Daily Archives: 23. Januar 2020

23.01.2020 - 23:53 [ Electronic Frontier Foundation ]

EFF Statement on Glenn Greenwald Charges


In free societies, journalists play an important role in challenging and criticizing governmental officials and scrutinizing their actions and policies. It is a threat to democracy when authorities use cybercrime laws to punish their critics, as the Brazilian government has done here with Glenn Greenwald, and it discourages journalists from using technology to best serve the public.

23.01.2020 - 23:43 [ The Hill ]

Twitter tells facial-recognition app maker to stop collecting its data

The cease and desist letter reportedly calls on Clearview AI to stop taking data from Twitter “for any reason” and delete any that was previously collected.

23.01.2020 - 22:37 [ France24 ]

Libya‘s neighbours meet in Algiers in bid to diffuse crisis

German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas, who was set to brief the meeting on the results of Sunday‘s international summit in Berlin, is also attending.

23.01.2020 - 22:30 [ France24 ]

Trump to host Netanyahu and his rival to discuss Mideast peace

US President Donald Trump will host Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House next week to discuss his long-awaited plans for Middle East peace, the White House said.

23.01.2020 - 20:53 [ Fefes Blog ]

Lacher des Tages: Brandenburgs Regierung sagt ausreichenden Datenschutz bei Kennzeichenfahndung zu

… Die Kennzeichenerfassung ist der Datenschutzverstoß, ihr Pfeifen!
Mit anderen Worten: Sie lügen wie gedruckt. Wie immer.

23.01.2020 - 20:39 [ junge Welt ]

Weltmachtambitionen: Zu geringe Rechenleistung

Ihre Kommission werde Rahmenbedingungen für »einen großen Pool an nichtpersonalisierten Daten« schaffen, »der danach allen zur Verfügung steht«, teilte sie mit. So solle eine »European Open Science Cloud« eingerichtet werden, auf die auch Unternehmen Zugriff hätten.

23.01.2020 - 17:59 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Bolivien: MAS nominiert Arce und Choquehuanca für Präsidentschaftswahl

Die bolivianische Partei Bewegung zum Sozialismus (Movimiento al Socialismo, MAS) des gestürzten Präsidenten Evo Morales hat nach zwei Tagen intensiver Diskussionen im Hotel Bauen in Buenos Aires ihre Präsidentschaftskandidaten für die Wahl am 3. Mai festgelegt.

23.01.2020 - 17:57 [ Reuters ]

U.S. to send ambassador to Bolivia for first time in over a decade

The United States intends to send an ambassador to Bolivia to help restore a “normal relationship” between the two countries, Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs David Hale said in a video statement posted online on Thursday.

23.01.2020 - 17:51 [ teleSUR ]

Extradition Hearing for Julian Assange Will be Split in Two

The extradition hearings for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been split in two, with the second taking place in May, according to a ruling made by a judge on Thursday, January 23rd.

23.01.2020 - 10:24 [ Consortium News ]

Consortium News Sends Libel Notices to Canadian Signals Intelligence Agency and Major Television Network

Consortium News has sent libel notices to the Communications Security Establishment (CSE), Canada’s version of the U.S. National Security Agency, and to a major Canadian television network, Global News, for a report that said Consortium News was “part of a cyber-influence campaign directed by Russia.”

Based on a CSE leak of a secret document, Global News’ website said in a Dec. 10, 2019 article entitled, “‘Canadian eyes only’ intelligence reports say Canadian leaders attacked in cyber campaigns,” that Consortium News led this campaign.

23.01.2020 - 09:08 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

The Empire’s War On Oppositional Journalism Continues To Escalate

Journalist Glenn Greenwald has been charged by the Bolsonaro government in Brazil with the same prosecutorial angle used by the US to target WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange.

23.01.2020 - 07:59 [ Caitlin Johnstone ]

How To Be A Mentally Sovereign Human

Being a mentally sovereign human means constructing your own understanding of this weird reality based on your own investigations and your own reasoning, which means constructing it from the ground up. Even your most basic assumptions about reality itself must be rigorously cross-examined with complete skepticism. Nothing must be taken on faith.

23.01.2020 - 04:43 [ Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) ]

Neue Ufer: Europäische Marinemission am Persischen Golf beschlossen

Bei der EMASOH-Mission handelt es sich um keinen offiziellen Einsatz der Europäischen Union, sondern um eine Koalition der Willigen, die allerdings vom EU-Außenbeauftragten Joseph Borell umgehend mit warmen Worten begrüßt wurde. Das Hauptquartier soll in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten liegen, die sich hierfür laut der EMASOH-Ankündigung bereits angeboten haben sollen. Veröffentlicht wurde die Ankündigung im Namen folgender Länder: Belgien, Dänemark, Deutschland, Frankreich, Griechenland, Italien, die Niederlande und Portugal. Ziel des Einsatzes sei es, ein „sicheres Umfeld für den Seeverkehr zu gewährleisten und die derzeitigen regionalen Spannungen abzubauen.“

Wie bereits angedeutet, beschränkt sich die Unterstützung von vier der acht Staaten zunächst einmal auf die Unterzeichnung der besagten Erklärung. Neben Deutschland sind das Belgien, Italien und Portugal.

23.01.2020 - 03:28 [ Tagesschau ]

Großbritannien: Parlament beschließt Brexit-Gesetz

Das britische Parlament hat das Ratifizierungsgesetz für das Brexit-Abkommen verabschiedet. Nach dem Unterhaus passierte der Gesetzesentwurf nun auch das Oberhaus, das House of Lords.

23.01.2020 - 03:24 [ Politicshome.com ]

Brexit Bill set to become law after passing final parliamentary hurdle in House of Lords

Boris Johnson‘s Brexit Bill is set to become law on Thursday after clearing its finally parliamentary hurdle.

23.01.2020 - 00:52 [ theIntercept.com ]

The Intercept Condemns Brazilian Criminal Complaint Against Glenn Greenwald as an Attack on Free Press

On Tuesday, a federal prosecutor in Brazil announced a denunciation of American journalist and Intercept co-founder Glenn Greenwald related to his work on a series of stories published on The Intercept and The Intercept Brasil. The denunciation is a criminal complaint that would open the door to further judicial proceedings. It alleges that Greenwald “directly assisted, encouraged and guided” individuals who reportedly obtained access to online chats used by prosecutors and others involved in Operation Car Wash, a yearslong, sprawling anti-corruption investigation that roiled Brazilian politics.

The denunciation will now go before a judge who can approve or deny the request for charges.

23.01.2020 - 00:42 [ Tulsi Gabbard, candidate for President / Twitter ]

For years, @ggreenwald has exposed abuses at the highest levels of government and his investigative journalism deserves our support. If we allow the powerful to silence such journalists, our democracy and freedom is in peril. #StandWithGreenwald

23.01.2020 - 00:27 [ theHill.com ]

Gabbard suing Clinton for defamation over ‚Russian asset‘ comments

In a podcast released in October, Clinton said she thought Republicans were „grooming“ a Democratic presidential candidate for a third-party bid. She also described the candidate as a favorite of the Russians.

Clinton did not name the candidate, but it was clear she was speaking about Gabbard.

23.01.2020 - 00:18 [ The Hill / Youtube ]

Krystal went on CNN to talk about Hillary. Here‘s how that went

Krystal went on CNN to talk about Hillary. Here‘s how that went

23.01.2020 - 00:12 [ theHill.com ]

Hillary Clinton tears open wound with her attack on Sanders

Democrats and progressives interviewed by The Hill insist that the party will rally behind whoever wins the nomination. But many view Clinton’s remarks as unhelpful and self-serving.