Daily Archives: 28. November 2019

28.11.2019 - 23:13 [ CNN ]

Global storms on Mars shoot dust towers up into the air

Water vapor appears on Mars today as thin, wispy clouds.

28.11.2019 - 21:48 [ Washington Post ]

Richard Spencer: I was fired as Navy secretary. Here’s what I’ve learned because of it.

President Trump involved himself in the case almost from the start. Before the trial began, in March, I received two calls from the president asking me to lift Gallagher’s confinement in a Navy brig; I pushed back twice, because the presiding judge, acting on information about the accused’s conduct, had decided that confinement was important. Eventually, the president ordered me to have him transferred to the equivalent of an enlisted barracks. I came to believe that Trump’s interest in the case stemmed partly from the way the defendant’s lawyers and others had worked to keep it front and center in the media.

28.11.2019 - 21:07 [ CNN ]

Obama is wrong: Dems are not #TooFarLeft

Establishment and Wall Street Dems are misreading the winds of public sentiment if they believe moderation is a winning political strategy for 2020. There is no constituency for a presidential candidate who prescribes half-measures to put out a fire.
And polling indicates that.

28.11.2019 - 21:00 [ CNN ]

John Bolton‘s attorney says he won‘t appear without subpoena after impeachment investigators invite him to testify


Asked whether he would issue a subpoena to Bolton, House Intelligence Chairman Adam Schiff would not say.

28.11.2019 - 20:58 [ Washington Post ]

The complicated web of Ukraine-focused relationships that has Giuliani at its center

Parnas connected Giuliani to Shokin as part of Giuliani’s effort to call into question the investigation of special counsel Robert S. Mueller III, his formal mandate as a lawyer for Trump. Shokin, however, pointed Giuliani in a different direction, alleging that Biden targeted him because the former vice president wanted to protect his son Hunter Biden, then serving on the board of a gas company in Ukraine that was under investigation.

28.11.2019 - 20:55 [ ABC News ]

President Trump says he didn‘t direct Rudy Giuliani to go to Ukraine on his behalf

In another sign that he was distancing himself from his personal lawyer‘s work in the Ukraine — despite frequently praising Giuliani and endorsing his activities in Ukraine — Trump said that Giuliani provides legal representation to not just him but for other clients, too.

28.11.2019 - 20:32 [ Washington Post ]

Democrats’ impeachment obsession is backfiring

This Thanksgiving, Trump supporters should give thanks that Democrats’ impeachment obsession is backfiring. Indeed, it could prove to be the biggest political blunder in modern times.

After two weeks of hearings, Democrats have utterly failed to make their case to the American people.

28.11.2019 - 20:30 [ Tagesschau ]

NDR erstattet Strafanzeige

In einer Zeugenaussage gibt ein ehemaliger Sicherheitsmitarbeiter über seinen früheren Chef an: „David Morales antwortete, als ich ihn eindringlich fragte, wer seine ‚amerikanischen Freunde‘ seien, es sei ‚der Geheimdienst der Vereinigten Staaten‘. Im September 2017 bittet Morales einen engen Kreis von Mitarbeitern per Mail, „bitte nur sehr zurückhaltend über meinen Aufenthaltsort (besonders über meine Reisen in die USA) zu sprechen“.

28.11.2019 - 18:38 [ New York Times ]

Bernie Sanders vs. The Machine

Throughout the 2020 campaign, Mr. Sanders has sounded like an echo of his younger self, threatening reprisals against the elected officials in his way. He has pledged to campaign in even the reddest of states against lawmakers who oppose his ideas, including against conservative Democrats. It is a method of governing untested in the modern presidency.

28.11.2019 - 18:16 [ theHill.com ]

Krystal Ball rips report saying Obama would intervene to stop Sanders

Bernie is an existential threat to business as usual and both parties ability to cash in as perpetual winners in the oligarchy-and they’ll use every means, fair and unfair, to protect their position. So, to those of you dedicated to upending business as usual, in case you had any illusions, Obama’s comments prove that you better be prepared for the fight of your life.

