Archiv: countermeasures / Gegenmaßnahmen

10.09.2024 - 15:20 [ ]

Umfragen Brandenburg (#ltwbb)

Wenn am nächsten Sonntag Landtagswahl wäre …

31.08.2024 - 19:15 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

Do Something Every Day To Help De-Normalize The Abuses Of The Empire

One very important task we can undertake as citizens of the western empire is to help de-normalize the tyranny, murderousness and savagery that the imperial propagandists work to normalize.


Denormalize poverty.

Denormalize injustice and inequality.

Denormalize the ruined buildings and ruined bodies in Gaza.

Denormalize the nuclear brinkmanship with Russia.

Denormalize the destruction of our biosphere in the ravages of ecocidal capitalism.

Denormalize the surging authoritarianism we’re experiencing as the empire works frantically to stomp out dissent.

Denormalize the war machinery rolling out around the world, and the increasingly militarized police forces in our streets.

Denormalize the psychopathy of the politicians and government officials who cheerfully serve the empire in facilitation of these horrors.

Denormalize the way media and government institutions controlled by the powerful work to manipulate the way we think and perceive every day of our fucking lives for the benefit of the powerful.

30.08.2024 - 15:28 [ Adalah ]

Israeli police foil film screening of Mohammed Bakri’s Janin Jenin by issuing temporary order to close Communist Party headquarters in Haifa

(August 27, 2024)

Monday night, the Maki Haifa Branch was shut down by the police for an event that included a screening of Mohammed Bakri’s new film. Bakri’s earlier film, Jenin, Jenin, was banned by an Israeli Court in 2021. Adalah demands immediate intervention by the Attorney General to ensure police will not obstruct the next screening. This action is part of broader Israeli police policies designed to suppress dissent against Israel’s brutal assault on Gaza.

30.08.2024 - 14:15 [ Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht ]

Neue US-Raketen in Deutschland?

Scholz lügt.

Vor allem die USA haben Abrüstungsverträge über den Haufen geworfen und damit einen neuen Rüstungswettlauf in Gang gesetzt. Die Lüge eines Vasallenkanzlers als Einstieg in ein neues Wettrüsten, das unsere Sicherheit gefährdet und Deutschland zur Zielscheibe macht?

Das wollen wir verhindern – auch mit Ihrer Stimme!
Am 1.9. in Sachsen und Thüringen, und am 22.9. in Brandenburg.

30.08.2024 - 13:40 [ Politico / Fabio De Masi ]


Erschienen im Politico Newsletter:

THE WIRECARD HUNTER RETURNS: Fabio De Masi made his name as one of the key players in Germany’s Bundestag that helped hold Wirecard to account after the high-flying fintech company was revealed to be engaging in fraud on a massive scale. Now De Masi, who already served once as MEP in 2014, is back in Brussels. He’s sitting in the ECON committee and he thinks that there’s plenty more financial malfeasance to dig up.

28.08.2024 - 14:45 [ ]

Umfragen Thüringen (#ltwth)

Wenn am nächsten Sonntag Landtagswahl wäre …

28.08.2024 - 14:30 [ ]

Umfragen Sachsen (#ltwsn)

Wenn am nächsten Sonntag Landtagswahl wäre …

30.04.2024 - 10:48 [ / Mastodon ]

Student protesters at #UTAustin are being hit with pepper spray as they attempt to push police and state troopers off campus.

c/o Peter Holley, Texas Monthly

24.04.2024 - 04:40 [ New York Post ]

12 suspended Columbia students reinstated just days after anti-Israel protest, as lawyer vows to take ‘fascist’ school to NY Supreme Court

“Speech, no matter how unpopular it may be, is the essence of academia. Protest against Zionism in Israel is pure protected speech. … If Jewish students are made uncomfortable by it, f— them!” Cohen, who was raised in an Orthodox Jewish home, told the Village Sun.

“Speech is supposed to make you uncomfortable. This is not lighting candles and kumbaya. … All speech is protected unless the imminent intent is to commit violence — like shouting ‘Fire!’ in a crowded movie theater,” he added. (…)

“I got f—ing suspended from Columbia 50 years ago. I got thrown out of Columbia after a week for anti-war protesting,” he lamented.

“Columbia is fascist,” he said.

18.04.2024 - 18:02 [ Kyiv Independent ]

Germany launches new Ukraine air defense initiative, appeals to EU and NATO allies

Berlin has already appealed to EU and NATO partners as well as other unspecified countries, as Russia‘s intensifying aerial attacks on Ukrainian cities continue to highlight the growing shortage of sufficient air defense systems.

A Russian missile attack on the city of Chernihiv on the morning of April 17 killed at least 17 people.

„This would not have happened if Ukraine had received enough air defense equipment and if the world‘s determination to counter Russian terror was also sufficient,“ President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Telegram.

