Archiv: Estland / Estonia

27.12.2023 - 10:52 [ Wikipedia ]

International recognition of the State of Palestine: No diplomatic recognition

Andorra …
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Trinidad and Tobago …
Tuvalu …
United Kingdom …
United States …

17.06.2023 - 13:15 [ New York Times ]

Allies Pressure Biden to Hasten NATO Membership for Ukraine

(June 14, 2023)

The hope in the push is that once Ukraine is a full member of the alliance, Russia would not dare to try to topple the government in Kyiv because an attack on one NATO country is considered an attack on them all. Ukrainian membership has become a “consuming debate,” both in Europe and inside the Biden administration, according to one senior U.S. official who is deeply involved in the discussions.

Only Germany has sided fully with Mr. Biden, though some of the other 29 allies have their own quiet doubts about Ukraine’s readiness to fully join the alliance — and the risks that NATO nations could get sucked directly into a conflict with Russia in the future.

09.06.2023 - 04:18 [ ]

NATO countries led by Poland may be willing to put troops on the ground in Ukraine – potentially dragging the alliance into war with Russia – former secretary general warns

‚The president and the prime minister will also discuss the joint US-UK leadership on critical emerging technologies as well as our work to strengthen our economic security.‘

Biden will then hold talks with current NATO secretary general Jens Stoltenberg on Monday.

Ukraine is set to top the agenda for their talks which will take place one month out from the summit and will give other NATO countries an inkling of what to expect from Kyiv‘s most powerful western ally.

08.06.2023 - 06:48 [ ]

Nato members may send troops to Ukraine, warns former alliance chief

Rasmussen said: “If Nato cannot agree on a clear path forward for Ukraine, there is a clear possibility that some countries individually might take action. We know that Poland is very engaged in providing concrete assistance to Ukraine. And I wouldn’t exclude the possibility that Poland would engage even stronger in this context on a national basis and be followed by the Baltic states, maybe including the possibility of troops on the ground.

“I think the Poles would seriously consider going in and assemble a coalition of the willing if Ukraine doesn’t get anything in Vilnius.

28.05.2023 - 11:40 [ Karo CH / Nitter ]

Die EZB hebt Zinsen weiter an. Das Resultat weiter steigender Zinsen aber könnte die Wirtschaft in Deutschland noch stärker unter Druck bringen. Vor allem für die deutsche Industrie weisen alle Indikatoren weiter nach unten.


16.11.2022 - 10:04 [ ]

Russia denies striking Poland with missiles

Officials from the Baltic states blamed Russia and claimed that Poland should invoke NATO’s Article 5 in retaliation. Meanwhile, Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky accused Russia of “terrorism” and said NATO needed to “act” against this “attack on collective security.”

29.06.2022 - 19:04 [ ]

Europe‘s new Iron Curtain: The defences designed to keep Putin out as Biden announces a new permanent base in Poland – while Sweden and Finland are formally invited into alliance and Russia blasts ‚destabilising‘ move

Joe Biden, speaking at a NATO summit in Madrid today, announced the creation of a new base for the US Fifth Army Corps in Poland – the first permanent American base in the country – along with 3,000 extra soldiers to be sent to Romania and ‚enhanced‘ troop rotations for the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.

Two more squadrons of F-35 fighters will be deployed to the UK, Biden added, along with additional air defence systems for Germany and Italy, and another two destroyers which will be stationed at Rota Naval Station in Spain, bringing the total to six.

30.08.2021 - 17:09 [ ORF ]

Zunächst kein neuer Präsident in Estland gewählt

Der erste Wahlgang zur Präsidentenwahl in Estland hat keine Entscheidung über das neue Staatsoberhaupt des baltischen EU-Landes gebracht. Bei der geheimen Abstimmung heute im Parlament in Tallinn erhielt der Wissenschaftler Alar Karis als einziger nominierter Kandidat nicht die notwendige Zweidrittelmehrheit von 68 der 101 Abgeordneten. Für den Direktor des Estnischen Nationalmuseums votierten 63 der 94 anwesenden Abgeordneten. 16 Wahlzettel wurden leer abgegeben.

