Archiv: good news / gute Nachrichten

14.01.2025 - 00:11 [ Middle East Eye ]

Lebanon: ICJ president Nawaf Salam chosen as prime minister

Nawaf Salam, president of the International Court of Justice (ICJ), was nominated as Lebanon’s prime minister on Monday.

13.01.2025 - 11:05 [ ]

Iran Update, January 12, 2025

The Artesh exercises tested the manned and unmanned aircraft as well as the following air defense systems, according to Iranian state media:[3]

– Rad missile. An Iranian-made, short-range, anti-tank missile designed for T-72 tanks, fired from a 125 millimeters (mm) caliber barrel, and with a target distance of four kilometers (km).[4]
– Majid missile. An Iranian-made, short-range, shoulder-fired, electro-optical-guided missile with a maximum target range of 15 km.[5]
– Talash missile. An Iranian-made, long-range, mobile surface-to-air air defense missile system, capable of hitting all altitude targets with a a maximum range of 200km.[6]
– Misagh-3 missile. An Iranian-made, short-range, shoulder-fired system with a laser fuse and a maximum range of five km and flight altitude of 3,500 meters (m).[7]
– Khordad-15 system. An Iranian-made, long-range air defense system with a detection range of 85 km and target range of 45 km.[8]
– Shahid Jalilvand radar system. An Iranian-made, medium-range, phased array radar system able to detect small flying targets with low cross-sections in three dimensions and a 24-hour operational continuity.[9]
– Samavat radar-controlled artillery system. A short-range Iranian version of the Swiss low-altitude Skyguard radar system with a range of 4 km and uses an anti-aircraft 35mm Oerlikon caliber barrel gun.[10]
– Seraj radar-controlled air defense artillery system. Iranian-made artillery system with a 35mm caliber barrel gun, radar, and a new optical system.[11]

10.01.2025 - 10:51 [ Washington Post ]

Supreme Court refuses to delay Trump’s hush money sentencing

Trump turned to the high court in a last-ditch effort to stop the hearing, citing the conservative majority’s explosive opinion in July that granted him and other former presidents immunity from criminal prosecution for their official acts.

But five of the nine justices said Trump’s immunity concerns about evidence presented at his trial can be addressed “in the ordinary course on appeal.”

07.01.2025 - 14:45 [ ]

Justin Trudeau to step down as PM following Liberal leadership race

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is stepping down as Liberal leader, and is proroguing Parliament as the Liberal Party of Canada embarks on the journey to replace him.

In an historic announcement outside his official Rideau Cottage residence, Trudeau declared his intention to stay on as prime minister until a new leader is chosen.

07.01.2025 - 13:36 [ ]

SPÖ-Vorsitz: Fußi gescheitert

Eine Neuwahl des SPÖ-Vorsitzenden wollte der PR-Unternehmer Rudi Fußi erzwingen. Dafür wären die Unterstützungserklärungen von zehn Prozent der SPÖ-Mitglieder notwendig gewesen. Diese hat er nicht erreicht, wie er am Dienstag eingestehen musste.

Dabei hatte Fußi vor zwei Wochen noch behauptet, bereits 46.000 Unterschriften, also von rund einem Drittel der Mitglieder zu haben. Die seien aber zum Großteil nicht von SPÖ-Mitgliedern gewesen, sagte er am Dienstag in einer Pressekonferenz vor schütterer Kulisse.

03.01.2025 - 11:44 [ ]

South Korea acting president to move quickly to fill Constitutional Court vacancies amid political turmoil

(January 1, 2024)

The Yonhap News Agency evaluates that, despite one vacant seat in the Constitutional Court, the main obstacle to President Yoon Seok-yeol’s impeachment trial has been resolved, as the same eight judges who presided over the dismissal of former President Park Geun-hye in 2016 have been appointed.

According to Article 22 of the Korean Constitutional Court Act, the Constitutional Court requires the consent of six judges to cite the impeachment petition, and seven people to hear the case.

