Daily Archives: 30. September 2020

30.09.2020 - 23:27 [ stern / Twitter ]

News zum Coronavirus: Umfrage: Mehrheit der Deutschen hält neue Corona-Maßnahmen für angemessen

30.09.2020 - 23:20 [ Haaretz ]

A Body Blow to Democracy

It’s important to be precise: In practice, this legislation does not limit demonstrations, it bans them. The proposed restrictions are so draconian that they amount to a prohibition. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is attempting, in the most cynical fashion, to exploit the coronavirus and the restrictions needed to fight its spread in order to undermine fundamental democratic rights and to suppress the dissent against him and his incorrigible government.

30.09.2020 - 23:16 [ Haaretz ]

Coronavirus Israel Live: Netanyahu Says Exit Strategy May Take Six Months to a Year

Netanyahu says lockdown won‘t be lifted in a month ■ Knesset passes law limiting protests

30.09.2020 - 23:14 [ i24news.tv ]

Israel AG says Netanyahu may need to be suspended as PM over ‚conflict of interest‘

The AG did not specify how such a possibility may unfold or when a decision from his office would be made.

“It’s not math. I’m not rushing to anything, and I’m trying to be very considered and very calm.”

Mandelblit continued by stressing that the prime minister was not “doing me a favor” by agreeing to sign a binding conflict-of-interest deal as part of the arrangements for him to remain in office while on trial.

30.09.2020 - 23:07 [ The Jerusalem Post / Twitter ]

The High Court of Justice has given little help to the #protest movement against Prime Minister Benjamin #Netanyahu, slow-walking their petition to strike down new corona-era limits on demonstrations. @jeremybob1 reports.

30.09.2020 - 23:05 [ Times of Israel ]

High Court says it won’t block a coronavirus law limiting protests, for now

Justice Neal Hendel has given the government a week — until October 7 — to respond to the Movement for Quality Government’s petition, according to an update by the plaintiffs on their Twitter account.

30.09.2020 - 22:46 [ Haaretz ]

Israel Didn‘t Just Limit Demos. It Neutered the Right to Protest

The right to protest, the beating heart of freedom of political expression, is the cornerstone of democracy. It‘s even more so during a health crisis

30.09.2020 - 21:32 [ Xinhuanet ]

Israel delivers Iron Dome anti-rocket system to U.S.

In August 2019, the Israeli Defense Ministry and the U.S. Department of Defense signed an agreement for the procurement of two Iron Dome defense system batteries.

30.09.2020 - 21:07 [ Xinhuanet ]

Japan gov‘t, TEPCO ordered by high court to pay damages over Fukushima crisis

The ruling by the Sendai High Court marked the first time a high court has recognized the government‘s responsibility for the nuclear disaster in around 30 similar lawsuits that have been filed across Japan since the crisis.

30.09.2020 - 18:18 [ ORF ]

Drastischer Anstieg bei Gewalt gegen Brasiliens Indigene

Bestürzung löste etwa der Mord an Paulo Paulino Guajajara aus, dem Anführer der Guardioes da Floresta (Hüter des Waldes), die sich selbst organisiert haben, um ihr Gebiet vor Eindringlingen wie illegalen Holzfällern zu schützen. Die Gewalttaten gegen Indigene sind wie in seinem Fall häufig mit Landkonflikten verbunden.

30.09.2020 - 18:08 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Mexiko: Weitere Haftbefehle im Fall Iguala gegen Militärs und Bundespolizisten

Angehörige der Lehramtsstudenten demonstrierten in der Hauptstadt und errichteten eine „Mauer der Erinnerung“, an der sie gemeinsam mit dem Kollektiv „Spuren der Erinnerung“ Porträts und Schuhabdrücke der 43 jungen Männer anbrachten. Die Zahl 43 wurde auf den Haupteingang des Rathauses in Mexiko-Stadt aufgemalt.

