Daily Archives: 27. Dezember 2019

27.12.2019 - 23:19 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Mexiko: Indigenes Forum setzt auf Information und Selbstorganisation

Vernetzungstreffen in Chiapas. Gemeinden sind mit zunehmenden Eingriffen in ihren Territorien konfrontiert. Austausch über Widerstandsformen

27.12.2019 - 21:06 [ CNN ]

A giant red star is acting weird and scientists think it may be about to explode

The red supergiant would glow a vibrant blue for three of four months, and would take about a year to fade out.

„It would be a really bright star visible in the daytime,“ Guinan said.

There wouldn‘t be any direct danger to life on earth, but ultraviolet radiation from the celestial blast could scorch ozone in our atmosphere.

27.12.2019 - 18:59 [ Politico.com ]

Democratic insiders: Bernie could win the nomination

For months, the Vermont senator was written off by Democratic Party insiders as a candidate with a committed but narrow base who was too far left to win the primary. Elizabeth Warren had skyrocketed in the polls and seemed to be leaving him behind in the race to be progressive voters’ standard-bearer in 2020.

But in the past few weeks, something has changed.

27.12.2019 - 18:41 [ i24news.tv ]

Israel: AG says will deliver opinion on Netanyahu‘s eligibility to form gov‘t only after court hearing

Attorney-General Avichai Mandelblit on Thursday sought to avoid offering his legal opinion on whether or not Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu could be tasked with forming a government with criminal charges hanging over him.

Mandelblit was earlier in the week requested by Israel‘s High Court of Justice by the court to submit his opinion on the matter next week.

27.12.2019 - 18:24 [ Tagesschau ]

Mexiko empört über Bolivien: Streit über „belagerte“ Botschaft

Außenminister Marcelo Ebrard sagte, die Umstellung der Botschafterresidenz durch Agenten verletze internationale Verträge über den Schutz und die Rechte von Diplomaten und diplomatischen Einrichtungen.

Ebrard kündigte eine Beschwerde beim Internationalen Gerichtshof in Den Haag an. Das Vorgehen Boliviens bedrohe das Recht Mexikos, Ex-Regierungsbeamten Asyl zu gewähren.

27.12.2019 - 17:59 [ theNational.ae ]

Iraq president Barham Salih offers to step down amid protests

He said that he would rather step down than pick a new prime minister rejected by demonstrators but as the constitution does not allow him to reject a nomination he would resign.

Parliament will now have to meet to discuss and vote on the resignation. If they endorse the move, Mr Salih will step down.

27.12.2019 - 17:54 [ Elijah J. Magnier ]

Iraq at the Crossroads: either Prime Minister al-Suheil or President Salih have to resign


“President Barham Salih has his own candidate, the current head of intelligence Mustafa al-Kadhemi. There is no veto on the personality of Kadhemi; however, the serious problem is the attempt of the President to dismiss the power of the Parliament and his rejection of the will of the largest parliamentary coalition”, said the source.

Sources in Najaf stated “the Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Sistani has repeatedly stated that power emanates from the people and not from the President. It is the people and their representatives who make the decisions and if a new Prime Minister is rejected by the people he will not last long in office”.

27.12.2019 - 17:23 [ Sueddeutsche ]

Reise in die Türkei: Merkel ringt um Flüchtlingspakt

Merkel und Erdoğan waren sich zuletzt auf dem Nato-Treffen in London Anfang Dezember begegnet. In einem Vierer-Treffen mit Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron und dem britischen Premierminister Boris Johnson sprachen sie über die Lage in Nordsyrien. Bei Merkels Besuch im Januar dürfte aber auch das Thema Libyen eine Rolle spielen, seit Erdoğan angekündigt hat, im dortigen Bürgerkrieg selbst für eine Seite Partei zu ergreifen.

27.12.2019 - 17:22 [ New York Times ]

Russia and Turkey to Discuss Libya Military Support in January: Kremlin


„Russia… supports any efforts and individual countries in terms of finding solutions to the (Libyan) crisis,“ said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov.

Later on Tuesday, Erdogan and Putin held a phone call where they discussed developments in Libya and Syria, as well as their bilateral ties and other regional issues, the Turkish presidency said in a statement. No further details were available.

