Daily Archives: 4. Mai 2023

04.05.2023 - 21:48 [ Fox News ]

White House declines to comment on CIA director‘s multiple meetings with Jeffrey Epstein

(May 2, 2023)

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was asked about the issue during a Tuesday briefing. The 2014 meetings saw Burns, who then severed as deputy secretary of state, meet Epstein twice: First in Washington and then again at Epstein‘s home in Manhattan.

Reporters pressed Jean-Pierre about the issue in the briefing room on Tuesday.

„Does President Biden have any reaction to CIA director William Burns meeting with Jeffrey Epstein in 2014? This, obviously, was after Epstein had served time for a sex crime and was a registered sex offender,“ a reporter asked.

„I‘m just not going to comment on that from here,“ Jean-Pierre replied brusquely.

04.05.2023 - 18:44 [ Unlimited Hangout ]

Unraveling the Epstein-Chomsky Relationship

Chomsky, who has previously discussed the Epstein case in interviews and who has maintained that Epstein’s ties to intelligence agencies should be considered a “conspiracy theory,” had not previously disclosed these meetings. Chomsky, when confronted by Journal reporters, was evasive, but ultimately admitted to meeting and knowing Jeffrey Epstein.

Many, largely on the left, have expressed dismay and confusion as to why someone with the political views of Chomsky would willingly meet, not once but several times, with someone like Jeffrey Epstein, particularly well after Epstein’s notoriety as a sex trafficker and pedophile. As this report will show, Epstein appeared to view Chomsky as another intellectual who could help guide his decisions when it came to his scientific obsessions – namely, transhumanism and eugenics. What Chomsky gained in return from meeting with Epstein isn’t as clear.

04.05.2023 - 18:18 [ Blick.ch ]

Neue Papiere enthüllen prominente Kontakte des verurteilten Sexualstraftäters: So nah stand Epstein (†66) einer Schweizer Privatbank

Laut neu entdeckten Dokumenten des verstorbenen Finanziers und Pädophilen Jeffrey Epstein (†66) hat dieser gute Beziehungen mit der in Genf ansässigen Privatbank Edmond de Rothschild Group gepflegt. Dies geht aus Recherchen des «Wall Street Journals» hervor, das offenbar im Besitz von Epsteins privatem Kalender ist.

Nachdem Epstein 2019 wegen angeblichen Sexhandels mit minderjährigen Mädchen verhaftet worden war, versicherte die Bank noch, dass man Epstein nie getroffen habe und keine geschäftlichen Beziehungen zu ihm unterhalte. Jetzt teilte die Bank dem «Wall Street Journal» mit, dass diese früheren Aussagen nicht korrekt waren.

04.05.2023 - 17:40 [ Zero Hedge ]

Epstein‘s Private Calendar Emerges: Among Prominent Names Listed Are Biden‘s CIA Chief, Goldman Top Lawyer


One month after meeting with Epstein, in October 2014, Burns stepped down from this role at the State Department to serve as president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a think tank. He ran it until he was nominated by Biden to serve as CIA director in early 2021.

04.05.2023 - 17:26 [ Wall Street Journal ]

Epstein’s Private Calendar Reveals Prominent Names, Including CIA Chief, Goldman’s Top Lawyer

The nation’s spy chief, a longtime college president and top women in finance. The circle of people who associated with Jeffrey Epstein years after he was a convicted sex offender is wider than previously reported, according to a trove of documents that include his schedules.

04.05.2023 - 17:17 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

Epstein‘s VERY tangled web: Pedophile met with current CIA Director William Burns, Obama White House lawyer, Noam Chomsky and music director for the American Symphony Orchestra in the years AFTER his sex offence conviction


Jeffrey Epstein‘s newly-released private calendar revealed he had scheduled meetings with a slew of prominent individuals, including the current CIA director, after he was convicted as a sex offender.

The documents contain emails and scheduled meetings with now-CIA Director William Burns, Bard College president Leon Botstein, Obama‘s White House counsel Kathryn Ruemmler and professor Noam Chomsky.

The meetings were scheduled between 2013 to 2017 after the pedophile had served time in jail in 2008 for sex crimes involving a teenage girl.

04.05.2023 - 11:28 [ Axios ]

Scoop: U.S. Dem lawmakers tell Bibi judicial overhaul makes defending Israel hard

Jeffries and several other members of Congress told Netanyahu in Jerusalem that the judicial overhaul created a lot of negative “noise” about Israel in the U.S. and among their constituents, according to one of the sources who attended the meeting.

“They told Netanyahu it is very difficult for them to defend Israel under such circumstances, and their message was: help us help you,“ the source said.

04.05.2023 - 11:10 [ IsraelHayom.com ]

Disruptions continue as Israelis protest judicial reform

With the Knesset back in session and the controversial legislation back on the agenda, organizers vowed to increase demonstration activities unless the bill is stopped entirely.

04.05.2023 - 11:06 [ Ran Bar-Zik / Nitter ]

> וודאו שיש לכם TLS 1.3 או TLS 1.2 תחת הסעיף Protocols. עדיף שלא יהיה לכם TLS 1.0\1.1 בכלל. מספר השרתים הפגיעים בישראל: 100,000+ לא פשוט לכתוב אייטם כזה לאנשים לא מקצועיים, אבל הוא חשוב והתפרסם ב @Haaretz

(10 Dec 2019)

אני מודה ל @noamr ו- @GilBahat על ה-peer review

04.05.2023 - 10:50 [ Israelis for democracy / Twitter ]

1/14 Today has been declared by the organizers of the protests as Equality Day. Equality means that all citizens – regardless of gender, religion and race – warrant the same rights and owe the same duties towards society.

