Daily Archives: 8. Dezember 2018

08.12.2018 - 22:30 [ Labour Leave / Twitter ]

‚If we can print out billions of pounds to bail out bankers, why can‘t we do that to build houses, schools and hospitals?‘ @BrendanChilton

08.12.2018 - 22:28 [ Labour Leave / Twitter ]

‚If the referendum were reversed, I think there would be one massive shift in British politics. There is massive anger outside of London. If Westminster turned around and stuck two fingers up to the people, they would have massive problems.‘ @BrendanChilton @talkRADIO

08.12.2018 - 22:18 [ taz.de ]

Gelbwesten-Protest in Frankreich: Abschreckung funktioniert nicht

Trotz Drohungen mit Repression und einer Einschüchterung mit Warnungen vor gewalttätigen Randalierern und Extremisten haben Zehntausende von Gelbwesten erneut in Paris demonstriert. Gleichzeitig gingen unzählige Protestaktionen dieser Bewegung in der Provinz weiter.

08.12.2018 - 22:16 [ Junge Welt ]

Rien ne va plus

Ganz vorn sind diesmal auch Rentner dabei, die »Vergessenen der Republik«, wie sie sich nennen. Ihre monatlichen Bezüge reichen vielen nicht mehr aus, um einen Lebensabend »in Würde« zu garantieren, sagen ihre Sprecher. Wie andere auch bekommen sie die seit Jahren nachlassende Kaufkraft zu spüren. Steigende Mietpreise machen gutes Wohnen in der Hauptstadt und in den Provinzmetropolen inzwischen unbezahlbar. Alte Menschen werden an die Peripherien der großen Städte gedrängt.

08.12.2018 - 20:45 [ NBC News ]

Paris on lockdown as police clash with ‚Yellow Jackets‘ and protests sweep France

Protests that began last month against planned tax hikes on gas have since morphed into a wider rebuke of Emmanuel Macron’s presidency.

08.12.2018 - 20:31 [ sputniknews.com ]

Gilets Jaunes Infiltrer: Undercover French Police Wear Yellow Vests Too

Perhaps the most infamous clip to be uploaded to date — uploaded December 1, it‘s garnered almost six million views and over 7,000 shares in under a week — depicts masked individuals ambling through Paris‘ renowned Champs-Elysees. While they‘re in plain clothes, and some legitimate protesters have worn masks, the procession all wear red armbands, a signifier of plain-clothes police in France.

08.12.2018 - 20:09 [ Noel Dolan / Twitter ]

Police have charged the #GiletsJaune, batons being used, battering everyone within range, they‘ve just hog-tied one man. Note the police wearing jeans – agents provocateurs? There‘s still a huge crowd of #YellowVests though.

08.12.2018 - 19:53 [ EHA News ‏ / Twitter ]

The same man also appeared on another video clip where he was saying: „Long live Bashar al-Assad, Long Live Russia.“ Source:@Kyruer

08.12.2018 - 19:51 [ EHA News / Twitter ]

A protestor hails the Syrian regime‘s „president“ Bashar al-Assad during #YellowVests protest in #Paris

08.12.2018 - 19:50 [ EHA News ‏/ Twitter ]

A branch of the Marxist-Leninst terrorists organization #PKK, #TİKKO, announces that it supports #YellowVests

08.12.2018 - 19:49 [ EHA News / Twitter ]

#BREAKING Turkish President #Erdoğan [about #GiletsJaunes in #France] : PKK supporters are among the #Paris perpetrators. We told you that terror is a snake, we are unhappy to be right.

08.12.2018 - 18:00 [ Reuters ]

VIPs arrive at pre-wedding bash for daughter of India‘s richest man

The Clintons and the Ambanis have an association that goes back more than 18 years and have met several times both in India and abroad, according to Indian media reports.

Then President Bill Clinton held meetings in India with the Ambanis, including deceased founder and Mukesh’s father Dhirubhai Ambani, just before and after he left the presidency in 2000-2001.

