Archiv: Zerstörungen / Verwüstung / destructions / devastation

03.09.2024 - 02:58 [ Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur oPt / ]

The widespread devastation and massacres of the Israeli army in #Jenin and other parts of occupied northern West Bank, where Hamas is not ruling, are a powerful reminder that Hamas is just the last excuse for the State of #Israel to wreak the Palestinian territory havoc.

Everywhere for 57 years Israel has made life impossible for Palestinians under a brutal military occupation, seeking to realize a “#GreaterIsrael”.
In agreement with the Palestinians in the oPt, an int‘l #ProtectionPresence must be immediately deployed to stop the massacres, wanton destruction and forced displacement.

31.08.2024 - 22:50 [ +972 Magazine ]

‘If you try to defend yourself, you’re dead’: A West Bank village’s night of terror

Now, Palestinians in the area are increasingly fearful about what’s to come. “The settlers have always used the road belonging to the village [to get to their outpost], but now they are being more aggressive, provoking the residents,” Zawahra said. “In a few days when the academic year begins, the children will have to use this road to get to school. How can we make sure they are not attacked?”

Zawahra also explained how the latest attack has forced village residents to reevaluate what they held to be true: that there is safety in numbers. “We thought that the more people there are [when settlers enter a village], the lower the chance that they will attack. But they shot randomly. If you try to defend yourself, you’re dead.”

05.05.2024 - 10:40 [ Council on American-Islamic Relations ]

CAIR Says Israeli Official’s Call to ‘Annihilate’ Gaza Cities is Further Evidence of Genocidal Intent


Haaretz reported that Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, who is a member of the security cabinet, called for the “total annihilation” of Rafah and other areas of Gaza.

He said on Monday: “There are no half measures. [The Gazan cities of] Rafah, Deir al-Balah, Nuseirat – total annihilation. ‘You will blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven.”

04.05.2024 - 08:12 [ Middle East Eye ]

Egyptian militia leader Organi unveils plans for ‘Sisi City’ at Israel border

Prior to merging it with the newly declared union, Organi led the Union of Sinai Tribes (UST), a pro-government paramilitary group set up in 2015 to support the Egyptian army in its battles against a local offshoot of the Islamic State (IS). The UST’s mission in Sinai has been unclear since the IS-affiliate group known as the Sinai Province was officially defeated in 2022.

The bloody, 10-year campaign in the Sinai has almost completely razed Rafah and uprooted thousands of members of the indigenous Bedouin population, leaving most towns and villages pulverised.

22.04.2024 - 01:05 [ Middle East Eye ]

Rafah raids death toll rises to 19, including 14 children

The death toll from Israeli air strikes targeting two Palestinian homes in densely populated Rafah, in the south of Gaza, has risen to 19, including 14 children

22.04.2024 - 00:59 [ Middle East Eye ]

West Bank: Israeli forces kill 14 Palestinians in days-long refugee camp assault

Israeli forces withdrew from a refugee camp in the occupied West Bank on Saturday following a deadly two-day raid likened by Palestinians to the intensity of Second Intifada attacks.

The assault began late on Thursday with Israeli armoured vehicles and troops surrounding the Nur Shams refugee camp east of Tulkarm city.

For more than 50 hours, Israeli forces maintained a siege on the camp while they shot at residents, arrested scores of people and destroyed homes.

25.02.2024 - 04:06 [ Commmunist Party of Israel ]

Far-Right Minister Says ‘Proud’ of Destruction in Gaza

Israel’s Minister May Golan expresses pride in the “ruins” of besieged Gaza and claims that Palestinian babies will grow up to tell their grandchildren what the Jews did.” “I am personally proud of the ruins of Gaza and that every baby even 80 years from now will tell their grandchildren what the Jews did when their families were murdered, raped and their civilians were kidnapped,” she said during a Knesset session held on last Monday, February 19, after the motion to impeach MK Ofer Cassif (Hadash) was defeated.

16.02.2024 - 19:38 [ UNRWA, @UN Agency for Palestine Refugees / Twitter ]

Shocking footage shows unimaginable destruction in #Gaza city, including our health centre. +70% of civilian infrastructure- including homes, hospitals & schools- have been destroyed or severely damaged.

