Daily Archives: 18. Mai 2019

18.05.2019 - 17:41 [ Fool.com ]

Look Who‘s Buying Lockheed Martin‘s F-35 Now!


Here‘s a quick rundown of the major players to date, and how many F-35s they‘re planning to buy:

Australia: 72 F-35As
Belgium: No decision yet made
Canada: 65 F-35As planned, but may buy Boeing (NYSE:BA) F-18s instead
Denmark: 27 F-35As
Israel: 50 F-35As
Italy: 60 F-35As, 30 F-35Bs
Japan: 42 F-35As
Netherlands: Up to 37 planned, but only 8 authorized so far
Norway: 52 F-35As planned, but only 22 authorized so far
South Korea: 40 F-35As
Turkey: 100 F-35As
United Kingdom: 138 F-35Bs
United States: 1,763 F-35As, 353 F-35Bs, and 327 F-35Cs

18.05.2019 - 17:19 [ Radio Utopie ]

Wag the Russki


am 4. April, nur einen Tag nach einem Attentat in St. Petersburg (nach welchem der russische Geheimdienst F.S.B. den zuvor beobachteten Kopf eines zentralasiatischen Einzelgängers aus der Tasche des „Selbstmordattentats“ zieht) und zeitgleich zum Beginn einer von „Europäischer Union“ und „Vereinte Nationen“ in Brüssel organisierten Syrien-Konferenz der Invasionsmächte mit rechtschaffenden Vertretern von insg. 70 Staaten, auf der die Bundesregierung nach 2,3 Milliarden Euro weitere 1,169 Milliarden Euro zur Verfügung stellt – „für die Opfer des syrischen Bürgerkriegs“ – tut jemand, wieder einmal, den Invasoren den denkbar größten Gefallen zu derem denkbar günstigsten Zeitpunkt.

Aus der syrischen Stadt Khan Sheikhoun (Ḫān Šayḫūn, Chan Schaichun) vermelden Propaganda-Stellen der Invasoren einen Angriff mit Giftgas bzw Chemiewaffen. 24 Stunden lang schweigen Regierung und Militär der Russischen Föderation und sondern dann unglaubwürdige, ausweichende Erklärungen und für die Propaganda der Invasoren leicht zu wiederlegende Lügen ab.

Belege für den tatsächlichen Ablauf der Geschehnisse müssen die Invasoren nicht vorlegen, da die russische Seite keine Gegenbeweise zu den entsprechenden Vorwürfen vorlegt, trotz aller vorhandenen Kapazitäten der Militäraufklärung. Stattdessen spielen Militär und Regierung der Föderation „dummer Russki, böser Russki!“, stellen sich als Sandsack zur Verfügung und spielen so den Kriegstreibern und einer weiteren Eskalation der Geschehnisse direkt in die Hände.

18.05.2019 - 17:10 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

Hi-tech coating which makes RAF‘s new £100million F-35 fighter jets ‚invisible‘ to enemy radar is allegedly wearing off quicker than expected – but the force said the aircraft is a ‚significant success‘


An RAF source told The Express: This situation obviously has to be rectified before the plane enters operational service.‘

The source also told the paper that defence secretary Gavin Williamson and RAF Air Chief Marshal Sir Stephen have always known about the issue.

18.05.2019 - 17:10 [ Wikipedia ]

Potential applications of carbon nanotubes

Radar absorption

Radars work in the microwave frequency range, which can be absorbed by MWNTs. Applying the MWNTs to the aircraft would cause the radar to be absorbed and therefore seem to have a smaller radar cross-section. One such application could be to paint the nanotubes onto the plane. Recently there has been some work done at the University of Michigan regarding carbon nanotubes usefulness as stealth technology on aircraft. It has been found that in addition to the radar absorbing properties, the nanotubes neither reflect nor scatter visible light, making it essentially invisible at night, much like painting current stealth aircraft black except much more effective. Current limitations in manufacturing, however, mean that current production of nanotube-coated aircraft is not possible. One theory to overcome these current limitations is to cover small particles with the nanotubes and suspend the nanotube-covered particles in a medium such as paint, which can then be applied to a surface, like a stealth aircraft.[64]

In 2010, Lockheed Martin Corporation applied for a patent for just such a CNT based radar absorbent material, which was reassigned and granted to Applied NanoStructure Solutions, LLC in 2012.[65] Some believe that this material is incorporated in the F-35 Lightning II

18.05.2019 - 17:05 [ flightglobal.com ]

Lockheed Martin reveals F-35 to feature nanocomposite structures


Meanwhile, the same carbon nanotube reinforced polymer (CNRP) material is being considered to replace about 100 components made with other composites or metals throughout the F-35‘s airframe, he said.