08.12.2018 - 17:11 [ ORF ]

Abgeordnetenkammer in Rom billigte Haushaltsplan

Der von der EU-Kommission abgelehnte italienische Haushaltsentwurf ist heute von der Abgeordnetenkammer in Rom gebilligt worden. Der Budgetplan wurde mit 312 Stimmen gegen 146 verabschiedet und muss jetzt noch vor Weihnachten vom Senat abgesegnet werden.

08.12.2018 - 17:04 [ Spiegel ]

Mars: Sonde „Insight“ zeichnet erstmals Geräusche des Planeten auf

„Insight“ ist ein 360 Kilogramm schwerer Roboter, der nicht rollt, sondern an einem Ort bleibt. Die insgesamt rund 650 Millionen Euro teure Mission ist auf zwei Jahre angelegt.

08.12.2018 - 16:49 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Parlament in Costa Rica stimmt trotz Protesten Sparplänen zu

Seit seinem Amtsantritt am 1. April hatte der sozialdemokratische Präsident Carlos Alvarado die umfassendsten Budgetkürzungen der jüngeren Geschichte des Landes angekündigt. Neben seiner Partei der Bürgeraktion (Partido Acción Ciudadana, PAC) stimmten auch die große Mehrheit der rechtssozialdemokratischen PLN und der christdemokratischen PUSC dem Gesetz zu. Nur 17 von 57 Abgeordneten votierten mit „Nein“.

08.12.2018 - 16:42 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Falschaussagen von Polizisten nach Mord an Mapuche in Chile

Nach einem politischen Mord in Chile hat ein beteiligter Polizist die Verwicklung der staatlichen Sicherheitskräfte in den Fall offenbar durch eine Falschaussage zu verschleiern versucht. In einem auf sozialen Netzwerken veröffentlichten Video erklärt einer der am Mord an Camilo Catrillanca beteiligten Polizisten, Carlos Alarcón, dass er und weitere Angeklagte zu Falschaussagen gezwungen worden seien.

08.12.2018 - 16:36 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Ermittlungen gegen Vertreter der designierten Regierung Bolsonaro in Brasilien

Die Firma JSB S.A. hatte im Jahr 2017 internationales Aufsehen erregt, als sie in großem Maße chemisch präpariertes Gammelfleisch mit Frischfleisch vermengt und exportiert hatte.

08.12.2018 - 16:05 [ CNN ]

Macron‘s top-down approach to fighting climate change serves as a cautionary tale

While world leaders gather in Katowice, Poland, for the COP24 climate summit, protesters in the streets of Paris have successfully forced French President Emmanuel Macron‘s hand, undercutting his efforts to impose a carbon tax on French energy sales. Macron has made climate change and lowering greenhouse gases a central component of both his domestic and foreign policies, only to face dramatic failure at the hands of his „yellow vest“ countrymen.

08.12.2018 - 15:56 [ Saint Mike #GTTO ‏/ Twitter ]

You’d be forgiven for thinking this is some Middle East crackpot dictatorship. It’s not, it’s France, where the neoliberals’ wet dream, Macron, treats students like this. Ah, ‘moderate’ centrism.

08.12.2018 - 15:40 [ USA Today ]

1 in 4 Americans doesn‘t know Earth circles sun

(15.2.2014) To put the brightest possible spin on this story is to say that three-quarters of Americans are fully aware that the Earth revolves around the sun.

The downside, of course, is that means 1 in 4 are in the dark about what Discovery calls „probably the most basic question in science.“

08.12.2018 - 15:39 [ Science in School - The European Journal for science teachers ]

What Europeans really think (and know) about science and technology

(2006) Another part of the survey concerns people’s knowledge of scientific facts. Thirteen statements were made, and the participants were asked to determine whether they were true or false. The chart below shows the overall results.

Quiz statements
1. The Sun goes around the Earth.
true: 29%
false: 66%
don‘t know: 4%

08.12.2018 - 15:32 [ Huffington Post ]

Waiting For The Next Sunspot Cycle: 2019-2030

(6.12.2017) By Cycle 25 or 26, magnetic fields may be too weak to punch through the solar surface and form recognizable sunspots at all,

08.12.2018 - 15:25 [ Resonance.is ]

Is our solar system heating up?