84% of health facilities have been affected by attacks. Nowhere is safe.

12.02.2024 - 20:44 [ Times of Israel ]

UK slaps sanctions on West Bank settlers for ‘egregious’ violence, following US move

British Foreign Secretary David Cameron said the four targeted Israeli settlers, one of whom was also included in the US sanctions, were involved in “egregious abuses of human rights.”

“Extremist Israeli settlers are threatening Palestinians, often at gunpoint, and forcing them off land that is rightfully theirs,” he added. “This behavior is illegal and unacceptable.”

06.02.2024 - 11:55 [ UNRWA, @UN Agency for Palestine Refugees / Twitter ]

In north #GazaStrip, the scale of destruction and loss is staggering. This footage shows one of our @UNRWA health centres. There is nothing left.

This is an unprecedented level of destruction and forced displacement, taking place in front of our eyes.

01.02.2024 - 23:35 [ White House ]

Executive Order on Imposing Certain Sanctions on Persons Undermining Peace, Security, and Stability in the West Bank

I, JOSEPH R. BIDEN JR., President of the United States of America, find that the situation in the West Bank — in particular high levels of extremist settler violence, forced displacement of people and villages, and property destruction — has reached intolerable levels and constitutes a serious threat to the peace, security, and stability of the West Bank and Gaza, Israel, and the broader Middle East region. These actions undermine the foreign policy objectives of the United States, including the viability of a two-state solution and ensuring Israelis and Palestinians can attain equal measures of security, prosperity, and freedom. They also undermine the security of Israel and have the potential to lead to broader regional destabilization across the Middle East, threatening United States personnel and interests. For these reasons, these actions constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States. I hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat. Accordingly, I hereby order:

Section 1. All property and interests in property that are in the United States, that hereafter come within the United States, or that are or hereafter come within the possession or control of any United States person, including any foreign branch, of the following persons are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in:

(a) any foreign person determined by the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury, or the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Secretary of State:

(i) to be responsible for or complicit in, or to have directly or indirectly engaged or attempted to engage in, any of the following:

(A) actions — including directing, enacting, implementing, enforcing, or failing to enforce policies — that threaten the peace, security, or stability of the West Bank; or

(B) planning, ordering, otherwise directing, or participating in any of the following actions affecting the West Bank:

(1) an act of violence or threat of violence targeting civilians;

(2) efforts to place civilians in reasonable fear of violence with the purpose or effect of necessitating a change of residence to avoid such violence;

(3) property destruction; or

(4) seizure or dispossession of property by private actors;

(ii) to be or have been a leader or official of:

(A) an entity, including any government entity, that has engaged in, or whose members have engaged in, any of the activities described in subsections (a) or (b) of this section related to the leader’s or official’s tenure; or

(B) an entity whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order as a result of activities relating to the leader’s or official’s tenure;

(iii) to have materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of, any person blocked pursuant to this order; or

(iv) to be owned or controlled by, or to have acted or purported to act for or on behalf of, directly or indirectly, any person blocked pursuant to this order; or

(b) any foreign person determined by the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury:

(i) to have committed or have attempted to commit, to pose a significant risk of committing, or to have participated in training to commit acts of terrorism affecting the West Bank; or

(ii) to be a leader or official of an entity sanctioned pursuant to subsection (b)(i) of this section.

01.02.2024 - 23:30 [ CNN ]

Biden issues executive order targeting violent Israeli settlers in the West Bank

The order targets four individuals accused of directly perpetrating violence or intimidation in the West Bank, a senior administration official said, including people accused of initiating and leading a riot; setting buildings, fields and vehicles on fire; assaulting civilians and damaging property.

The State Department announced the names of the Israelis targeted by the executive order, which blocks their financial assets and bars them from coming to the US. They are David Chai Chasdai, Einan Tanjil, Shalom Zicherman and Yinon Levi.

01.02.2024 - 22:55 [ United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) ]

Preliminary assessment of the economic impact of the destruction in Gaza and prospects for economic recovery

The possibility and speed recovery of Gaza depends on the date of ending of the military operation and subsequent growth performance – both remain unknown.


