Archiv: Klerus / Pfaffen / clerics

14.02.2025 - 17:46 [ Vatikan ]

Hundreds of rabbis protest „ethnic cleansing“ plan for Gaza

On Thursday, February 13, 350 rabbis and Jewish public figures took out a full-page ad in the New York Times and used it to condemn President Trump‘s new proposal.

The ad reads: “Trump has called for the removal of all Palestinians from Gaza. Jewish people say no to ethnic cleansing!” and is followed by a list of the signatories, which include Rabbis Sharon Brous, Roly Matalon, and Alissa Wise, as well as Jewish creatives and activists such as Tony Kushner, Ilana Glazer, Naomi Klein, and Joaquin Phoenix.

14.02.2025 - 01:51 [ Times of Israel ]

‘NO to ethnic cleansing’: Hundreds of US rabbis, Jewish celebs slam Trump in full-page NYT ad

The lead signatories are dozens of Jewish actors, artists and public figures, including Joaquin Phoenix and his siblings Summer and Rain, Ilana Glazer, Eric André, Morgan Spector, Tony Kushner, Jonathan Glazer, Larry Charles, Naomi Klein, Peter Beinart, Tavi Gevison and Wallace Shawn. Many on the list have previously spoken out in support of the Palestinians in public forums.

The public figures are followed by a list of hundreds of rabbis.

14.02.2025 - 01:47 [ Jewish Telegraphic Agency ]

Joaquin Phoenix and Ilana Glazer among hundreds of Jews who ‘say no to ethnic cleansing’ in Gaza in full-page NYT ad

The ad’s website says donations from the project go to the In Our Name Campaign, an initiative founded by Jews in philanthropy who sought to raise $10 million for “organizations that support Palestinian-led efforts to build safety, dignity, and self-determination in Palestine” as well as pro-Palestinian organizing in the United States.

27.10.2024 - 11:44 [ ]

Iraqi Mufti blames the country‘s defenses for inaction on Israel‘s attacks on Iran

In a statement, Al-Sumaida‘i condemned „Zionist violations,“ stressing the need for “a firm response.” He expressed surprise at the Iraqi government’s stance and the air defense forces‘ spokesman‘s declaration that they are „on alert and under full Iraqi control.“

“Such statements cast doubt on Iraq’s position,” the Mufti announced, affirming that the current situation makes the country seem “weak and hesitant.”

He further called on Iraqi Prime Minister Mohammed Shia Al-Sudani to intervene immediately to prevent any leniency in dealing with these violations, stressing that “Iraq must take decisive measures to preserve its dignity and sovereignty against any aggression.”

28.09.2024 - 15:15 [ Middle East Eye ]

Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah killed in Beirut strike, group confirms

The statement did not mention who would succeed Nasrallah or how the group would respond to the assassination of its long-time leader.

According to analysts, the man widely regarded as Nasrallah‘s heir, Hashem Safieddine, was still alive after Friday‘s attack.

28.10.2023 - 19:20 [ Jason Rosenberg / Twitter ]


17.10.2023 - 18:12 [ Rabbis for Human Rights ]

Rabbis for Human Rights: Who Are We?

„Happy are those who act justly, who do right at all times.” (Psalm 106.3)

Rabbis for Human Rights (RHR) is an Israeli organization, active in three main areas – work within and about the Occupied Territories; work to promote social and economic justice within Israel; and activities in the fields of education and interreligious dialogue. RHR was founded in 1988 in response to contraventions of human rights taking place in the Occupied Territories. Since its inception, its activities have expanded to include

– To articulate a vision of justice rooted in Jewish tradition, in the spirit of the Rabbinical teaching that all persons are created in God’s image

– To act in order to prevent violations of human rights taking place within Israel and in the Occupied Territories

– To further a vision of Judaism sanctifying life, justice and equality and to increase awareness of this vision within Israeli society

