Daily Archives: 23. August 2020

23.08.2020 - 18:40 [ Movement for a People’s Party / Twitter ]

In exactly one week…#PeoplesConvention

23.08.2020 - 16:30 [ ChannelNewsAsia.com ]

German lawmakers flag private party ban as coronavirus cases rise

„We must not risk that day care centres and schools will close again and that children are forced to remain at home for weeks because we have accepted higher infection rates due to lax rules at family parties,“ Saskia Esken, co-leader of the Social Democrats, told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung (FAS) newspaper.

Ralph Brinkhaus, leader of the CDU/CSU conservative parliamentary bloc, said: „Unfortunately since the start of summer a certain recklessness has spread.“

23.08.2020 - 16:26 [ RBB24.de ]

Gesundheitsministerkonferenz am Montag: Kalayci fordert bundeseinheitliche Regeln für Feiern

Die Gesundheitsminister von Bund und Ländern wollen Kalayci zufolge bei einer Telefonschalte an diesem Montag über das Infektionsrisiko bei solchen Events sprechen. Über die Frage, ob es neue Obergrenzen für Familienfeiern geben sollte, wird bereits seit einiger Zeit diskutiert.

Laut einer dpa-Umfrage stößt eine einheitliche Regelung in mehreren Bundesländern auf Widerstand.

23.08.2020 - 16:11 [ Jordan / Twitter ]

Anyone else notice @JoeBiden just completely cut out the public option from his healthcare policy live during his speech—just mentioning fixing Obamacare? #DNC2020

23.08.2020 - 16:07 [ Jacobin Magazine ]

Democrats Should Be Ashamed of the Rejection of Medicare for All in the DNC Platform

On Medicare for All, the Left has won the battle of ideas. But that’s not enough, as the DNC’s rejection of M4A shows.

23.08.2020 - 15:48 [ @HellaHamburg / Twitter ]

Christian Drosten mit Warnbrief: Corona-Tests an Flughäfen wieder einstellen

23.08.2020 - 15:42 [ oe24.at ]

Grenz-Chaos: Landeschef ordnet Durchwinken an

Zu totalem Chaos an Kärntens Grenzen zu Slowenien hat die Samstag in Kraft getretene Verordnung des Gesundheitsministeriums geführt. Es gab mehr als zwölf Stunden Wartezeit am Karawankentunnel, bei der Einreise über den Loiblpass waren es sieben Stunden. Schließlich griff Kärntens Landeshauptmann Peter Kaiser (SPÖ) ein und setzte die Verordnung außer Kraft. Danach entspannte sich die Lage.

23.08.2020 - 15:36 [ ACLU of Louisiana ]

ACLU of Louisiana Statement on Fatal Shooting by Lafayette Police Officers

The report finds that fatal shootings by police are so routine that, even during a national pandemic, with far fewer people traveling outside of their homes, police have continued to fatally shoot people at the same rate so far in 2020 as they did in the same period from 2015 to 2019.

23.08.2020 - 12:04 [ MIT Technology Review ]

Inside NSO, Israel’s billion-dollar spyware giant


In an age of ubiquitous technology and strong encryption, such “lawful hacking” has emerged as a powerful tool for public safety when law enforcement needs access to data. NSO insists that the vast majority of its customers are European democracies, although since it doesn’t release client lists and the countries themselves remain silent, that has never been verified.

23.08.2020 - 11:44 [ Haaretz ]

With Israel‘s Encouragement, NSO Sold Spyware to UAE and Other Gulf States

The Israeli company has signed contracts with Bahrain, Oman and Saudi Arabia.

23.08.2020 - 11:39 [ Gouverneur von New York - governor.ny.gov ]

Governor Cuomo Announces New Record-Low COVID-19 Test Positivity Rate, Hospitalizations And ICU Patients


Of the 94,849 test results reported to New York State yesterday, 653, or 0.69 percent, were positive.

23.08.2020 - 11:18 [ Bloomberg ]

Europe’s Virus Surge Is Looking Less Deadly Than Initial Wave

A number of countries have also changed how deaths are calculated in recent weeks. The U.K. toll fell by more than 5,000 earlier this month after the government said a fatality would only be classed as Covid-related if the person died within 28 days of a positive test.

23.08.2020 - 11:13 [ ORF.at ]

Zwölf Stunden Wartezeit: Totales Chaos an Grenzen

Der Grund für die rekordverdächtigen Grenzwartezeiten war die neue Verordnung der österreichischen Bundesregierung. Gemäß der Verordnung müssen die Behörden von sämtlichen Reisenden die Personalien erfassen, auch wenn sie Österreich nur durchqueren.

23.08.2020 - 10:39 [ The Honolulu Star-Advertiser ]

Coordinators of RIMPAC and the commemoration of WWII ending scale back events due to the pandemic

The Navy plans a “sinkex” (sink exercise) next week using as a target the former USS Durham, a 575-foot amphibious cargo ship that saw service in the Vietnam War and participated in the evacuation of Saigon in 1975.

Canada said its frigates Regina and Winnipeg will fire missiles in the sinkex, with Winnipeg to fire Evolved Sea Sparrow missiles and torpedoes, while Regina will fire a Harpoon missile.

23.08.2020 - 08:55 [ ZDF ]

Nawalny – ein politischer Fall

Der Fall Nawalny dürfte das Verhältnis zwischen Russland und Deutschland belasten. Theo Koll, Leiter des ZDF-Hauptstadtstudios

23.08.2020 - 08:26 [ ORF ]

Rechtsanwälte: Änderung in CoV-Gesetzesnovelle nötig

Die Differenzierung zwischen „bestimmten“ und „öffentlichen“ Orten dürfte nicht plausibel und nicht bestimmt genug sein, sagte Kammerpräsident Rupert Wolff zur APA. Er fordert eine Amnestie für alle aufgrund der vom VfGH aufgehobenen Verordnung verhängten Strafen.