The shift to CNRP as an airframe material has been anticipated ever since carbon nanotubes were discovered in 1991.

18.05.2019 - 17:02 [ Technology Review ]

Nano Paint Could Make Airplanes Invisible to Radar


However, it’s not yet practical to grow forests of nanotubes on the surface of an airplane directly—growing such forests is a high-temperature, high-pressure process done in chambers much smaller than an airplane. But Guo says it should be possible to grow the nanotubes on the surface of tiny particles which can then be suspended in paint.

18.05.2019 - 17:00 [ Yahoo.com ]

Britain at UN presses Russia to answer for Idlib hospital attacks

At least 18 hospitals and clinics have been destroyed or damaged by air strikes and shelling over recent weeks, several of which were on UN „no target“ lists that detail exact locations of the health facilities to the warring sides, the UN aid chief told the council.

„Russia and Syria are the only countries that fly planes in the area,“ British Ambassador Karen Pierce told the council. „I think we need answers today.“

18.05.2019 - 16:49 [ Tagesschau.de ]

UN-Sicherheitsrat zu Syrien: Wer bombardiert Krankenhäuser in Idlib?

„Wer bombardiert die Krankenhäuser? Ich weiß es nicht“, antwortet Lowcock sich selbst. Aber wer immer es tue, brauche dazu eine moderne Luftwaffe und Präzisionswaffen.

„Werden die Krankenhäuser mit Absicht unter Beschuss genommen?“ Die nächste Frage, die der Nothilfekoordinator sich selbst stellte.

Er wisse es nicht, „aber die Leute die es wissen, sind jene, die die Bomben werfen.“ Es wurde sehr still im Saal, als Lowcock immer beklemmendere Fragen stellte.

18.05.2019 - 15:43 [ derStandard.at ]

Können Oligarchen legal an österreichische Parteien spenden?

Denn derzeit könne der Rechnungshof nicht einmal die Parteien prüfen und sei auf die von ihnen selbst getätigten Angaben angewiesen.

18.05.2019 - 15:33 [ Kleine Zeitung ]

Österreich vor Neuwahlen? Vizekanzler Strache tritt zurück, Kurz lässt mit Statement auf sich warten

Die Ereignisse in Österreichs Innenpolitik überschlagen sich: FPÖ-Chef und Vizekanzler Strache legt alle Funktionen zurück, auch Gudenus geht. Hochspannung vor dem Statement von Kanzler Kurz, kommt es zu Neuwahlen? Wirbel um neuen Videoausschnitt.

18.05.2019 - 15:22 [ redfish ‏/ Twitter ]

Over 1 million students and teachers went on strike and flooded the streets all over Brazil to protest against Bolsonaro‘s education cuts. #ForaBolsonaro


18.05.2019 - 15:10 [ HORS-ZONE Press / Twitter ]

?DIRECT INFO? Petite pause avant de traverser le 17ème #GiletsJaunes #Acte27 #ActeXXVII #GiletsJaunesparis #YellowVests #YellowJackets

18.05.2019 - 15:08 [ HORS-ZONE Press / Twitter ]

?DIRECT INFO?Les #GiletsJaunes traversent Neuilly #Acte27 #ActeXXVII #GiletsJaunesparis #YellowVests #YellowJackets

18.05.2019 - 15:04 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

Gelbwesten-Appell: Französische Künstler lassen sich „nicht für dumm verkaufen“ – Die deutsche Kulturszene schweigt zum Sozialen


Ihre Solidarität mit den Gelbwesten haben prominente französische Künstler in einem feurigen Appell formuliert. Leider ist eine solch eindeutige Unterstützung sozialen Protests von der deutschen Kulturszene nicht zu erwarten.

18.05.2019 - 15:02 [ Liberation.fr ]

Gilets jaunes : nous ne sommes pas dupes !


Juliette Binoche, Emmanuelle Béart, Edouard Louis, Alain Damasio, autant de personnalités qui apportent leur soutien à un mouvement «sans précédent dans l’histoire». Un mouvement qui représente tous les métiers de la culture. Un mouvement que le pouvoir cherche à discréditer et réprime sévèrement alors que la violence la plus menaçante est économique et sociale.

