Daily Archives: 11. März 2021

11.03.2021 - 19:38 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla calls Israel ‚world‘s lab‘ in interview to NBC

Bourla further noted that studies on the risk of the vaccine are also underway on pregnant women and younger children.

11.03.2021 - 19:34 [ Worldometers.info ]

Reported Cases and Deaths by Country or Territory



Total Cases: 812,823

New Cases: +1,331

Total Deaths: 5,955

New Deaths: +5

Total Recovered: 770,156

Active Cases: 36,712

Serious, Critical: 645

11.03.2021 - 19:33 [ Worldometers.info ]

Israel Coronavirus Cases:

Newly Infected vs. Newly Recovered in Israel

11.03.2021 - 19:31 [ CBC.ca ]

Pfizer, BioNTech say Israeli data suggests vaccine greatly reduces asymptomatic infections

Findings not yet peer-reviewed, interaction of vaccine with B1351 variant unclear due to limited data

11.03.2021 - 19:28 [ Haaretz.com / Twitter ]

With rise in infections, health officials weigh slowing down Israel‘s COVID lockdown exit plan


11.03.2021 - 19:24 [ ABC News ]

Israel celebrates 5 millionth coronavirus vaccination


Israel has administered over 8.7 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine to its population of 9.3 million. Over 3.7 million Israelis — more than 40% — have received both of the doses required for maximum immunity.

11.03.2021 - 19:21 [ NYmag.com ]

Israel Is the World’s Most Vaccinated Country. Why Are Cases Rising?


While Israel races ahead on putting shots in arms, the country is also seeing a spike in cases, with almost 74 out of every 100,000 Israelis testing positive for the virus, compared to about 40 out of every 100,000 Americans. On Thursday, the death toll in Israel crossed 5,000.

When asked about the seemingly contradictory puzzle, Galia Rahav, the head of the infectious-disease unit at Tel Aviv’s Sheba Medical Center, sighed, chuckled, and said: “This is Israel. We have to be extreme in everything.”

11.03.2021 - 19:19 [ Euroweeklynews.com ]

Infections rise in Israel despite one in three people being vaccinated


INFECTIONS are rising in Israel despite a third of the population having already received the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine

11.03.2021 - 18:26 [ MDR ]

Lobbyismus-Vorwürfe: Thüringer CDU-Abgeordneter legt Mandat nieder

Bis Freitagabend müssen sie gegenüber der Fraktionsführung schriftlich erklären, keine finanziellen Vorteile im Zusammenhang mit pandemiebezogenen Geschäften erhalten zu haben.

11.03.2021 - 17:48 [ France24 ]

Protesters occupy Paris theatres to protest against Covid-19 shutdowns

University students spent Monday night protesting at Pau theatre in southern France. Similar actions were seen on Tuesday at two other theatres, the Colline in eastern Paris and the National Theatre of Strasbourg.

11.03.2021 - 16:30 [ France24 ]

Ivorian Prime Minister Hamed Bakayoko dies in German hospital aged 56

A close ally of  Ouattara, he was appointed as prime minister in July 2020 following the sudden death of his predecessor Amadou Gon Coulibaly, who had been handpicked by Ouattara to succeed him.

11.03.2021 - 16:05 [ Zeit.de ]

US-Repräsentantenhaus beschließt billionenschweres Hilfspaket

Der US-Kongress hat den Corona-Hilfen von 1,9 Billionen Dollar zugestimmt. Sie umfassen unter anderem Direktzahlungen an Bürger und mehr Mittel für die Impfkampagne.