18.04.2024 - 17:55 [ ]

Bundesregierung startet Initiative für mehr Flugabwehr

Die Bundesregierung startet eine neue Initiative, um der Ukraine weiteres Gerät zur Flugabwehr bereitzustellen. Dazu hätten sich Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock und Verteidigungsminister Boris Pistorius an Partner gewandt, teilten Sprecher beider Ministerien mit. Die Adressaten seien Partner bei NATO und Europäischer Union sowie auch Drittstaaten, sagt ein Sprecher des Auswärtigen Amts, ohne dabei konkreter werden zu wollen.

17.04.2024 - 08:05 [ ]

Amazon Blocked, Wells Fargo Windows Smashed on Day of Action for Palestine in Minnesota

Pro-Palestine activists blockaded an Amazon distribution center in the northwestern Minneapolis suburb of Maple Grove as part of A15 Action, a global day of action against Israel’s war on Gaza. In a separate action in the Twin Cities, a Wells Fargo Bank branch in South Minneapolis was vandalized and had its windows broken.

17.04.2024 - 07:55 [ Mastodon ]


(search results)

17.04.2024 - 07:47 [ Middle East Eye ]

Aerial footage from ABC7 News shows pro-Palestine protesters shutting down Highway 101 on the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, blocking traffic and calling for a ceasefire in Gaza on Monday. Protesters could be seen carrying banners reading, “Stop the World for Gaza” and “End the siege on Gaza now.”

According to the California Highway Patrol, protesters used their vehicles to chain themselves, resulting in approximately 20 arrests. Lanes began reopening shortly after noon.

17.04.2024 - 07:42 [ ]

‘A15’ Pro-Palestine protests disrupt traffic in multiple cities across US

Pro-Palestinian demonstrators blocked roadways in Illinois, California, New York and Oregon on Monday, temporarily shutting down travel into Chicago O‘Hare International Airport, onto the Golden Gate and Brooklyn bridges and on a busy West Coast highway.

On Sunday, Sky News Australia reported that a global anti-Israel protest had been planned for Monday, but in an effort to cause maximum disruption, the activists refused to disclose protest locations.

17.04.2024 - 05:52 [ Yahoo ]

Gaza war protesters attack ‚arteries of capitalism‘


Pro-Palestine group A15 Action called on supporters to blockade „the arteries of capitalism“ as part of Monday‘s action, saying „the global economy is complicit in genocide“.

A15 Action said the protests were in retaliation for the federal government‘s actions since Israel declared war on Hamas in Gaza.

07.04.2024 - 23:14 [ United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) / UN Menschenrechtsrat ]

Human Rights Council Adopts Five Resolutions, including a Text Calling for an Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza, Urging States to Prevent the Continued Forcible Transfer of Palestinians Within or From Gaza, and Calling on States to Cease the Sale or Transfer of Arms to Israel

In a resolution (A/HRC/55/L.30) on the Human rights situation in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, and the obligation to ensure accountability and justice, adopted by a vote of 28 in favour, 6 against and 13 abstentions (as orally revised), the Council demands that Israel, the occupying power, end its occupation of the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, including East Jerusalem; also demands that Israel immediately lift its blockade on the Gaza Strip and all other forms of collective punishment; calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, for immediate emergency humanitarian access and assistance, and for the urgent restoration of basic necessities to the Palestinian population in Gaza; calls upon all States to take immediate action to prevent the continued forcible transfer of Palestinians within or from Gaza; calls upon all States to cease the sale, transfer and diversion of arms, munitions and other military equipment to Israel; urges all States to continue to provide emergency assistance to the Palestinian people and calls upon all States to ensure that the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East receives predictable sustained and sufficient funding to fulfil its mandate; invites the General Assembly to recommend that the Government of Switzerland promptly convene the Conference of High Contracting Parties to the Fourth Convention on measures to enforce the Convention in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem; requests the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel to report on both the direct and indirect transfer or sale of arms, munitions, parts, components and dual use items to Israel, the occupying power, and to analyse the legal consequences of these transfers, and to present its report to the Council at its fifty-ninth session; requests the Secretary-General to ensure the availability of all additional resources, including through voluntary resources, necessary to enable the Commission of Inquiry to carry out its mandate; requests the Office of the High Commissioner to deploy the additional necessary personnel, expertise and logistics to the occupied Palestinian territory country office to document and pursue accountability for violations of international human rights law and international humanitarian law committed in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem; and requests the High Commissioner for Human Rights to report on the implementation of the present resolution to the Council at its fifty-eighth session, to be followed by an interactive dialogue; and decides to remain seized of the matter.

The results of the vote are as follows:

In favour (28): Algeria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Brazil, Burundi, Chile, China, Cote d’Ivoire, Cuba, Eritrea, Finland, Gambia, Ghana, Honduras, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Maldives, Morocco, Qatar, Somalia, South Africa, Sudan, United Arab Emirates, and Viet Nam.