18.05.2019 - 14:52 [ S.C. ‏/ Twitter ]

Paris right now – live footage of the Gilets Jaunes protest ….

18.05.2019 - 14:51 [ Gilets Jaunes Paris #Acte27 / Twitter ]

⚡️#Alès [30] – #Acte27⚡️ Les #GiletsJaunes sont nombreux à avoir répondu à l’appel regional ce samedi après-midi. #ActeXXVII

18.05.2019 - 13:35 [ Radio Utopie ]

Warum es in Deutschland keine unabhängige Justiz gibt

Das Grundgesetz zwingt den Staat in Artikel 97 nur zur Unabhängigkeit der Richter. Daher interpretiert der Staat für sich die Macht und das Recht, Staatsanwaltschaften als Teil der Exekutive zu definieren und diese in seine Regierungshierarchie einzugliedern.

18.05.2019 - 11:04 [ Washington Post ]

We don’t have an attorney general


Last September, President Trump told an interviewer: “I don’t have an attorney general. It’s very sad.”

The problem was not that Jeff Sessions wasn’t showing up to work. It was that Sessions had recused himself from the Russia investigation and therefore couldn’t act to protect Trump by shutting it down.

Well, now Trump most certainly does have the attorney general he long envisioned. William P. Barr is making this abundantly clear, most recently in an interview aired Friday on Fox News.

But the thing is, now we don’t have an attorney general.

18.05.2019 - 10:24 [ CNN ]

No indictment for Netanyahu

(20. April 1997)

Netanyahu told CNN‘s Walter Rodgers he was „glad that the truth came out,“ and said the entire incident was „blown out of proportion and twisted out of shape.“

„It‘s politics,“ he said in an interview shortly after the attorney general released his report. „Of course there were people out to get us. But this is going nowhere. It‘s done. It‘s finished.“

18.05.2019 - 10:06 [ Hamodia ]

Report: Mandelblit Won’t Reopen Case 3000 Investigation


Part of Ganor’s testimony involved allegations that Netanyahu gave his consent to the sale of advanced submarines by ThyssenKrupp to Egypt, and that the Prime Minister had misled investigators by telling them that he had shared with Mandelblit information on why the sale was necessary – even though he was unwilling to tell them, because it was a “state secret.” Blue and White candidates have in recent days accused Netanyahu of a coverup,

18.05.2019 - 09:56 [ Times of Israel ]

Full text: The criminal allegations against Netanyahu, as set out by Israel’s AG


Amid reports the PM will seek legislation that will protect him from prosecution in 3 criminal cases, ToI publishes in English for the first time the full interim charge sheet

18.05.2019 - 07:08 [ theNation.com ]

Trump May Not Want War With Iran—But the Coalition of the Killing May Give Him One

One spark—a rogue militia attack on US forces in Iraq, a battle involving Iran-allied forces in Syria or Lebanon, an incident in the Persian Gulf—could set off the conflagration that Trump’s advisers seem to want.

Who else wants war? It isn’t just Bolton, who has advocated war with Iran for many years. Joining Bolton on what Zarif calls the “B Team” are Bibi, bin Salman, and bin Zayed (Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed, the effective ruler of the United Arab Emirates). Together, they represent Trump’s Coalition of the Killing.

18.05.2019 - 04:03 [ WashingtonMonthly.com ]

Netanyahu Is Playing Trump Like a Fiddle

In other words, the Trump administration is escalating tensions with Iran based on intelligence reports from Israel. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu would have us believe that this isn’t the first time he has been responsible for the actions of the Trump administration.

18.05.2019 - 03:50 [ Times of Israel ]

Report: Mossad intel of looming Iranian attack led US to send in carrier force


“The United States is not seeking war with the Iranian regime, but we are fully prepared to respond to any attack, whether by proxy, the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, or regular Iranian forces.”

According to Israel’s Channel 13, Israeli officials conveyed information gathered largely by the Mossad on an Iranian plan to attack either a US or US-allied target, details of which were not provided to the network.

18.05.2019 - 03:14 [ Washington Post ]

Who actually supports military strikes against Iran?

Among them, the trio of Saudi Arabia, Israel and the United Arab Emirates. It’s no coincidence that these countries have courted the White House since Trump entered office in January 2017 — they saw the incoming administration as an ally against Iran.

