Checking their claims is actually quite easy, as article 233 is pretty straightforward. It lays out six scenarios whereby the head of the national assembly can temporarily assume the duties of the president for 30 days for the express purpose of holding another vote to fill the vacant presidential seat. None of the conditions have been met. While it‘s preposterous to assert that US foreign policy should be driven by the desire to enforce another country‘s constitution (while violating ours), even if we were to allow that to slip in this case there would simply be no legal case to recognize Juan Guaido as Venezuela‘s president.
Daily Archives: 25. Februar 2019
Venezuela: US Regimewechsel ist im Gange!
Jede von den USA initiierte „Regime Change“-Operation muss Scharfschützen haben, die dem kritischen Zweck dienen, der Bevölkerung weißglühende Angst einzujagen und selbst die bisher Unbeweglichen zu mobilisieren. Und auf den Punkt gebracht, hat Venezuela seine Scharfschützen bekommen! „Maskierte Männer“, die zufällig Demonstranten erschießen. Natürlich wird die lokale Bevölkerung sie als verdeckte Sicherheitskräfte der Regierung betrachten, die auf unbewaffnete Unschuldige schießen, und beginnen, sich auf die Seite der Anti-Maduro-Kräfte zu stellen. Außer, dass es sich sehr wahrscheinlich entweder um bewaffnete Oppositionskräfte oder vielleicht sogar um Ausländer (lies: CIA) handelt, die zur Erfüllung dieser kritischen Aufgabe entsandt wurden.
Fünf Jahre Kollaps
Ökonomisch ist die Ukraine nach dem Umsturz im Verlauf jahrelanger neoliberaler Reformen unter Präsident Poroschenko, in dessen Wahlblock die von der CDU-nahen Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung mitaufgebaute Partei UDAR aufgegangen ist, katastrophal eingebrochen. Nach Erkenntissen des Internationalen Währungsfonds aus dem Jahr 2018 ist die Ukraine heute das ärmste Land Europas – noch hinter dem langjährigen Schlusslicht, der mit der Ukraine benachbarten Republik Moldau.
5 million @UKLabour voters voted to Leave what a total fucking betrayal of Labour voters like myself who have voted @UKLabour at every election incl local elections for 36yrs, NEVER AGAIN Labour only now exist for middle classes & no longer represent their core working class vote
It would be a terrible mistake if the Labour Party campaigned to stop #Brexit. Imagine having to confront working class voters afterwards. #LeftBrexitTour
The lengths the British political establishment will go to in order not to implement the electorate‘s democratic decision is staggering: – challenging govt in courts – tabling wrecking amendments – breaking up their parties – telling people to vote again
Corbyn is a traitor to the labour voters.
Labour, once the party of the patriotic working class, siding with those that say we got it wrong. That we were duped. That we were ‘tricked, lied to, and conned’, that say we cant make up our own minds about Britain’s political future. How bloody sad.
The Labour party are a farce, and a this decision is a disgrace for @jeremycorbyn and @UKLabour For the few not the many.
The Labour Party have now completed their betrayal of their Leave vote in a desperate attempt to win back support from the Independent Group by endorsing a second referendum. Considering how many Leave constituencies hold Labour MPs, this is an absolute disgrace!
Labour announce backing for a second Brexit referendum
Labour have announced they will back a second referendum on Britain‘s EU exit to prevent a „damaging Tory Brexit being forced on the country“.
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn will tell MPs that the party will back a second Brexit referendum „to prevent a damaging Tory Brexit“
No sovereignty boost from EU exit-Draghi
„Putting oneself outside the EU could lead to greater independence in economic policy, but not necessarily greater sovereignty,“ Draghi said in a speech at Bologna University.
„The same argument is true for single currency. „In a globalised world, all countries have to cooperate to be sovereign.
Chile Senators Call Piñera‘s Trip to Colombia for Venezuela Aid ‚Foolish‘
Chilean Senator Alejandro Navarro said that only when the CIA declassifies information around the failed coup in Venezuela over the weekend will the public will know that Trump convinced Piñera to “make a fool of himself.”
„In 20 years, when the CIA declassifies this coup operation (in Venezuela) will we know what Trump offered Piñera to make a fool of himself for this trip, leaving Chile and the southern forest fires abandoned,“ said Navarro Monday during an interview.
Around 46,600 demonstrators were out across #France, including Paris and Clermont-Ferrand, continuing to call for an end to high taxes for the working and middle class. #YellowVests #GiletsJaunes
25. Feb. 2019
Protests have started in Bogota against the meeting of the Lima group and against the visit of the vice president of the #US, #MikePence.
Social organizations are shouting: „Terrorists get out of Colombia!“
Einsperren auf Verdacht
Neu ist, dass seit kurzem auch „freiheitliche Sozis“/als Sozis getarnte Rechte in den Medien auftreten und sich ebenfalls für Methoden aussprechen, die eine krasse Missachtung der Menschenrechte darstellen, die auch in Österreich im Verfassungsrang stehen. Die „rote“ Partei nimmt das hin …
America needs a #PeaceDividend from ending regime change wars / new cold war / arms race. Invest that money in healthcare, education, infrastructure, clean air, food, water for all.
