Daily Archives: 29. Oktober 2022

29.10.2022 - 19:37 [ theGuardian.com ]

Intercepting the Internet

(29.April 1999)

European commission documents obtained this week reveal plans to require manufacturers and operators to build in „interception interfaces“ to the Internet and all future digital communications systems. The plans, drafted by a US-led international organisation of police and security agencies, will be proposed to EU Justice and Home Affairs ministers at the end of May.


The plans require the installation of a network of tapping centres throughout Europe, operating almost instantly across all national boundaries, providing access to every kind of communications including the net and satellites. A German tapping centre could intercept Internet messages in Britain, or a British detective could listen to Dutch phone calls. There could even be several tapping centres listening in at once.

29.10.2022 - 19:09 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Staatstrojaner Pegasus: Ehemaliger UN-Sonderberichterstatter rät EU-Parlament zum Verbot

Der ehemalige UN-Sonderberichterstatter für Menschenrechte David Kaye rät dem EU-Parlament, Überwachungstechnologien wie den Staatstrojaner Pegasus zu verbieten. Er habe ernste Zweifel, dass es überhaupt möglich sei, diese Technologien einzusetzen, ohne gegen internationales Recht zum Schutz der Menschenrechte zu verstoßen, sagte Kaye am Donnerstag bei einer Anhörung vor dem Pegasus-Untersuchungsausschuss im EU-Parlament. Der Ausschuss tagt seit April dieses Jahres, um die zahlreichen Überwachungsskandale in der EU im Zusammenhang mit Staatstrojanern zu untersuchen.

29.10.2022 - 04:07 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Lapid Reiterates Hadash-Ta’al Will Not Sit in His Coalition

However, with four days left, no clear coalition can be created following Tuesday’s election, according to a final poll carried out by Panels Politics on behalf of Maariv. As in a similar poll last Friday, the Netanyahu bloc received 60 seats, the Lapid bloc received 56 seats and Hadash-Ta’al received the remaining four, the survey found. The poll showed Hadash-Ta’al. Meretz, Labor, and Islamist Ra’am passing the electoral threshold of 3.25% of the general vote.

29.10.2022 - 03:54 [ Washington Post ]

Israel election: A far-right politician moves closer to power

For decades, Ben Gvir was a political untouchable. His roots in the overtly racist Kach party — founded by a radical American rabbi, Meir Kahane, and banned by Israel — put him beyond the fringe of even the most right-wing parties. That changed last year when then-Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who had lost his governing coalition and was desperate for a few more parliamentary votes, invited Ben Gvir into his alliance.

Netanyahu downplayed his maneuver, largely dismissing Ben Gvir as a backbencher who wouldn’t play a major role in government.

What a difference a year makes.

29.10.2022 - 03:22 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Israel: Auschaltung der Katyushas war kein Kriegsziel


„Es ist offensichtlich.., daß das eine wagemutige Rettungsaktion der Air Force für einen Piloten in Not war“, höhnte die konservative Ynet am Samstag in Anspielung auf den ex-Piloten Halutz.
„Sonst kann man in diesem grotesken Berg von nichtssagenden Details, inhaltslosen Schlußfolgerungen, plumpen Erklärungen und bombastischem Blödsinn weder Sinn oder Logik finden“, so Ynet.
Hatte sich die Armee-Untersuchung doch immerhin zu der Erklärung genötigt gesehen, der Abschuß von simplen Katyusha Raketen oder die Zerstörung ihrer Abschußbasen durch die Luftwaffe hätte deswegen nicht stattgefunden, weil „das Ausschalten der Bedrohung von Katyusha Raketen nicht als Kampfziel definiert war“.