Against(6): Argentina, Bulgaria, Germany, Malawi, Paraguay and United States.

Abstentions (13): Albania, Benin, Cameroon, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, France, Georgia, India, Japan, Lithuania, Montenegro, Netherlands, and Romania.

07.04.2024 - 23:06 [ United Nations ]

Gaza: Human Rights Council resolution urges arms embargo on Israel


The UN’s top human rights body adopted a resolution on Friday condemning the alleged “use of starvation of civilians as a method of warfare in Gaza”, while also calling for an arms embargo on Israel.

14.03.2024 - 17:18 [ Middle East Eye ]

I sued the government over ‚extremism‘ and I know the game Gove is playing

The British public should realise that Muslim scapegoats today, much like the Jewish, Irish or Black scapegoats used by demagogues yesterday, are not their enemies

12.02.2024 - 20:44 [ Times of Israel ]

UK slaps sanctions on West Bank settlers for ‘egregious’ violence, following US move

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron said the four targeted Israeli settlers, one of whom was also included in the US sanctions, were involved in “egregious abuses of human rights.”

“Extremist Israeli settlers are threatening Palestinians, often at gunpoint, and forcing them off land that is rightfully theirs,” he added. “This behavior is illegal and unacceptable.”

12.02.2024 - 16:56 [ Pax Nederland ]

International Organisations: stop arms transfers to Israel and Palestinian Armed Groups


Together with international aid and human rights organizations, such as Oxfam and Amnesty International, we appeal to all UN member states to halt the crisis in Gaza and prevent further humanitarian catastrophe and loss of civilian lives. We call on all states to immediately cease the transfer of weapons, components, and ammunition to Israel and Palestinian armed groups as long as there is a risk that they may be used for serious violations of international humanitarian law or human rights.

04.02.2024 - 15:40 [ ]

Iraqi parliament calling to ditch US dollar for oil trade


Washington imposed sanctions on Iraqi Al-Huda Bank this week, under claims of laundering money for Iran. Several other banks have been hit with similar sanctions over the past year.

The statement came the same day a senior US Treasury official said Washington expects Baghdad to help identify and disrupt the funds of Iran-backed resistance factions in Iraq.

01.02.2024 - 23:35 [ White House ]

Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions on Persons Undermining Peace, Security, and Stability in the West Bank

I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, find that the situation in the West Bank — in particular high levels of extremist settler violence, forced displacement of people and villages, and property destruction — has reached intolerable levels and constitutes a serious threat to the peace, security, and stability of the West Bank and Gaza, Israel, and the broader Middle East region. These actions undermine the foreign policy objectives of the United States, including the viability of a two-state solution and ensuring Israelis and Palestinians can attain equal measures of security, prosperity, and freedom. They also undermine the security of Israel and have the potential to lead to broader regional destabilization across the Middle East, threatening United States personnel and interests. For these reasons, these actions constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States. I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat. Accordingly, I hereby order:

Section 1. All property and interests in property that are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person, including any foreign branch, of the following persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in:

(a) any foreign person determined by the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury, or the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State:

(i) to be responsible for or complicit in, or to have directly or indirectly engaged or attempted to engage in, any of the following:

(A) actions — including directing, enacting, implementing, enforcing, or failing to enforce policies — that threaten the peace, security, or stability of the West Bank; or

(B) planning, ordering, otherwise directing, or participating in any of the following actions affecting the West Bank:

(1) an act of violence or threat of violence targeting civilians;

(2) efforts to place civilians in reasonable fear of violence with the purpose or effect of necessitating a change of residence to avoid such violence;

(3) property destruction; or

(4) seizure or dispossession of property by private actors;

(ii) to be or have been a leader or official of:

(A) an entity, including any government entity, that has engaged in, or whose members have engaged in, any of the activities described in subsections (a) or (b) of this section related to the leader’s or official’s tenure; or

(B) an entity whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order as a result of activities relating to the leader’s or official’s tenure;

(iii) to have materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, any person blocked pursuant to this order; or

(iv) to be owned or controlled by, or to have acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, any person blocked pursuant to this order; or

(b) any foreign person determined by the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury:

(i) to have committed or have attempted to commit, to pose a significant risk of committing, or to have participated in training to commit acts of terrorism affecting the West Bank; or

(ii) to be a leader or official of an entity sanctioned pursuant to subsection (b)(i) of this section.

01.02.2024 - 23:30 [ CNN ]

Biden issues executive order targeting violent Israeli settlers in the West Bank

The order targets four individuals accused of directly perpetrating violence or intimidation in the West Bank, a senior administration official said, including people accused of initiating and leading a riot; setting buildings, fields and vehicles on fire; assaulting civilians and damaging property.

