Archiv: Sabotage (de / en)

12.09.2024 - 19:41 [ Times of Israel ]

Netanyahu said to ask AG to probe him and Gallant in bid to avert ICC arrest warrant

Channel 12 news said Netanyahu wanted a probe into the ongoing war and how the military campaign against Hamas has been handled to be opened and then closed, with an update filed to the ICC that the charges had been investigated by Israel and therefore do not require the court’s intervention.

According to the report, Baharav-Miara rejected the request on the grounds that it was a blatant ploy and would not satisfy the ICC.

11.09.2024 - 17:01 [ Haaretz ]

Report: Netanyahu Says 9/11 Terror Attacks Good for Israel

(April 16, 2008)

„We are benefiting from one thing, and that is the attack on the Twin Towers and Pentagon, and the American struggle in Iraq,“ Ma‘ariv quoted the former prime minister as saying. He reportedly added that these events „swung American public opinion in our favor.“

Netanyahu reportedly made the comments during a conference at Bar-Ilan University on the division of Jerusalem as part of a peace deal with the Palestinians.

09.09.2024 - 22:08 [ Nachdenkseiten ]

US-Diplomatin Nuland räumt offen ein: Friedensverhandlungen zwischen Kiew und Moskau auf „Empfehlung“ von Washington abgebrochen

„Relativ spät im Spiel begannen die Ukrainer, um Rat zu fragen, wohin diese Sache führen würde, und es wurde uns, den Briten und anderen klar, dass Putins Hauptbedingung in einem Anhang zu diesem Dokument, an dem sie arbeiteten, versteckt war. Sie enthielt Beschränkungen für die genauen Arten von Waffensystemen, über die die Ukraine nach der Vereinbarung verfügen durfte, so dass die Ukraine als militärische Macht im Grunde kastriert wäre. Für Russland gab es keine ähnlichen Beschränkungen. Russland wurde nicht verpflichtet, sich zurückzuziehen. Russland wurde nicht verpflichtet, eine Pufferzone an der ukrainischen Grenze einzurichten, und es wurde nicht verlangt, dass seinem Militär, welches der Ukraine gegenüberstand, dieselben Beschränkungen auferlegt werden. Und so begannen die Menschen innerhalb und außerhalb der Ukraine zu fragen, ob dies ein guter Deal sei, und das war der Punkt, an dem er auseinanderfiel.“

09.09.2024 - 22:00 [ ]

Nuland confirms West told Zelensky to abandon peace deal

“Relatively late in the game the Ukrainians began asking for advice on where this thing was going and it became clear to us, clear to the Brits, clear to others that [Russian President Vladimir] Putin‘s main condition was buried in an annex to this document that they were working on,” she said of the deal being discussed by the Russian and Ukrainian delegations in Türkiye’s largest city.

The proposed agreement included limits on the kinds of weapons that Kiev could possess, as a result of which Ukraine “would basically be neutered as a military force,” while there were no similar constraints on Russia, the former diplomat explained.

“People inside Ukraine and people outside Ukraine started asking questions about whether this was a good deal and it was at that point that it fell apart,” Nuland said.

08.09.2024 - 00:10 [ B'Tselem ]

B‘Tselem at the UNSC: For the Israeli government, the occupation and the settlements matter more than human life

On Sunday, we woke up to the news that six Israeli hostages were executed by Hamas, just before soldiers reached them in a tunnel in Gaza. Another six, added to tens of thousands of people in this land who should not have died over the past year. During this week, hundreds of thousands of Israelis have taken to the streets. They feel angry, desperate and betrayed by their government. They have understood, perhaps for the first time, that the Israeli government does not want to return the hostages in a deal, but to continue the war indefinitely. They see that the occupation and the settlements matter more than human life – and not only of Palestinians, said B‘Tselem Executive Director Yuli Novak, who addressed the UN Security Council last night (Wednesday) . B’Tselem – the Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories was invited by the Slovenian President of the Security Council to provide an expert review of the state of human rights in Israel/Palestine following the war.

07.09.2024 - 22:29 [ Middle East Eye ]

Israel’s former spy chief slams Netanyahu over Philadelphi Corridor

Argaman, who headed the Shin Bet between 2016 and 2021, said the majority of weapons entered Gaza through the Rafah border crossing.

“When Netanyahu speaks of remaining on the Philadelphi Corridor, he knows very well that no smuggling takes place over the Philadelphi Corridor. So we are now relegated to living with this imaginary figment,” he said.