18.05.2019 - 03:02 [ Eva J. Koulouriotis / Twitter ]

#BREAKING #NOW Preliminary information refers to the targeting by Israeli warplanes of at least two sites belonging to the Iranian Revolutionary Guards south and south-west of the Syrian capital #Damascus.

#Syria #Israel #IDF #IAF #Russia #Iran #IRGC

18.05.2019 - 02:59 [ Haaretz ]

Syria Says Air Defenses Intercept Projectiles Coming From Israel

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, a Britain-based war monitor affiliated with the Syrian opposition, reported that three explosions were heard in southern and southwestern Damascus. According to the report, the areas that were targeted have an Iranian military and Hezbollah presence.

18.05.2019 - 01:41 [ Imperial War Museum ]

Der Untertan [The Subject]

This poster advertises the novel ‘Der Untertan’ (‘The Subject’) by Heinrich Mann (1871-1950), the first part of his trilogy, ‘Das Kaiserreich’ (‘The Empire’). The novel was banned in Germany during the First World War, owing to its criticism of the militarism and conservatism prevalent in Imperial German society. It was finally published, to much acclaim, in 1918. Heinrich’s younger brother, the novelist Thomas Mann, initially wrote in support of the war but later agreed with Heinrich. Both brothers left for America in the 1930s following the rise of the Nazis.

18.05.2019 - 01:30 [ israelnationalnews.com ]

Netanyahu praises Germany

“I congratulate the German Bundestag on the important decision that recognizes the BDS as an anti-Semitic movement and declares that it is forbidden to fund it. I particularly appreciate the Bundestag‘s call on Germany to stop funding organizations working against Israel‘s existence. I hope that the decision will lead to concrete steps and call on other countries to adopt similar legislation,” Netanyahu wrote on Twitter.

18.05.2019 - 01:22 [ Zeit.de ]

Israel-Boykott: Bundestag verurteilt BDS-Bewegung

Auch der Präsident des Zentralrats der Juden in Deutschland, Josef Schuster, begrüßte den Beschluss. „Es ist Zeit, dem Antisemitismus in jeglicher Form entschlossen entgegenzutreten“, sagte er. „Endlich wird die anti-israelische Boykottbewegung auch auf Bundesebene klar als das benannt, was sie ist, nämlich antisemitisch.“

18.05.2019 - 01:00 [ BBC ]

Germany labels Israel boycott movement BDS anti-Semitic

In Friday‘s resolution vote, which took place on the eve of the show‘s final, Germany‘s lower house said the actions of the BDS were reminiscent of the „terrifying“ Nazi campaign against Jewish people under Adolf Hitler.

18.05.2019 - 00:42 [ Haaretz ]


We, Jewish and Israeli scholars, many of whom research Jewish history and anti-Semitism, express concern about the rise in anti-Semitism around the world, including in Germany. We view all forms of racism and bigotry as a threat that must be fought and encourage the German government and parliament to do so.

At the same time, we wish to sound alarm about a parallel trend: the growing tendency of labeling supporters of Palestinian human rights as anti-Semitic.

This trend is now escalating in Germany. Two German parties, the FDP and AfD, have tabled resolutions at the Bundestag that equate the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement with anti- Semitism. Coalition parties CDU /CSU and SPD are preparing a joint resolution that does so, too. This conflation is incorrect, unacceptable and a threat to the liberal-democratic order in Germany.

18.05.2019 - 00:15 [ Al-Masdar News ]

Syrian Army attempts to advance at key town in northeast Latakia

Due to the steepness of the mountain Kabani is located on, it is very difficult to advance into the town from any axis around the town.

18.05.2019 - 00:06 [ Washington Post ]

Explosions near Syrian capital in apparent Israeli strikes

Several explosions were heard in the Syrian capital Damascus on Friday night as the country’s air defenses opened fire on “objects” coming from the direction of the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, state media reported.

18.05.2019 - 00:00 [ Haaretz ]

Arming Dictators, Equipping Pariahs: Alarming Picture of Israel‘s Arms Sales

A thorough report by Amnesty International is harshly critical of Israel’s policies on arms exports. According to the report written in Hebrew by the organization’s Israeli branch, Israeli companies continue to export weapons to countries that systematically violate human rights. Israeli-made weapons are also found in the hands of armies and organizations committing war crimes. The report points to eight such countries that have received arms from Israel in recent years.