Archiv: one for the Unicorns...

10.09.2024 - 02:00 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

Rainbow Flag Genocide Vs MAGA Hat Genocide

Can’t wait til things calm down in the middle east so I can stop getting accused of being an antisemite and go back to the old wholesome accusations of being a Russian agent.

03.09.2024 - 19:33 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

There’s No Good News In The Unfolding Of Armageddon

Every species eventually hits an adaptation-or-extinction juncture at some point, where it must adapt to changing conditions on this planet or vanish into the fossil records. Humanity is arriving at such a juncture today. We’ll either awaken the potential which rests dormant within all of us to become a truly conscious species, or we will go the way of the dinosaur. We have the freedom to go either direction.

30.08.2024 - 22:50 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

CPI and Hadash Calls to Cease Deadly Military Operation in the Occupied West Bank

The Communist Party of Israel (CPI) and Hadash issued a common communique who said “The occupation’s attacks in the West Bank is a continuation of the campaign of destruction in Gaza.” They called for occupation forces to cease military operations in the West Bank.

According to Hadash MK Ofer Cassif, “The assault by the occupation forces on the West Bank has nothing to do with the security of Israel. It is just another layer in the total war that the Israeli government has been waging against the entire Palestinian people to annex their land and expel them from their homeland. Stop the war! End the occupation!”

MK Aida Touma-Sliman (Hadash) called it the “Gazafication of all Palestinian land” and part of a plan to “ethnically cleanse the West Bank.

29.04.2024 - 08:52 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Amid Police Provocation, Thousands Gathered in Nazareth to Celebrate May Day

MK Cassif said to journalists, “In spite of the fascist menace and terrorization, we marched today, thousands of Jews and Arabs together, to protest against the criminal massacre in Gaza, the occupation and ethnic cleansing in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, against social injustice, class exploitation and fascism, and for the release of the hostages on the basis of ‘all-for-all’ principle, for social and national equality, democracy, and just peace.”

04.02.2024 - 08:00 [ OneVoicePAC / Youtube ]

Barbara Lee‘s 9/14/01 Speech

Barbara Lee explains her rationale for voting against the Authorization to Use Military Force in Afghanistan, citing the overly broad nature of the bill.

04.02.2024 - 07:50 [ ]

‘I wish I had been wrong,’ says Barbara Lee, lone congresswoman who voted to oppose Afghan war in 2001

(August 18, 2021)

In the days after the 9/11 attacks in 2001, just one member of Congress voted against giving President Bush authority to go to war in Afghanistan.

Barbara Lee, a Democratic representative from California, warned at the time that approving the so-called Authorisation for the Use of Military Force (AUMF) could mean the US would be embarking “on an open-ended war with neither an exit strategy nor a focused target.”

01.02.2024 - 08:53 [ Sally Abed סאלי עבד سالي عبد , Palestinian living in Haifa, Socialist, member of national leadership at Standing Together / Twitter ]

We are at a historic junction as Palestinian people, and we need to fight together, in diverse tactics, acknowledging our diverse realities and challenges – while also holding our one simple truth: We deserve life, dignity, freedom, peace and prosperity in our homeland.

30.01.2024 - 13:23 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

European MPs Call for EU to Oppose Removal of Hadash MK Ofer Cassif

On Monday morning, the Knesset House Committee is slated to hear arguments in an unusual debate that will determine the political future of Communist lawmaker Ofer Cassif, from the Hadash-Ta’al parliamentary faction.

If the hearing goes badly for Cassif, he could soon face an unprecedented vote in the Knesset plenum to expel him from the legislative body, the result of his far-right MKs anger over his public support for a South African petition to the International Court of Justice accusing Israel of committing genocide in Gaza.

Four years ago, lawmakers attempted to gather the required signatures to bring similar charges against Hadash leader MK Ayman Odeh, but the effort never made it to the committee stage.

30.01.2024 - 13:09 [ Al Jazeera ]

‘Why I support ICJ Gaza genocide case against my country, Israel’


Israeli politician Ofer Cassif announced his support for the Gaza genocide lawsuit against Israel at the ICJ, and is now facing an attempt to get him kicked out of parliament. He explains why he did it.

30.01.2024 - 06:45 [ Ray McGovern, Former Intelligence Analyst/Activist/Justice person / Twitter ]

Do we now have ISRAELI FALSE FLAG ATTACK killing US troops? It’s “Iran-backed” MSM says. Biden: we already “know” that; “while we are still gathering the facts.” Neocons/Israel lust to get US atk on Iran. CENTCOM lied threw its teeth under then Gen. Austin


20.01.2024 - 04:10 [ Muhammad Shehada / Twitter ]

Israeli students chase their history teacher & yell at him „cancer“ & „son of a whore“ b/c he dared to humanize Gazan & Palestinian civilians Meir Baruchin was fired from his job & jailed in solitary confinement last November for this, but was just reinstated by a labour court

20.01.2024 - 03:22 [ @ireallyhateyou / Twitter ]

Israeli teacher posted on social media, expressing sympathy with Gazans. School fired him and made a police complaint. He was jailed for a few days & media depicted him as Hamas supporter. After charges were dropped, court ordered to take him back to work. This was his welcome:

29.12.2023 - 21:29 [ Decensored News / Twitter ]

Cautious optimism from @samhusseini, who has been relentlessly calling on states to invoke the Genocide Convention since October and raising public awareness. Thank you for all of your work on this, Sam.

