Archiv: the Maharaja (ruler of India)

18.04.2024 - 19:04 [ Daniel Neun / Radio Utopie ]

Libyen-Krieg: Neue Sitzung der Schwachmächte im UNO-Sicherheitsrat

(22. März 2011)

Am 19.März, dem Tag des Angriffs von Frankreich, Großbritannien, Kanada, Italien und den USA auf Libyen, wurde in Moskau eine der erbärmlichsten Erklärungen in der russischen Geschichte veröffentlicht (Angriffskrieg gegen Libyen beginnt: Ticker). Das russische Außenministerium von Sergei Lawrow:

“In Moskau bedauern wir diese bewaffnete Intervention im Rahmen der UN Resolution 1973, die hastig beschlossen wurde.”

Die Weltöffentlichkeit konstatiert: Russlands Staatsführung ist ein Haufen Tölpel, dem – wenn er schon nicht lesen kann und deshalb nicht weiss was vor sich geht – selbst das Wort „Veto“ mit einem einfachen Armhochhalten schon zu viel ist. Das Gleiche gilt für die Atomschwachmacht China, deren leseunkundige kommunistische Staatspartei immerhin 1.3 Milliarden Menschen herumkommandiert. In der Parteizeitung „People´s Daily“ redete man sich heute nun selbst in ein Gewissen, was man nicht hat (1):

„Die blutgetränkten Gewitter, denen Irak seit acht Jahren unterzogen wurde und das unaussprechliche Leiden seines Volkes sind ein Spiegel und eine Warnung. Die militärischen Attacken auf Libyen, folgend den Kriegen in Afghanisten und Irak, sind das das dritte Mal, dass einige Länder bewaffnete Aktionen gegen souveräne Staaten gestartet haben. Es sollte augenscheinlich sein, dass jedes Mal, wenn militärische Mittel benutzt werden um Krisen zu begegnen, dies ein Schlag gegen die Charta der Vereinten Nationen und die Regeln der internationalen Beziehungen sind.“

Die Weltöffentlichkeit versteht: früher hiess es in China „Bombardiert das Hauptquartier“, letzten Freitag hiess es „Bombardiert Libyen“ und heute wieder anders herum. Mal sehen, zu was sich Chinas Staatsführung am Donnerstag entscheidet. Vielleicht der Einfachheit halber zu „Bombardiert irgendwas“.

18.03.2024 - 18:04 [ Times of India ]

‚Look forward to working together‘: PM Modi congratulates Putin on re-election

„Warm congratulations to H.E. Mr. Vladimir Putin on his re-election as the President of the Russian Federation.

Look forward to working together to further strengthen the time-tested Special & Privileged Strategic Partnership between India and Russia in the years to come,“ the Prime Minister wrote.

24.12.2023 - 11:02 [ Times of Israel ]

TV report: Israel believes drone fired at tanker off India was launched directly from Iran

Israel believes the drone fired at a tanker off the coast of India a short while ago was launched directly from Iran, Channel 12 reports, although this remains unconfirmed.

24.12.2023 - 10:59 [ CNN ]

Pentagon says chemical tanker struck by Iranian drone in Indian Ocean

A chemical tanker operating in the Indian Ocean was struck by an Iranian attack drone Saturday, a US Department of Defense official said, the seventh Iranian attack on commercial shipping since 2021.

“The motor vessel CHEM PLUTO, a Liberia-flagged, Japanese-owned, and Netherlands-operated chemical tanker was struck at approximately 10 a.m. local time (6 a.m. Greenwich Mean Time) today in the Indian Ocean, 200 nautical miles from the coast of India, by a one-way attack drone fired from Iran,” the official said in a statement.

23.11.2023 - 16:14 [ ]

PM Modi greets Argentina presidential poll winner Javier Milei, hopes to expand India-Argentina strategic partnership

(November 20, 2023)

„Make Argentina great again!“ Trump posted on his platform Truth Social on Sunday reacting over Milei‘s win. „I am very proud of you,“ he added.

Outside of his controversial plan for dollarization, Milei‘s political program includes slashing regulations on gun control and transferring authority over the penitentiary system from civilians to the military; both measures are part of a tough-on-crime approach.

02.10.2023 - 22:30 [ ]

Full Text | Rewriting Constitution Means Breaking India Apart, Says Fali Nariman

Generally, there are preambles to the constitution and this preamble has been called by our Supreme Court the “conscience of the constitution”. Preamble’s Part 3 Fundamental Rights, Part 4 Directive Principles of State Policy, which are not enforceable by the court but are nonetheless binding, they are all part of the conscience of the constitution (…)

You believe that there is the duty to interpret the constitution in the context of the time and in the context of the issues of the day.

Oh absolutely, absolutely! There has to be! (…)

In fact, interpretations keep changing, people keep adding to existing questions and revising new meanings.

Absolutely! Courts as you know go by precedent, so what five judges say today, seven judges can say tomorrow or have nine judges say the contrary to that, two years later.

This is what makes the constitution a living, dynamic object.


09.09.2023 - 15:11 [ ]

‘Historical‘: Top leaders react to adoption of New Delhi Declaration at G20

In a massive breakthrough, the G20 member states on Saturday adopted a 100 percent consensus to the New Delhi Leaders‘ Summit Declaration, announced Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Calling it “historic and pathbreaking”, G20 Sherpa Amitabh Kant said India‘s G20 Presidency “delivered phenomenal action on high ambitions for the world.”

09.09.2023 - 15:01 [ ]

G20 nations reiterate national positions on Ukraine, oppose territorial acquisition by force

“In line with the UN Charter, all states must refrain from the threat or use of force to seek territorial acquisition against the territorial integrity and sovereignty or political independence of any state. The use or threat of use of nuclear weapons is inadmissible.”

The declaration was adopted after prolonged negotiations on the outcome document that had been held up over a reference to Ukraine.

09.09.2023 - 14:49 [ Times of India ]

At G20, Biden looks to fill hole left by Putin & Xi, shore up India ties

President Joe Biden arrived in New Delhi on Friday for a global summit where he will present the United States as an economic and strategic counterweight to China and Russia, taking advantage of the absence of leaders from those two countries, who are skipping the gathering.