31.12.2024 - 08:35 [ ]

Gericht erlässt Haftbefehl gegen Präsident Yoon

Es ist das erste Mal in der Verfassungsgeschichte Südkoreas, dass ein Haftbefehl gegen einen amtierenden Präsidenten erlassen wurde.

Das CIO wird voraussichtlich die Residenz von Präsident Yoon aufsuchen, um den Haftbefehl zu vollstrecken.

31.12.2024 - 03:04 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Poll: 68% of Israelis Dissatisfied with Netanyahu’s Far-Right Govt

(December 29, 2024)

A Channel 12 poll published on Friday, December 27, and held ahead of the far-right government’s two-year anniversary on Sunday finds that 68 percent of the public disapprove of its performance, as opposed to just 26% who approve and six percent who say they didn’t know.
In addition, according to this week’s Maariv poll if new Knesset elections were held today the opposition earned 72 seats, including six for Hadash-Ta’al. Survey respondents were asked for whom they would vote said Netanyahu’s Likud and the rest of the ruling coalition far-right parties emerged with a combined 48 seats, one fewer than last week. The coalition has 64 seats and therefore needs at least 13 more seats to form a government.

30.12.2024 - 09:10 [ ]

Haftbefehl gegen Präsident Yoon beantragt

Das gemeinsame Ermittlungsteam des Büros für Korruptionsermittlungen gegen hochrangige Beamte (CIO), der Polizei und des Verteidigungsministeriums teilte am Montag mit, um Mitternacht beim Bezirksgericht Seoul West einen Haftantrag gegen Yoon gestellt zu haben.

Es ist das erste Mal in der Verfassungsgeschichte Südkoreas, dass ein Haftbefehl gegen einen amtierenden Staatspräsidenten beantragt wurde.

Das CIO hatte zuvor Yoon wegen Hochverrats und Machtmissbrauchs im Zusammenhang mit der Verhängung des Kriegsrechts am 3. Dezember dreimal vorgeladen.

27.12.2024 - 13:52 [ Korean Broadcasting System ]

Parlament stimmt für Amtsenthebungsverfahren gegen Interimspräsident Han

Der Parlamentschef Woo Won-shik erklärte vor der Abstimmung, dass der Amtsenthebungsantrag gegen Premierminister Han Duck-soo gemäß Artikel 65 Absatz 2 der Verfassung eine einfache Mehrheit der Abgeordneten erfordere.

23.12.2024 - 19:22 [ CNN ]

Biden commutes most federal death row sentences to life in prison before Trump takes office

“President Biden has an opportunity to make history by addressing the racist and unjust federal death penalty system and keep an early campaign promise he made to the American people,” Anthony Romero, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union, said this month after the ACLU and more than 130 other civil and human rights organizations sent Biden a letter urging him to commute the sentences of those on death row.

23.12.2024 - 18:48 [ ]

Scheidender US-Präsident Biden: 37 Todesurteile in Haftstrafen umgewandelt

Fortschritte in der Forensik sowie Enthüllungen über Justizirrtümer stellen die vermeintliche Schuld bereits hingerichteter Sträflinge infrage.

Gleichzeitig wird die Diskriminierung im Strafjustizsystem kritisiert – denn Studien zeigen, dass die Todesstrafe eher verhängt wird, wenn die Opfer weiß sind. Außerdem erhalten Schwarze bei ähnlichen Verbrechen oft härtere Strafen als Weiße. Auch die Qualität der Rechtsvertretung spielt eine entscheidende Rolle und führt oft zu Ungleichheiten.

19.12.2024 - 22:01 [ Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht ]

Kanzlerkandidatin für den Neuanfang

Wir müssen eine Politik beenden, die unseren Wohlstand vernichtet, den Frieden gefährdet und den sozialen Zusammenhalt zerstört. Unser Land braucht einen Neuanfang, doch mit den gescheiterten Rezepten der Ampel und der Union wird unsere Wirtschaft kein Comeback schaffen.