11.03.2021 - 15:57 [ theHill.com ]

House approves $1.9T COVID-19 relief in partisan vote

The House on Wednesday approved President Biden‘s sweeping $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief package in a starkly partisan 220-211 vote, sending the legislation to the White House and clinching Democrats‘ first big legislative victory in the Bide

11.03.2021 - 14:17 [ Informationsstelle Militarisierung (IMI) ]

Friedensfazilität: Waffenlieferungen

Bislang konnten das nur Staaten in eigener Verantwortung, nicht aber die EU. Man wolle ‚Partner-Länder‘ so in die Lage versetzen, ‚ihre Bevölkerung besser schützen‘ zu können, heißt es in einem EU-Dokument zur EPF.“

11.03.2021 - 11:30 [ SWR ]

Fukushima-Gedenken: Angst vor Cattenom in der Region Trier

Der Betreiber EDF will die vier Reaktoren des Atomkraftwerks noch weitere 20 Jahre am Netz halten. Martin Lutz gibt zu Bedenken: Der Verschleiß nehme mit den Jahren zu – das Kraftwerk werde nicht sicherer.

11.03.2021 - 11:14 [ KBS.co.kr ]

USFK-Kommandeur: Nukleare Bedrohung aus Nordkorea hält an

Die entsprechende Äußerung machte USFK-Kommandeur Robert Abrams in seiner schriftlichen Antwort für eine Anhörung des Streitkräfteausschusses im US-Repräsentantenhauses am Mittwoch (Ortszeit).

11.03.2021 - 09:52 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Israeli Jets Escort US B-52s during Mideast Flyby in Warning to Iran

Israel’s Defense Minister Benny Gantz said on Tuesday, March 2, that Israel intends to develop a “special security arrangement” with the reactionary regimes of Arab Gulf states, who share common concerns over Iran. This comes after i24 News reported that Israel, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain have discussed expanding cooperation against their common enemies. “We will continue to confront any threat, along with our new and veteran partners, chiefly the US, so that Iran will not be able to develop nuclear capacity,” Gantz said.

11.03.2021 - 09:45 [ Communist Party of Israel ]

Anti-Bibi Protesters: “Violence against Us Has Become Routine”


With the March 23 elections rapidly approaching, the weekly nationwide protests against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu kicked off on Saturday, March 6, for the 37th consecutive week, bigger and louder than in the recent past. Protesters gathered at some 550 central squares, intersections, and overpasses throughout the country starting in the afternoon, and called on Netanyahu to resign. Several groups of protesters once again reported violent attacks against them.

11.03.2021 - 09:22 [ Haaretz ]

How Much Did Pfizer Pay Israeli Doctors, and for What?

No one would accept a situation in which journalists reporting on the coronavirus also work for Pfizer, for money, at the same time, without informing readers. And these are just reporters. What physicians decide and do directly impacts public health, sometimes on matters of life and death. This certainly applies to people advising the government on policies. The public has the right to know exactly how much parties with vested interests are paying the physicians.

11.03.2021 - 09:11 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu to Make First Official Visit to UAE Thursday, Ten Days Before Election

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will fly to the United Arab Emirates on Thursday, ten days before Israel‘s fourth election in two years, according to sources in the government. This marks his first official visit to the UAE since the establishment of diplomatic ties with Israel.

Netanyahu is expected to meet with Emirati Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed and return to Israel on the same day.

11.03.2021 - 08:22 [ ORF.at ]

Vor einem Jahr erklärte WHO Epidemie zu Pandemie

Der Pandemiebegriff setzt sich aus den altgriechischen Wörtern „pan“ für „alles“ und „demos“ für „Volk“ zusammen. Die WHO definiert eine Pandemie als eine Situation, in der die gesamte Weltbevölkerung potenziell einem Erreger ausgesetzt ist – und das Risiko besteht, dass „ein Teil von ihr erkrankt“.

11.03.2021 - 08:15 [ Spiegel.de ]

Kanzlerin zur Pandemie: Merkel stimmt auf »noch drei, vier schwere Monate« ein


Die Coronalage bleibt in Deutschland noch bis zum Sommer angespannt. Diese Einschätzung gab Kanzlerin Angela Merkel jetzt ab. Erst dann werde das Impfen sich auswirken.

11.03.2021 - 06:49 [ Tagesschau ]

„Systemversagen“ der Regierung

Der Skandal gehe nicht allein auf hohe kriminelle Energie Einzelner zurück, sondern auch auf gravierende Fehler von Behörden und Regierung.