Archiv: Isaac Herzog

29.08.2024 - 19:07 [ Times of Israel ]

Netanyahu was warned a year before Oct. 7 that Hamas saw its ‘moment had arrived,’ Lapid tells civilian inquiry

“During the months leading up to the disaster, the prime minister and cabinet ministers received a series of serious, unprecedented warnings. From the middle of 2023 there were more and more voices within the terrorist organizations that said that the moment they had been waiting for had arrived,” he says.

Lapid recalls asking Bar “if these warnings were also brought before the prime minister and cabinet ministers, and the answer was: ‘Of course they were.‘”

10.03.2024 - 19:09 [ CNBC-TV18 / Youtube ]

Netherlands Protest LIVE: Protest In Amsterdam Against Israeli President Herzog | Gaza War | IN18L

Israeli President Isaac Herzog is to attend the opening of the National Holocaust Museum in Amsterdam on Sunday amid a planned protest against Israel‘s killing of tens of thousands of Palestinians in Gaza.

10.03.2024 - 19:00 [ Diem25 ]

Never again is now: protest against Israeli president Herzog!

From Erev Rav:


We express our deep concern regarding the upcoming opening of the Dutch National Holocaust Museum, where Israeli president Yitzhak Herzog is scheduled to attend alongside Dutch king Willem-Alexander.

While we honor the memory of our ancestors who perished in the Holocaust and recognize the importance of preserving their memory, we cannot stand by silently while the genocide in Gaza continues to unfold.

We are organizing a peaceful protest moment during the opening ceremony of the National Holocaust Museum.

We as Jews deserve better than the instrumentalisation of our pain in order to justify an ongoing genocide!

10.03.2024 - 18:55 [ ]

Dutch pro-Palestinian group demands arrest of Isaac Herzog for ‚war crimes and genocide‘ in Gaza


Ahead of president Isaac Herzog‘s scheduled visit to the Netherlands on Sunday, a local pro-Palestinian organization submitted a request to arrest him for war crimes in Gaza. The Foreign Affairs and Justice ministries are preparing to prevent embarrassment and to ensure that there will be no harm during the visit.

20.01.2024 - 05:11 [ Zarah Sultana MP, Proud to be the Labour MP for Coventry South / Twitter ]

NEW: The government hid from Parliament the Foreign Office‘s „serious concerns“ about Israel‘s compliance with International Humanitarian Law in Gaza, according to newly-released court papers. This should be national news – and it should end arms sales to Israel.

The papers show that at the start of the war the Foreign Office set up an internal International Humanitarian Law assessment process.

On 10 November it judged: “the volume of strikes, total death toll, as well as proportion of those who are children raise serious concerns”. 2/12

It also said: „the government’s current inability to come to a clear assessment on Israel’s record of compliance with International Humanitarian Law poses significant policy risks”.

But look at what Foreign Office minister Andrew Mitchell said to me just 4 days later… 3/12

In Parliament on 14 November, I asked Mitchell if British-made weapons had been used in violation of international law in Gaza.

He replied reassuring me of Israel‘s commitment to international law, even though just 4 days earlier his department registered serious concerns. 4/12

Mitchell said: „The member will know that the President of Israel has made it clear that his country will abide by International Humanitarian Law“.

These court papers reveal that his own department, the UK Foreign Office, doubted the Israeli President‘s words.

06.09.2023 - 21:21 [ Times of Israel ]

Report: Netanyahu demanded exclusion of recusal law from potential overhaul freeze

The compromise, as reported, aimed to freeze all further judicial overhaul legislation in return for granting the coalition more power on the Judicial Selection Committee in the form of veto power on the selection of the Supreme Court president and lower court judges.

But today’s report says Netanyahu was adamant that any freeze still allow a potential “override clause” to be legislated with a regular majority, in the event that the High Court of Justice nullifies the government’s law shielding the premier from being ordered by courts or the attorney general to step down.

16.05.2023 - 15:32 [ Haaretz ]

Compromise Talks on Israel‘s Judicial Overhaul Resume

Simcha Rothman, the chairman of the Knesset Constitution, Law and Justice Committee, said that if no agreement is reached with the opposition, some of the judicial overhaul legislation would be passed by the Knesset during its current session

16.04.2023 - 11:55 [ Neri Zilber / Nitter ]

Former IDF chief of staff & protest leader Dan Halutz articles mvmnt’s demands: 1.Complete independence of courts 2.Full stop to judicial overhaul bills 3.Reversal of all laws already passed (eg donations law) 4.Non-partisan presidential cmte to formulate reforms, no time limit

16.04.2023 - 10:52 [ Haaretz ]

Tens of Thousands Flock to Protests Across Israel to Oppose Netanyahu’s Judicial Overhaul

Negotiating teams will meet next week at the President’s Residence in Jerusalem to begin dialogue over the laws of the proposed judicial overhaul. This will be the first time the sides will discuss the details of the laws submitted to the Knesset, with previous meetings having focused on technical issues.

Several speakers at the protests called on opposition leaders to halt the negotiations, among them former IDF Chief of Staff Dan Halutz, who addressed the central demonstration in Tel Aviv.

09.03.2023 - 06:12 [ Haaretz ]

The Eight Ways Herzog Is Damaging Israeli Democracy

Ever since the coup against our system of government – and the sweeping opposition to it – began, President Isaac Herzog has been doing damage to Israel’s democracy. Even if his intentions are good, at this point we have to call a spade a spade and urge him to stop.

