– SAGE has told PM he may need to roll back some curbs by end of first week of August if admissions don‘t slow
– Would mark another extraordinary U-turn just three weeks after Freedom Day was given go-ahead on July 19
Daily Archives: 21. Juli 2021
NHS COVID-19 Data Store
The NHS COVID-19 Data Store sits on a Microsoft Azure platform under contract with NHS England and NHS Improvement. Within that secure cloud processing environment, Palantir (acting under instruction from NHS England) manage their platform which is called Foundry.
Palantir, have built analytical dashboards for access by NHS England and Improvement staff, together with staff in the following organisations working under contract: Faculty AI, McKinsey and Deloittes.
Coronavirus data contractors engaged in dirty tricks and disinformation campaigns
Palantir was co-founded in 2004 by Paypal owner and billionaire Peter Thiel. What the blog doesn’t reveal is that Palantir’s client list has included amomgst others, the CIA, the FBI, the NSA, the Centre for Disease Control, the Marine Corps, the Air Force, Special Operations Command, West Point and the IRS.
Furthermore, in 2016, it was revealed Palantir had a $34.6m contract with US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and helped the Customs and Border Protection Agency create the Analytical Framework for Intelligence (AFI) system to track immigrants.
Nor does the blog mention that Palantir worked for UK intelligence and was awarded contracts to handle vast data sets on UK citizens for British spy agency GCHQ.
Sir Patrick Vallance corrects mistake about Covid hospital admissions and says 60% of infected patients needing NHS treatment are unvaccinated after wrongly claiming majority have had both jabs
– Sir Patrick Vallance corrected a mistake about Covid hospitalisation rates
– He originally said 60 per cent of people going to hospital were doubled jabbed
– But he later tweeted the figure applied to the unvaccinated people
Scoop: Israel forms damage control team after NSO Pegasus spyware reports
Israeli Minister of Defense Benny Gantz spoke at the same conference and said Israel was „studying“ reports about the alleged use of the Pegasus software in violation of the terms of its export license.
“We approve the export of cyber products only to governments and only for lawful use in order to prevent crime and terrorism. Countries who purchase those systems must adhere to the conditions of use,“ Gantz said.
Knesset fights Bennett’s proposal to let IDF and NSO Group track virus patients
(31 March 2020)
Earlier in the day, in a series of tweets, Bennett had floated the idea of giving the Israel Defense Forces’ elite Unit 8200, along with NSO, access to highly personal data of Israeli citizens that had been collected by the Shin Bet security service and Health Ministry as part of an already contentious mass surveillance program.
Russia intent on delivering Su-35 jets to Indonesia, agency vows
Russia is poised to supply a batch of Sukhoi Su-35 multirole fighters to Indonesia despite the pressure being exerted on this Asian-Pacific country, a spokesperson for the Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation, Valeria Reshetnikova, told reporters at the MAKS-2021 air show on Wednesday.
Israel‘s NSO and Pegasus Are a Clear and Present Danger to Democracy Around the World
After 12 years of Benjamin Netanyahu‘s tenure as prime minister, in which human rights activists and Knesset members were smeared as supporters of terrorism, critical journalists deemed enemies of the people and left-wing voters as traitors, why would the Israeli public, which had grown accustomed to view dissident voices as enemies, care about what happens to journalists in Azerbaijan, India or Hungary?
Vizeaußenministergespräch zwischen Südkorea, USA und Japan in Tokio
In Tokio hat erstmals seit vier Jahren ein Vizeaußenministergespräch zwischen Südkorea, den USA und Japan stattgefunden.
No. 2 State Department official to travel to China amid tensions
The meeting will be the first time that senior U.S. officials meet face-to-face with the Chinese since the tense meeting between Secretary of State Antony Blinken and President Biden’s national security adviser Jake Sullivan met with Wang Yi and the Chinese Communist Party’s foreign affairs chief, Yang Jiechi, in Anchorage in March.
Thousands bid farewell to slain Dutch reporter ‚hero‘
Thousands of mourners on Wednesday filed past the coffin of slain Dutch crime reporter Peter R. de Vries, paying final respects to the national „hero“ who was gunned down in broad daylight in an Amsterdam street two weeks ago.
