Archiv: Progrome / progroms

22.01.2025 - 21:12 [ the Cradle ]

Trump lifts US sanctions on extremist Israeli settlers as pogroms ravage occupied West Bank

(January 21,2024)

On the eve of his inauguration, Israeli settlers carried out large-scale attacks on the villages of Al-Funduq and Jinsafut, east of Qalqilya in the occupied West Bank, setting fire to Palestinian homes, vehicles, and shops.

Earlier that evening, Israel shuttered dozens of checkpoints and entrances into the West Bank and carried out a massive campaign of arbitrary arrests, detaining over 60 Palestinians.

Israeli settlers also rampaged through several Palestinian towns in the West Bank on 19 January in a show of anger at the ceasefire deal in Gaza – which has so far seen the release of three Israeli captives in exchange for 90 Palestinians.

22.01.2025 - 21:01 [ Washington Post ]

Violence erupts in West Bank as settlers attack, Israel raids Jenin

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the assault on Jenin would be “extensive and significant,” as the military erected new checkpoints across the West Bank.

04.12.2024 - 19:41 [ Middle East Eye ]

Palestine blames global silence for ‚terrorist‘ settler violence near Nablus

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry has denounced the “terrorist settler militias” responsible for violent attacks on two towns near Nablus in the occupied West Bank.

Israeli settlers set fire to Palestinian property and vehicles in what the ministry described as part of escalating daily assaults.

It attributed the settlers’ brazenness to the “glaring and unjustifiable failure” of the international community to intervene against Israeli aggression and killings in the occupied territory.

04.12.2024 - 19:25 [ +972 Magazine ]

The West Bank villages wiped off the map by Israeli settler violence

According to new data gathered by the left-wing Israeli NGO Kerem Navot, which monitors Israel’s dispossession of Palestinian land in the West Bank, at least 57 Palestinian communities have been forced to flee their homes since October 7 as a result of Israeli settler attacks. Of these, seven have been partially displaced — meaning the expulsion of at least one residential cluster, located several hundred meters away from the next — and 50 have been wiped off the map entirely.

04.12.2024 - 19:23 [ Newsweek ]

Settler Violence Escalates in West Bank, Homes Burned

The attacks, which came amid a surge in settler violence since the war in Gaza began, targeted multiple villages, including Beit Furik, just over five miles from the city of Nablus.

The Israeli military said settlers attacked the village after troops arrived to dismantle an unauthorized farming outpost near the settlement.

09.11.2024 - 18:15 [ Wikipedia ]

November 9

– 1918 – Kaiser Wilhelm II of Germany abdicates after the German Revolution, and Germany is proclaimed a Republic.
– 1938 – Kristallnacht occurs, instigated by the Nazis using the killing of German diplomat Ernst vom Rath by Herschel Grynszpan as justification.
– 1989 – Cold War: Fall of the Berlin Wall: East Germany opens checkpoints in the Berlin Wall, allowing its citizens to travel to West Berlin

03.09.2024 - 02:58 [ Francesca Albanese, UN Special Rapporteur oPt / ]

The widespread devastation and massacres of the Israeli army in #Jenin and other parts of occupied northern West Bank, where Hamas is not ruling, are a powerful reminder that Hamas is just the last excuse for the State of #Israel to wreak the Palestinian territory havoc.

Everywhere for 57 years Israel has made life impossible for Palestinians under a brutal military occupation, seeking to realize a “#GreaterIsrael”.
In agreement with the Palestinians in the oPt, an int‘l #ProtectionPresence must be immediately deployed to stop the massacres, wanton destruction and forced displacement.

31.08.2024 - 22:50 [ +972 Magazine ]

‘If you try to defend yourself, you’re dead’: A West Bank village’s night of terror

Now, Palestinians in the area are increasingly fearful about what’s to come. “The settlers have always used the road belonging to the village [to get to their outpost], but now they are being more aggressive, provoking the residents,” Zawahra said. “In a few days when the academic year begins, the children will have to use this road to get to school. How can we make sure they are not attacked?”

Zawahra also explained how the latest attack has forced village residents to reevaluate what they held to be true: that there is safety in numbers. “We thought that the more people there are [when settlers enter a village], the lower the chance that they will attack. But they shot randomly. If you try to defend yourself, you’re dead.”

09.11.2020 - 18:41 [ Librocubicularist / Twitter ]

Alright, so our eventful #November has yet another special day: 9th November!

1918: proclamation of the republic – Germany‘s first step into a democracy

1938: Reichspogromnacht – terror against Jews leading to the Holocaust

1989 – Fall of the Wall, the peaceful revolution

09.11.2018 - 16:14 [ Junge Welt ]

Am 9. November 1938 verübten Mitglieder von NSDAP, SA und SS im gesamten Deutschen Reich Gewalttaten gegen die jüdische Bevölkerung

Nach dem Tod vom Raths am Nachmittag in Paris verüben Anhänger der NSDAP und deren Nebenorganisationen, vor allem der SA, am späten Abend des 9. November im gesamten Reich Gewalttaten gegen die jüdische Bevölkerung. Sie dauern mit örtlichen Unterschieden bis zum Vormittag des 10. November. Dann werden sie durch eine offizielle Anordnung beendet.

05.05.2018 - 19:34 [ RT ]

Odessa-Pogrom: Vier Jahre später laufen die Mörder noch immer frei herum (Video)

„Wir riefen unsere Familien und Freunde an und verabschiedeten uns“, erinnert sich Oleg Muzyka an den 2. Mai 2014, als er zusammen mit anderen Anti-Maidan-Aktivisten im brennenden Gewerkschaftshaus im ukrainischen Odessa eingesperrt war. Diejenigen, die versuchten, dem Feuer zu entfliehen, wurden draußen von den Rechtsextremisten totgeschlagen. Die Feuerwehr von Odessa kam zu spät, die Polizei war ebenfalls untätig.