Archiv: the Hill (media)

05.02.2024 - 12:00 [ ]

Democratic and Republican elites fear RFK Jr.’s growing path to victory

As noted on the Archives website: “The House of Representatives elects the President from the three (3) Presidential candidates who received the most electoral votes …”

Now, we come back to that magic number: 34.

If Kennedy were to get 34 percent of the vote, there would be a great deal of pressure on the House of Representatives to “do the right thing.”

“Impossible” yet again?

I give you Donald J. Trump being elected our 45th president in 2016 as evidence as to why such a scenario is entirely possible.

29.07.2023 - 07:40 [ ]

Alito says Congress has ‘no authority’ to regulate Supreme Court


“I know this is a controversial view, but I’m willing to say it,” Alito told the Journal. “No provision in the Constitution gives them the authority to regulate the Supreme Court — period.”

Although the Constitution enables Congress to structure the lower federal courts, it explicitly vests judicial power within a singular Supreme Court.


The piece also revealed Alito’s first public comments on the recent ethics push since he authored an op-ed for the same paper that was shared just before a ProPublica investigation into an undisclosed Alaskan fishing trip the justice accepted in 2008 paid for by a conservative donor was made public.

28.05.2023 - 00:10 [ ]

Why I believe RFK Jr. will be the 2024 Democratic nominee

Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch recently used a statement in a lawsuit over the Title 42 public health order to give a scathing overview of how civil liberties were trampled during the COVID era.

The U.S., he wrote, may “have experienced the greatest intrusions on civil liberties in the peacetime history of this country….Executive officials across the country issued emergency decrees on a breathtaking scale. Governors and local leaders imposed lockdown orders forcing people to remain in their homes. They shuttered businesses and schools, public and private. They closed churches even as they allowed casinos and other favored businesses to carry on. They threatened violators not just with civil penalties but with criminal sanctions too.”

Many on the left now condemning Kennedy as an “anti-vaxxer” might have no problem with these draconian actions. But guess what? Tens of millions of Americans did and still do.

20.05.2023 - 22:17 [ ]

Congressional Democrats beg Biden to nullify their existence

At one event, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) released a letter to Biden on behalf of himself and nine Democratic senators “to urgently request that you prepare to exercise your authority under the 14th Amendment of the Constitution.” He was joined in this by Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.), among others.

Obviously, these are not Nike-wearing cultists, but that only makes their actions all the more inexplicable. These are rational leaders whose desire to nullify their own existence would have seemed entirely implausible to the Framers.

13.10.2021 - 08:10 [ the Hill ]

Texas governor opens new front on vaccine mandates

Abbott’s move is an escalation in the Republican battle against vaccine mandates, something that many public health experts view as a key tool in the fight against the pandemic, given that voluntary efforts like incentives have hit their limits. The politicization of vaccine mandates could also undermine vaccination efforts even for other diseases, some experts warn.

11.11.2020 - 10:45 [ ]

Poll: 85 percent of voters say top priority is to make sure legal votes are counted correctly

Eighty-five percent of registered voters in the Nov. 2-4 survey said every legal vote should be counted correctly.

By contrast, 15 percent said having the results of the election as soon as possible should be the higher priority.

27.10.2020 - 13:32 [ ]

Democrats would destroy Supreme Court with scheme to pack justices

Litmus tests and the idea to pack the bench would not honor Ginsburg. They would instead destroy the Supreme Court she loved. These moves would obliterate an institution that has over history preserved the stability and continuity of our country. The Supreme Court has performed this vital role based on its legitimacy and authority with Americans that will surely evaporate if Democrats conduct litmus tests or pack the bench.

20.10.2020 - 14:53 [ ]

Trump narrows Biden‘s lead in Pennsylvania: poll

This week’s Reuters/Ipsos opinion poll found 49 percent of likely voters in Pennsylvania backed Biden, while 45 percent in the state supported the president. Biden‘s 4 percentage point lead falls right on the edge of the poll’s margin of error.

Last week’s poll showed the former vice president leading Trump by 7 percentage points, with Biden getting 51 percent compared to the president’s 44 percent.

17.08.2020 - 19:22 [ Jonathan Turley / ]

Virtual democracy means Congress and the courts should go online now


Both Congress and the Supreme Court have stopped meeting out of fear of physical contact, even though the technology exists to allow officials to continue working in virtual spaces. Legal barriers could be removed to allow such a shift to a type of virtual democracy, but the main barrier seems to be conceptual and cultural.