The State Department announced the names of the Israelis targeted by the executive order, which blocks their financial assets and bars them from coming to the US. They are David Chai Chasdai, Einan Tanjil, Shalom Zicherman and Yinon Levi.

28.01.2024 - 18:46 [ Firas / Twitter ]

This would be a great time for Arab States such as Saudi Arabia, Algeria, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain and others to step in and increase their funding of @UNRWA


23.01.2024 - 14:50 [ ]

Far-right leader wants Germany to perform its own Brexit

The party wants to reform the EU and limit the European Commission’s power, but “if such a reform is not possible, if we cannot restore the sovereignty of the EU member states, then the citizens should decide, just like in the U.K.,” Weidel said in an interview with the Financial Times published Monday.

Praising the U.K. for its exit from the EU after a 2016 plebiscite, Weidel said she believes Germany “could have a referendum on ‘Dexit’ — a German exit from the EU.”

16.01.2024 - 00:05 [ Landwirtschaft verbindet Bayern e.V. ]

1. Wer ist diese junge Bewegung?

Unter dem Banner Land schafft Verbindung haben sich im Oktober 2019 viele tausende Bauern zusammengefunden um unter anderem gegen eine undurchdachte Verbotspolitik, für eine faktenbassierte Diskussion unserer Zukunft, bessere Lebensbedingungen und für ein faireres Miteinander ohne Bauernbashing uvm. zu demonstrieren!
Der Landesverein Landwirtschaft verbindet Bayern e.V. gründete sich im Mai 2020 und ist nachfolgend als LSV-Bayern und auch LvB bekannt.

Dabei ist der LSV betont Verbands- und Parteineutral und sieht sich eher als Mediator zwischen den einzelnen Landwirtschaftlichen Verbänden. Wir sprechen und suchen Lösungen für die Landwirte mit allen Parteien der Demokratischen Mitte und lehnen extreme Tendenzen im Rechten und auch Linken Spektrum entschieden ab.

15.01.2024 - 23:48 [ Welt / Youtube ]

BAUERN-PROTESTE: Bauernpräsident Joachim Rukwied hält Rede in Berlin vor dem Brandenburger Tor

Der Bauernpräsident betonte mit Blick auf die bundesweiten Proteste der Landwirte, es sei nicht gelungen, das Anliegen in die rechte Ecke zu drängen. Die Bäuerinnen und Bauern seien aufrechte Demokraten und stünden zum Grundgesetz. Rukwied wies darauf hin, dass weiterhin eine sichere Versorgung mit heimischen Lebensmitteln gewährleistet sein müsse. Das sei auch die Grundlage für eine stabile Demokratie.

15.01.2024 - 23:26 [ Eva Vlaardingerbroek / Twitter ]

Thousands and thousands of farmers, truckers and other hard working citizens took to the streets of Berlin today to remind their government and the globalists of one simple thing: “We are The People and we are taking back control.”

This is just the beginning.

15.01.2024 - 23:21 [ Eva Vlaardingerbroek / Youtube ]

The German firefighters are supporting the farmers’ protests in Berlin. Solidarity!

15.01.2024 - 23:14 [ Welt / Youtube ]

PROTEST IN BERLIN: „Hau ab!“ Wut auf Lindner! Bauern kündigen schon neue Proteste an | WELT Stream

Zu der Kundgebung kamen nach Polizeiangaben 8500 Menschen und rund 6000 Fahrzeuge. Der Bauernverband sprach von rund 30 000 Demonstranten mit fast 10 000 Fahrzeugen.

09.01.2024 - 16:15 [ And I / Twitter ]

„Eine INSA-Umfrage für BILD zeigt: 69 Prozent der Befragten unterstützen die Bauern-Proteste gegen die geplanten Kürzungen der Ampel-Regierung!“

09.01.2024 - 16:00 [ Welt / Youtube ]

BAUERNPROTESTE IN DEUTSCHLAND: Fleischhauer „Die haben den Kanal bis oben hin voll!“ | WELT Meinung

Am Brandenburger Tor in Berlin wurden fast 700 Fahrzeuge gezählt, in Erfurt sprach die Polizei von mehr als 2000 Traktoren und anderen Zugmaschinen. Im VW-Werk Emden wurde die Produktion gestoppt, weil die Beschäftigten nicht zur Arbeit kommen konnten. In einigen Städten erhielten die Bauern Unterstützung – etwa von Lastwagenfahrern und Handwerkern. Nach Angaben des Innenministeriums in Stuttgart nahmen in Baden-Württemberg etwa 25 000 Fahrzeuge an 270 Aktionen teil.

