Daily Archives: 17. September 2021

17.09.2021 - 22:36 [ The Hill ]

Pentagon admits ‚tragic mistake‘ in strike that killed 10 civilians

The Pentagon on Friday confirmed it mistook a civilian vehicle for an ISIS-K threat when it launched a drone strike on Aug. 29 in Kabul that killed 10 civilians.

17.09.2021 - 22:03 [ Tagesschau ]

Pentagon räumt Tötung von Zivilisten bei Drohnenangriff in Kabul ein

Es seien zehn Zivilisten, darunter bis zu sieben Kinder, bei dem Angriff ums Leben gekommen, sagte US-General Kenneth McKenzie.

17.09.2021 - 21:20 [ MDR ]

Losser Forst: Landkreis Stendal geht erneut gegen Baumbesetzer vor

In der vergangenen Woche hatte das Verwaltungsgericht Köln in einem vergleichbaren Fall zum Hambacher Forst in Nordrhein-Westfalen entschieden, dass eine Räumung der Baumbesetzer durch die Landesregierung im Jahre 2018 nicht rechtens war.

17.09.2021 - 19:42 [ schutzfilm / Youtube ]


In diesem Film geht es um alles:

17.09.2021 - 19:40 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

A QUARTER of ‚Covid inpatients‘ in England are primarily being treated for a different illness or injury, official data shows

Nearly a quarter of Covid inpatients in England are actually in hospital for a different reason, according to official figures.

Health service statistics show there were 6,146 NHS beds taken up by people who were coronavirus positive on September 14, the latest date data is available for.

But just 4,721 patients (77 per cent) were primarily being treated for the virus, with the remaining 1,425 receiving care for other illnesses or injuries. They could include patients who‘ve had a fall or even new mothers who tested positive after giving birth.

17.09.2021 - 19:13 [ theHill.com ]

Clarence Thomas warns against ‚destroying our institutions,‘ defends the Supreme Court

“They think you’re for this or for that. They think you become like a politician,” he continued. “That’s a problem. You’re going to jeopardize any faith in the legal institutions.”

When asked at Thursday’s event if his Catholic faith has been at conflict with some of the legal questions that have come before the court, he responded, “that’s not the role of a judge.”

“You do your job and you go cry alone,” he added, according to The Associated Press.

17.09.2021 - 19:07 [ Politfact.com ]

Will Joe Biden’s vaccination requirements hold up in court?

The big policy that Biden has so far declined to impose is a national vaccination mandate. There’s a reason: Legal experts said that doing so would have been pretty clearly unconstitutional.

This is a „bright line,“ said Lawrence O. Gostin, faculty director of Georgetown University Law Center’s O‘Neill Institute for National and Global Health Law. „States can mandate vaccines for the general population. The federal government cannot.

17.09.2021 - 19:04 [ France24 ]

US threatens new sanctions over northern Ethiopia war

US President Joe Biden on Friday signed an executive order allowing for sanctions against the warring parties in northern Ethiopia if they fail to commit to a negotiated settlement.

17.09.2021 - 18:42 [ Boris Reitschuster ]

Facebook: Zensur-Orgie kurz vor der Wahl

Facebook hat offenbar eine neue Strategie, kurz vor der Wahl. Das Netzwerk zensiert jetzt so massiv, dass man nicht mehr hinterher kommt, darüber zu berichten. Und dass sich die Berichte derart häufen, dass man die Leser schon damit langweilt. Vielleicht ist das Ziel, dass man diese Eingriffe deswegen schweigend akzeptiert. Was sich die Zensoren erlauben, ist hanebüchen. Der aktuellste Beitrag, der heute von ihnen gesperrt wurde – der dritte binnen weniger Tage – ist eine Analyse zur Bundestagswahl, eine gute Woche vor dieser:

17.09.2021 - 18:24 [ theSun.co.uk ]

READY FOR TAKEOFF! Travel update UK: Amber list SCRAPPED and expensive PCR tests ditched in biggest holidays boost since pandemic began

BRITS can jet off for a hassle-free autumn in the sun after both the amber list and expensive PCR tests were SCRAPPED in the biggest travel boost of the pandemic so far.

In a huge win for holidaymakers ministers are also shrinking the red list – with popular destination Turkey among those declared Covid safe today.