Wir brauchen eine vernünftige Energiepolitik mit sinkenden Preisen und eine Runderneuerung der Infrastruktur sowie massive Investitionen in unser Bildungssystem. Eine Rückkehr zu Entspannungspolitik und Diplomatie statt einer Außenpolitik, die Kriege mit Waffen befeuert. Eine Politik, die den sozialen Zusammenhalt stärkt und Leistung würdigt – mit höheren Renten, bezahlbaren Mieten und Sicherheit für alle. Dafür stehen wir als BSW mit unserer Kanzlerkandidatin Sahra Wagenknecht.

12.12.2024 - 09:42 [ Common Dreams ]

After Another US Security Council Veto, UN General Assembly Votes for Gaza Cease-Fire

The 193-member U.N. General Assembly (UNGA) subsequently voted 158-9, with 13 abstentions, for a resolution demanding „an immediate, unconditional, and permanent ceasefire, to be respected by all parties,“ and calling for the „immediate and unconditional release of all hostages“ held by Hamas.

The nine countries that opposed the measure are the United States, Israel, Argentina, Czechia, Hungary, Nauru, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, and Tonga.

In a separate vote Wednesday, 159 UNGA members voted in favor of a resolution affirming the body‘s „full support“ for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East.

12.12.2024 - 09:40 [ Associated Press ]

UN General Assembly demands ceasefire in Gaza and backs UN agency helping Palestinian refugees

Israel and its close ally, the United States, were in a tiny minority speaking and voting against the resolutions. Other opposing both resolutions included Argentina, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay and Tonga.

While Security Council resolutions are legally binding, General Assembly resolutions are not, though they do reflect world opinion. There are no vetoes in the assembly.

12.12.2024 - 07:31 [ ]

Ex-Verteidigungsminister Kim verhaftet

Das Sonderermittlungsteam der Staatsanwaltschaft hatte am Montag einen Haftantrag gegen Kim gestellt. Ihm wird vorgeworfen, in Absprache mit Präsident Yoon einen Aufstand initiiert zu haben, um die verfassungsmäßige Ordnung des Landes zu stören.

Wie verlautete, habe Kim am Dienstagabend noch vor dem Erlass des Haftbefehls in einer Untersuchungshaftanstalt versucht, sich das Leben zu nehmen. Sein Zustand sei zurzeit stabil.

12.12.2024 - 07:19 [ ]

Nationaler Polizeichef und Seouler Polizeichef festgenommen

Das Sonderermittlungsteam des Nationalen Ermittlungsbüros teilte mit, dass es Cho Ji-ho, Generalkommissar der Nationalen Polizeibehörde, und Kim Bong-sik, Leiter der Seouler Polizeibehörde, gegen 3.50 Uhr am Mittwoch ohne Haftbefehl wegen Rebellionsvorwurf festgenommen habe.

Cho und Kim wird vorgeworfen, nach der Verhängung des Kriegsrechts durch Präsident Yoon Suk Yeol Polizeibeamte angewiesen zu haben, das Gelände der Nationalversammlung abzusperren, um Abgeordnete am Betreten des Parlaments zu hindern.

12.12.2024 - 06:59 [ Donald J. Trump / Truth Social ]

The resignation of Christopher Wray is a great day for America as it will end the Weaponization of what has become known as the United States Department of Injustice. I just don’t know what happened to him.

We will now restore the Rule of Law for all Americans. Under the leadership of Christopher Wray, the FBI illegally raided my home, without cause, worked diligently on illegally impeaching and indicting me, and has done everything else to interfere with the success and future of America. They have used their vast powers to threaten and destroy many innocent Americans, some of which will never be able to recover from what has been done to them.

12.12.2024 - 06:54 [ Reuters ]

FBI Director Chris Wray to resign following Trump nomination of Patel

Wray will leave before the end of the 10-year term that Trump himself appointed him to in 2017.