12.05.2021 - 23:40 [ Rick Rozoff / ]

Multinational Forces Rising to US Army Standards on NATO’s Eastern Front

On May 10 Poland’s President Duda was in Romania to co-host a virtual conference of the Bucharest Nine (9) group with Romania’s President Klaus Iohannis, The members of the comparatively new bloc are Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Slovakia; all former members of the Soviet bloc and of the defunct Warsaw Pact.

Greetings were sent to the meeting by President Joe Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken and North Atlantic Treaty Organization Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

28.09.2020 - 19:17 [ Haaretz ]

Israel Aerospace Industries Paid $155 Million to Two Companies Linked to Azerbaijan Money Laundering

Israel Aerospace Industries, Israel’s largest aerospace and aviation manufacturer, transferred at least $155 million to two companies whose name have been associated with large-scale money laundering for the Azerbaijani government, according to leaked bank reports for the period between 2012 and 2014. The reason for the payments by state-owned IAI remains unclear.

16.09.2020 - 04:05 [ Jürgen Wagner / Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) ]

Rail Baltica

Eines der aktuell prominentesten – und kostspieligsten – Infrastrukturprojekte der Europäischen Union ist die „Rail Baltica“. Dahinter verbirgt sich der Plan, eine Schnellbahntrasse von Tallinn über die baltischen Staaten bis nach Polen zu legen und damit auch an das restliche westeuropäische und nicht zuletzt deutsche Netz anzubinden. Nachdem die ersten Pläne viele Jahre zurückreichen, ist es auffällig, dass gerade in jüngster Zeit wieder Schwung in das Projekt kam: „Die Rail Baltica galt als vorrangiges Bahnprojekt der EU.

20.06.2020 - 00:03 [ ERR News ]

France awards medals to Estonian troops for service in Mali

The medals were awarded to 48 members of the Estonian Defense Forces (EDF) by French Defense Attache Lt. Col. Frank Piffer and Lt. Col. Mathieu Courtaban, head of the French contingent currently serving the Baltic Air Policing mission out of Ämari Air Base.

14.05.2020 - 06:02 [ ]

New resolution on immediate global ceasefire presented to UN Security Council

The new resolution was proposed Tuesday during a teleconference held behind closed doors and organized by Estonia, which holds the rotating presidency of the Security Council. The resolution was submitted in the afternoon.

One of the diplomats, speaking on condition of anonymity, said China declared in the meeting that it backed swift action in the council.

14.05.2020 - 05:54 [ ZDF ]

UN-Sicherheitsrat – Corona-Resolution: Deutsche Kompromiss-Idee

Der nun von Deutschland vorgeschlagene Text konzentriert sich auf das eigentliche Kernanliegen der Resolution: Die Unterstützung von UN-Generalsekretär António Guterres bei seiner bereits etwa sieben Wochen alten Forderung nach einer weltweiten Waffenruhe in der Pandemie. Auf die WHO wird demnach nicht eingegangen.

28.03.2020 - 13:12 [ Tagesschau ]

Sahel-Zone: Neue Taskforce für Anti-Terror-Kampf

Vorerst beteiligen sich nur Belgien, Dänemark, Estland, die Niederlande und Portugal personell an dem von Frankreich vorangetriebenen Projekt. Die Spezialkräfte sollen auch die französische Mission „Barkhane“ in der Sahel-Zone sowie eine gemeinsame Truppe von fünf Sahelstaaten unterstützen.

28.10.2019 - 23:32 [ The Baltic Times ]

Tanks of new UK unit arrive in Estonia Sunday

The first batch of heavy armor, including tanks, of the new British unit to be deployed to the NATO enhanced Forward Presence (eFP) battle group in the Tapa military base in Estonia arrived in Tapa on Sunday.