09.01.2024 - 15:57 [ ZDFheute Nachrichten / Youtube ]

Die Wut der Bauern | ZDF spezial

Seit Montag protestieren die Bauern im Rahmen ihrer Aktionswoche gegen die geplanten Kürzungen der Ampelregierung. Deutschlandweit ziehen sich Traktorenkonvois durch Städte.

Sicherheitsbehörden warnen derweil …

09.01.2024 - 15:44 [ Landwirtschaft verbindet Bayern e.V. ]


Diese Liste wird ständig aktuell gehalten solange unsere Aktionen laufen!

Großdemos in Bayern:

08.01.2024 München, Odeonsplatz
10.1.2024 Augsburg, Plärrer
12.1.2024 Nürnberg, Volksfestplatz

Regional gibt es auch viele Aktionen, hier könnt ihr die schauen wo in eurem Regierungsbezirk etwas läuft:

07.01.2024 - 19:55 [ Bundesverband Güterkraftverkehr Logistik und Entsorgung e.V. ]

Landwirtschaft und Transportgewerbe demonstrieren gemeinsam ab 8. Januar

Bundesweit werden in allen Bundesländern über 100 Aktionen stattfinden, um Bevölkerung und Politik davor zu warnen, die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit und die Existenz der Landwirte und mittelständischen Transportunternehmen aufs Spiel zu setzen.

Für eine wettbewerbsfähige Landwirtschaft sind eine Förderung von Agrardiesel sowie die Kfz-Steuerbefreiung unerlässlich. Der Deutsche Bauernverband fordert daher gemeinsam mit den Landesbauernverbänden und LsV Deutschland, die von der Bundesregierung geplanten Steuererhöhungen für die Landwirtschaft zurückzunehmen.

Der Bundesverband Güterkraftverkehr Logistik und Entsorgung (BGL) e.V. fordert die Einhaltung der Koalitionszusage zur Vermeidung einer doppelten CO2-Bepreisung bei Maut plus Diesel, eine Verdopplung der Mautharmonisierungsprogramme auf 900 Mio. Euro sowie mehr Geld für intakte Straßen und Brücken, Lkw-Stellplätze und verlässliche Förderprogramme für einen klimafreundlichen Straßengüterverkehr.

Für den 15. Januar 2024 ist ab 11:30 Uhr eine gemeinsame Großkundgebung in Berlin geplant.

07.01.2024 - 19:12 [ Sevim Dağdelen, MdB, Mitglied des Bundestages / Twitter ]

„Impf-Gegner“, „Putin-Trolle“, „Kartoffel-Mob“ – es ist einfach unerträglich, wie alle, die mit der Regierungspolitik nicht einverstanden sind und deswegen auf die Straße gehen, wüst beschimpft und in die rechte Ecke geschoben werden, um legitimen Protest zu delegitimieren.

Nach den #Corona-Maßnahmenkritikern und den Befürwortern von #Diplomatie statt #Ukraine-Waffengeschenken sind jetzt die Bauern dran, die aus Existenznot gegen Steuererhöhungen protestieren, weil sie sich von den Ampel-Nebelkerzen beim #Agrardiesel nicht blenden lassen.

Wer wie die Bundesregierung meint, bei den anhaltenden Bauernprotesten in ganz Deutschland geht es nur um Agrardiesel und Kfz-Steuer, versteht nicht die existentiellen Nöte vieler landwirtschaftlicher Familienbetriebe. Den #Bauern steht das Wasser bis zum Hals. Sie kämpfen um ihre Zukunft und dagegen, dass die #Ampel ihnen 1 Milliarde Euro wegnehmen will, während die Bundesregierung gleichzeitig Waffengeschenke für die Ukraine locker auf 8 Milliarden Euro in diesem Jahr verdoppelt.

Die halbe Rolle rückwärts der Ampel jetzt bei den geplanten Steuererhöhungen für die Bauern verfängt nicht. Die Landwirte fallen auf den Ablenkungsversuch ganz offensichtlich nicht herein.

Statt gesellschaftliche Spaltung durch Ausgrenzung und Ächtung der Regierungskritiker immer weiter zu forcieren, ist es an der Zeit, die fatale Ampel-Politik zu korrigieren, die mit hohen Energiepreisen infolge unsinniger Wirtschaftssanktionen Bürger belastet, Bauern ruiniert und Deutschland deindustrialisiert.

Es ist die Politik der Ampel, die Deutschland 2023 als einzige Industrienation in die #Rezession geführt hat; 2024 könnte die Wirtschaft bei uns weiter schrumpfen, so die düstere Prognose des Instituts der Deutschen Wirtschaft. Versicherungen rechnen mit zehntausenden Firmenpleiten.

Es ist die Politik der Ampel, die gerade Gering- und Normalverdiener in Deutschland 2024 durch Erhöhung von Steuern und Abgaben stark belastet. Millionen Haushalte müssen mit mehreren Hundert Euro Mehrkosten zurechtkommen.

