question.
The Queen and Parliament
After a general election, the appointment of a Prime Minister is the prerogative of the Sovereign.
In appointing a Prime Minister, the Sovereign is guided by constitutional conventions. The main requirement is to find someone who can command the confidence of the House of Commons. This is normally secured by appointing the leader of the party with an overall majority of seats in the Commons, but there could still be exceptional circumstances when The Queen might need to exercise discretion to ensure that her Government is carried on.
Britain‘s unwritten constitution
All modern states, saving only the UK, New Zealand and Israel, have adopted a documentary constitution of this kind, the first and most complete model being that of the United States of America in 1788. However, in Britain we certainly say that we have a constitution, but it is one that exists in an abstract sense, comprising a host of diverse laws, practices and conventions that have evolved over a long period of time. The key landmark is the Bill of Rights (1689), which established the supremacy of Parliament over the Crown following the forcible replacement of King James II (r.1685–88) by William III (r.1689–1702) and Mary (r.1689–94) in the Glorious Revolution (1688).
the United Kingdom does not have a constitution
However the UK does not have a clear single document which is the constitution, this allows authority to be manipulated by those in control.
UK faces constitutional crisis over Brexit legal advice, Labour warns
Ex-foreign secretary Boris Johnson has joined calls for its publication, which critics say could sink the PM‘s deal.
Attorney General Geoffrey Cox will make a statement about it on Monday.
He is set to publish a reduced version of the legal advice – despite calls from MPs from all parties to publish a full version.
Volk wird Feind: Aufstand in Frankreich
Erstaunlich, mit welcher Konsequenz und mit welchem Durchhaltevermögen die Franzosen ihren Widerstand gegen einen Präsidenten, dem vor nur 18 Monaten 66 Prozent der Wählerinnen und Wähler ihre Stimme gaben, seit drei Wochen auf die Straßen des Landes tragen.
Wir sagen Ja zum Euro
(1.Mai 2013) Die Existenz der neuen Rechtspartei »Alternative für Deutschland« (AfD) ist eine unmittelbare Folge der falschen Euro-Rettungspolitik von Bundeskanzlerin Merkel.
Paris protest: ‘People are in the red. They can’t afford to eat’
„At the last election, I left the ballot paper blank. I don’t have confidence in any of the political parties and I don’t see that changing until a party emerges that is more interested in the people than in those with huge fortunes.“
Yellow Vests Riot in Paris, but Their Anger is Rooted Deep in France
The “Yellow Vest” protests he is a part of present an extraordinary venting of rage and resentment by ordinary working people, aimed at the mounting inequalities that have eroded their lives. The unrest began in response to rising gas taxes and has been building in intensity over the past three weeks, peaking on Saturday.
With little organization and relying mostly on social media, they have moved spontaneously from France’s poor rural regions over the last month to the banks of the Seine, where they have now become impossible to ignore.
Revealed: The shocking scale of poverty in France in 2018
(8.11.2018) In total there were around 8.8 million people living below the poverty line in France in 2017. In France this means they are living on an income of less than €1,026 a month, and many of them live on considerably less.
Macron surveys damage after worst riots in Paris for decades, calls for talks
French President Emmanuel Macron on Sunday surveyed the damage from a day of riots across Paris and led crisis talks that ended with a call for further talks with anti-government activists who have staged two weeks of protests.
Toutes les révolutions commencent par des révoltes fiscales en France. #France2 #GiletsJaunes
Geplante Grundgesetzänderung: Länderchefs gegen „Einheitsschulpolitik“
Mit Winfried Kretschmann (Grüne), Volker Bouffier, Armin Laschet, Michael Kretschmer (alle CDU) und Markus Söder (CSU) haben sich nun fünf mächtige Länderchefs zusammengetan. Die Ministerpräsidenten von Baden-Württemberg, Hessen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Sachsen und Bayern machten in einem gemeinsamen Beitrag für die „Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung“ ihre Ablehnung deutlich, weil die Änderung aus ihrer Sicht zu sehr in die Länderhoheit eingreifen würde.
Sino-US agreement an important step forward
The progress made at the talks in Buenos Aires is of momentous significance since the Sino-US trade friction escalates this year. It is hoped the agreement reached on Saturday will be implemented by the two sides and Chinese and American working teams will meet the expectations of their leaders, normalizing trade relations between the countries.
Kommentar: China und USA kommen bei Wirtschafts- und Handelskonflikt überein
Am Samstag traf der chinesische Staatspräsident Xi Jinping auf dem G20-Gipfel in Argentinien US-Präsident Donald Trump. Es war das erste Treffen der beiden Staatsoberhäupter seit der weiteren Eskalation des chinesisch-amerikanischen Wirtschafts- und Handelskonflikts im März. Beide Seiten diskutierten über die Wirtschafts- und Handelsfragen und kamen zu einer Übereinkunft. Sie entschieden, die Handelsbeschränkungen, wie die eskalierten Zolltarife einzustellen und die bilateralen Wirtschafts- und Handelsbeziehungen möglichst schnell zurück auf normale Bahnen zu bringen.