Let’s see where that DOESN’T happen in Israel >>>

04.05.2023 - 10:30 [ ORF.at ]

Schweden beschließt verschärftes Anti-Terror-Gesetz

Bei der Vorstellung des Gesetzes im Februar hatte Justizminister Gunnar Strömmer gesagt, der Vorschlag stelle eine „erhebliche Ausweitung des Anwendungsbereichs im Vergleich zu den geltenden Rechtsvorschriften“ dar. So seien nun beispielsweise auch der Umgang mit Ausrüstungsgegenständen, die Organisation von Versammlungsorten, das Kochen und die Bereitstellung von Transport für terroristische Organisationen strafbar.

04.05.2023 - 10:20 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Cooper Davis Act: US-Senat nimmt Drogen-Chats ins Visier

Anbieter können in ihrem Bericht an die DEA nach eigenem Ermessen entscheiden, welche Informationen sie weitergeben. Gleichzeitig enthält der Gesetzentwurf aber auch eine Liste mit Informationen, die einem solchen Bericht beiliegen sollten. Dazu gehören etwa Mail- und IP-Adressen, Zahlungsinformationen, der geographische Standort sowie ein kompletter Auszug der betreffenden Inhalte. Diese Informationen kann die DEA dann auch an andere Strafverfolgungsbehörden weiterleiten.

Die Daten sollen nicht nur weitergegeben, sondern auch vom Provider an einem „sicheren Ort“ für 90 Tage nach Einreichung bei der DEA gespeichert werden. Im Gesetzentwurf ist jedoch auch vermerkt, dass die DEA eine Verlängerung der Speicherung beantragen kann, wenn sie beabsichtigt, gegen Nutzer*innen zu ermitteln oder die Daten an andere Behörden weiterzuleiten.

Nutzer*innen wissen derweil nichts von der Weiterleitung ihrer Daten.

04.05.2023 - 10:10 [ Techdirt.com ]

Cooper Davis Act: Another Attempt By Congress To Regulate That Which They Don’t Understand

In many ways, this is similar to the CyberTipline for CSAM that requires websites to report details if they come across child sexual abuse material. But, CSAM is strict liability content for which there is no 1st Amendment protection. Demanding that anything even remotely referencing an illegal drug transaction be sent to the DEA will sweep up a ton of perfectly protected speech.

Worse, it will lead to massive overreporting of useless leads. I’ve mentioned just recently that we get a ton of attempted spam comments here at Techdirt, over a million in just the last six months alone. A decent percentage of these appear to be pushing what are likely to be illegal drugs. Now, we catch the vast majority of these in the spam filter, and they never reach the site. And, I don’t think a mere spam comment alone would reach the level of knowledge necessary to trigger this law, but the point is that there’s potential that our lawyers would warn us that to protect ourselves from potentially ruinous liability for failing to report these spam messages to the DEA, they’d recommend we basically flood the DEA with a bunch of the spam messages we received just to avoid the risk of liability.

04.05.2023 - 09:30 [ ORF.at ]

Iran beschlagnahmt zweiten Öltanker innerhalb einer Woche

Eine Flotte Hochgeschwindigkeitsboote der Marine der Iranischen Revolutionsgarde (IRGCN) habe die unter der Flagge Panamas fahrende griechische „Niovi“ gestern in der Straße von Hormus aufgebracht, erklärte das US-Militär.

Der Tanker sei ohne Fracht von Dubai nach Fudschaira, einem weiteren Hafen der Vereintigten Arabischen Emirate, unterwegs gewesen.

04.05.2023 - 09:09 [ ORF.at ]

Zehntes Mal in Folge: US-Notenbank Fed erhöht Leitzins erneut

Mit einem erneuten Zinssprung um 0,25 Prozentpunkte liegt dieser nun in der Spanne von 5,0 bis 5,25 Prozent, wie die Federal Reserve am Mittwoch mitteilte. Das ist der höchste Wert seit 2007 – also vor Beginn der weltweiten Finanzkrise.

Damit hat der jüngste Bankenkollaps in den USA – der Zusammenbruch der First Republic Bank – die Fed nicht davon abgehalten, weiter leicht an der Zinsschraube zu drehen.

04.05.2023 - 07:56 [ Alliance-Sahel.org ]

Sahel Alliance

In July 2017, France, Germany and the European Union, along with the African Development Bank, the World Bank and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), launched the Sahel Alliance, an international cooperation platform to do more and better in the Sahel region. Since its launch, Italy, Spain, the United Kingdom, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Denmark, the European Investment Bank, Norway, Sweden, the United States and Canada have joined the initiative as full members.

The Sahel Alliance has also 9 observer members: Japan, Belgium, Switzerland, Finland, the International Finance Corporation, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, Ireland and the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie.

04.05.2023 - 07:27 [ taz ]

Bundeswehreinsatz in der Sahel-Zone: Mali-Mandat gebilligt

Das Bundeskabinett will den Bundeswehreinsatz ein letztes Mal verlängern, noch im Mai soll der Bundestag abstimmen. Angestrebt wird zudem die Leitung der Sahel-Allianz.