Wir brauchen wieder eine Politik für wirtschaftliche Vernunft und soziale Gerechtigkeit, die die hart arbeitenden Menschen in den Mittelpunkt stellt, in der Stadt wie auf dem Land, im Betrieb wie auf dem Bauernhof.
#Bauernprotest #Mistgabelmob

07.01.2024 - 18:34 [ ]

Bayerische Staatsregierung steht hinter Forderungen der Bauern – Polizei bereitet sich auf Aktionen und Proteste vor

Wie Herrmann erläuterte, stellen die Versammlungsbehörden im Freistaat ein enormes Mobilisierungspotential fest: Seit Mitte Dezember (14. Dezember 2023 bis 4. Januar 2024, 16 Uhr) fanden in Bayern bereits 71 einschlägige Versammlungen statt, an denen sich insgesamt mehr als 8.000 Personen beteiligten. Weitere 208 Versammlungen wurden zudem allein für die kommende Woche angezeigt (Stand: 4. Januar 2024, 16 Uhr). Der Bayerische Bauernverband organisiert in Abstimmung mit dem Verein ‚Landwirtschaft verbindet Bayern e.V.‘ eine Reihe großer Versammlungen wie am 8. Januar 2024 mit angezeigten 5.000 Teilnehmern in München am Odeonsplatz, am 10. Januar mit angezeigten 3.000 Teilnehmern in Augsburg und am 12. Januar mit angezeigten 5.000 Teilnehmern in Nürnberg.

07.01.2024 - 18:20 [ Landwirtschaft verbindet Bayern e.V. ]

Protestwoche ab dem 8. Januar

Hier ein kleiner Auszug der Ereignisse, mit denen die Bauern zusätzlich seit den letzten 2 Jahren zu kämpfen haben:

– Absenkung des Steuersatzes für pauschalierende Betriebe von 10,7% auf 8,4%
– Abschaffung der Gewinnglättung
– Streichung der Investitionsförderung von 195 Mio € für den von der Gesellschaft gewollten schnellen Umbau der Landwirtschaft
– Kürzung der Zuschüsse für die ldw. Sozialversicherung und Berufsgenossenschaft
– Höhere CO2 Abgabe, die bis 2026 auf 19,8 Cent/L steigt
– 4% Flächenstilllegung von ertragreichen Flächen, ohne Ausgleich
– Verschärfung der Geruchsimmissionsrichtlinie (GIRL)
– Ausweitung der Stoffstrombilanz
– Verschärfung des Errosionsschutzkatasters
– Fehlende Investitionsförderung für den Umbau zu mehr Tierwohl, ohne Absicherung der höheren Betriebskosten
– Fehlende Ausschreibungsmengen bei Biogas
– Vermehrte Schäden durch Wolf, Bieber usw. bisher immer noch mit keiner Lösung

Um den Fortbestand der kleinstrukturierten Betriebe in Bayern aufrecht zu erhalten, bestehen wir darauf:

– Dass importierte Waren mindestens den deutschen Anforderungen an Umwelt- Tierschutz- und Sozialstandards entsprechen (Lieferkettengesetz)
– Auf eine klare 100% Herkunftslandkennzeichnung für alle landwirtschaftlichen Produkte, auch in verarbeiteten Lebensmitteln und Restaurants, damit der Verbraucher leicht erkennen kann, woher diese genau kommen.
– Menge, Preis und Lieferzeit für unsere Produkte müssen im Vorfeld geklärt sein. (Marktrahmenbedingungen)

07.01.2024 - 18:10 [ Annika Leister / Twitter ]

#Bauern parken jetzt an der Seite auf Weg zum Brandenburger Tor, offiziell angemeldet ist Versammlung erst ab Mitternacht. Paar Protestschilder: „Lieber Tod als Sklave“, baumelndes Ampelmännchen, „Bauer macht den ersten Zug, am Ende fällt der König“, „No Farmer no future“ #Berlin

03.01.2024 - 14:00 [ ]

What We Want

1. An Immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza.

We demand an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza. Over 21,000+ Palestinians have been killed, 70% were women and children since October 7th. With 54,000+ injured, and approximately 1.8 million displaced in the last 3 months, the indiscriminate targeting of civilians by Israel must stop.

2. Stop the unconditional US funding of Israel’s genocide against Gaza and the occupation of Palestine.

It is abundantly clear that Israel’s genocide in Gaza is funded and supported by the United States. The hundreds of millions of dollars in ammunition transfers since October 7th, the back-and-forth shuttling of top-level US officials to Israel, the positioning of American aircraft carriers and the use of mercenaries has all been facilitated by the United States to bolster Israel’s murderous rampage in Gaza. We also firmly oppose current proposals in Congress to send an additional 14.3 billion dollars worth of weapons to Israel while it massacres Palestinian children daily. We demand an immediate and complete end to all US weapons transfers to Israel.

