Daily Archives: 27. August 2021

27.08.2021 - 17:41 [ Glenn Greenwald / Rumble ]

Permanent War Advocates Exploit the Kabul Bombing to Demand More War

Glenn Greenwald analyzes the reactions to the horrific terror attack in Kabul this morning, and debunks the propagandistic talking points used by Deep State operatives and their media allies to push the US into indefinite war.

27.08.2021 - 17:29 [ Cato Institute / Twitter ]

The War on Terror was an ill‐​defined campaign that eroded safeguards built into U.S. institutions, enhanced execute power, & gave federal agencies license to engage in torture & other crimes. “Reign of Terror” author @attackerman joins the @CatoPodcast …

27.08.2021 - 17:29 [ The Lead CNN / Twitter ]

Amb. Ryan Crocker, former US ambassador to Afghanistan: “That‘s one way to end a war: surrender. It‘s real quick, but the war is yet to come. This whole withdrawal announcement and process has been an enormous morale boost for Islamic radicals everywhere.”

27.08.2021 - 17:12 [ Elijah J. Magnier, Veteran War correspondent Lived for over 35 yrs in Bosnia, Iraq, Iran, Lebanon, Syria, Libya, Sudan . / Twitter ]

The #Taliban are not angels. However, be aware of suicide attacks, assassinations et al because the „Islamic State“ #ISIS and the CIA are the two sides who benefit the most in destabilising #Afghanistan. /+


27.08.2021 - 17:04 [ Matt Taibbi / Twitter ]

Chait overlooks that the negative press for Biden this week is passing through the same loophole that allowed Trump to be praised by CNN when he bombed Syria – the overriding constant in American corporate media is fealty to the Pentagon.

27.08.2021 - 17:00 [ Lucas Tomlinson / Twitter ]

“We’re probably going to have to go back in” to Afghanistan to get ISIS, former defense secretary and CIA director Leon Panetta tells CNN

27.08.2021 - 16:51 [ The Post Millennial / Twitter ]

Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald weighs in on the media’s response to the Afghanistan withdrawal: “That is the political party to which the media is most loyal when it comes to foreign affairs … it’s the military, and the CIA.”

27.08.2021 - 16:46 [ Dr. Wanda, CFA / Twitter ]

So who is funding ISIS-K?

27.08.2021 - 15:44 [ Al Jazeera ]

Iraq summit seeks to mend Middle East fractures

Officials from around the Middle East began arriving in Baghdad, Iraq, on Friday ahead of a summit aiming to promote peace and reconciliation in the region, including improving ties between arch rivals Iran and Saudi Arabia.

27.08.2021 - 15:42 [ Radio Utopie ]

Warum halten sich die Staatsführungen von China und Russland an die U.S.-Sanktionen gegen Iran, Venezuela, Syrien und Kuba?


Weil sie es wollen.

Und nunmehr fast 8 Milliarden Schwachköpfe auf dem Planeten sind zu dumm das zu begreifen, vorneweg der Haufen, der meint andere Politik zu machen als der imperiale Komplex, die Kriegslobby, „politischen Klassen“, Machthaber und ihre Höflinge.

27.08.2021 - 15:30 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Venezuela legt in Den Haag weiteren Bericht über Folgen der US-Sanktionen vor

Präsident Joe Biden hat Trumps harten Kurs gegenüber Venezuela beibehalten, einschließlich des Verbots von Erdöl-gegen-Diesel-Swaps, über die Venezuela importierten Dieselkraftstoff gegen Rohöl tauschte. Das Abschneiden dieser Lebensader hat die schwere Treibstoffknappheit in dem karibischen Land weiter verschlimmert.

27.08.2021 - 14:48 [ KBS ]

Globales Forum für Frieden in Korea findet nächste Woche statt

Dieses Jahr jähren sich die Unterzeichnung der Innerkoreanischen Grundlagenvereinbarung und der gleichzeitige Beitritt Süd- und Nordkoreas zu den Vereinten Nationen zum 30. Mal. Deshalb werden beim Forum der aktuelle Stand des innerkoreanischen Verhältnisses bewertet und nach neuen Visionen gesucht.