27.12.2019 - 16:45 [ saltwire.com ]

Putin, Erdogan plan to launch TurkStream pipeline on January 8: Kremlin


Russian President Vladimir Putin plans to travel to Turkey for talks with his Turkish counterpart Tayyip Erdogan on Jan. 8 where he will open the TurkStream natural gas pipeline, the Kremlin said on Monday.

27.12.2019 - 16:29 [ Kreml ]

Telephone conversation with Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu

The leaders discussed current issues on the regional agenda, as well as certain aspects of bilateral relations in the context of the President of Russia’s visit to Israel scheduled for January 2020.

27.12.2019 - 16:14 [ Radio Utopie ]

Wag the Russki

(11.April 2017)

am 30. März gibt die U.S.-Regierung von Donald Trump, wegen interner Machtkämpfe in Washinton im Zuge einer Spionage-Affäre und Ermittlungen des F.B.I. gegen den amtierenden Präsidenten wegen vermeintlicher Beeinflussung der Präsidenschaftswahl durch Russland schwer unter Druck, nach sechs Jahren Krieg und Hunderttausenden von Toten den Umsturzversuch in Syrien auf. Entsprechende Erklärungen erfolgen durch U.S.-Außenminister Rex Tillerson und die U.S.-Botschafterin bei den Vereinten Nationen, Nikki Haley.

Dann, am 4. April, nur einen Tag nach einem Attentat in St. Petersburg (nach welchem der russische Geheimdienst F.S.B. den zuvor beobachteten Kopf eines zentralasiatischen Einzelgängers aus der Tasche des „Selbstmordattentats“ zieht) und zeitgleich zum Beginn einer von „Europäischer Union“ und „Vereinte Nationen“ in Brüssel organisierten Syrien-Konferenz der Invasionsmächte mit rechtschaffenden Vertretern von insg. 70 Staaten, auf der die Bundesregierung nach 2,3 Milliarden Euro weitere 1,169 Milliarden Euro zur Verfügung stellt – „für die Opfer des syrischen Bürgerkriegs“ – tut jemand, wieder einmal, den Invasoren den denkbar größten Gefallen zu derem denkbar günstigsten Zeitpunkt.

Aus der syrischen Stadt Khan Sheikhoun (Ḫān Šayḫūn, Chan Schaichun) vermelden Propaganda-Stellen der Invasoren einen Angriff mit Giftgas bzw Chemiewaffen. 24 Stunden lang schweigen Regierung und Militär der Russischen Föderation und sondern dann unglaubwürdige, ausweichende Erklärungen und für die Propaganda der Invasoren leicht zu wiederlegende Lügen ab.

Belege für den tatsächlichen Ablauf der Geschehnisse müssen die Invasoren nicht vorlegen, da die russische Seite keine Gegenbeweise zu den entsprechenden Vorwürfen vorlegt, trotz aller vorhandenen Kapazitäten der Militäraufklärung. Stattdessen spielen Militär und Regierung der Föderation „dummer Russki, böser Russki!“, stellen sich als Sandsack zur Verfügung und spielen so den Kriegstreibern und einer weiteren Eskalation der Geschehnisse direkt in die Hände.

Einen Tag nach dem vermeintlichen oder tatsächlichen Massaker in Khan Sheikhoun stellt sich am 5. April der aus Russland mit so viel Hoffnung erwartete neue Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten, ex-Showmaster und Milliardär Donald Trump, zusammen mit dem König von Jordanien vor die Presse und dreht sich um 180 Grad wieder auf Kriegskurs – nicht nur gegen Syrien, sondern auch gegen den Iran, den er gleich mehrfach erwähnt. Gleichzeitig wird der Nationale Sicherheitsrat entsprechend umgebaut, der Machtkampf zwischen widerstrebenden Kräften in der U.S.-Administration zugunsten des geheimdienstlich-militärischen Komplexes entschieden und die Spionage-Affäre faktisch niedergeschlagen.

Es ergibt sich der Eindruck: Trump ist schlicht erpresst worden und hat einen Deal mit den ihm gegenüberstehenden Interessengruppen gemacht: namentlich die C.I.A., das F.B.I und das Pentagon.

Am Abend des 6. April streut die U.S.-Regierung höchstselbst Gerüchte über mögliche Luftangriffe gegen die syrische Regierung und ihr Militär.