07.09.2024 - 17:39 [ Fox News ]

Netanyahu says security in Gaza is critical to stop Hamas smuggling hostages into Iran: ‚lost forever‘

According to Netanyahu, the best way to prevent these Hamas hostage smuggling efforts is through maintaining the contested Philadelphi Route – a security corridor that runs between the Gaza Strip and Egypt.

07.09.2024 - 17:15 [ CNN ]

Netanyahu is unequivocal about ceasefire and hostage agreement with Hamas: ‘There’s not a deal in the making’

(September 5, 2024)

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday was as clear as he has ever been that he does not believe a ceasefire and hostage deal is likely in Gaza in a sharp rebuke to the Biden administration’s insistence it’s close at hand.

“There’s not a deal in the making,” Netanyahu told Fox News. “Unfortunately, it’s not close.”

07.09.2024 - 17:00 [ CNN ]

Netanyahu derailed a potential Gaza hostage deal in July, Israeli newspaper reports

)September 4, 2024)

The report lends credence to charges often leveled at the prime minister – most notably by hostage families – of purposefully prolonging the war and torpedoing deals for his political benefit. Far-right members of Netanyahu’s coalition have pledged to bring down the government should he end the war.

Several news outlets, including CNN, have reported on the late July demands made by Netanyahu, but this is the first time the Israeli document has been obtained in full.

02.09.2024 - 22:26 [ ]

Why are American Jewish institutions ignoring the hostage families?

(July 7, 2024)

There are exceptions of course. The Reform Movement issued a statement supporting President Joe Biden’s announcement of a potential ceasefire and hostage release plan, and calling on Netanyahu to accept it. T’ruah, the organization I lead, has been clear in our calls for a bilateral ceasefire that brings home the hostages and ends the war. Ditto our partners in the Progressive Israel Network, including J Street, Americans for Peace Now, New York Jewish Agenda and New Israel Fund.

But many of the largest Jewish organizations, including legacy groups such as Jewish Federations of North America, American Jewish Committee and the Anti-Defamation League have decoupled calls to “Bring them Home” from any talk of ending the war, and have refrained from placing any blame on the Israeli government.

02.09.2024 - 22:15 [ ]

Hostages families forum blames Netanyahu for death of captives

„A deal for the return of the abductees has been on the table for over two months,“ the forum said. „If it weren‘t for the thwarting [of the deal], the excuses and the spins, the abductees whose deaths we learned of this morning would probably be alive.

„Enough with the excuses. Enough with the spins. Enough of the procrastination!

The time has come to return our abductees home – the living for rehabilitation and the victims and the murdered for burial in their own country.“

02.09.2024 - 22:09 [ Times of Israel ]

‘Mr. Death’: Hostage families say Netanyahu has condemned their loved ones to die

(August 31, 2024)

In a statement read out in front of the IDF headquarters in Tel Aviv, family members of the hostages accuse Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his government of knowingly condemning the hostages to death.

“Netanyahu and his partners in the cabinet decided to torpedo the [hostage-ceasefire] deal due to the Philadelphia spin, and as such knowingly condemn the hostages to death,” the statement says.

Einav Zangauker, mother of Hamas hostage Matan Zangauker, calls Netanyahu “Mr. Death.”

27.08.2024 - 19:50 [ New York Post ]

Trump rally counter-sniper backs bombshell ‘evidence tampering’ claims by House GOPers

Washington Regional SWAT counter-sniper Ben Shaffer said it was “absolutely” concerning that the roof of the AGR International building had been quickly scrubbed and gunman Thomas Matthew Crooks’ body disposed of before an official autopsy report could be released.

Five House Republicans — Reps. Andy Biggs and Eli Crane of Arizona, Matt Gaetz and Cory Mills of Florida, and Chip Roy of Texas — hosted the panel discussion with Shaffer and other witnesses at the conservative Heritage Foundation.

30.03.2024 - 21:10 [ ]

UN says Israel denied 30 percent of aid missions to Northern Gaza in March

“IDF soldiers too often delay or deny convoys from crossing checkpoints, with rejected requests for safe passage, searches, detentions and sometimes violence against aid convoys and awaiting crowds,” it added.

The aid missions included: food distributions, fuel, emergency medical teams movement and delivery of supplies to hospitals; and support for water, sanitation, and hygiene activities, the UN agency said

30.03.2024 - 20:15 [ United Nations Humanitarian Affairs Coordination Office (OCHA) ]

Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel | Flash Update #148

– Since 1 March, 30 per cent of humanitarian aid missions to northern Gaza and 10 per cent of missions to southern Gaza were denied access by the Israeli authorities.