However, if the 2007–2022 growth trend persists with an average growth rate of 0.4 per cent, it will take Gaza 70 years just to restore the GDP levels of 2022, with GDP per capita continuously and precipitously declining given the population growth rate.

01.02.2024 - 22:36 [ UNCTAD, @UN Conference on Trade and Development / Twitter ]

#Gaza: Unprecedented level of destruction will take tens of billions of dollars and decades to reverse. Even with the end of the military operation and the recent average growth rate of 0.4%, it would take Gaza until 2092 just to restore 2022 GDP levels.

27.08.2021 - 13:17 [ Portal ]

Mobilisierungen im ganzen Land für ein plurinationales Guatemala ohne Korrupte

Was der Staat und die Unternehmensführungen tun, ist, formal den Diskurs der Verteidigung der Menschenrechte anzunehmen und in der Praxis die Zerstörung aller bürgerlichen Rechte, die Schließung demokratischer Räume und die weitere Militarisierung der Gesellschaft voranzutreiben.

10.08.2021 - 17:54 [ Common Dreams ]

Indigenous Group Accuses Bolsonaro of ‚Genocide‘ and ‚Ecocide‘ at The Hague

A coalition of Indigenous organizations filed a complaint at The Hague on Monday accusing Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro of carrying out an „explicit, systematic, and intentional“ assault on native peoples, pointing specifically to his systematic dismantling of environmental protections and aggressive campaign of deforestation in the Amazon rainforest.

14.05.2021 - 15:15 [ teleSUR ]

Brazil Passes Law To Reduce Gov‘t-Led Environmental Assessment

The new regulation leaves some of these projects completely exempt from environmental licensing, a major blow to conservationist groups who continue denouncing the devastation of the Amazon rainforest and the human rights violations of its Indigenous peoples.

19.02.2021 - 17:00 [ France24 ]

Set up, demolish, repeat: Israel targets Bedouin tent community

Israeli rights group B‘Tselem has accused Israel of creating „a Kafkaesque reality that leaves Palestinians almost no way to build legally“.

01.11.2020 - 02:28 [ Al Jazeera ]

Malaysia’s Indigenous people question timber sustainability

Communities in state of Sarawak on Borneo say forest is being felled without their consent and still being certified as sustainable.

22.09.2020 - 21:33 [ Global Research ]

Rio Tinto Mining and the Destruction of Aboriginal Juukan Cave Heritage. A Loss to Humanity

The Anglo-Australian multinational company Rio Tinto – the largest iron ore mining company in the world – demolished two 46,000-year-old Aboriginal rock shelters in May. What is particularly disturbing about this event is that Rio Tinto was apparently acting entirely within the law, which is to say that this kind of tragic and wanton destruction will continue to happen unless stricter regulations are enacted. The sites were located on the ancestral lands of the Puutu Kunti Kurrama and Pinikura, or PKKP, people in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.

12.09.2020 - 19:32 [ The Sydney Morning Herald ]

Raising dam wall risks Indigenous sites in ‚Sydney‘s Juukan Gorge‘

Raising the Warragamba Dam wall will inundate thousands of Indigenous sites, including ancient rock art, creating an impact on heritage akin to the destruction of the Juukan Gorge, traditional owners say.

17.08.2020 - 16:39 [ The Hill ]

Trump administration finalizes plan to open up Alaska wildlife refuge to drilling

“The Trump administration’s so-called review process for their shameless sell-off of the Arctic Refuge has been a sham from the start. We’ll see them in court,” said a statement from Lena Moffitt, The Sierra Club’s senior director of its Our Wild America campaign.

28.06.2020 - 12:19 [ Al Jazeera ]

Selling Out West Papua

In West Papua, Indonesia, we investigate allegations of fraud and human rights abuses in billion-dollar land deals.

23.06.2020 - 08:51 [ ]

Protesters try to bring down statue of Andrew Jackson near White House

Protests in Washington, D.C., have remained peaceful for the past couple of weeks, and Monday night marked the first significant clashes between protesters and police since authorities used pepper spray to clear demonstrators from Lafayette Square earlier this month.