With the decrease of solar activity, the magnetic field of oursun is losing power too. This heliosphere shields us forming a gigantic bubble which surrounds and protects our solar system from harmful galactic cosmic rays, these high-energy particles that zip through the universe. Thanks to Voyagers 1 leaving the Solar system, we now have a good vision of it and of its shielding effect. It appears to be an indispensable protection for our fast moving throughout the Universe. But, with a weaker heliosphere Earth will begin to endure more and more the cosmic rays.

08.12.2018 - 15:19 [ ScienceMag.com ]

Decades-Long Changes of the Interstellar Wind Through Our Solar System

(6.9.2013) The flow of interstellar gas and dust through the solar system was thought to be unvarying, but Frisch et al. (p. 1080) show that there has been a significant variation of the direction of the flow of interstellar helium through the solar system over the past 40 years.

08.12.2018 - 15:14 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

Sun’s protective ‚bubble‘ is shrinking

(18.10.2008) The protective bubble around the sun that helps to shield the Earth from harmful interstellar radiation is shrinking and getting weaker, Nasa scientists have warned.

08.12.2018 - 15:12 [ Leibniz-Institut für Atmosphärenphysik e.V. an der Universität Rostock ]

Influence of the 11-year solar cycle on planetary wave structures in the stratosphere and mesosphere

(2011) The stationary wave structures in the spatial distribution of stratospheric ozone have a significant influence on the local radiative heating and therefore on planetary wave propagation, temperature, circulation and trace gas distributions in the stratosphere and mesosphere. We show that these effects of O3* , which is the zonally asymmetric component of ozone, are modified by the 11-year cycle in solar irradiation,

08.12.2018 - 14:54 [ Washington Post ]

Sun activity is in free fall, but you shouldn’t expect a new little ice age

(11.11.2013) “Solar activity is declining very fast at the moment,” Mike Lockwood, a professor of space environmental physics at Britain’s Reading University, said, “we estimate faster than at any time in the last 9,300 years.”

08.12.2018 - 14:50 [ BBC ]

Has the Sun gone to sleep?

(17.Januar 2014) Scientists are saying that the Sun is in a phase of „solar lull“ – meaning that it has fallen asleep – and it is baffling them.

08.12.2018 - 14:44 [ notrickszone.com ]

Solar Cycle Continues To Be The Weakest In 2 Centuries

(23.8.2017) Our source of energy and life at the center of our solar system was significantly below normal with respect to activity last month.

The measured sunspot number (SSN) was 18.3. That was only 36% of what is typical (51) this far into the solar cycle – calculated from the previous 23 solar cycles recorded.

08.12.2018 - 14:31 [ Space.com ]

No Global Cooling Miracle: Sun‘s Activity Lull Will Stop Soon, Study Suggests

We can‘t count on waning solar activity to help bail us out of our climate-change problem in the near future, a new study suggests.

08.12.2018 - 14:24 [ Firstpost.com ]

Mini ice-age, planet cooling from natural dip in Sun‘s heat ruled out: Study

A team of scientists from the Center of Excellence in Space Sciences and Department of Physical Sciences at Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER) Kolkata led by Prantika Bhowmik and Professor Dibyendu Nandi have dismissed the speculation ofessor Dibyendu Nandi have dismissed the speculation and claim ……………………..

08.12.2018 - 14:18 [ New York Times ]

‘Yellow Vest’ Protests Shake France. Here’s the Lesson for Climate Change.

The gas tax is part of an effort started by France in 2014 to regularly raise the tax on fossil fuels to fight global climate change.

The so-called Yellow Vest protests against the tax increase have become the biggest obstacle yet to such attempts to encourage conservation and alternative energy use.