– Nearly 40 per cent of school buildings in Gaza have been directly hit, according to an updated assessment of satellite imagery by the Education Cluster.

07.03.2024 - 19:59 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Taktik des Terrorkrieges: “Hate Speech” und Kontrolle


Lüge, Betrug, Verrat, Vergewaltigung, Mord, Folter, Ausbeutung, Unterdrückung, Krieg, Genozid und deren strukturelle Manifestation durch Politik, Staat und Kapital zu hassen ist eine ganz normale menschliche Emotion. Sie kann allerdings genau dazu benutzt werden was sie bei Menschen normalerweise hervorruft.


Des Weiteren gibt die Akzeptanz des politischen, letztlich unweigerlich repressiven Begriff “Hate Speech” (Hass-Sprache) repressiven Organen die Option einer maximal perfiden und zynischen Dialektik: mehr Lüge, mehr Betrug, mehr Verrat, mehr Vergewaltigung, mehr Mord, Folter, Ausbeutung, Unterdrückung und Krieg gegen Ausgelieferte und Hilflose anzuwenden, mit der ganz normalen menschlichen Reaktion der Betroffenen zu rechnen, diese einzukalkulieren, sogar gezielt zu provozieren und diese dann als “hateful” zu bezeichnen und noch mehr entsprechende Maßnahmen gegen diese anzuwenden, da diese ja “hateful” seien, abnormal und gefährlich.

25.02.2024 - 02:44 [ ]

Ignoring ICJ, Israel accelerates genocide by targeting UNRWA and Gaza‘s healthcare

It ruled on several provisional measures, including that Israel must abstain from genocidal acts, bring accountability for the normalised genocidal rhetoric from state level to civil society, and allow humanitarian aid into Gaza.

But just hours after the verdict, not only did Israel resume its indiscriminate attacks, it took it even further by going after UNRWA, the UN agency that serves as a lifeline for millions of people in Gaza.

24.02.2024 - 06:15 [ ]

United Against Nuclear Iran: The Shadowy, Intelligence-Linked Group Driving the US Towards War With Iran


UANI’s board is a who’s who of high state, military and intelligence officials from around the Western world. Among its more notable members include:

– CEO Mark Wallace, former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations and deputy campaign manager for George W. Bush’s 2004 reelection.

– Chairman Joe Lieberman, former senator and Democratic vice-presidential nominee for the 2000 election.

Tamir Pardo, Director of the Mossad, 2011-2016.

Dennis Ross, former State Department Director of Policy Planning and former Middle East Envoy under George H. W. Bush and Bill Clinton.

Field Marshall Lord Charles Guthrie, ex-Chief of Staff of the U.K. Armed Forces.

– Jeb Bush, former Governor of Florida.

– August Hanning, President of the German Federal Intelligence Service (BND), 1998-2005; State Secretary at the Federal Interior Ministry, 2005-2009.

– Zohar Palti, former head of the Political-Military Bureau, Israeli Ministry of Defense; former Director of Intelligence of the Mossad.

– Frances Townsend, Homeland Security Advisor to President George W. Bush.

– John Bolton, former U.S. National Security Advisor and former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.

– Roger Noriega, former Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs and Ambassador to the Organization of American States.

– Otto Reich, former Assistant Secretary of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs and architect of the 2002 U.S. coup against Venezuela.

– Michael Singh, White House Senior Director for Near East and North African Affairs, 2007-2008.

– Giulio Terzi di Sant-Agata, former Italian Foreign Minister.

– Robert Hill, former Minister of Defense of Australia.

– Jack David, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Combating Weapons of Mass Destruction, 2004-2006.

– Mark Kirk, U.S. Senator for Illinois, 2010-2017.

– Lt. Gen. Sir Graeme Lamb, ex-Director of U.K. Special Forces and Commander of the British Field Army.

– Norman Roule, former CIA Division Chief and National Intelligence Manager for Iran at the Director of National Intelligence.

– Irwin Cotler, Canadian Minister of Justice and Attorney General, 2003-2006.
– Baroness Pauline Neville-Jones, U.K. Minister of State for Security and Counter Terrorism, 2010-2011.

22.02.2024 - 21:25 [ ]

IDF arrests 8 UNRWA staffers over suspected Hamas ties – report

It is understood UNRWA requested Israel access to the detainees.

Israel possesses concrete evidence tying several dozen UNRWA employees to the October 7 massacre.