28.11.2019 - 17:52 [ theIntercept.com ]

Michael Bloomberg’s Right-Wing Views on Foreign Policy Make Him a Perfect Candidate for the Republican Nomination

Remember: Biden, for all his sins, is a lifelong Democrat. Bloomberg, however, served as an elected Republican between 2001 and 2007. This was a period during which he enthusiastically endorsed the reelection of George W. Bush and also addressed the Conservative Party’s annual conference in the U.K.

Bloomberg is so right-wing that he makes Biden sound like Bernie.

28.11.2019 - 17:45 [ Democracy Now! / Youtube ]

Operation Condor Trial Tackles Coordinated Campaign By Latin American Dictatorships To Kill Leftists


A historic trial underway in Argentina is set to reveal new details about how Latin American countries coordinated with each other in the 1970s and ‘80s to eliminate political dissidents. The campaign known as „Operation Condor“ involved military dictatorships in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay. They worked together to track down, kidnap and kill people they labeled as terrorists: leftist activists, labor organizers, students, priests, journalists, guerilla fighters and their families. The campaign was launched by the Chilean dictator Augusto Pinochet, and evidence shows the CIA and former U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger were complicit from its outset.

28.11.2019 - 17:34 [ theGrayzone.com ]

Operation Condor 2.0: After Bolivia coup, Trump dubs Nicaragua ‘national security threat’ and targets Mexico

After presiding over a far-right coup in Bolivia, the US dubbed Nicaragua a “national security threat” and announced new sanctions, while Trump designated drug cartels in Mexico as “terrorists” and refused to rule out military intervention.

28.11.2019 - 17:31 [ theGrayzone.com ]

With the right-wing coup in Bolivia nearly complete, the junta is hunting down the last remaining dissidents

On the day of my scheduled interview with a leftist Bolivian journalist, I learned that he had been disappeared. Every outspoken opponent of the military junta is a target and subjected to charges of sedition.

28.11.2019 - 17:23 [ Imran Khan, Premierminister von Pakistan / Twitter ]

Shows the fascist mindset of the Indian govt‘s RSS ideology that has continued the siege of IOJK for over 100 days, subjecting Kashmiris to the worst violation of their human rights while the powerful countries remain silent bec of their trading interests.

28.11.2019 - 17:14 [ Middle East Eye ]

India consul general in United States calls for „Israeli model“ in Kashmir

“I think the return of Kashmiri Pandits is being instrumentalized to justify a settler-colonial project in Kashmir,” Mona Bhan, an associate professor of South Asian Studies at Syracuse University in New York, said.

Bhan told Middle East Eye that there remains a deep anxiety among Kashmiri Pandits that their pain is being weaponised to further the goals of the BJP-led government. She says the event on Saturday seemed to be an attempt to allay those fears.

28.11.2019 - 17:05 [ Wall Street Journal ]

China Protests New U.S. Law Supporting Hong Kong but Signals Hope for Trade Deal

Despite harsh language criticizing what Beijing calls U.S. interference in China’s domestic affairs, and a second summoning of the U.S. ambassador in a week, China’s leadership still wants a deal to help alleviate pressure on its fast-weakening economy.

28.11.2019 - 15:20 [ Tagesschau ]

Vor Wahl in Großbritannien: Umfrage sieht Johnson als großen Sieger

Zwei Wochen vor der Parlamentswahl in Großbritannien liegt die Konservative Partei von Premierminister Boris Johnson deutlich in Führung. Die Tories können sich sogar Hoffnung machen, zukünftig wieder alleine zu regieren.

28.11.2019 - 11:32 [ teleSUR ]

Bolivia: Evo Morales Rejects Interpol Notice Issued Against Him

Interpol‘s alert has been turned on for Uruguay, Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, and Mexico. This security alert is intended to „locate, identify or obtain information about a person of interest in a criminal investigation.“

28.11.2019 - 11:21 [ teleSUR ]

OAS Conspiring to Oust Him from Gov‘t: Dominica PM Tells teleSUR

The PM also pointed out that there were similar attempts by the ‘’foreign entities and interests’’ to do the same in the region, and more specifically, in Venezuela. Calling it the „same script“ the Dominican leader adds that the OAS’ mantra about ‚free and fair elections’ has become a formal justification for undercutting democracy and toppling non-conforming governments to make way for U.S.-backed political parties to take their seat at the governance table.

