Moreno declared a 60-day state of emergency on Thursday, saying disorder would not be tolerated. By Friday morning, 350 people were arrested, mainly in Quito and Guayaquil, the Interior Ministry said. Taxi union leader Jorge Calderon was among those detained on Friday.
Daily Archives: 4. Oktober 2019
Japan‘s Abe prioritizes economy, urges debate on Constitution in policy speech
„Let us fulfill our responsibility as Diet members to the people,“ Abe told the session, with reference to the politically and socially divisive issue of changing Japan‘s pacifist charter for the first time since World War II.
SA eyes Egypt arms deal
The message the world and South Africa needs to send to Egypt is that its human rights abuses will not be tolerated and that there should be no selling of arms to Egypt while this situation continues.
Egypt‘s speaker praises Hitler to justify government spending
„Hitler had his mistakes, but what allowed him to expand eastward and westward was that he created a strong infrastructure,“ the speaker said.
Egypt’s Harsh Crackdown Quashes Protest Movement
These are among the latest political prisoners to overcrowd Egypt’s jails, arrested as President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi moved to quash the anti-government protests that first erupted across Egypt two weeks ago. The harsh crackdown — one of the largest waves of arrests in Egypt in decades — has ended the short-lived protest movement and put Mr. el-Sisi back in control, at least for now.
Tensions grow as Cyprus says Turkish drilling ship violates its rights
Turkey says some of the areas where Cyprus is exploring are either on its own continental shelf or in zones where Turkish Cypriots have equal rights over any finds with Greek Cypriots.
Image of destroyed Canada military vehicle used by Saudi reignites debate on arms deals
According to Global Affairs Canada statistics, Saudi Arabia was the largest non-US export destination for Canada’s defence industry in 2018, receiving approximately $1.2 billion in Canadian military exports.
Bundesregierung billgt Deal: Heikler Rüstungsexport an Emirate
Der von Kanzlerin Angela Merkel geleitete Bundessicherheitsrat gab in seiner jüngsten Sitzung grünes Licht für den Export von Stromaggregaten für ein Luftabwehrsystem. Das geht aus einem Schreiben von Bundeswirtschaftsminister Peter Altmaier an den Wirtschaftsausschuss des Bundestags hervor, das der Nachrichtenagentur dpa vorliegt.
NSU-Ausschuss: „…unser nicht erfüllbarer Untersuchungsauftrag“
Gescheitert sind die Abgeordneten des NSU-Untersuchungsausschusses No. 2 vor allem an der Landesregierung, die sich ausgerechnet zusammensetzt aus den Parteien Linke, SPD und Grüne. Und zwar konkret daran, dass ihnen Informationen über Handeln und Wissen von V-Personen der Polizei komplett vorenthalten wurden.
Wall Street Is Killing Local Newspapers
Perhaps the most infamous recent example was the breakdown of the 127-year-old Denver Post. Since private equity firm Alden Global acquired the paper, it has cut two out of every three staff positions — twice the industry rate for downsizing.
To add insult to injury, the firm has been using staff pension funds as its own personal piggy bank. In total, they’ve moved nearly $250 million into investment accounts in the Cayman Islands.
Netanyahu reportedly backing away from proposed Likud party primary
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is reportedly shrinking away from a suggested Likud party primary proposal after close allies warned he has more to lose than gain in the contest.
Instead, Netanyahu is weighing a whether to hold an internal leadership contest next year after Foreign Minister Israel Katz made the suggestion Thursday evening, according to Israeli broadcaster Channel 12.
Uncompromising Investigation Into Shin Bet Torture Allegations Is Needed
This explanation was meant to provide grounds for a claim of necessity, which is a fundamental condition for permitting the use of “special means” – that is, torture – while still staying within the limits imposed by the High Court of Justice on interrogations of this type.
It’s still impossible to know whether this essential condition, necessity, actually existed. But even if it did, serious questions arise from this case regarding the interpretation that has been given to the possibility of using torture.