22.02.2024 - 21:08 [ United Nations ]

‚Shocking, unsustainable and desperate‘ conditions across Gaza, Security Council hears

Also briefing the Council was Christopher Lockyear, Secretary General, Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), or Doctors Without Borders.

Fearful of further deadly Israeli attacks, he said he was “appalled” by the United States’ repeated use of its veto power to obstruct efforts to adopt the most evident of resolutions: one demanding an immediate ceasefire.

“We live in fear of a ground invasion” in Rafah, he said.

Calling Washington’s new proposed draft resolution “misleading at best”, he said the Council should reject any resolution “that further hampers humanitarian efforts on the ground and leads this Council to tacitly endorse the continued violence and mass atrocities in Gaza”.

22.02.2024 - 20:04 [ ]

US says it cannot independently verify Israel‘s UNRWA claims

The intelligence report‘s findings are in stark contrast to US Secretary of State Antony Blinken‘s remarks in January, in which he said that the accusations against UNRWA were “highly, highly credible”.

The Journal also reported that Israel has not “shared the raw intelligence behind its assessments with the US” despite the strong security relationship between the two countries.

Israel has shared a dossier of sorts outlining its accusations, alongside details of where their evidence stems from, with the US and several western news organisations.

22.02.2024 - 19:46 [ DrALJONES / ]

A US intelligence report has said that Israel‘s claims that UNRWA staff took part in Oct 7 „cannot be independently verified“, & that it had “low confidence” in the allegation.

Major UNRWA donors, incl the US, have frozen vital funds bcz of Israel‘s allegations.

UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini says „the UN has never, never, ever received any written dossier, despite our repeated call.“

18.02.2024 - 10:32 [ The New Arab ]

Pro-Kremlin propaganda targets TNA sister publication Misbar, other MENA fact-checkers

The Matryoshka campaign takes a different approach.

Instead of sharing the fake news pieces themselves, accounts re-share posts from other accounts in the same network, and post them directly on the feeds of known fact-checking outlets. These “reshares” are formulated as a fact-checking request.

The accounts simulate the behaviour of a typical social media user, who might be sceptical of a piece of news, and would like the opinion of a trusted fact-checking source.

However, this process of resharing is repeated by other accounts in the network, ad nauseam. The “stacking” of posts containing false news reports is akin to how Matryoshka dolls operate, which is where the campaign gets its name from.

06.02.2024 - 11:45 [ UN Spokesperson / Twitter ]

@antonioguterres, in consultation @UNLazzarini, has appointed an independent review group to assess whether @UNRWA is doing everything within its power to ensure neutrality & respond to allegations of serious breaches:

06.02.2024 - 11:29 [ Tory Fibs / Twitter ]

Breaking .. Channel 4 have finally been shown the dossier for Israel’s claims that UNRWA staff were behind Oct. 7th. Channel 4 concludes that “Israel provides NO evidence to support this claim”.

06.02.2024 - 11:21 [ ]

As donors suspend critical funding to UNRWA, allegations against staff remain murky

But Israel refuses to share either its evidence or the intelligence dossier – a summary of which was seen by FRANCE 24 – with UNRWA, posing a challenge for the UN agency to complete its inquiry.

06.02.2024 - 11:14 [ New York Times ]

UNRWA Set to Lose $65 Million, Documents Show

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency, the main aid agency in Gaza, is set to lose $65 million by the end of February as donors’ funding cuts begin to kick in, according to internal accounting documents reviewed by The New York Times.

01.02.2024 - 11:10 [ United Nations ]

‘We cannot abandon the people of Gaza’: chiefs of UN agencies and NGOs unite in appeal for UNRWA

The IASC signatories to the appeal are:

– Martin Griffiths, Emergency Relief Coordinator and Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA)
– Qu Dongyu, Director-General, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
– Jane Backhurst, Chair, ICVA (Christian Aid)
– Jamie Munn, Executive Director, International Council of Voluntary Agencies (ICVA)
– Amy E. Pope, Director General, International Organization for Migration (IOM)
– Volker Türk, United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
– Paula Gaviria Betancur, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons (SR on HR of IDPs)
– Achim Steiner, Administrator, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
– Natalia Kanem, Executive Director, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)
– Filippo Grandi, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)
– Michal Mlynár, Executive Director a.i., United Nations Human Settlement Programme (UN-Habitat)
– Catherine Russell, Executive Director, UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
– Sima Bahous, Under-Secretary-General and Executive Director, UN Women
– Cindy McCain, Executive Director, World Food Programme (WFP)
– Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General, World Health Organization (WHO)