3. Hold Israel accountable for war crimes committed against the Palestinian people and their continuous violations of international law.

Israeli leaders have been very explicit in their intent to commit genocide in Gaza. Top ranked officials such as Netanyahu to lower rank government officials such as Galit Atbaryan have all called for the erasure of Gaza and the elimination of the Palestinian people. We call on the International Criminal Court to investigate and charge Israeli leaders with crimes against humanity for their intent and committal of well-documented atrocities against the people of Gaza and Gaza’s civilian infrastructure such as homes, schools, hospitals, mosques/churches, universities, roads, water and power infrastructure.

We also call on the US government to end their participation and complicity in Israel’s crimes against humanity and demand full and swift accountability for US and Israeli officials involved in this genocide.

03.01.2024 - 11:55 [ ]


African People’s Socialist Party
African People’s Solidarity Committee
Al-Awda: The Palestinian Right to Return Coalition
Al-Awda, Palestine Right of Return Movement
Al-Nahda Center
Alpha Lambda Mu Fraternity
American Civic and Humanitarian Coalition
American Human Rights Council
American Muslim Public Affairs Committee & #AbandonBiden
American Student Union
American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC)
Arab American Association of New York
Arab American Civil Rights League (ACRL)
Arab Chicago
Baltimore Nonviolence Center
Baltimore, MD Phil Berrigan Memorial Veterans For Peace
Bianca For San Francisco
BiH United
Black is Back Coalition for Social Justice, Peace and Reparations
Borderlands for Equity
Bronx Anti War Coalition
Capoeira Angola DC
Carolina Peace Center
Chicago Faith Coalition on Middle East Policy
Christians United for Palestine
Claudia Jones School for Political Education
Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action, Integration & Immigrant Rights and Fight for Equality By Any Means Necessary (BAMN)
Communist Party USA
Community Not Cages
Community Peacemaker Teams
CT Palestine Solidarity Coalition
DAG- Doctors Against Genocide
Dar Al-Hijrah
DC Alliance Against Racist & Political Repression (DCAARPR)
DC Communist Party
DC Young Communist League
Delawareans for Palestinian Human Rights (DelPHR)
Diáspora Pa’lante Collective
Direct Action for Rights and Equality
Drew’s Students for Justice in Palestine
Emerald Project
Empowered Minds Psychological Center, LLC
Environmentalists Against War
Equality Labs
Foundation for Economic and Social Justice
Freedom Road Socialist Organization
Friends of Sabeel North America( FOSNA)
Friends of the Bowen Branch Library
Front Royal for Palestine
Georgetown Law Students for Justice in Palestine
Hands Off Uhuru Fightback Coalition
Hands Off Uhuru! Hands Off Africa! Counteroffensive Campaign
Honor the Earth
Hood Black & Educated Consulting Group
Howard County for a Free Palestine
Indonesian Muslim Society in America
International Action Center
International Museum of Muslim Cultures
International People’s Democratic Uhuru Movement
Islamic Center of Morris County
Israel/Palestine Mission Network of the Presbyterian Church (USA)
J4P Actions Enablement Network
Jewish Voice for Peace – DC Metro Chapter
Jews for Palestinian Right of Return
Labor for Palestine (U.S.)
Labor Today International (WFTU)
Maine Voices for Palestinian Rights
Making Mensches
Masjid Al Falaah
Masjid Muhammad, The Nation’s Mosque (MMNM)
Michigan Task Force for Palestine
Michigan Women for Democracy
Minnesota Immigrant Rights Action Committee (MIRAC)
MPower Change
Muslim Anti-Racism Collaborative (MuslimARC)
Muslim Civic Coalition
Muslim Delegates & Allies Coalition
Muslim Journal
Muslim Public Affairs Council
Muslim Women’s Giving Circle
Muslims for Just Futures
Muslims for Social Justice
National Arab American Women’s Association (NAAWA)
National Students for Justice in Palestine
North Carolina Green Party
Northwest Ohio Peace Coalition
One BiH
P4DA Florida
Pakistan United Parade Committee
Palestine Advocacy Project
Palestinian American Community Center
Palestinian American Community Center in Greater Memphis
Palestinian community of metropolitan DC
Palestinian Feminist Collective
Palestinian Youth Movement
Party for Socialism and Liberation
Party of Communists USA
Peace Action Network of Lancaster
Peoples Power Assembly
Progressive Democrats of America – Arizona
Project Hajra
Queer Muslim Solidarity Network
Queer Shia Collective
ReThinking Foreign Policy
Rising Together
Rockland for Palestine
Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network
Santa Feans for Justice in Palestine
Savage Daughters
Seeding Sovereignty
Socialist Unity Party
Socialist Viewpoint
Solidarity w/Cuban Revolution
South Florida Coalition for Palestine
Southwest Coalition For Palestine
Springfield Eugene Anti-Imperialist Coalition (SEAIC)
Struggle for Socialism/Struggle la Lucha Newspaper
Students for Justice in Palestine at Denison University
The Freedom BLOC
The Key Palestine
The Mosque Foundation, Bridgeview IL
The Peace & Justice Coalition of Prince Georges County Maryland
The People’s Forum
The Red Nation
UAW Labor for Palestine
Uhuru Solidarity Movement
United American Indians of New England
United Methodists for Kairos Response (UMKR)
United National Antiwar Coalition (UNAC)
Vermonters for Justice in Palestine
Veterans For Peace
Virginia Coalition for Human Rights (VCHR)
Virginia Muslim Political Action Committee
Visualizing Palestine
Voices for Justice in Palestine
WBAI 99.5 FM Equal Rights & Justice productions
WESPAC Foundation, Inc.
West Suburban Peace Coalition
Westchester for Palestine
Women in Struggle
Workers World Party
World BEYOND War