Offensichtlich für diese ein Grund von den nun kommenden Ereignissen total überrascht zu werden, genauso wie die Russische Föderation.

Noch in der Nacht zum 7. April starten U.S.-Luftangriffe von Kriegsschiffen im Mittelmeer aus gegen den syrischen Luftwaffenstützpunkt Al-Shayrat. (Luftangriff: U.S.-Imperium nimmt Einladung Russlands und Syriens dankend an)

Von den vom Pentagon vermeldeten 59 Marschflugkörpern treffen bemerkenswerterweise angeblich nur 23 das Ziel und haben bei ihrem Einschlag nach Angaben vom russischen Verteidigungsministerium eine „extrem niedrige“ Effektivität, was Landebahnen, Zubringer und Stellplätze des syrischen Luftwaffenstützpunktes in Takt lassen.

Vor dem Angriff informierte das Pentagon den russischen Generalstab. Nach Angaben des syrischen Generalstabes, der nichts darüber sagt ob auch er vom Angriff vorab informiert wurde, sterben bei dem U.S.-Angriff sechs syrische Soldaten.

Anschließend sondern die Propagandaschleudern „Sputnik“ und „RT“ allerlei Erklärungen für ihre offensichtlich irritierte Kundschaft ab, was es denn mit der Vorabinformation vom „massiven“ Angriff der vermeintlichen Gegner im U.S.-Militär so auf sich hatte, warum keine russischen Soldaten getötet wurden, warum auf dem syrischen Luftwaffenstützpunkt nichts von Bedeutung zerstört wurde, warum von 59 Marschflukörpern nur 23 ihr Ziel getroffen haben sollen, etc, etc.

Nach viel Gewimmer und Gebrumm rückt die russische Staatspresse endlich damit heraus:

Es gibt schlicht keine Vereinbarungen über eine Verteidigung syrischer „Militärobjekte“ durch die russischen Streitkräfte – also weder so etwas wie einen Verteidigungs-, noch einen Bündnispakt zwischen Syrien und Russland.

Und noch viel „besser“:

Russland weigert sich auch zukünftig einen syrischen Stützpunkt oder gar Syrien insgesamt zu verteidigen, ausdrücklich auch im Falle von neuen U.S.-Luftangriffen. Das bestätigte gestern der Vize vom Auswärtigen Ausschuss des Föderationsrates.

Nur die eigenen Stützpunkte in Syrien, die werde man natürlich verteidigen.

27.12.2019 - 16:00 [ NewsFromUkraine / Youtube ]

Joint Soviet-Nazi military parade in Poland. The history of Russian aggression.

The Battle of Brest-Litovsk took place between 14 and 17 September 1939. After three days of heavy fights for the stronghold in the town of Brześć, the Germans captured the fortress and the Poles withdrew. According to the terms of the 1939 German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact the territory around Brest as well as 52% of the then Poland was assigned to the Soviet Union. The Soviet 29th tank brigade under Brigadier Semyon Krivoshein reached the area of Brześć on September 21st and took over the fortress from the Wehrmacht. During that event a joint German-Soviet parade was held in the town, after which the German forces left the area. The XIX motorized Corps of Wehrmacht and the 29th Tank Brigade of the Red Army participated in the parade.

27.12.2019 - 15:59 [ learning-history.com ]

German-Soviet Military Parade in Brest-Litovsk

The German-Soviet military parade in Brest-Litovsk was an official ceremony held by the troops of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union on September 22, 1939, during the invasion of Poland in the city of Brest-Litovsk.

It marked the withdrawal of German troops to the demarcation line secretly agreed to in the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, and the handover of the city and its fortress to the Soviet Red Army.

27.12.2019 - 15:54 [ Sueddeutsche ]

Zweiter Weltkrieg: Putin verteidigt Stalins Pakt mit Hitler


Der Kreml bietet Journalisten, die des Russischen nicht mächtig sind, einen netten Service. Über die Website der Moskauer Machtzentrale kann die ausländische Presse Ansprachen und andere Äußerungen des russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putins in englischer Sprache nachlesen.