01.02.2024 - 11:00 [ UN Humanitarian Affairs Coordination Office (OCHA) ]

Hostilities in the Gaza Strip and Israel | Flash Update #106

29.01.2024 - 10:45 [ Times of Israel ]

France, Japan join UNRWA fund freeze as Jordan warns against ‘collective punishment’

France and Japan said Sunday that they were suspending funding to the UN Palestinian refugee agency, becoming the latest country to make such a move after accusations of staff involvement in the Hamas-led October 7 massacre, while Jordan warned that cutting financial support to UNRWA amounted to “collective punishment.”

28.01.2024 - 18:46 [ Firas / Twitter ]

This would be a great time for Arab States such as Saudi Arabia, Algeria, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Oman, Bahrain and others to step in and increase their funding of @UNRWA


28.01.2024 - 18:34 [ United Nations ]

Lifesaving programmes in peril, UNRWA chief urges countries to reconsider funding suspension

Nine countries, including the United States, the United Kingdom and Germany, have suspended funding to UNRWA following allegations that several Agency staff were involved in the 7 October terror attacks in southern Israel

Mr. Lazzarini said that the UN Office of Internal Oversight Services (OIOS), the highest investigative body in the UN system, has already been seized of the matter.

“An investigation by OIOS into the heinous allegations will establish the facts,” he said.

28.01.2024 - 18:10 [ ]

UN-Sonderberichterstatterin kritisiert Zahlungsstopp an UNRWA

Die UN-Sonderberichterstatterin für die Palästinensergebiete, Francesca Albanese, hat den Zahlungsstopp mehrerer Länder an das UN-Hilfswerk für palästinensische Flüchtlinge (UNRWA) als möglicherweise rechtswidrig kritisiert. Die Entscheidung der Länder, darunter die USA und Deutschland, werde „rechtliche Verantwortung nach sich ziehen“ …

28.01.2024 - 17:17 [ Al Jazeera ]

UNRWA fund cuts by the West ‘collective punishment’ against Palestinians

UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini said he was shocked such decisions were taken as “famine looms” in Gaza, which has been devastated by nearly four months of relentless Israeli bombardment that has killed more than 26,000 people.

The agency, with its 13,000 employees in Gaza, is the main organisation aiding Gaza’s population amid the humanitarian disaster. More than two million of the besieged enclave’s 2.3 million people depend on the UNRWA for “sheer survival”, including food and shelter, Lazzarini said, warning this lifeline can “collapse any time now”.

27.01.2024 - 22:41 [ Craig Murray / Twitter ]

UNRWA employs 30,000 people. Israeli intelligence claims 12 were involved in the 7 October attack. That‘s 0.04% Biden, Trudeau, Albanese and Meloni immediately move to accelerate genocide by collective punishment, cutting desperately needed relief aid. It is beyond belief.

Replying to @CraigMurrayOrg
Let‘s be honest. We all know how reliable „Israeli intelligence“ is its just another pathetic way of deflecting and giving the UN/UNRWA less credibility due to their witness statements read out yesterday.

Yes. I assume this was planned in advance including with the neoliberal states who leapt in.

Replying to @CraigMurrayOrg
The 12 have also been sacked

Sacked before the investigation. It is disgraceful.

27.01.2024 - 22:20 [ Humayun Hussain / Twitter ]

So now Britain, Italy, Netherlands and Finland have pulled out today – joining the already Canada, the US and Australia who had backed out of donating to @UNRWA. What the fuck is this – a ploy just to starve any remaining #Palestinians in #Gaza to death?

27.01.2024 - 22:10 [ @12_31_84 / Twitter ]

Germany announced the freezing of funds to UNRWA following the report that 12 UNRWA employees were involved in the October 7 massacre. In doing so, it joins the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Italy, Finland and the Netherlands.

27.01.2024 - 21:40 [ Sulaiman Ahmed / Twitter ]


– Canada
– UK
– Finland
– Australia
– Italy

27.01.2024 - 20:35 [ Axios,com ]

Canada, U.K., Australia, others join U.S. in pausing funding to UNRWA

Driving the news: A senior Israeli official said the Shin Bet and Israeli military intelligence provided information that pointed to the active participation of UNRWA staffers and the use of the agency‘s vehicles and facilities during the Oct. 7 Hamas attack.