Schon 30 Tote bei Protesten im Irak
Die Proteste richten sich gegen die verbreitete Korruption, die hohe Arbeitslosigkeit und die schlechte Strom- und Wasserversorgung.
Ministerpräsident Mahdi verhängte am Mittwochabend eine Ausgangssperre in Bagdad, um die Lage unter Kontrolle zu bekommen.
Gespräch über Flüchtlinge: Türkei kann auf mehr EU-Gelder hoffen
Innenminister Seehofer lehnt einen türkischen Einmarsch in Syrien ab. Was mehr Geld für Flüchtlinge angeht, zeigte er sich in Ankara aber offen. Von einem dritten EU-Pakt ist die Rede.
EU wegen Flüchtlingspakt besorgt – Seehofer lobt Ankara und verspricht mehr Hilfe
Im offensichtlichen Bemühen, die jüngsten Spannungen zu glätten, dankte er der türkischen Regierung ausdrücklich für ihre Rolle bei der Bewältigung der Flüchtlingskrise. „Ohne Eure Solidarität wäre das Migrationsproblem in unserer Region so nicht bewältigt worden“, sagte er an den Gastgeber, seinen türkischen Kollegen Süleyman Soylu, gewandt. „Ein ganz herzliches Dankeschön. Das ist eine Leistung, die auch in die Welthistorie eingehen wird.“
Ausnahmezustand in Ecuador verhängt
Moreno braucht die IWF-Kredite, um die hohe Staatsverschuldung in den Griff zu bekommen. Im Gegenzug wurde seiner Regierung zur Auflage gemacht, die staatlichen Subventionen für Kraftstoff zu senken. Moreno warnte die Demonstrierenden, er werde nicht zulassen, dass in Ecuador Chaos herrsche.
Ausnahmezustand in Ecuador: „Gebiete unter Kontrolle“
Taxi-, Bus- und Lkw-Fahrer hatten zudem in mehreren Städten Straßen blockiert. Durch den Wegfall der seit mehr als 40 Jahre gültigen Subventionen stieg der Preis für eine Gallone Diesel von 1,03 auf 2,30 Dollar, für Benzin von 1,85 auf 2,39 Dollar. Morenos Regierung hatte im Februar einen Kredit über 4,2 Milliarden Dollar vom Internationalen Währungsfonds erhalten. Sie musste im Gegenzug aber Reformen anstoßen.
Ecuador Assembly Calls for President‘s Removal, Early Polls
Assembly members of Citizen‘s Revolution call for President Lenin Moreno‘s ouster, early elections and a return to „rule of law.“
U.S. Energy Secretary Perry expected to announce resignation next month: Politico
Perry held talks with Falih about Saudi Arabia’s plans to build its first two commercial nuclear power plants, urging the kingdom to use U.S. nuclear technology, rather than Chinese or Russian technology.
Tödliche Polizeigewalt in Brasilien auf Rekordniveau
Der Justiz- und Sicherheitsminister Sérgio Moro brachte Anfang Februar ein umfangreiches Gesetzesprojekt ins Parlament ein, das die Befugnisse der Sicherheitsorgane erheblich ausweitet. Moro will Polizisten den folgenlosen Schusswaffengebrauch ermöglichen.
Feiern und feuern
Militarismus zum 3. Oktober: Ministerin kündigt Erhöhung der NATO-Ausgaben an. Weiteres Großmanöver im Frühjahr
The US, UK, and Australia (3 Five Eyes) are asking @facebook to delay message encryption. They‘re using child sex exploitation as a way to highlight concerns encrypted comms can hamper law enforcement.
Details on latest encryption battle w @CyberScoopNews
Brief an Mark Zuckerberg – US-Behörden gegen Facebook-Verschlüsselung
Allein 2018 meldete Facebook fast 17 Millionen Fälle möglichen Kindesmissbrauchs, mit der geplanten Ausweitung der Verschlüsselung wären schätzungsweise rund zwölf Millionen Fälle davon aber wohl nicht bemerkt worden, heißt es in dem Brief nach Angaben des US-Heimatschutzministeriums.