27.12.2019 - 15:51 [ Haaretz ]

Putin Says Poland, Western Leaders Cooperated With Hitler

Putin cast the Molotov-Ribbentrop treaty as a move the Soviet Union was forced into following nonaggression agreements some other European nations had signed with Hitler.

He cited a 1938 agreement reached by Germany, Britain, France and Italy that allowed Hitler to annex Czechoslovakia as an example of Western leaders’ alleged “collusion” with Hitler.

27.12.2019 - 15:45 [ Reuters ]

U.N. experts urge Pakistan to clear scholar of blasphemy, lift death sentence

Hafeez’s family and lawyers released a statement saying the trial had been marked by a “wave of fear” and intimidation after Hafeez’s initial defense lawyer, Rashid Rehman, was shot and killed in 2014 after agreeing to take on the case. No one has been charged with that murder.

27.12.2019 - 14:57 [ New York Times ]

Anguish and Anger From the Navy SEALS Who Turned In Edward Gallagher

Asked whether the chief had a bias against Middle Eastern people, Special Operator Scott replied, “I think he just wants to kill anybody he can.”

Some of the SEALs said they came to believe that the chief was purposefully exposing them to enemy fire to bait ISIS fighters into revealing their positions. They said the chief thought that casualties in the platoon would increase his chances for a Silver Star.

27.12.2019 - 14:50 [ Haaretz ]

Labor, Meretz, Come Down to Earth

Meretz is even more vulnerable in the polls and is liable to pay the price. That’s why Peretz has allowed himself to stand on the sidelines and insist on realizing his dream. And therefore, he is the one who must pay the price for this reckless gamble.

27.12.2019 - 14:44 [ Haaretz ]

The Left Must Unite Now

The danger is clear and present. If either Labor or Meretz (in its present wrapping as the Democratic Union) do not make it into the next Knesset, the right will enjoy a crushing victory, with Netanyahu forming a coalition that will grant him immunity from facing trial while destroying the judicial system and annexing the West Bank.

The results of the last two elections, as well as recent opinion polls, show that these two parties, especially Meretz, face the risk of collapsing.

27.12.2019 - 14:41 [ teleSUR ]

Lula To Fight Neoliberalism to Restore Democracy in Brazil

„The days I was detained in the Federal Police (of Curitiba) strengthened me politically and today I have a greater will to fight until the restoration of democracy in Brazil,“ he said.

In addition, he stressed that democracy is a very serious issue and lamented that Brazil, which was previously a country where tolerance and love existed, now finds that hatred has been established in some sectors, promoted by those who seek to destroy the achievements made for most people in need. „The situation in Brazil is delicate … the people are suffering, they are losing their rights,“ Lula said.

27.12.2019 - 14:32 [ Reuters ]

Bolsonaro signs law ending disciplinary detention for military police and firefighters

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has signed into law a bill that eliminates jail time as a punishment for military police and firefighters convicted of disciplinary offenses, according to the Official Gazette on Friday.

27.12.2019 - 14:05 [ RT / Youtube ]

Uncut Chronicles: Blood & Tears. Gaza August 2014


Israel and Gaza‘s ruling Hamas agreed to an open-ended ceasefire on August 26 after seven weeks of fighting – an uneasy deal that halted the Protective Edge operation, with more than 2,200 killed.

27.12.2019 - 14:04 [ RT / Youtube ]

Uncut Chronicles: Gaza-Israel War. Deadly July 2014


The IDF (Israeli Defense Forces) began their current operation against Hamas after three teens were kidnapped and killed. The military op has already claimed over 1,500 civilian lives in Gaza.

27.12.2019 - 13:31 [ Jerusalem Post ]

The ICC decision on Israel would make Himmler proud

SS Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler, architect and director of the Holocaust, would be proud of the latest move by Fatou Bensouda, Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. Intent on the total elimination of the Jewish race, Himmler supported Amin al-Huseini, Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, in his plans to eradicate the Jews in Palestine.
Now Bensouda and the ICC have joined the international campaign aimed at eliminating the Jewish state, led by al-Huseini’s successors.

27.12.2019 - 13:28 [ Times of Israel ]

From The Gambia to The Hague: Meet Israel’s new public enemy number one

Israel has many detractors, real and imagined, but since Friday the country has a brand new public enemy number one: Fatou Bensouda, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court.