We must not allow a constitutional system to wither like a starving man staring at an apple tree but incapable of imagining a stick.

29.07.2020 - 11:48 [ ]

Total US COVID-19 cases show signs of slowing


U.S. coronavirus cases rose by about 55,000 on Sunday, a terribly high number but the lowest daily total since July 6, The Wall Street Journal reported.

02.04.2020 - 20:30 [ ]

Glenn Greenwald warns government is expanding power amid coronavirus

Greenwald also noted that proponents of the Patriot Act in the wake of 9/11 had assured civil libertarians the law had a sunset provision. Yet, the law remains in effect nearly two decades later as a “permanent part of our political framework.”

“That is the great concern, how do you temporarily vest power in the hands of the state that might be necessary to preserve these liberties in the long term without simultaneously giving them those powers realistically even if you intend for it to be temporary in a way that becomes permanent?” he added.

13.02.2020 - 20:00 [ Krystal Ball, Saagar Enjeti / Amazon ]

The Populist‘s Guide to 2020: A New Right and New Left are Rising

People are often confused by our politics and how much we end up in agreement. Ultimately, we have largely different policy prescriptions and beliefs. However, we do share a central diagnosis of the rot in this country, of how we got to this place, and a deep skepticism of power. It‘s amazing how far you can get when you start in the same place with a shared understanding of reality. It‘s a hell of a lot further than the shallow, fake civility politics that the forces of the status-quo say you must embrace-‚Keep quiet and hold still while they rip you to shreds.‘ We take the opposite view. Speak up. Make people uncomfortable. Don‘t let the „experts“ convince you that better isn‘t possible.

11.02.2020 - 10:27 [ The Hill / Youtube ]

Election Expert Warns Media: Don‘t trust Iowa caucuses results

Editor of The Appeal: Political Report expands on the latest results in Iowa following a recanvass.

05.02.2020 - 17:29 [ The Hill / Youtube ]

Krystal Ball: Iowa was rigged, here‘s the proof

Krystal Ball criticizes the behavior of the Iowa Democratic party in releasing partial results.

01.02.2020 - 01:55 [ The Hill / Youtube ]

SHOCK POLL: Bernie takes the lead nationally

Team Rising examines the latest polling in the Democratic Presidential Primary.

27.01.2020 - 07:35 [ The Hill / Youtube ]

The Week: The Democrats‘ internal „war“

Hosts Krystal and Saagar take a closer look at their conversation with Chris Hedges on the hypocrisy of the Democratic Party, their discussion with Matt Stoller about remarks Jamie Dimon made at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland earlier this week, and their chat with Kyle Kulinski about brewing „“war““ between the progressive and establishment factions of the Democratic Party.

12.01.2020 - 16:17 [ The Hill / Youtube ]

Panel: Trump comes for Bernie as he surges to lead in national poll


Team Rising describes the emerging fight between Bernie and Trump and the latest Ipsos/Reuters polling.

10.01.2020 - 15:20 [ The Hill / Youtube ]

Tulsi Gabbard Exclusive: How I tried to stop Trump‘s Iran actions

Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard lays out her views on the Iran crisis especially with her military experience, and her thoughts on the requirements to qualify for the January debate.

05.01.2020 - 09:44 [ The Hill / Youtube ]

Krystal and Saagar warn Trump on Iran

Krystal and Saagar talk about the latest developments in Iran and what it means for U.S.-Iranian relations.

25.12.2019 - 16:01 [ The Hill / Youtube ]

Nathan Robinson debates with Saagar: ‚Why you should be a socialist‘

Author Nathan Robinson makes the case for socialism.

25.12.2019 - 15:31 [ The Hill / Youtube ]

Is impeachment a 2020 disaster in the making?

Team Rising takes a look at how impeachment will play out in 2020.

25.12.2019 - 15:11 [ The Hill / Youtube ]

Panel: Dems embrace of neocon ‚Never Trumpers‘ is a disaster

Team Rising ponders why the ‚Never Trumpers‘ still think they matter in the Republican party

23.12.2019 - 14:42 [ The Hill / Youtube ]

Saagar Enjeti: New ‚Hillary 2.0‘ Biden ad shows why he will lose

Saagar Enjeti argues why Biden‘s case to the electorate is stuck in the past.

23.12.2019 - 13:39 [ The Hill / Youtube ]

Saagar Enjeti: Bernie‘s betrayal of Cenk Uygur shows weaknesses of the left


Saagar Enjeti argues about the fakeness behind Left Twitter‘s outrage over Senator Sanders endorsing Cenk Uygur.