– To further these values on the basis of constant engagement with Jewish tradition

29.05.2022 - 18:24 [ ]

Lapid outraged at rabbi calling ministers worse than Nazis

Rabbi Meir Mazuz, a member of the ultra-Orthodox Shas party says in televised Torah lesson he hopes Bennett, Lapid, Liberman, their friends and their friend‘s friends soon depart this world

29.05.2022 - 18:01 [ Haaretz ]

Top Haredi Rabbi Calls for the Death of ‚Nazi‘ Israeli Ministers

Rabbi Meir Mazuz, the head of the Tunisian Jewish community, fiercely attacks ministers Lapid and Lieberman over their policies toward ultra-Orthodox Jews

11.01.2022 - 14:42 [ Evangelische Nachrichtenagentur IDEA ]

Mehrheit hat kein Verständnis für Corona-Proteste

Die Mehrheit der Deutschen (52 Prozent) hat kein Verständnis für Menschen, die gegen die Corona-Maßnahmen der Bundesregierung demonstrieren. Das ergab eine Umfrage des Markt- und Sozialforschungsinstituts INSA-Consulere (Erfurt) im Auftrag der Evangelischen Nachrichtenagentur IDEA (Wetzlar).

02.11.2021 - 10:47 [ Gérard Bökenkamp / Achse des Guten ]

Corona, Klima, Religion: Sehnsucht nach dem Opfer


Die Kommunikation über Klima und Corona zeigt religiöse Elemente. In der Klima- und Corona-Politik finden wir vier klassische Motive der Religionsgeschichte:

Erstens: Die moralische Schuld.
Zweitens: Das religiöse Opfer.
Drittens: die Unterscheidung von Reinheit und Unreinheit.
Viertens: Die göttliche Offenbarung.

07.06.2021 - 14:00 [ Haaretz ]

Evangelical ex-Trump Adviser Says Lapid-Bennett Bloc Seeks to ‚Crucify‘ Netanyahu, Blames Jews for Holocaust

“I will use every bit of my energy and power to destroy them before they destroy the nation,” Evans pledged, claiming that while God had chosen Netanyahu, he had not “heard God choose any of these fools.”

07.06.2021 - 13:54 [ Times of Israel ]

Top rabbis urge followers to ‘do everything’ to thwart new government


Leading national religious rabbis on Saturday night released an open letter calling for their supporters to “do everything” to ensure the so-called “change government” is thwarted.

The letter was released shortly after the director of the Shin Bet security service, in a rare statement, warned against political violence and incitement, saying that somebody could get hurt.

05.06.2021 - 11:43 [ ]

D: Kardinal Marx bietet Amtsverzicht an

In einem Brief vom 21. Mai an den Heiligen Vater legt der Kardinal seine Gründe für diesen Schritt dar. Papst Franziskus teilte Kardinal Marx mit, dass dieses Schreiben nun veröffentlicht werden könne und dass der Kardinal bis zu einer Entscheidung seinen bischöflichen Dienst weiter ausüben solle.

Im Kern geht es für mich darum, Mitverantwortung zu tragen für die Katastrophe des sexuellen Missbrauchs durch Amtsträger der Kirche in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten“, schrieb Marx dem Papst. Die Untersuchungen und Gutachten der zurückliegenden zehn Jahre zeigten für ihn durchgängig, dass es „viel persönliches Versagen und administrative Fehler“ gegeben habe, aber „eben auch institutionelles oder systemisches Versagen“.

05.06.2021 - 11:41 [ ]

Europäischer Kolonialismus

(30. März 2012)

Die Herrschaft über Kolonien erlangten die Machthaber Europas, indem sie Militär in die Kolonien entsendeten und Zivilverwaltungen aufbauten. Dieses Vorgehen rechtfertigten sie damit, dass sie die Bevölkerung in den kolonialen Besitzungen für minderwertig erklärten. Die sogenannten Wilden betrachteten sie als rassisch unterlegen, als unzivilisiert und unfähig, sich selbst zu verwalten. Es galt daher als legitim, sie in den Kolonien zur Arbeit zu zwingen oder als Sklaven zu exportieren.