Since announcing her intention to open an investigation into the “situation in Palestine” because she believes war crimes “have been or are being committed” there, the 58-year-old Gambia native has endured a massive wave of criticism.

27.12.2019 - 13:23 [ i24news.tv ]

Netanyahu vows to secure US recognition of West Bank settlements in victory speech

The veteran leader said that in the upcoming year he would „bring Israel more historic achievements that we can only dream of.

„We will set our final borders, bring about American recognition for Israeli control over the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea and our sovereignty over every settlement in Judea and Samaria,“ he said.

27.12.2019 - 12:23 [ theHill.com ]

Trump speaks with Egypt‘s president about Libya, bilateral issues

U.S. officials have grown concerned about the intensifying conflict in Libya amid reports of Russian mercenaries backing Khalifa Haftar’s Libyan National Army.

The State Department said in a statement Saturday that the U.S. is concerned “by the LNA’s threat to use foreign-supplied air assets and mercenaries to attack Misrata.”

27.12.2019 - 11:56 [ ORF.at ]

Japan schickt Kriegsschiff in Nahen Osten

Unter anderem sollen der Golf von Oman und der Golf von Aden abgedeckt werden.

27.12.2019 - 11:38 [ ZDF ]

Regierung genehmigt Rüstungsexporte in Rekordhöhe

Die mit Abstand umfangreichsten Lieferungen wurden mit 1,77 Milliarden Euro für den EU- und Nato-Partner Ungarn genehmigt, vor Ägypten (802 Millionen Euro) und den USA (483 Millionen Euro). Die Zahlen gehen aus Antworten des Wirtschaftsministeriums auf Anfragen der Bundestagsabgeordneten Sevim Dagdelen (Linke) und Omid Nouripour (Grüne) hervor.

27.12.2019 - 05:31 [ Common Dreams ]

‚People Should Take Him Very Seriously‘: Sanders Polling Surge Reportedly Forcing Democratic Establishment to Admit He Can Win

„He has a very good shot of winning Iowa, a very good shot of winning New Hampshire, and other than Joe Biden, the best shot of winning Nevada,“ said one former Obama adviser.

27.12.2019 - 05:15 [ Reuters ]

Magnitude 5.1 quake strikes near Iran‘s Bushehr nuclear plant

The quake was moderate, which can cause considerable damage, and was centered 33 miles (53 km) east of Bushehr, a nuclear plant on Iran’s southern coast on the Persian Gulf.

27.12.2019 - 05:01 [ Reuters ]

Passenger plane crashes in Kazakhstan killing at least nine

A Bek Air plane with 95 passengers and five crew members on board crashed near the city of Almaty in Kazakhstan on Friday, killing at least nine people, authorities in the Central Asian country said.

27.12.2019 - 04:38 [ The Mainichi ]

NHK sends erroneous report about N. Korean missile launch

NHK also said on a news program aired shortly after the report that the posted message was designed for training purposes and did not contain accurate information. It also apologized for the false alert.

27.12.2019 - 03:52 [ Trend.az ]

Japan to send warship, aircraft to Middle East to protect vessels

Last week, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe briefed visiting Iranian President Hassan Rouhani on Tokyo’s plan to send naval forces to the Gulf.

27.12.2019 - 01:16 [ teleSUR ]

Colombian Attorney Asks to Stop Murder of Social Leaders

Also at the beginning of the week, the murder of two environmentalists was reported; Nathalia Jiménez and Rodrigo Monsalve, both from the department of Magdalena.

According to figures from Colombian authorities, from January 2016 to May 2019, 482 social leaders were murdered in this South American country.

27.12.2019 - 00:59 [ Egypt Today ]

Sisi, Trump discuss Libyan crisis, Ethiopian Dam talks

The Egyptian leader also hailed the role played by the Libyan National Army, led by Khalifa Haftar, to combat terrorism, and thwart the activities of the armed organizations and militias that have threatened regional security.

27.12.2019 - 00:16 [ The Yucatan Times ]

New Mayan palace discovered in Yucatán

“This work has confirmed the existence of a palace to the east of the main square of Group C, through the liberation and recognition of the base, the stairways and a crossing with pilasters, at the top, which would have been used by the elite of the place,” the INAH explained in a statement.