03.12.2024 - 05:59 [ ]

Why the French government is headed for collapse

The vote would be a response to the prime minister’s decision to use Article 49.3 of the constitution – sometimes known in France as the “nuclear option” – to push his government’s sweeping social security budget bill through parliament without a vote.

The article has been used in the past, most recently in 2023 to push through Macron’s deeply unpopular reforms raising the retirement age. But using it can trigger a no-confidence vote in parliament, where a simple majority is enough to topple a government.

01.12.2024 - 22:29 [ Middle East Eye ]

Gulf Cooperation Council summit‘s points on Gaza

– The council condemned Israel‘s aggression in Gaza, and said it reaffirmed its stance demanding an „immediate and permanent cessation of Israeli military operations“ and lifting the blockade on Gaza.

– The council said Israel bears „full responsibility“ for its targeting and assault on civilians in Gaza, and said these attacks were war crimes and crimes against humanity.

– The council welcomed the International Criminal Court‘s decision to issue arrest warrants against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former defence minister Yoav Gallant.

– The council said Israel‘s ongoing war on Gaza is a part of „a genocide and ethnic cleansing agenda“, and condemned Israel‘s attacks on hospitals and on aid workers in Gaza.

01.12.2024 - 22:18 [ ]

GCC Summit in Kuwait urges immediate ceasefire, aid for Gaza

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) leaders convened in Kuwait on Sunday, issuing a unified call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza amid „Israel‘s“ ongoing genocidal campaign.

The summit‘s final statement urged a complete halt to military operations, the delivery of humanitarian aid, and the establishment of safe corridors for civilians in the beleaguered Palestinian territory.

01.12.2024 - 05:33 [ ]

SDF responds to HTS attack, “We will defend our people”

(November 27, 2024)

Shamî stated that the attack in Aleppo was planned and coordinated by the Turkish state. He said that, by using groups like HTS, the Turkish state is trying to prevent peace in Syria and “realise its long-term occupation plans”. According to Shamî, the attacks are being carried out step by step and in an organised manner.

Farhad Shamî said that the SDF’s primary goal is to protect the people and the region, adding, “No matter who plans what, our only duty is to ensure the defense of our people.”

01.12.2024 - 05:22 [ ]

Aleppo’s Kurdish neighborhood braces for clashes with rebels

(November 30, 2024)

The Kurdish-majority neighborhood of Sheikh Maqsood in Syria’s Aleppo is bracing for a possible attack by rebels who have gained significant territory in a surprise offensive against the Syrian army.

The People’s Protection Units (YPG), which controls the neighborhood, published a video early Saturday morning that it said shows “civilians… preparing to defend their neighborhood in the event of an attack.”

01.12.2024 - 03:07 [ Donald J. Trump / Social Truth ]

I am proud to announce that Kashyap “Kash” Patel will serve as the next Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Kash is a brilliant lawyer, investigator, and “America First” fighter who has spent his career exposing corruption, defending Justice, and protecting the American People. He played a pivotal role in uncovering the Russia, Russia, Russia Hoax, standing as an advocate for truth, accountability, and the Constitution.

01.12.2024 - 02:59 [ New York Times ]

Trump Says He Will Nominate Kash Patel to Run F.B.I.

President-elect Donald J. Trump said on Saturday that he wants to replace Christopher A. Wray, the F.B.I. director, with Kash Patel, a hard-line critic of the bureau who has called for shutting down the agency’s Washington headquarters, firing its leadership and bringing the nation’s law enforcement agencies “to heel.”

01.12.2024 - 02:51 [ ABC News ]

Trump says he‘ll fire FBI Director Christopher Wray, replace him with longtime ally Kash Patel

President-elect Donald Trump announced Saturday that he plans on firing FBI director Christopher Wray and replacing him with longtime ally Kash Patel.

The appointment must be approved by the Senate.