26.05.2019 - 13:12 [ Mehreen, Brussels correspondent @ft / Twitter ]

Klaus Regling is doing his best to play down the fact that the ESM is becoming the paramilitary wing of the Hanseatic League with new powers over budget surveillance and debt restructuring #Eurogroup


26.05.2019 - 13:08 [ ]

Gang of eight: Northern member states unite on euro-zone reform


Composed of Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands and Sweden, the group, dubbed the New Hanseatic League, is starting to have some influence.

07.04.2019 - 00:38 [ Reuters ]

Three Estonian parties, including far-right EKRE, agree on coalition plan

The three parties, which have a total of 56 seats in the fragmented 101-member parliament, approved the coalition plan on Saturday, stealing the momentum from Estonia’s largest political party, Reform, a day after the president had asked its leader to form a government.

11.02.2019 - 02:42 [ MENA Herald ]

Estonian Representatives Share Digitization Successes at World Government Summit

Tammist said the uniqueness of the Estonian experience is driven by the digital ID, which accelerated processes and increased the readiness of the people to adopt digital services. He added that Estonia’s experience in this area differs from others in the decentralization of most services and limiting the need to visit government authorities for specific transactions.

26.01.2019 - 03:56 [ Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia ]

Estonia opens honorary consulate in San Diego

The Estonian Honorary Consul in San Diego is Michael Chan… The Republic of Estonia has 15 honorary consuls in the United States and they play an important role in advancing Estonian interests in the country. Honorary consuls are prominent and respected locals, and one of their functions is to provide consular services and consular help to Estonian citizens abroad. They also help advance economic and cultural relations.

26.01.2019 - 03:31 [ The Baltic Times ]

EuroSpike submits bid to supply Estonian defense forces with long-range antitank system

EuroSpike GmbH belongs to the German arms manufacturers Diehl BGT Defense and Rheinmentall Defense Electronics in equal portions of 40 percent, while 20 percent of the shares belong to the developer of the weapons system, the Israeli arms manufacturer Rafael Advanced Defense Systems via the Dutch holding company ERCAS B.V.

10.11.2018 - 07:14 [ ]

European defense coalition launched in Paris – media

A coalition of European militaries ready to react to crises near the continent‘s borders was launched on Wednesday with Finland becoming the 10th country to join, amid calls by French President Emmanuel Macron for a „real European army.“

The French-led initiative would not conflict with the almost 70-year-old, U.S.-dominated NATO alliance, proponents say, but reflects in part concerns about a more isolationist United States under President Donald Trump, as reported by Reuters.

08.08.2018 - 04:15 [ ORF ]

NATO-Kampfjet feuert versehentlich Rakete über Estland ab

Die Streitkräfte des baltischen EU- und NATO-Landes teilten mit, der Eurofighter habe den scharfen Flugkörper vom Typ AMRAAM gestern Nachmittag unbeabsichtigt im Luftübungsgebiet nahe der südestnischen Stadt Otepää gestartet.

01.07.2018 - 08:56 [ ZDF ]

Merkel hat Zusagen – 14 Länder nehmen Flüchtlinge zurück

(30.6.2018) Darunter sollen auch Länder sein, die ihrer Flüchtlingspolitik bisher extrem kritisch gegenüberstanden, wie Tschechien, Ungarn oder Polen. Das geht aus einem Schreiben der Kanzlerin an die Partei- und Fraktionsvorsitzenden der Koalitionspartner SPD und CSU hervor, wie dem ZDF aus Unionskreisen bestätigt wurde.

30.06.2018 - 08:46 [ CNN ]

US ambassador to Estonia resigns in frustration over Trump

„Earlier today, the United States‘ Ambassador to Estonia, Jim Melville, announced his intent to retire from the Foreign Service effective July 29 after 33 years of public service,“ the statement read in its entirety.(…)
„Having served under six presidents and 11 secretaries of state, I never really thought it would reach that point for me.“