Kolonialmächte wollten Kolonien aber nicht nur beherrschen und ausbeuten, sondern ihnen auch ihre Kulturen und Religionen aufprägen.

05.06.2021 - 10:54 [ ]

The House: Is it past time Canada had an Indigenous governor general?

Last month, New Zealand appointed the first Indigenous woman to serve as governor general. Dame Cindy Kiro, a well-known children‘s advocate, is the third Māori to hold the post. The first, Sir Paul Reeves, was appointed in 1985.

The federal government is under enormous pressure right now to show some progress on Crown-Indigenous reconciliation — in the wake of this week‘s reports on undocumented deaths at the Kamloops Indian Residential School and fresh calls for Ottawa to move faster on implementing the recommendations of the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.

18.07.2020 - 13:37 [ Zentralkomitee der deutschen Katholiken ]

„Ein gemeinsames demokratisches Herz“: Zentralkomitee der deutschen Katholiken gratuliert dem Zentralrat der Juden in Deutschland

Zum Jubiläum des am kommenden Sonntag (19. Juli 2020) vor 70 Jahren gegründeten Zentralrats der Juden in Deutschland sendet der Präsident des Zentralkomitees der deutschen Katholiken (ZdK), Prof. Dr. Thomas Sternberg, herzlichste Glückwünsche.

Die Stimme des Zentralrats der Juden sei in Deutschland unerlässlich, so der ZdK-Präsident in seinem Schreiben an Dr. Josef Schuster, dem Präsidenten des Zentralrats der Juden. „Die aktuellen Projekte des Zentralrats der Juden, wie Meet a Jew oder Schalom Aleikum zeigen in der Öffentlichkeit Wirkung und machen Hoffnung auf ein von gegenseitigem Respekt geprägten Zusammenleben der Religionen und Kulturen in Deutschland.“

27.12.2019 - 17:54 [ Elijah J. Magnier ]

Iraq at the Crossroads: either Prime Minister al-Suheil or President Salih have to resign


“President Barham Salih has his own candidate, the current head of intelligence Mustafa al-Kadhemi. There is no veto on the personality of Kadhemi; however, the serious problem is the attempt of the President to dismiss the power of the Parliament and his rejection of the will of the largest parliamentary coalition”, said the source.

Sources in Najaf stated “the Grand Ayatollah Sayyed Ali Sistani has repeatedly stated that power emanates from the people and not from the President. It is the people and their representatives who make the decisions and if a new Prime Minister is rejected by the people he will not last long in office”.

29.11.2019 - 14:27 [ ]

Ayatollah Sistani warns of enemy plot seeking to create civil strife, bring back ‚era of dictatorship‘

„It is imperative on peaceful demonstrators that they separate their ranks from non-peaceful individuals and cooperate on shunning saboteurs – whoever they are – and not allow them to abuse peaceful protests to damage and attack the property of citizens,“ a representative of Ayatollah Sistani said as he delivered the top cleric‘s sermon.

„The enemies and their levers, in order to achieve their malicious goals, plan to spread chaos and plunge the country into internal strife and then return it to dictatorship, so everyone must work together to take away this opportunity from them,“ he added.

29.11.2019 - 14:24 [ Haaretz ]

Iraqi Prime Minister Says He Will Resign After Shi‘ite Cleric‘s Leadership Challenge

Abdul Mahdi‘s decision came in response to a call for a change of leadership on Friday by Iraq‘s top Shi‘ite Muslim cleric Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, the statement said.

„In response to this call, and in order to facilitate it as quickly as possible, I will present to parliament a demand (to accept) my resignation from the leadership of the current government,“ said the statement, signed by Abdul Mahdi.