28.01.2023 - 20:38 [ Matti Friedman / Nitter ]

Jerusalem protest, week 3. Subdued because of the terror attacks, but a big and diverse crowd outside the President‘s House:

25.10.2022 - 09:39 [ Times of Israel ]

Before heading to US, Herzog says he’ll discuss Iran threat, Lebanon deal with Biden

Noting that he is traveling at the invitation of “my friend” Biden, Herzog says his visit will focus on regional developments, chief among them “the Iranian threat, which is destabilizing not only the Middle East, but the entire world, requiring a firm and united stand against it.”

He will also discuss the Abraham Accords, the imminent maritime border deal with Lebanon, and “our desire and hope to have more nations join the circle of regional peace.”

27.03.2022 - 14:02 [ ]

Blinken tries to calm allies ahead of Iran nuke deal

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Sunday tried to soothe the fears of Israel and its Gulf Arab allies ahead of the possible renewal of global powers’ international nuclear deal with Iran.

Blinken made the comments shortly before joining his counterparts from Israel and four Arab countries at a special gathering where the Iranian nuclear deal was expected to top the agenda.

18.02.2022 - 08:59 [ Haaretz ]

Pelosi Headed to Israel With Iran, Ukraine on the Agenda

(Feb. 14, 2022)

Pelosi will head the congressional delegation set to visit the Knesset on Wednesday, over two years since her last official visit to Jerusalem, with the Iran talks in Vienna sure to be on the agenda. She will be accompanied by key lawmakers related to foreign relations, appropriations and intelligence — including Reps. Adam Schiff, Ted Deutch, Barbara Lee, Bill Keating, Eric Swalwell, Ro Khanna and Andy Kim.

07.07.2021 - 18:04 [ ORF ]

Israels neuer Präsident Herzog in Jerusalem vereidigt

Vor der Knesset gab es laut Medienberichten heftige Proteste gegen die Ernennung des Sprechers von Herzog, der früher für Ex-Ministerpräsidenten Benjamin Netanjahu gearbeitet hatte. Netanjahu steht wegen Korruptionsvorwürfen vor Gericht.

02.06.2021 - 17:02 [ Haaretz ]

Isaac Herzog Wins Israeli Presidential Election, Defeating Miriam Peretz

The son of Israel‘s sixth president, former Labor Party leader Herzog will replace outgoing President Reuven Rivlin next month

02.06.2021 - 07:56 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli Lawmakers to Vote for New President in Secret Ballot on Wednesday

Front-runner Isaac Herzog, chairman of the Jewish Agency and former head of the Labor Party, is also the son of a previous president, Chaim Herzog. He is expected to win backing from legislators of both the right and the left after he amassed the signatures of 27 MKs representing all the parties in the Knesset, except for the Arab ones.

02.06.2021 - 07:47 [ ]

Israels Parlament wählt neuen Staatspräsidenten

Israels Parlament wählt heute einen neuen Staatspräsidenten. Kandidaten sind der frühere Oppositionsführer Yitzhak Herzog und die Aktivistin Miriam Peretz. Der oder die Siegerin übernimmt am 9. Juli das Amt des bisherigen Präsidenten Reuven Rivlin. Die Wahl findet kurz vor einer erwarteten Ablösung des langjährigen rechtskonservativen Ministerpräsidenten Benjamin Netanyahu statt.

13.08.2020 - 16:20 [ Haaretz ]

A Bruising No-holds Barred Exchange: What We Saw in the Bibi-Lapid Showdown

Gantz has now destroyed his own credibility by joining Netanyahu’s coalition, so has Labor leader Amir Peretz. Lapid remains the only leader of a major party on the center-left. Netanyahu has no choice but to take him on. But while Lapid’s inexperience and dilettantism gives Netanyahu ample ammunition against the former chat-show host and columnist, it also creates a dilemma for him. Attacking Lapid with all guns blazing increases his popularity in the anti-Netanyahu camp, where many have had trouble taking Lapid seriously. Lapid, unlike Gantz, Gabbay and Herzog, is also prepared to follow Netanyahu into the mud.

07.06.2018 - 09:23 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli Defense Chief Accuses Center-left, ultra-Orthodox Parties of Thwarting ‚Terrorist‘ Lawmaker‘s Removal From Knesset

(4.6.2018) Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said on Monday that the reason lawmaker Haneen Zoabi (Joint List) is still sitting in the Knesset is because members of the center-left and ultra-Orthodox parties refuse to support her dismissal.

Lieberman said he „cannot understand why (Deputy Health Minister) Yaakov Litzman (United Torah Judaism), (opposition head) Isaac Herzog (Zionist Union), and Ofer Shelah (Yesh Atid), are supporting this terrorist.“ Lieberman also snapped at Meretz chairwoman Tamar Zandberg, saying: „nobody expects anything else from you.“

04.06.2018 - 18:47 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli Defense Chief Accuses Center-left, ultra-Orthodox Parties of Thwarting ‚Terrorist‘ Lawmaker‘s Removal From Knesset

Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said on Monday that the reason lawmaker Haneen Zoabi (Joint List) is still sitting in the Knesset is because members of the center-left and ultra-Orthodox parties refuse to support her dismissal.

Lieberman said he „cannot understand why (Deputy Health Minister) Yaakov Litzman (United Torah Judaism), (opposition head) Isaac Herzog (Zionist Union), and Ofer Shelah (Yesh Atid), are supporting this terrorist.“ Lieberman also snapped at Meretz chairwoman Tamar Zandberg, saying: „nobody expects anything else from you.“