Nun aber mal angenommen, es hätte nie die Absicht bestanden, die israelische Zivilbevölkerung vor den Raketen zu beschützen, denn ohne zivile Opfer kein entsprechender Leidensdruck gerade auch in der deutschen Öffentlichkeit, die man ja mit dem Motto „ihr-habt-noch-einen-Koffer-in-Beirut“ unbedingt in den Libanon bomben wollte…

Dann, und nur dann, macht das Verhalten der israelischen Militärs während des Libanonkrieges überhaupt einen Sinn – wenn nämlich der einzige Zweck dieses Debakels war, der deutschen Öffentlichkeit über die willigen Sprechblasen hierzulande eine Truppenentsendung an die syrische Grenze aufzuquatschen und eine internationale Streitmacht in den Sumpf Libanons hineinzuziehen.

Wie schreibt die Ynet weiter?
“Diese grundschulreifen Berichte porträtieren die Armee als einen klobigen Haufen mit dem Gehirn eines Hühnchens, geistig behindert und mit erstaunlichen Wahrnehmungsschwierigkeiten (wie zum Beispiel die Unfähigkeit zu verstehen, was gesagt wird oder was passiert.) Nicht einmal eingeschworene und überzeugte Linke halten die Armee für so dumm.”
Wie recht die Kollegen haben..

29.10.2022 - 03:18 [ Ynetnews.com ]

Halutz rescued, for now


There is no other way to find logic or sense in the grotesque mountain of insignificant details, trivial conclusions, simplistic lessons, and bombastic nonsense that fills the working papers, investigation summaries, media reports, and officer discussions.

Some of those „conclusions and lessons“ looked and sounded like a cruel parody produced by an uninhibited satirist: „The elimination of the Katyusha rocket threat was not defined as an objective,“ „the activity was not defined as war,“ „the objectives were not defined using clear military language…“

29.10.2022 - 03:09 [ MondoWeiss.net ]

Which crowded cities can you fire into?


Over a decade ago, Yonatan Shapira, then an Israeli air force pilot, bravely confronted his top commander, Lt. General Dan Halutz, over what were euphemistically called “targeted assassinations.” Israeli warplanes regularly fired missiles at Hamas leaders in Gaza, also killing innocent civilians, some of them children.

Shapira asked General Halutz, What if a Hamas leader were located in Tel Aviv? Would you order our pilots to fire there, risking Israeli bystanders? Halutz said no.

So you value Israelis over Palestinians, Yonatan responded. Get someone else to fly your aircraft.

29.10.2022 - 03:00 [ i24news.tv ]

Israel: Former army chief says Ben Gvir could spark ‘civil war’

Ben Gvir – leader of the Religious Zionism party and who the Israeli army refused to draft due to his extremist activities and views – is experiencing a resurgence in popularity. Polls have credited his bloc with up to 14 seats in Israel’s parliament, which would make it the third-largest faction.

Opposition Leader Benjamin Netanyahu recently said that if he were to regain his position as the Israeli premier, Ben Gvir would be a minister in his government.

29.10.2022 - 01:46 [ i24news.tv ]

Israeli military chiefs condemn assault of troops by leftist activists

Israel‘s military chief of staff condemned an assault on Israeli troops in the West Bank by left-wing activists, including an off-duty soldier.

The incident took place earlier on Friday near the Hebron Mount in the West Bank and saw left-wing Israelis, Palestinians, and one off-duty Israeli soldier clash with and hurl stones at Israeli troops posted at the site.

Israel‘s Army Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Aviv Kochavi condemned the attack, saying it represented „a very serious incident.“

29.10.2022 - 01:21 [ UN.org ]

Report of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Francesca Albanese

9. In recent years, a number of reputable scholars and organizations have concluded that systemic and widespread discriminatory Israeli policies and practices against the Palestinians amount to the crime of apartheid under international law. While the international community has not fully acted upon it, the concept that Israeli occupation meets the legal threshold of apartheid is gaining traction. This may help overcome a certain tendency to scrutinize Israeli violations, often individual and
decontextualized, under specific bodies of international law rather than the very system through which Israel rules over the Palestinians.