30.09.2020 - 16:32 [ Progressive International / eventbrite.co.uk ]

The Belmarsh Tribunal

Confirmed speakers:

Roger Waters, rock musician, co-founder of Pink Floyd

Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, former president of Brazil

Yanis Varoufakis, former finance minister of Greece, MeRA25

Rafael Correa, former president of Ecuador

M.I.A., musician and activist

Slavoj Žižek, philosopher

Pamela Anderson, actress and activist

Srećko Horvat, philosopher, co-founder of DiEM25

Alicia Castro, trade unionist and Argentine diplomat

John McDonnell, former Shadow Chancellor, Labour Party

Jennifer Robinson, human rights lawyer

Tariq Ali, public intellectual and member of Russell Tribunal

Angela Richter, artist and activist

30.09.2020 - 16:30 [ Yanis Varoufakis / Twitter ]

First they came for Assange. Then for all journalists that dare expose them. Then for each and every one of us that dare resit them. Join us in opposition to Julian‘s extradition! This Friday. At 15.00 CET

30.09.2020 - 14:17 [ the Grayzone ]

Exclusive: Spanish judge seeks Sheldon Adelson security chief in Assange spying case

The judge’s interest in Nagel indicates that the Spanish investigation is now probing the suspected role of US intelligence as the guiding hand behind UC Global’s criminal spying operation.

Before he was hired as Adelson’s director of global security, Nagel serving as the top cyber-crime investigator for the US Secret Service – a role which earned him a medal of commendation from the CIA. Together with Lahav, he was likely to have played a central role in coordinating between Sands, UC Global, and US intelligence.

30.09.2020 - 14:08 [ El Pais ]

Three protected witnesses accuse Spanish ex-marine of spying on Julian Assange


Morales traveled to the US once or twice a month allegedly to hand over the material to “the Americans.” A microphone was installed on the PVC plastic base of a fire extinguisher near the meeting room where Assange met with his lawyers. The cyberactivist had placed a device that created white noise in this room, and activated it when he thought he was being spied on. He placed another device in the women’s bathroom, where he sometimes met with his lawyers.

UC Global S. L. was hired by Ecuador’s Senain secret service to provide security services to the embassy when Ecuadorian president Rafael Correa was in power. But according to the three witnesses, Morales ordered the Australian to be spied on and created remote-operated computer servers that collected the illegally obtained information, which could be accessed from the United States.

30.09.2020 - 14:07 [ Kevin Gosztola / Twitter ]

Witness #1 and Witness #2 are afraid UC Global director David Morales could retaliate against them as result of giving information. They requested protected status on the basis that their families and themselves were at risk. #AssangeTrial

30.09.2020 - 13:50 [ theGuardian.com ]

Assange case: former security firm staff allowed to give anonymous evidence

Anonymity was granted to two former employees of UC Global after a hearing at the Old Bailey in London was told they feared that its director and owner, David Morales, or others connected to him in the US, could seek to harm them.

Judge Vanessa Baraitser said she would permit their identities to remain anonymous out of respect for a Spanish court that had done the same as part of a case in which they are involved.

30.09.2020 - 13:48 [ Craig Murray ]

Your Man in the Public Gallery: Assange Hearing Day 20

The day concluded with a foretaste of excitement to come, as Judge Baraitser agreed to grant witness anonymity to the two UC Global whistleblowers who are to give evidence on UC Global’s spying on Assange in the Ecuadorean Embassy. In making application, Summers gave notice that among the topics to be discussed was the instruction from UC Global’s American clients to consider poisoning or kidnapping Assange. The hidden firearm with filed-off serial numbers discovered in the home of UC Global’s chief executive David Morales, and his relationship to the Head of Security at the Las Vegas Sands complex, were also briefly mooted.

30.09.2020 - 13:14 [ WikiLeaks / Twitter ]

Watch: Information about ADX Florence – the highest security prison in the world – where Juian Assange is expected to be held if extradited is not widely available. This short program from 2019 gives some detail of the conditions #Assange could expect

30.09.2020 - 13:07 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

Julian Assange could face being locked up in a cell built for 9/11 terrorists and would need to be at death‘s door to escape the ‚supermax‘ jail regime, court hears

Assange is fighting extradition on charges relating to leaks of classified documents allegedly exposing US war crimes and abuse.

The Old Bailey has heard evidence of the 49-year-old‘s mental state following years in the Ecuador embassy and 16 months in custody at Belmarsh high security jail.

Today the court heard that, if he loses his extradition battle, Assange could be held at Alexandria Detention Centre in Virginia under special administrative measures (Sams).

30.09.2020 - 12:15 [ Kurier.at ]

Trump vs. Biden: Der Sieger heißt …

In Wahrheit sind TV-Debatten für den Wahlausgang maßlos überschätzt. Laut einer Harvard-Studie haben sie in den USA erst einmal Einfluss auf den Wahlausgang gehabt, als der junge John F. Kennedy den schwitzenden Richard Nixon in die Tasche steckte. Viel entscheidender, so die Analysen, sind Nachrichten und Berichterstattung über eine längere Zeit.