Breaking: In just six days, 1 million people have already signed on to support our campaign. We are just getting started.
Neuer „Botschafter“ von #Venezuela in Deutschland soll Otto Gebauer werden, ehem. Mitglied d Militärgeheimdiensts. Er war direkt am Putsch gegen den gewählten Präsidenten Hugo Chávez 2002 beteiligt. Wird die BuReg diesen Botschafter von #Guaidó anerkennen?
Replying to @marcorubio: NATO worked with al-Qaeda-aligned extremists to overthrow the once prosperous, oil-rich nation of Libya and turn it into a failed state with open-air slave markets. Imperialist sadist Rubio is now threatening Venezuela with the same death and destruction.
Diese Menschen sind einfach auf die Bühne gestürzt, es war kein geplanter Programmpunkt. Für diese Meinung gibt es keine Mehrheit in der Partei!
Marco Rubio tweets picture of bloodied Gaddafi in presumed reference to killing Nicolás Maduro
Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., posted a tweet on Sunday that seemed to argue for embattled Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro to meet the same violent fate as former Libyan Prime Minister Muammar Gaddafi.
The tweet, which shows a bloodied Gaddafi shortly before he was murdered in a coup d‘etat, is especially notable within the context of Rubio‘s other recent tweets on American foreign policy toward Venezuela.
Französisch-italienischer Stellvertreterkrieg in Libyen
Hinter den scharfen Spannungen zwischen Frankreich und Italien, die Anfang Februar zum Rückruf des französischen Botschafters aus Rom führten, stecken handfeste materielle Interessen. In Libyen, wo seit dem Nato-Krieg von 2011 Dutzende rivalisierende Milizen um die Vorherrschaft kämpfen, führen die beiden EU-Mitglieder einen Stellvertreterkrieg um die Kontrolle über die größten Öl- und Gasressourcen Afrikas.
Die #spd kommt nun mit Versprechen wie 1998 daher! Glaubt denen kein einziges Wort. In den letzen 20 Jahren war diese Partei 16 Jahre in der Regierung. Jeder kann sie an ihren Taten seit 1998 messen und somit jedes Versprechen vergessen!
„Den Zusammenbruch beschleunigen“
Berichten zufolge ist die Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (CDU) in die Bemühungen um den Sturz von Präsident Maduro sowie um die internationale Absicherung des Umsturzes involviert. So berichtet der nach Kolumbien geflohene venezolanische Oppositionsaktivist Antonio Ledezma, man sei „in der Debatte über die Krise und Lösungen für Venezuelas Drama“: „Diese organisiert die Konrad-Adenauer[-Stiftung].“ Gemeint ist offenkundig die Außenstelle der Stiftung in der kolumbianischen Hauptstadt Bogotá.
Chuka Ummuna tells Sky News he doesn‘t want to see either a Tory or Labour government because ‚they are as bad as each other‘. The Labour movement gave this guy and millions like him every life chance he ever had. In his case, it also gave him a career. What an utter Judas.
Theresa May is putting the country at risk by recklessly running down the clock to force MPs to choose between her bad deal and a disastrous No Deal. Labour will work with MPs across the Commons to prevent No Deal, break the deadlock and build support for our alternative plan.
Brexit: MPs to have vote by 12 March, says May
Speaking as she travelled to an EU-Arab League summit in Egypt, Mrs May ruled out holding another so-called „meaningful vote“ this week.
But she said „positive“ talks with the EU were „still ongoing“ and leaving on 29 March was „within our grasp“.
Merkel asks May if she intends to request article 50 extension
A government official confirmed that Merkel “fleetingly” raised the matter at a 45-minute breakfast meeting in Sharm el-Sheikh on Monday morning, in a reflection of growing concern from European Union leaders over the lack of time to implement Brexit.
Russia and Japan Set to Sign Treaty Ending World War II
(Februar / März 2009) Talk about a never-ending war. More than 60 years after World War II ended, Russia and Japan have restarted negotiations over a still-unsigned peace treaty that would finally bring a formal end to the war between the two countries.
Russia rules out negotiating peace treaty with Japan on Tokyo‘s terms
Russia‘s Foreign Minister has ruled out negotiating a peace treaty with Japan on Tokyo‘s terms. That after the Japanese premier told his parliament that was his aim.
EU-League of Arab States Summit 2019: Arrival and doorstep by May (UK)
Arrival and doorstep by Theresa MAY, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, at the EU-League of Arab States summit, taking place on 24 February 2019, in Sharm el-Sheikh.
S. Korea‘s presidential office says N. Korea and U.S. may agree on ending Korean War this week
President Moon Jae-in is also likely to discuss the upcoming Kim-Trump summit during his weekly meeting this afternoon with top aides at the Blue House. The president had previously ordered his chief secretaries to keep working hard to achieve denuclearization and permanent peace on the Korean Peninsula. And with presidential spokesperson Kim Eui-kyeom even floating the possibility of a declaration of the end of the Korean War during this week’s summit, it is likely that President Moon may also make a statement in his meeting later today.