08.12.2018 - 13:50 [ Stéphanie Roy ‏/ Twitter ]

#Paris Un homme bras en l‘air reçoit un tir de flash ball quasiment à bout portant. Dans le même temps une grenade est envoyée sur la presse pourtant clairement identifiée. #GiletsJaunes #ChampsÉlysées #Acte4 #Insurrection #8decembre2018 #8decembre2018

08.12.2018 - 13:48 [ Enough is Enough! ‏/ Twitter ]

13:24 #Paris cops targetted a protester directly in his belly from a short distance. Immediately after that cops shot at a group of journo‘swho are clearly visible as journo‘s. #8Decembre #YellowVests #GiletsJaunes Infos & video by @Steph_Roy_

08.12.2018 - 13:42 [ Enough is Enough! / Twitter ]

13:00 Cops attacking #GiletsJaunes protesters with water canons and teargas at boulevard haussmann in #Paris. Video by @LabasOfficiel #8decembreParis #8Decembre #8Decembre2018 #GiletsJaunesParis #YellowVests #YellowJackets

08.12.2018 - 13:28 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu and Putin Discuss Hezbollah Tunnels, Improved Military Coordination by Telephone

Last month Putin said he had no intention of meeting with Netanyahu in the near future.

The Israeli premier has been trying to obtain a meeting with Putin for a while, especially in light of deterioration in the bilateral ties between the two countries since Moscow accused Israel two months ago of downing a Russian spyplane.

08.12.2018 - 13:24 [ Oliver Milne / Twitter ]

Despite the PM’s promises that the gov would stay away, UK officials met attendees at Saudi investment conference. Tonight @EmilyThornberry said “This is typical of the government’s hypocrisy over the Khashoggi murder”

08.12.2018 - 13:20 [ Eventbrite.co.uk ]

Dec 10: Leave Means Leave protest outside Parliament

Date and Time
Mon 10 December 2018
11:00 – 17:00 GMT

George V Statue
Abingdon Street
United Kingdom

08.12.2018 - 13:15 [ Spectator ]

If Brexit is blocked, will it ever be worth voting again?

Having watched the last two-and-a-half years from the sidelines, depressed by almost the entire political debate in the UK, I could think of no argument that would be new to her. We’ve all been round this too many times before, and almost no one has conceded anything new on the subject for years. So I decided to relay the feeling that was (and still is) foremost in my mind. The feeling which has disturbed me the most. ‘If we don’t leave the EU, or if we somehow get tricked into remaining in everything but name’, I said to my friend, ‘I just don’t think I’ll bother voting again.’

08.12.2018 - 13:11 [ theSun.co.uk ]

MAY ‚WILL GO‘: Former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith warns Theresa May she have to quit if her Brexit deal is defeated in the Commons next week

Questioning Mrs May’s leadership for the first time, Iain Duncan Smith said it would be a “disaster” if the deal did not pass and she tried to soldier on.

He told The Daily Telegraph: “How the PM responds after the vote matters more than anything else she has done.

“I believe that if the response is, ‘We’ve lost but we will do this all over again’, it will become a leadership issue.

08.12.2018 - 13:08 [ Sky News ]

Will the Conservatives be rattled by the Daily Mail‘s new Brexit stance?

Now the recent retirement of editor Paul Dacre has led to the Mail itself changing.

08.12.2018 - 12:21 [ Paul Embery, firefighter. Trade union official. Socialist. Pro-Brexit ‏/ Twitter ]

A European Spring is what we need. Against austerity. Against globalism. Against technocracy. Against liberal elitism. Bring a yellow vest.

08.12.2018 - 12:16 [ Paul Embery, firefighter. Trade union official. Socialist. Pro-Brexit ‏/ Twitter ]

That‘s where Henry VIII went wrong. No withdrawal agreement when he broke from Rome.

08.12.2018 - 12:08 [ Charles Moore / Telegraph.co.uk ]

If Parliament manages to thwart Brexit, why would voters ever trust it again?

On Thursday, I was away from home and my desk. For information and news, therefore, I relied on my iPhone. But my iPhone is on the O2 network, which went into a coma at 5.30 that morning, so I had no information or news all day. As I needed to prepare for going on BBC Question Time that night, I was alarmed.