Click here to endorse

03.01.2024 - 10:45 [ ]

Let’s start 2024 on the right track, Marching on Washington for Gaza

On January 13th, 2024, the American Muslim Task Force for Palestine in partnership with the ANSWER Coalition, will host the March On Washington for Gaza. We call on all our supporters to join us for this monumental event and make sure their demands for justice are met.

Date: Saturday, January 13th, 2024 | 1:00 PM

Location: The National Mall | 1600 Constitution Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20004

25.12.2023 - 22:50 [ ]

Papst erteilt feierlichen Weihnachts-Segen – Ruf nach Frieden

Eindringlich rief der Papst in seiner Urbi-et-Orbi-Botschaft dazu auf, sich für Frieden einzusetzen. „Er komme bald in Israel und Palästina, wo der Krieg das Leben dieser Völker erschüttert. Ich umarme sie alle, insbesondere die christlichen Gemeinschaften in Gaza und im gesamten Heiligen Land. Ich trauere im Herzen um die Opfer des verabscheuungswürdigen Angriffs vom 7. Oktober und erneuere meinen dringenden Appell für die Freilassung derjenigen, die noch immer als Geiseln festgehalten werden. Ich flehe darum, dass die Militäroperationen mit ihren entsetzlichen Folgen unschuldiger ziviler Opfer eingestellt werden und dass man etwas gegen die verzweifelte humanitäre Situation unternimmt, indem man das Eintreffen der Hilfslieferungen ermöglicht.“

Franziskus richtete den Scheinwerfer aber über das aktuelle Gaza-Drama hinaus auf die Zukunft der Menschen und Völker im Nahen Osten. „Man schüre nicht weiter Gewalt und Hass, sondern führe die palästinensische Frage zu einer Lösung, und zwar durch einen aufrichtigen und beharrlichen Dialog zwischen den Parteien, der von einem starken politischen Willen getragen wird und von der Unterstützung der internationalen Gemeinschaft.“ Der Vatikan wirbt für eine Zwei-Staaten-Lösung Israel/Palästina und für einen international garantierten, freien Zugang zu den Heiligen Stätten.

25.12.2023 - 22:28 [ ]

Pope: May Christmas bring peace to our world and turn sorrow into joy

Following the birth of the Saviour came the slaughter of the innocents, the Pope recalled, and he remembered the innocents, the „little Jesuses“ of today, who are victims „in their mothers’ wombs, in odysseys undertaken in desperation and in search of hope, in the lives of all those little ones whose childhood has been devastated by war.“

We must say „yes“ to peace and „no“ to war the Pope decried, as every war marks „a defeat without victors, an inexcusable folly.“ He also called for a „no“ to weaponry given that with human weakness we can often end up using it for war sooner or later.

Peace is even more difficult, he observed, „when arms production, sales, and trade are on the rise“ and public funds spent on arms can come at the expense of bread for the hungry. He decried „the interests and the profits that move the puppet strings of war.“ And these must be brought to light, „talked about and written about,“ he emphasised, since many have no idea how much of their public funds are being spent on weapons, whereas they should be informed.

23.12.2023 - 23:21 [ Palestine Action / Twitter ]

We thank all those who stood by and supported the #ElbitEight, dozens came everyday and brought food, gifts and stood tall in the cold showing their support. A special thanks to the support from @CAGEintl and @MPACUK!

23.12.2023 - 23:15 [ ]

Court victory for activists who disrupted Israel’s weapons trade

The Elbit Eight carried out direct action protests under the banner of Palestine Action, to try and disrupt the flow of drones and other military equipment to Israel.

The case ended on 22 December, following a six-week trial held at Snaresbrook Crown Court in east London.