27.11.2024 - 20:14 [ Middle East Eye ]

Lebanese MP: Hezbollah in ‚full cooperation‘ with army in south

Lebanese MP Hassan Fadlallah has said that Hezbollah is cooperating with the Lebanese state over bolstering the army‘s presence in the south, saying that the group has „no visible weapons or bases,“ AFP news agency is reporting.

According to the ceasefire agreement between the group and Israel which was implemented this morning, the Lebanese army can be the only armed presence in southern Lebanon.

26.11.2024 - 19:28 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israel‘s Netanyahu says he approves Lebanon ceasefire deal with Hezbollah

US and Arab officials told Middle East Eye that under the agreement, Israeli forces will withdraw from south Lebanon.

Hezbollah has agreed to end its armed presence along the border and move heavy weapons north of the Litani River, the sources said.

The Lebanese army is expected to deploy in south Lebanon, with at least 5,000 troops set to patrol the border area along with an existing UN peacekeeping force.

25.11.2024 - 18:26 [ ]

Trump „suggested meeting with S. Korean leader 3-4 times first“: S. Korean nat‘l security advisor

South Korea‘s top security advisor says U.S President-elect Donald Trump proposed an in-person meeting with President Yoon Suk Yeol a few times during their phone talks earlier this month.
National Security Advisor Shin Won-sik told a local broadcaster on Sunday that he had been present during the call and that Mr. Trump had taken the initial step of suggesting a face-to-face meeting to President Yoon.

15.11.2024 - 18:10 [ New York Times ]

Elon Musk Met With Iran’s U.N. Ambassador, Iranian Officials Say

Elon Musk, a close adviser to President-elect Donald J. Trump, met with Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations on Monday in New York in a session that two Iranian officials described as a discussion of how to defuse tensions between Iran and the United States.

The Iranians said the meeting between Mr. Musk and Ambassador Amir Saeid Iravani lasted more than an hour and was held at a secret location. The Iranians, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss policy publicly, described the meeting as “positive” and “good news.”

13.11.2024 - 14:01 [ Donald J. Trump / Truth Social ]

I am pleased to announce that the Great Elon Musk, working in conjunction with American Patriot Vivek Ramaswamy, will lead the Department of Government Efficiency (‚DOGE“)….

12.11.2024 - 17:39 [ Anadolu ]

Turkish, Israeli teams‘ football faceoff to be held in ‚neutral country‘

A football match later this month between a Turkish team and an Israeli side – whose countries are bitterly at odds over an ongoing genocide – will be held in a „neutral country“ rather than Türkiye, the hosts and UEFA confirmed on Monday.

06.11.2024 - 12:00 [ ]

Detroit Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib gets easily reelected

Tlaib, an attorney and former state lawmaker, has sharply criticized the Biden administration‘s support of and arming of Israel in its war with Hamas in Gaza following the Hamas Oct. 7, 2023 attack. She is among the few Democratic members of Congress who have not endorsed the party‘s presidential nominee, Vice President Kamala Harris.

06.11.2024 - 12:00 [ Middle East Eye ]

US elections 2024: After not endorsing Harris, Rashida Tlaib secures win in Michigan

The Associated Press called the race with just 18 percent of the votes counted.

Tlaib secured 77 percent of the vote, defeating the Republican Party‘s James Hooper who received just 19 percent of the vote.

06.11.2024 - 11:46 [ Middle East Eye ]

US elections 2024: Congresswoman Ilhan Omar defeats pro-Israel Republican opponent

Omar, who represents Minnesota‘s fifth district, faced Republican challenger Dalia al-Aqidi, an Iraqi-born immigrant who describes herself as a „secular Muslim“ and is pro-Israel, in contrast to Omar, who is a vocal proponent of Palestinian rights.

Omar won 76.4 percent of the vote compared to Aqidi’s 23.6 percent, according to the Associated Press, which called the race with 87 percent of the votes counted.

Prior to the November 2024 election, Omar faced an offensive by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (Aipac), a pro-Israel lobbying group, during her August primary.