27.08.2021 - 14:39 [ Xinhuanet ]

S.Korea‘s nuke envoy to visit Washington for Korean Peninsula issue

Noh Kyu-duk, South Korea‘s special representative for Korean Peninsula peace and security affairs, will make a four-day trip to Washington between Sunday to Wednesday at the invitation of Sung Kim, U.S. special representative for the Democratic People‘s Republic of Korea (DPRK).

27.08.2021 - 13:34 [ teleSUR ]

Indigenous People Reject Invasion of Their Lands in Brasilia

At least 6000 Indigenous marched on Thursday in Brasilia to demand the annulment of the „Temporary Framework,“ a bill under debate in the Supreme Federal Court that seeks to end the demarcation of Indigenous lands.

27.08.2021 - 13:24 [ teleSUR ]

Nicaragua, Mexico & Argentina Support Investigation of Almagro

Speaking at the session, the Nicaraguan ambassador, Luis Alvarado, reiterated the „firm and unwavering solidarity and support to the people and government of Bolivia, which continues to confront the coup aggression perpetrated by the OAS General Secretariat.“

27.08.2021 - 13:17 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Mobilisierungen im ganzen Land für ein plurinationales Guatemala ohne Korrupte

Was der Staat und die Unternehmensführungen tun, ist, formal den Diskurs der Verteidigung der Menschenrechte anzunehmen und in der Praxis die Zerstörung aller bürgerlichen Rechte, die Schließung demokratischer Räume und die weitere Militarisierung der Gesellschaft voranzutreiben.

27.08.2021 - 13:08 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Brasilien: Ex-Präsident Lula bereist den Nordosten des Landes

„Die einzigen Dinge, denen er [Präsident Jair Bolsonaro] sich widmet, ist der Streit mit dem Obersten Gerichtshof, mit sozialen Bewegungen, mit den Indigenen“, betonte Lula in seinen Reden.

27.08.2021 - 13:04 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Bolivien will gründliche Aufklärung der OAS-Verantwortung beim Putsch von 2019

Die Politikerin Jeanine Añez übernahm die Regierungsführung und formalisierte die Macht im Rahmen von Vereinbarungen, die von der katholischen Kirche und der Europäischen Union unterstützt wurden. Militär und Polizei schlugen die Proteste zur Unterstützung von Präsident Evo Morales blutig nieder.

27.08.2021 - 04:24 [ White House ]

Remarks by President Biden on the Terror Attack at Hamid Karzai International Airport

Q And you said that you still — a few days ago, you said you squarely stand by your decision to pull out.

THE PRESIDENT: Yes, I do. Because look at it this way, folks — and I’m going to — I have another meeting, for real. But imagine where we’d be if I had indicated, on May the 1st, I was not going to renegotiate an evacuation date; we were going to stay there.

I’d have only one alternative: Pour thousands of more troops back into Afghanistan to fight a war that we had already won, relative — is why the reason we went in the first place.

I have never been of the view that we should be sacrificing American lives to try to establish a democratic government in Afghanistan — a country that has never once in its entire history been a united country, and is made up — and I don’t mean this in a derogatory — made up of different tribes who have never, ever, ever gotten along with one another.

And so, as I said before — and this is the last comment I’ll make, but we’ll have more chance to talk about this, unfortunately, beyond, because we’re not out yet — if Osama bin Laden, as well as al Qaeda, had chosen to launch an attack — when they left Saudi Arabia — out of Yemen, would we have ever gone to Afghanistan? Even though the Taliban completely controlled Afghanistan at the time, would we have ever gone?

I know it’s not fair to ask you questions. It’s rhetorical. But raise your hand if you think we should have gone and given up thousands of lives and tens of thousands of wounded.

Our interest in going was to prevent al Qaeda from reemerging — first to get bin Laden, wipe out al Qaeda in Afghanistan, and prevent that from happening again.

As I’ve said 100 times: Terrorism has metastasized around the world; we have greater threats coming out of other countries a heck of a lot closer to the United States.