Attorney General Bill Barr Will Ask Zuckerberg To Halt Plans For End-To-End Encryption Across Facebook‘s Apps
Attorney General Bill Barr, along with officials from the United Kingdom and Australia, is set to publish an open letter to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg asking the company to delay plans for end-to-end encryption across its messaging services until it can guarantee the added privacy does not reduce public safety.
A draft of the letter, dated Oct. 4, is set to be released alongside the announcement of a new data-sharing agreement between law enforcement in the US and the UK; it was obtained by BuzzFeed News ahead of its publication.
2.5 billion people use at least one of Facebook’s apps
Facebook today for the first time announced that in June, 2.5 billion people used at least one of its apps: Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp or Messenger. That’s a helpful number, because it counts real people, rather than accounts, since people can have multiple accounts on a single app.
Calls for backdoor access to WhatsApp as Five Eyes nations meet
British, American and other intelligence agencies from English-speaking countries have concluded a two-day meeting in London amid calls for spies and police officers to be given special, backdoor access to WhatsApp and other encrypted communications.
The meeting of the “Five Eyes” nations – the UK, US, Australia, Canada and New Zealand – was hosted by new home secretary, Priti Patel, in an effort to coordinate efforts to combat terrorism and child abuse.
William Barr discussed FBI Russia inquiry with UK intelligence
The US attorney general met UK intelligence agencies in the summer to discuss Britain potentially cooperating with Donald Trump’s administration on an inquiry examining the FBI’s investigation into alleged collusion with Russia, according to sources.
William Barr met British intelligence officials in London on 29 July at a meeting attended by intelligence agencies from the Five Eyes group.
Netanyahu hearing may be extended as his lawyers fail to wrap up arguments
The second day of the hearing process in the criminal cases against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ended Thursday night after long hours of discussion, with one of the prime minister’s attorneys continuing to express confidence that the charges against the premier would be withdrawn.
READ: Text messages between US diplomats and Ukrainians released by House Democrats
Three House committees released documents and text messages provided by former American Special Envoy to Ukraine Kurt Volker on Thursday.
Read the full document and text exchanges here:
USA verkaufen Panzerabwehrwaffen an die Ukraine
Die Ukraine, die sich im Konflikt mit Russland befindet, will die Javelins seit Längerem erwerben. Der neu gewählte Präsident Wolodymyr Selenskyj hatte Ende Juli in einem Gespräch mit US-Präsident Donald Trump darum gebeten.
Saudi Arabia endorses India‘s actions in Kashmir
The Saudi stance on the issue was conveyed to India in a two-hour-long meeting between National Security Adviser Ajit Doval and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman in Riyadh on Wednesday, sources told ANI.
Netanyahu, Liberman fail to reach ‚breakthrough‘ after coalition talks
Netanyahu urged his political rival to join his right-wing coalition “as soon as possible” in order to establish the next Israeli government.
But despite the prime minister’s entreaties, “no breakthrough was achieved” during the discussions, the Likud party said in a statement.
Trump Publicly Urges China to Investigate the Bidens
The president’s call for Chinese intervention means that Mr. Trump and his attorney general have now solicited assistance in discrediting the president’s political opponents from Ukraine, Australia, Italy and, according to one report, Britain. In speaking so publicly on Thursday, a defiant Mr. Trump pushed back against critics who have called such requests an abuse of power, essentially arguing that there was nothing wrong with seeking foreign help to fight corruption.
Anti-Iran Alliance Falters as Netanyahu, Trump and MBS Focus on Their Own Predicaments
U.S. President Donald Trump is facing an impeachment inquiry his efforts to get Ukraine to investigate a son of his political rival Joe Biden. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s lawyers reported Wednesday to the first meeting of a pre-indictment hearing on three separate corruption cases. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, meanwhile, has been embarrassed by the mysterious shooting death of the personal bodyguard to King Salman, the crown prince’s father.