„This was strong and corroborated intelligence,“ the official said. „A lot of the intelligence is a result of interrogations of militants who were arrested during the Oct. 7 attack.“

27.01.2024 - 08:08 [ US Außenministerium / US State Department ]

Statement on UNRWA Allegations

The Department of State has temporarily paused additional funding for UNRWA while we review these allegations and the steps the United Nations is taking to address them.


The United States has reached out to the Government of Israel to seek more information about these allegations, and we have briefed Members of Congress.

27.01.2024 - 08:05 [ ]

Serious allegations against UNRWA staff in the Gaza Strip


The Israeli Authorities have provided UNRWA with information about the alleged involvement of several UNRWA employees in the horrific attacks on Israel on 7 October.

“To protect the Agency’s ability to deliver humanitarian assistance, I have taken the decision to immediately terminate the contracts of these staff members and launch an investigation in order to establish the truth without delay. Any UNRWA employee who was involved in acts of terror will be held accountable, including through criminal prosecution.

10.01.2024 - 10:20 [ Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists ]

The coming US-Saudi nuclear deal: Keep it honest

(January 5, 2024)

In 1988, the Central Intelligence Agency did discover that Riyadh bought SS-2 medium-range missiles from China but only after the deal was sealed. In 2003, when China exported DF-21 ballistic missiles to the Kingdom, the CIA again found out and was even allowed to verify the missiles were not nuclear-capable, but only after the missiles were delivered.

Several years later, when intelligence finally leaked out that China secretly built missile factories for the Saudis, the Trump administration was mum on whether there was an intelligence failure and allowed speculation that it had blessed the transaction. Then, in 2020, when US intelligence confirmed China was helping the Kingdom mill uranium domestically, it did so, again only after the mining and milling were well underway.

This track record of studied inadvertence, then, brings us to the next worry: MBS wants Washington to green-light the Kingdom enriching uranium…

10.01.2024 - 10:11 [ Radio Utopie ]

Die Achse des Religiösen

(8. Mai 2013)

Israel, Saudi-Arabien, die Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate, Jordanien und die Türkei wollen einen Militärpakt gründen. Die U.S.A. befördern die Angelegenheit, so israelische „Offizielle“.

10.01.2024 - 09:57 [ European Leadership Network ]

After Hamas: Rationales and dilemmas for US-Saudi nuclear agreement persist

(19 October 2023)

The United States and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) have for over a decade negotiated without success the terms of an agreement for peaceful nuclear cooperation. These negotiations have intensified recently in the context of US efforts to broker a normalisation agreement between the KSA and Israel, which have included discussions about how the US could solidify its own support for Saudi Arabia. On the 7th of October 2023, Hamas terrorists appeared to drive a stake through the heart of the US effort to broker Israel-KSA normalisation. This has sent shockwaves through the region, and the full implications remain uncertain. However, it seems likely that in the longer run, rationales for normalisation and for US nuclear engagement with Riyadh will remain, reflecting the fact that the Hamas attacks underscored that a future nuclear-armed Iran would be a yet more formidable adversary for both Israel and the KSA.

28.12.2023 - 12:31 [ Haaretz ]

Shin Bet Source in Gaza Reportedly Warned of Major Hamas Attack on Israel Set for Early October

According to the Channel 12 report, the handler of the source passed the information further, estimating that if Hamas‘ plan „indeed nears execution, additional information will reach us.“ However, the specific information was eventually halted at a lower level and did not reach higher-ranking authorities.

The alert received in the summer was revisited as part of the Shin Bet‘s investigations into the intelligence failure. Shin Bet sources claimed that no additional information supporting that specific intelligence was found during the examinations

28.12.2023 - 12:29 [ Haaretz ]

Report: Shin Bet dismissed Gaza source’s tip on plans, timing of major Hamas attack

The network cited unnamed Shin Bet sources saying that the lack of corroborating intelligence, and the fact that the source had only started speaking to the Shin Bet a relatively short while before — had contributed to the tip not being taken seriously, though they have since admitted that the source is highly reliable.

Even though Bar, the agency’s chief, hadn’t heard about the information, Channel 12 cited multiple sources as saying the Shin Bet won’t blame lower-ranking officers, and admitting the service failed to prevent the assault.

22.12.2023 - 22:42 [ Tali / Twitter ]

Histadrut Chairman Arnon Bar-David as photographed last week during a visit to two weapons factories: #Elbit Systems and IAI. On a shell intended for use in bombings in the Gaza Strip he wrote: „The people of Israel live. Greetings from the Histadrut and the workers in Israel