One of his past articles:

29.12.2023 - 21:26 [ @SarcasmStardust / Twitter ]

Well would you look at that. Kudos to @samhusseini who has been leading the charge on invoking the genocide convention for weeks now.

29.12.2023 - 20:10 [ Internationaler Gerichtshof / International Court of Justice (ICJ) ]

The Republic of South Africa institutes proceedings against the State of Israel and requests the Court to indicate provisional measures

THE HAGUE, 29 December 2023. South Africa today filed an application instituting proceedings against Israel before the International Court of Justice (ICJ), the principal judicial organ of the United Nations, concerning alleged violations by Israel of its obligations under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (the “Genocide Convention”) in relation to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

According to the Application, “acts and omissions by Israel . . . are genocidal in character, as they are committed with the requisite specific intent . . . to destroy Palestinians in Gaza as a part of the broader Palestinian national, racial and ethnical group” and that “the conduct of Israel — through its State organs, State agents, and other persons and entities acting on its instructions or under its direction, control or influence — in relation to Palestinians in Gaza, is in violation of its obligations under the Genocide Convention”.

29.12.2023 - 20:00 [ ICJP, International Centre of Justice for Palestinians / Twitter ]

BREAKING: South Africa triggers the Genocide convention.

25.12.2023 - 22:50 [ ]

Papst erteilt feierlichen Weihnachts-Segen – Ruf nach Frieden

Eindringlich rief der Papst in seiner Urbi-et-Orbi-Botschaft dazu auf, sich für Frieden einzusetzen. „Er komme bald in Israel und Palästina, wo der Krieg das Leben dieser Völker erschüttert. Ich umarme sie alle, insbesondere die christlichen Gemeinschaften in Gaza und im gesamten Heiligen Land. Ich trauere im Herzen um die Opfer des verabscheuungswürdigen Angriffs vom 7. Oktober und erneuere meinen dringenden Appell für die Freilassung derjenigen, die noch immer als Geiseln festgehalten werden. Ich flehe darum, dass die Militäroperationen mit ihren entsetzlichen Folgen unschuldiger ziviler Opfer eingestellt werden und dass man etwas gegen die verzweifelte humanitäre Situation unternimmt, indem man das Eintreffen der Hilfslieferungen ermöglicht.“

Franziskus richtete den Scheinwerfer aber über das aktuelle Gaza-Drama hinaus auf die Zukunft der Menschen und Völker im Nahen Osten. „Man schüre nicht weiter Gewalt und Hass, sondern führe die palästinensische Frage zu einer Lösung, und zwar durch einen aufrichtigen und beharrlichen Dialog zwischen den Parteien, der von einem starken politischen Willen getragen wird und von der Unterstützung der internationalen Gemeinschaft.“ Der Vatikan wirbt für eine Zwei-Staaten-Lösung Israel/Palästina und für einen international garantierten, freien Zugang zu den Heiligen Stätten.

25.12.2023 - 22:28 [ ]

Pope: May Christmas bring peace to our world and turn sorrow into joy

Following the birth of the Saviour came the slaughter of the innocents, the Pope recalled, and he remembered the innocents, the „little Jesuses“ of today, who are victims „in their mothers’ wombs, in odysseys undertaken in desperation and in search of hope, in the lives of all those little ones whose childhood has been devastated by war.“

We must say „yes“ to peace and „no“ to war the Pope decried, as every war marks „a defeat without victors, an inexcusable folly.“ He also called for a „no“ to weaponry given that with human weakness we can often end up using it for war sooner or later.

Peace is even more difficult, he observed, „when arms production, sales, and trade are on the rise“ and public funds spent on arms can come at the expense of bread for the hungry. He decried „the interests and the profits that move the puppet strings of war.“ And these must be brought to light, „talked about and written about,“ he emphasised, since many have no idea how much of their public funds are being spent on weapons, whereas they should be informed.

11.12.2023 - 15:45 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Police Tries to Prevent Hadash National Convention


According Hadash and CPI, “utterly reject the fascist intimidation acts by the Israeli establishment. We insist on raising our voice against the war and against fascism – courageously and responsibly. We will carry out the congress on the scheduled date. A decision about the location will be reached later. We call on all our activists to take part in our struggle against this persecution of our party and front for its political role.”

“We call on all our cadres, all the Jewish and Arab progressive forces, and the international anti-fascist forces to protest this McCarthyistic persecution, targeting all voices that stand out against this criminal war and against the deterioration of Israel into fascism. This process began before the war, but the government saw its eruption as an occasion to accelerate the attacks on the already diminished democratic space.”