FinFisher: Wir verklagen das BKA auf den Staatstrojaner-Vertrag
Schon bei der letzten Klage schrieben wir: „Die Kontrolle dieses hochsensiblen Instruments darf nicht Behörden und zwielichtigen Firmen überlassen werden.“
Wahlgericht in Peru bestätigt: Pedro Castillo neuer Präsident
Über Wochen hatte die peruanische Rechte alles daran gesetzt, den Amtsantritt des Linkskandidaten zu verhindern.
Pegasus Project: 14 World Leaders in Leaked Database
NSO Group, which counts some 36 governments around the world as its customers, denies the database has anything to do with the company, its spyware or its clients.
However, a forensic examination of a cross-section of phones by the Pegasus Project – an international media consortium comprising 17 news organisations, including The Wire – found traces of the deadly spyware on 37 phones on the leaked list.
„Wider jedes System des absoluten Staates“: Aus den Flugblättern der Weißen Rose
„Nichts ist eines Kulturvolkes unwürdiger, als sich ohne Widerstand von einer verantwortungslosen und dunklen Trieben ergebenen Herrscherclique „regieren“ zu lassen. Ist es nicht so, daß sich jeder ehrliche Deutsche heute seiner Regierung schämt, und wer von uns ahnt das Ausmaß der Schmach, die über uns und unsere Kinder kommen wird, wenn einst der Schleier von unseren Augen gefallen ist und die grauenvollsten und jegliches Maß unendlich überschreitenden Verbrechen ans Tageslicht treten?
Wenn das deutsche Volk schon so in seinem tiefsten Wesen korrumpiert und zerfallen ist, daß es, ohne eine Hand zu regen, im leichtsinnigen Vertrauen auf eine fragwürdige Gesetzmäßigkeit der Geschichte das Höchste, das ein Mensch besitzt und das ihn über jede andere Kreatur erhöht, nämlich den freien Willen, preisgibt, die Freiheit des Menschen preisgibt, selbst mit einzugreifen in das Rad der Geschichte und es seiner vernünftigen Entscheidung unterzuordnen – wenn die Deutschen, so jeder Individualität bar, schon so sehr zur geistlosen und feigen Masse geworden sind, dann, ja dann verdienen sie den Untergang.“
„Wenn jeder wartet, bis der andere anfängt, werden die Boten der rächenden Nemesis unaufhaltsam näher und näher rücken, dann wird auch das letzte Opfer sinnlos in den Rachen des unersättlichen Dämons geworfen sein. Daher muß jeder einzelne seiner Verantwortung als Mitglied der christlichen und abendländischen Kultur bewußt in dieser letzten Stunde sich wehren, soviel er kann, arbeiten wider die Geißel der Menschheit, wider den Faschismus und jedes ihm ähnliche System des absoluten Staates.“
„Vergeßt nicht, daß ein jedes Volk diejenige Regierung verdient, die es erträgt!“
Mexiko: Spionage-Software außer Kontrolle
Die IT-Experten von Amnesty International und dem Citizen Lab der Universtität Toronto konnten auf den Handys von 26 mexikanischen Journalisten und Menschenrechtsaktivisten Spuren des „Pegasus“-Trojaners forensisch nachweisen.
Mexikos Behörden versprachen bereits 2017, nach dem ersten Bekanntwerden dieser Überwachungsaktionen, den möglichen Missbrauch aufzuklären. Bis heute gibt es dazu keinen Bericht.
U.S. and E.U. security officials wary of NSO links to Israeli intelligence
In interviews, several current and former officials said they presumed that the company, which was founded by former Israeli intelligence officers, provides at least some information to the government in Jerusalem about who is using its spying products and what information they’re collecting.
“It’s crazy to think that NSO wouldn’t share sensitive national security information with the government of Israel,” said one former senior U.S. national security official who has worked closely with the Israeli security services and, like others, spoke on the condition of anonymity to candidly describe intelligence operations
The Pegasus Project | A global investigation – On the list: Ten prime ministers, three presidents and a king
Spies for centuries have trained their sights on those who shape destinies of nations: presidents, prime ministers, kings.
And in the 21st century, most of them carry smartphones.