10. At the same time, if considered alone and not as part of a holistic examination of the experience of the Palestinian people as a whole, the apartheid framework presents some limitations:

(a) First, with few exceptions, the scope of recent reports on Israeli apartheid is primarily “territorial” and excludes the experience of Palestinian refugees. The recognition of Israeli apartheid must address the experience of the Palestinian people in its entirety and in their unity as a people, including those who were displaced, denationalized and dispossessed in 1947–1949 (many of whom live in the occupied Palestinian territory);

(b) Second, a focus on Israeli apartheid alone misses the inherent illegality of the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem. The Israeli occupation is illegal because it has proven not to be temporary, is deliberately administered against the best interests of the occupied population and has resulted in the annexation of occupied territory, breaching most obligations imposed on the occupying Power. Its illegality also stems from its systematic violation of at least three peremptory norms of international law: the prohibition on the acquisition of territory through the use of force; the prohibition on imposing regimes of alien subjugation, domination and exploitation, including racial discrimination and apartheid; and the obligation of States to respect the right of peoples to self-determination. By the same token, Israeli occupation constitutes an unjustified use of force and an act of aggression.9 Such an occupation is unequivocally prohibited under international law and contrary to the values, purposes and principles of the United Nations as enshrined in its Charter;

(c) Third, the apartheid framework does not address the “root causes” of the web of racially discriminatory laws, orders and policies that have regulated daily life in the occupied Palestinian territory since 1967 and Israeli animus (intention) in seizing land while subjugating and displacing its indigenous people and replacing them with its nationals. This is the hallmark of settler-colonialism, and a war crime
under the Rome Statute.

11. In essence, the limitations of the apartheid framework as currently applied bypass the critical issue of the recognition of the Palestinian people’s fundamental right to determine their political, social and economic status and develop as a people, free from foreign occupation, rule and exploitation. Dismantling the Israeli apartheid in the occupied Palestinian territory in particular, while necessary, will not
automatically address the question of Israeli domination over the Palestinians, restore permanent sovereignty over the lands Israel occupies and the natural resources therein, nor, on its own, fulfil Palestinian political aspirations.

29.10.2022 - 00:58 [ Times of Israel ]

UN commission says it will investigate ‘apartheid’ charges against Israel

Israel has adamantly denied apartheid accusations, saying its Arab minority enjoys full civil rights, while most Palestinians, who live outside Israel’s sovereign territory, are subject to Palestinian Authority rule under the Oslo Accords.

It also bristles at the term “occupation” to describe its activities in the West Bank and Gaza. It views Gaza, from which it withdrew soldiers and settlers in 2005, as a hostile entity ruled by the Islamic terror group Hamas, and it considers the West Bank to be disputed territory subject to peace negotiations — which collapsed nearly a decade ago.

29.10.2022 - 00:45 [ United Nations Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory including East Jerusalem and Israel ]

Commission of Inquiry finds that the Israeli occupation is unlawful under international law

New York (20 October 2022) — There are reasonable grounds to conclude that the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory is now unlawful under international law due to its permanence and the Israeli Government’s de-facto annexation policies, according to the first report to the General Assembly issued today by the United Nations Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel.

Underlining that under international humanitarian law the occupation of territory in wartime is a temporary situation and does not deprive the occupied Power of its statehood nor its sovereignty, the three-person Commission called on the General Assembly to request an urgent Advisory Opinion from the International Court of Justice on the legal consequences of Israel’s continued refusal to end its occupation of the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

“Recent statements by the Secretary-General and numerous member States have clearly indicated that any attempt at unilateral annexation of a State’s territory by another State is a violation of international law and is null and void; 143 member States including Israel last week voted in favour of a General Assembly resolution reaffirming this”, stated Navi Pillay, Chair of the Commission. “Unless universally applied, including to the situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, this core principle of the United Nations Charter will become meaningless”, she added.