Das Gesundheitsministerium reagiert mit dem Entwurf zur Änderung des Covid-19-Maßnahmengesetzes darauf, dass der Verfassungsgerichtshof die Verordnung von Minister Rudolf Anschober (Grüne) zu den Ausgangsbeschränkungen zum größten Teil aufgehoben hat.

23.08.2020 - 08:08 [ ZDF ]

AKK: Maskenpflicht am Arbeitsplatz denkbar

CDU-Chefin Kramp-Karrenbauer will bei steigenden Corona-Zahlen eine Maskenpflicht am Arbeitsplatz und an Schulen prüfen.

23.08.2020 - 08:04 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Streit um Briefwahl in den USA: Hilfspaket für die Post beschlossen

Für dieses Gesetz mussten die Abgeordneten sogar ihren Sommerurlaub unterbrechen: Top-Demokratin Nancy Pelosi hatte das Repräsentantenhaus ausgerechnet an einem Samstag nach Washington zurückbeordert.

23.08.2020 - 07:17 [ Dictionary.com ]

Absentee Ballot vs. Mail-In Ballot: Is There A Difference?

The takeaway:

– An absentee ballot is generally used in every state to refer to a ballot filled out by a voter who cannot, for various reasons, physically make it to a voting location on Election Day.
– A mail-in ballot is used more broadly to refer to ballots sent through the mail, including in all-mail voting states and some forms of absentee voting.

In popular discussions, some people will use the terms absentee ballots and mail-in ballots to mean the same thing: voting by mail, regardless of why. However, many people will use absentee ballots specifically to refer to ballots that are mailed when a person can’t vote in person, and use the term mail-in ballots in the context of voting policies that enable all people to vote by mail.

23.08.2020 - 07:10 [ Truthout ]

DNC Featured Most Native Speakers Ever, But Native Issues Remain Under-Addressed

Harris has a record of going against the sovereign interests of California tribal nations. Many Native people haven’t forgotten the broken promises made by the Obama-Biden administration. Not only did the administration advance the Keystone XL Pipeline, but it also sat silently for months as Native people, accomplices and media were arrested, brutalized, and physically and sexually assaulted while trying to defeat the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). There are still Native people, such as Red Fawn Fallis, who are serving time for resisting DAPL.
However, in the past, Biden has supported fracking and the use of gas as a clean-burning fuel, a fact that scientists and environmental organizers have repeatedly disputed. The Democratic Party also dropped from its platform the proposal to end tax incentives for fossil fuels.

23.08.2020 - 07:01 [ theHill.com ]

House passes $25B bill to boost Postal Service

The House on Saturday passed legislation that would prevent the U.S. Postal Service from making any changes to its operations that could slow delivery of mailed-in ballots for this fall’s elections.

The bill passed largely along party lines, 257-150, with 26 Republicans bucking party leaders to support it.

23.08.2020 - 06:36 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

No to Expanded HHS Surveillance of COVID-19 Patients

August 17, 2020 New data collection. The SORNs would allow collection of personal information about physical and psychological health history, drug and alcohol use, diet, employment, and more. Data collected would also include “geospatial records,” which countless research has shown is difficult to de-identify. Data would be collected not just about people who test positive, but also about their family members, as well as people who test negative, and perhaps people who have not tested at all. Data would be collected from countless different sources, including federal, state, and local governments, their contractors, the healthcare industry, and patients’ family members.

23.08.2020 - 06:03 [ Bangkok Post ]

West African delegation ‚very hopeful‘ after meeting Mali junta

The ECOWAS delegation will meet with the ambassadors in Mali of the five permanent members of the UN Security Council — Britain, China, France, Russia and the US– on Sunday morning, according to the programme seen by AFP.

23.08.2020 - 05:09 [ Global News Canada ]

Israel demonstrations keep momentum as thousands protest outside Netanyahu’s home

Thousands of Israelis protested outside the prime minister’s official residence Saturday as summer-long demonstrations against Benjamin Netanyahu maintained their momentum.

23.08.2020 - 00:13 [ Noa Landau נעה לנדאו / Twitter ]

Police violence tonight @ anti @netanyahu protest

23.08.2020 - 00:12 [ Ben Reiff / Twitter ]

Police now entering en masse to disperse

23.08.2020 - 00:08 [ Haaretz ]

Dozens Arrested at Ten Thousand-strong Protest Against Netanyahu in Jerusalem

Earlier in the evening, about 1,000 protesters marched from the Chords Bridge near the entrance to the city toward Balfour Street, where the residence is located, despite not receiving a permit for the march from the police.

Meanwhile, demonstrators from the „Black Flag“ movement, who call to defend Israel‘s democracy from what they perceive as Netanyahu‘s government attacks against it, have already gathered at some 300 intersections, junctions and bridges across Israel.

Another thousand protested near the prime minister‘s private home in Caesarea.

23.08.2020 - 00:04 [ Noa Landau נעה לנדאו / Twitter ]

#Ten Thousand Israelis Protest Against Netanyahu in Front of PM‘s Residence

23.08.2020 - 00:01 [ .i24news.tv ]

Israel: Anti-Netanyahu protesters defy police ban to march through Jerusalem

The force added that it suggested a number of alternative paths, but the organizers rejected all of those.

„You cannot stop the protests,“ the organizers retorted. „It is your role to protect us, it is ours to protect a country that is collapsing,“ they added.