06.11.2024 - 11:46 [ ]

AP Race Call: Democrat Ilhan Omar wins reelection to U.S. House in Minnesota’s 5th Congressional District

Omar will get a third term representing the heavily Democratic 5th District, which includes Minneapolis and some suburbs. She’s one of the progressive House members known as the “Squad” and a sharp critic of Israel’s conduct in its war with Hamas.

When Omar first ran in 2018, she became one of the first two Muslim women elected to Congress. Her Republican challenger was Dalia Al-Aqidi, an Iraqi American journalist and self-described secular Muslim who called Omar pro-Hamas.

28.10.2024 - 18:26 [ ]

Iraq files formal complaint to UN over Israeli airspace violation

On Sunday, in a unanimous decision, the Arab Parliament approved an Iraqi proposal to take legal action against Israel.

According to a parliamentary source speaking to Shafaq News Agency, the approval occurred during a general session held at the Arab League headquarters in Cairo.

The proposal, presented by Ahmad al-Jabouri, Vice President of the Arab Parliament and member of the Iraqi Parliament, calls for the formation of a parliamentary team to approach the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague and file lawsuits against Israel.

17.10.2024 - 02:22 [ ]

Italy PM to visit Lebanon following Israeli targeting of UNIFIL

Meloni will be the first head of state or government to visit the country since Israel escalated attacks on Lebanon on 23 September.

12.10.2024 - 20:02 [ Reuters ]

France, Italy and Spain condemn targeting of UNIFIL by IDF -joint statement

(October 11, 20248:29 PM GMT+2Updated a day ago)

The leaders of France, Italy and Spain on Friday condemned the recent targeting of the U.N. peacekeeping mission in Lebanon, known as UNIFIL, by the Israel Defence Forces and said such attacks were „unjustifiable“ and should „immediately come to an end.“

11.10.2024 - 18:14 [ ]

France, Italy summon Israeli ambassadors after UN peacekeepers struck by Israeli forces

The two countries, which supply large amounts of troops to the U.N. peacekeeping mission in south Lebanon known as UNIFIL, summoned Israel‘s ambassadors to their respective capitals in response to incidents in which four peacekeepers were injured, one of whom required hospitalization. No French or Italian troops were wounded.

France‘s Ministry for Foreign Affairs condemned the „deliberate“ attack on Friday, which it said constitutes a „serious violation of international law.“

01.10.2024 - 14:01 [ Middle East Monitor ]

Iraq requests urgent Arab League meeting on Lebanon

Qahtan Al-Janabi, Iraq’s permanent representative to the League, told the official Iraqi News Agency (INA) yesterday: “Iraq has requested an urgent meeting at the level of permanent representatives in the Arab League.”

“The meeting will address the situation in Lebanon, particularly concerning the displaced and refugees, and providing assistance to the country.”

Earlier yesterday, the Ministry of Migration announced that 144 Lebanese citizens had entered Iraq via the Al-Qa’im border crossing with Syria, including some wounded.

27.09.2024 - 22:06 [ Common Dreams ]

Mass Walkout as ‚Global Pariah‘ Netanyahu Addresses UN General Assembly

Journalists and critics of the „global pariah“ shared photos and videos of people filing out of the hall before Netanyahu‘s address—which came just a day after 25 anti-genocide protesters were arrested for blocking his motorcade in Manhattan.

While there was some audience applause from the sparsely populated room on Friday, Al Jazeera Arabic‘s Rami Ayari explained that „the people you hear cheering the PM during the speech are in the gallery who he brought for that purpose.“

27.09.2024 - 20:25 [ AFP News Agency / Youtube ]

Large number of delegates leave UN General Assembly as Netanyahu speaks | AFP

Benjamin Netanyahu‘s highly anticipated speech at the UN, during which he repeatedly denounced the global organization as anti-Israel, was met with jeers by some delegates who walked out, but cheers and applause from his backers.