30.09.2020 - 11:58 [ YouGov.com ]

CBS/YouGov Poll: About half say Joe Biden won the first presidential debate

On Tuesday night, President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden met for their first debate with just over a month until the November election. An CBS News/YouGov Poll conducted immediately after the contest shows that about half (48%) of likely voters who watched the debate believe Biden won. About two in five (41%) say President Trump did. One in 10 (10%) called the event a tie.

30.09.2020 - 11:52 [ CNN ]

Post-debate CNN poll: Six in 10 say Biden won the debate

Six in 10 debate watchers said former Vice President Joe Biden did the best job in Tuesday‘s debate, and just 28% say President Donald Trump did, according a CNN Poll of debate watchers conducted by SSRS.

30.09.2020 - 11:12 [ ZDF ]

„Unwürdigstes Schauspiel seit Jahrzehnten“

Covid-19, Rassismus, Briefwahl – ZDF-Korrespondent Elmar Theveßen ordnet das erste TV-Duell im amerikanischen Wahlkampf zwischen Präsident Trump und seinem Herausforderer Biden ein.

30.09.2020 - 11:10 [ .Tagesschau.de ]

Erkenntnisse aus dem TV-Duell: Trump aggressiv – Biden temperiert

Donald Trump und Joe Biden haben ihre erste Fernsehdebatte hinter sich gebracht: 94 Minuten, moderiert vom Fox-Journalisten Chris Wallace. Es ging um Covid-19, die Wirtschaft, um den Supreme Court und andere Themen. Es wurde viel durcheinander geredet, vor allem, weil der Präsident sich an die Absprache „Ausreden lassen“ nicht erinnern wollte.

Das haben wir aus dem ersten TV-Duell gelernt:

30.09.2020 - 04:44 [ Matt Viser / Twitter ]

“That was a hot mess inside.a dumpster fire inside a train wreck,” Jake Tapper says on CNN minutes after the debate concludes. “The American people lost tonight. Because that was horrific.” “That was a shitshow,” Dana Bash adds.

30.09.2020 - 04:42 [ USA TODAY / Twitter ]

Biden: „My son was in Iraq. He spent a year there… He was not a loser. He was a patriot. And the people left behind there were heroes.“ Trump: „Oh, really? Are you talking about Hunter?“ Biden: „I‘m talking about my son Beau Biden.“ Trump: „I don‘t know Beau, I know Hunter.“

30.09.2020 - 04:38 [ NBC News ]

Trump attacks Biden’s family — again

Biden referenced a recent Atlantic story that reported that Trump disparaged American troops, touching on his own son’s service.

“He was not a loser, he was a patriot and the people left behind there are heroes,” Biden said of service members including Beau Biden, his son who died in 2015 from cancer and served in Iraq.

“I don‘t know Beau, I know Hunter,” Trump said, returning to a familiar line of attack. “Hunter got thrown out of the military.”

30.09.2020 - 04:24 [ Joseph A. Bondy, preeminent criminal defense lawyer / Twitter ]

Crazy: President Trump, “I would say almost everything I see is from the left wing, not the right wing…stand back and stand by, but someone’s got to do something about Antifa and the left.” #Debates2020

30.09.2020 - 03:08 [ CNN / Youtube ]

Livestream: The first 2020 presidential debate on CNN

President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden face off in the first general election presidential debate of 2020 from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio.

30.09.2020 - 02:16 [ KBS ]

US-Gesandter für Rüstungskontrolle diskutiert mit Südkorea über Chinas Nukleararsenal

US-Verteidigungsminister Mark Esper hatte im August letzten Jahres gesagt, dass die USA landgestützte konventionelle Mittelstreckenraketen in Asien stationieren wollten. Südkorea wurde als einer der Kandidatenorte gehandelt. China hatte jedoch Südkorea und Japan davor gewarnt, amerikanische Mittelstreckenraketen zu stationieren.

30.09.2020 - 01:35 [ teleSUR ]

US: Democrats, Rubio Ask EU to Not Observe Venezuela Elections

The U.S.-based peace organization CODEPINK condemned on Tuesday a bipartisan letter sent to the EU‘s foreign policy chief, Josep Borrell, requesting that the European body neither recognize nor send an electoral observation mission to Venezuela‘s legislative elections this December 6.