28.11.2019 - 06:37 [ theHill.com ]

Obama privately said he would speak up to stop Sanders: report

President Obama privately said he would speak up to stop Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) from becoming the Democratic presidential nominee, Politico reported Tuesday.

The former president reportedly said if Sanders held a strong lead in the Democratic primary, he would speak out to prevent him from becoming the nominee.

28.11.2019 - 06:16 [ Caixinglobal.com ]

China Guzzles More Saudi Oil

China’s thirst for Saudi Arabian oil continues to grow on the back of massive refinery joint ventures, and the nation is also drawing more crude from Russia, as imports from the U.S., Iran and Venezuela dwindle, fresh Chinese customs data for the year to November show.

28.11.2019 - 06:04 [ ORF.at ]

Trump unterzeichnet Hongkong-Gesetze

Scharfe Kritik übte die chinesische Regierung bereits an dem Entwurf für das Gesetz zu Menschenrechten und Demokratie in Hongkong. Fakten und Wahrheiten würden vernachlässigt, erklärte Außenamtssprecher Geng Shuang. Es handle sich um eine Einmischung in die Angelegenheiten Chinas und Hongkongs und einen ernsthaften Verstoß gegen das Völkerrecht.

28.11.2019 - 05:56 [ Tagessschau ]

Eskalation bei Protesten: Iranisches Konsulat im Irak in Brand

Der Brand des Konsulats in der für Schiiten heiligen Stadt Nadschaf könnte die Massenproteste im Irak weiter anheizen. Anfang des Monats hatten Demonstranten bereits in der zweiten heiligen Stadt des Landes, Kerbela, versucht, das iranische Konsulat in Brand zu setzen. Sicherheitskräfte verhinderten die Stürmung und schossen scharf, vier Menschen starben.

28.11.2019 - 05:53 [ Tagesschau ]

Deutschland zahlt mehr an die NATO

Ab 2021 sollen Deutschland und die USA den gleichen Anteil an den NATO-Kosten stemmen. Für die Bundesrepublik bedeutet das eine Mehrbelastung von 33 Millionen Euro. Die Hoffnung ist, dass der Finanzierungsstreit nun abkühlt.

28.11.2019 - 02:49 [ Joint Chiefs of Staff ]

Readout of Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Milley’s Meeting with Iraqi Joint Headquarters Chief of Staff Gen. Othman Al-Ghanimi

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark A. Milley met with Iraqi Joint Headquarters Chief of Staff Gen. Othman Al-Ghanimi today in Baghdad, Iraq.

The senior leaders discussed the vital strategic partnership between the U.S. and Iraq and the current security environment throughout the Middle East.

28.11.2019 - 02:28 [ ZDF ]

Generalstreffen in Baku – Nato und Russland reden

Der russische Generalstabschef Waleri Gerassimow und Nato-General Sir Stuart Peach haben bei einem Treffen Chancen einer Überwindung der politischen Spannungen ausgelotet.

28.11.2019 - 02:04 [ junge Welt ]

Mörderische Geschäfte

Zwar betreffen die jüngsten Enthüllungen in erster Linie Politiker des postfranquistischen Volkspartei (PP), doch die inzwischen regierenden Sozialdemokraten sind hinsichtlich Waffendeals mit Saudi-Arabien nicht besser:

28.11.2019 - 00:46 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Keine friedliche Koexistenz

Der angebliche China-Experte Adrian Zenz, dessen berufliche Wurzeln bei der christlich-fundamentalistischen „Akademie für Weltmission“ in Korntal nahe Stuttgart liegen und der gegenwärtig als „Fachmann“ für die Lager in Xinjiang ein breites mediales Echo findet, lässt sich mit der Äußerung zitieren, „die systematische Internierung einer ganzen ethno-religiösen Minderheit“ sei „vermutlich die größte seit dem Holocaust“.