We don’t have military encampments there; we don’t keep people there. We have over-the-horizon capability to keep them from going after us.

Ladies and gentlemen, it was time to end a 20-year war.

27.08.2021 - 04:12 [ Fox News ]

Biden warns ISIS-K after Kabul terror attacks, but sticks to Aug. 31 Afghanistan withdrawal deadline

Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are pressuring Biden not to withdraw until evacuations were complete

27.08.2021 - 03:42 [ Gary Buckley / Twitter ]

Mr Dutton said the blasts occurred at the Baron Hotel and Abbey Gate airport entrance, where Australians were being brought through, but that Australian soldiers were safe.

27.08.2021 - 03:41 [ Lucas Tomlinson, Covering the Pentagon for Fox News / Twitter ]

Suicide bombing outside the Baron hotel near Abbey Gate is where 169 Americans were rescued late last week by 3 Army chinook helicopters.

27.08.2021 - 03:03 [ John Kirby, Assistant to the Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs / Twitter ]

We can confirm that the explosion at the Abbey Gate was the result of a complex attack that resulted in a number of US & civilian casualties. We can also confirm at least one other explosion at or near the Baron Hotel, a short distance from Abbey Gate.

We will continue to update.

27.08.2021 - 02:55 [ Tagesschau.de ]

IS-Terror am Flughafen Kabul

Die US-Botschaft hatte US-Bürger, die sich am Abbey Gate, East Gate oder North Gate aufhielten, in der Nacht zu Donnerstag dazu aufgerufen, das Gebiet „sofort“ zu verlassen. Großbritanniens Staatssekretär im Verteidigungsministerium, James Heappey, sprach noch am Morgen von der Drohung eines „ernsthaften, unmittelbaren, tödlichen Angriffs“ binnen Stunden auf den Flughafen oder die von westlichen Truppen genutzten Zentren.

27.08.2021 - 02:44 [ ]

The sea of humanity continues to flow towards the airport. Afghans with paperwork have to traverse flooded streets, Taliban checkpoints, then a British checkpoint, before even getting processed for evacuation near Abbey Gate. #Afghanistan


27.08.2021 - 02:37 [ AL Jazeera ]

Afghanistan: US, allies warn of ‘terror threat’ at Kabul airport

(26 Aug 2021)

The US Embassy in Kabul issued an alert advising US citizens to avoid travelling to the airport and said those already at the gates should leave immediately. It cited unspecified “security threats”.

The British Foreign Office issued a similar advisory, telling people in the area of the airport to “move away to a safe location”, adding, “There is an ongoing and high threat of terrorist attack.”

Australia’s Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade also urged Australians and Afghans with a visa for Australia to leave the area, warning of a “very high threat of a terrorist attack” at the airport.

27.08.2021 - 02:28 [ Washington Post ]

Pentagon hints at more rescues outside Kabul airport, amid new security concerns and evacuation bottleneck

(August 21, 2021)

Kirby’s comments followed the disclosure that U.S. troops, traveling aboard Chinook helicopters, left the airport Thursday to retrieve 169 Americans from a nearby hotel.

27.08.2021 - 02:22 [ USA Today ]

Graphics and satellite images show how the complex and dangerous evacuation from Kabul airport works

(Published 4:52 PM UTC Aug. 26, 2021 Updated 8:44 PM UTC Aug. 26, 2021)

Arriving at the airport and passing through a security gate is the first step. Approaching the airport through snarled traffic and Taliban roadblocks was already difficult, but now entry may now be impossible after U.S. forces closed all gates due to an apparent attack.

American citizens who show up at the gates of Hamid Karzai International Airport would find a seat on one of the last flights out, but just about anybody else would be left behind, according to a U.S. official who is familiar with the operation but not authorized to speak publicly.

Outside the airport, desperation mounts for American citizens and Afghans who aided U.S. troops. U.S. special operators swooped into a neighborhood in Kabul to scoop up about 20 Americans unable to reach the airport, Pentagon press secretary John Kirby said Wednesday.