17.09.2021 - 18:18 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

Dominic Raab and Michael Gove lose out as Liz Truss promoted in reshuffle


In all, four ministers were removed from the Cabinet: Mr Williamson, Amanda Milling as party co-chairman, Robert Jenrick as Communities Secretary and Robert Buckland as Justice Secretary.

However, the most high-profile demotion was Mr Raab, who remained in Cabinet but was stripped of one of the great offices of state, the Foreign Office.

17.09.2021 - 17:54 [ teleSUR ]

Mexico Celebrates 211 Years Since Its Cry for Independence

Mexico commemorated this Thursday, the 211th anniversary of its cry for independence, which marked the beginning of the struggles for emancipation from the then Viceroyalty of New Spain, the largest of the Spanish Empire.

17.09.2021 - 17:42 [ teleSUR ]

British Unions Call for Review of UK Gun Sales to Colombia

Britain’s Trades Union Congress, which is currently holding its annual congress (10-13 September), has unanimously passed a motion in support of Colombian trade unionists, protesters and activists which called on the British government ‘to review security and trade partnerships with Colombia in response to human rights abuses’.

17.09.2021 - 17:22 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Weiteres Verfahren gegen Lula da Silva in Brasilien eingestellt

Nach mehreren eingestellten Ermittlungsverfahren gegen Brasiliens Ex-Präsidenten Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva ist nun auch die Anklage bezüglich einer Verstrickung in Korruptionsfälle des brasilianischen Bauunternehmens OAS fallen gelassen worden.

17.09.2021 - 17:15 [ Informationsstelle Militarisierung e.V. ]

Ukraine: Rapid Trident 21

Das Manöver sei im Zusammenhang mit einem Abkommen vom 31. August zu sehen, das zwischen den Verteidigungsminsitern der USA und der Ukraine geschlossen worden sei:

17.09.2021 - 14:19 [ Radio Utopie ]

Jetzt kommt die Schnullerpflicht

Der internatioanle Präzedenzfall eines gezielten, politischen Banns auf dem Milliarden-Spucknapf Facebook zielt nicht auf die Dialektiker von „Querdenken“ (möge diese Zuspieler der Einheitsregierung der Teufel holen). Es zielt auf die weitere Unterdrückung von Allem, was Menschen überhaupt erst ausmacht. Und, das zeigt die Geschichte, mit den Deutschen lässt sich das immer machem.

17.09.2021 - 13:40 [ Alliance for Human Research Protection ]

1932–1945: Doctors & Academics Perverted Medicine & Science in Nazi Germany

(November 18, 2014)

“Three of its institutes that were beneficiaries of the Rockefeller Foundation [K-W Psychiatry (Munich); K-W Brain Research (Berlin-Buch); K-W Anthropology, Genetics, Eugenics (Berlin-Dahlem)] played an important role in the development, implementation and exploitation of the racial programs of the Third Reich including murderous experiments and the exploitation of the dead. Kaiser-Wilhelm scientists joined with the Nazi state in pursuit of the goal of improving the people’s health (Volksgesundheit), the major emphasis being on eugenic and racial purification.

The resulting collaboration between science and the Nazi state not only legitimized the policies and programs of the Hitler regime but it resulted in the exploitation and mutilation and murder of untold thousands of innocent victims by physicians and scientists associated with some of the world’s leading universities and research institutes. The participation of scientists associated with the Kaiser-Wilhelm Society enhanced the credibility of the Nazi state’s program of scientific terror and murder.”

17.09.2021 - 13:28 [ ABC News ]

Facebook bans German accounts under new ‚social harm‘ policy

Facebook has removed nearly 150 accounts and pages linked to anti-lockdown demonstrators in Germany Thursday under a new policy focused on addressing groups that work together to spread harmful content.

17.09.2021 - 13:25 [ Politico.eu ]

German Facebook ruling boosts EU push for stricter content moderation

(July 29, 2021)

In its ruling, the Karlsruhe-based court said that while Facebook had the right to decide what stays on or off the platform, it needs to be more forthcoming with users on how it does so. The court found that the social media company did not inform two users that it had removed their posts. It added that the company should have also informed and given users an opportunity to respond before suspending them from its platform.

The decision sets a major precedent for how social media companies police content on their platforms, likely giving a boost to EU lawmakers in Brussels, who are pushing to add further obligations on social media companies.

17.09.2021 - 13:07 [ Wahlrecht.de ]

Sonntagsfrage Bundestagswahl

Wenn am nächsten Sonntag Bundestagswahl wäre …