20.06.2020 - 18:26 [ teleSUR ]

Aboriginals Sue Western Australia State For Cultural Losses

Two compensation claims filed on behalf of the Tjiwarl people address actions by miners, farmers, and others like the building of fences and roads that had restricted their access to sacred heritage sites and hunting and fishing grounds, impeding their ability to pass down cultural knowledge to young people.

19.06.2020 - 02:31 [ The Guardian ]

Rio Tinto caves on demands to release review of Indigenous heritage site destruction

Company announces report on destruction of the Juukan Gorge cave in the Pilbara region of Western Australia will be made public in October

28.03.2020 - 21:55 [ Prof Michel Chossudovsky / Global Research ]

What Happens In the Wake of the COVID-19 Lockdown? Economic Destruction, Global Poverty, Bankruptcies, Mass Unemployment. Neoliberalism to the Rescue

What prevails is an atmosphere of fear and uncertainty which enables powerful financial interests to manipulate the stock market and consolidate their financial positions. This crisis has led to an unprecedented concentration of money wealth.

12.02.2020 - 21:30 [ Common Dreams ]

Trump’s Border Wall Is an Ecologist’s Nightmare

The Tohono O’odham Nation penned a powerful letter to the U.S. Border Patrol calling for a halt to the destruction, stressing the many tragedies occurring on their sacred lands: bulldozers ripping up their ancestors’ burial sites, their water resources being stolen, and the agency consistently ignoring their pleas for consultation.

14.08.2019 - 02:32 [ Common Dreams ]

‚Gold Over Life, Literally‘: How Trump Forced Reversal on Mining Project EPA Scientists Warn Could Destroy Alaskan Salmon Ecosystem

So Trump meets Alaska‘s governor in his airplane and agrees to push through a goldmine that had been stopped b/c it will devastate salmon habitat. This at a time that orcas are already starving death. Salmon carry entire ecosystems on their backs. Gold over life, literally. — Naomi Klein (@NaomiAKlein) August 9, 2019

14.08.2019 - 02:25 [ Paul Craig Roberts / Institute for Political Economy ]

„Gold Over Life, Literally“

All that capitalism has left to loot in America are the national monuments and forests and protected ecological areas.

The offshoring of US jobs was an act of suicide by the United States.

18.04.2019 - 09:35 [ Haaretz ]

Israel Begins Demolishing Palestinian Homes in East Jerusalem Neighborhood

According to a district court decision from three weeks ago and a Supreme Court decision earlier this week, the municipality was granted the right to demolish all the houses in the neighborhood – amounting to some 60 buildings, home to 500 families.

Supreme Court Justice Yosef Elron rejected the residents‘ appeal of the demolition order at the beginning of this week.

17.04.2019 - 12:03 [ teleSUR ]

5 Other Historic Sites Lost or Damaged in the Last Decade

While many are mourning the partial destruction of this monument, this article highlights times during the last decade when multiple other equally important historical and cultural sites have also been lost or damaged due to wars, negligence or mere foolishness by human actions.

25.05.2018 - 10:14 [ Arirang News / Youtube ]

North Korea‘s dismantling of Punggye-ri nuclear test site unveiled

It was only a matter of hours before Trump canceled the summit that North Korea demolished its nuclear test site at Punggye-ri… in a gesture apparently to demonstrate good will. And reporters who were there, after a trip of around 17 hours back to the North Korean city of Wonsan, have been uploading footage of the demolition from their press center. Our Foreign Ministry correspondent Lee Ji-won, who is part of South Korea‘s Joint Press Corps for Punggye-ri, has more.

12.05.2018 - 14:59 [ Washington Post ]

CIA director nominee Haspel and the destruction of interrogation tapes: Contradictions and questions

In preparation for her hearing, the CIA declassified a 2011 internal disciplinary review, written by then-deputy CIA director Michael Morell, that Haspel and her allies have said exonerated her.

“I have found no fault with the performance of Ms. Haspel,” Morell wrote. He essentially said she was a “good soldier” who followed orders, including an order to draft the cable to destroy the tapes.