Daily Archives: 18. März 2020

18.03.2020 - 23:48 [ Tagesschau ]

Ausnahmezustand in Portugal

Die Regierung wird nun die Rechte der Bürger, der Medien, der Unternehmen und der Organisationen deutlich einschränken können.

18.03.2020 - 19:49 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Blue and White going to court to force Knesset to meet

Blue and White expressed outrage, accusing Edelstein of „trampling Israeli democracy at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu‘s behest.“ The party said it would appeal to the Supreme Court against Edelstein on Thursday to force him to convene the plenum and „end the craziness.“

18.03.2020 - 19:48 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu’s Coronavirus Coup: Israelis’ Basic Rights Are Now on Life Support

We are about to let the government gain absolute control over our lives – and thus know who we are, where we have been, when and with whom and who we speak to and when – without any form of consent or restriction.

18.03.2020 - 19:39 [ Spiegel.de ]

Coronavirus: Bundestag erwägt Grundgesetzänderung


Im Bundestag wurde in kleiner Runde erstmals eine Grundgesetzänderung angesprochen, um die Handlungsfähigkeit des Parlaments auch dann zu erhalten, wenn das Parlament wegen der Corona-Pandemie nicht zusammentreten kann. Nach SPIEGEL-Informationen hat Bundestagspräsident Wolfgang Schäuble (CDU) in der Runde mit den Parlamentarischen Geschäftsführern der Fraktionen das Thema tatsächlich aufgebracht.

18.03.2020 - 19:35 [ Haaretz ]

Speaker Adjourns Parliament, Israeli President Warns Him Against ‚Undermining Democracy‘

By preventing the formation of the organizing committee, Speaker Yuli Edelstein also hampers the formation of the Knesset oversight committees on the coronavirus crisis

18.03.2020 - 19:30 [ 24news.tv ]

Rivlin warns Edelstein that adjourning the Knesset is ‚undermining Israeli democracy‘

Edelstein has effectively prorogued parliament and with a total coronavirus shutdown expected in Israel any day now, politicians and political commentators have argued that the speaker‘s actions have engendered one of Israel‘s severest constitutional crises ever.

18.03.2020 - 19:27 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Edelstein: Still unsure how Knesset inauguration will occur on Monday


„The manner of how the inauguration will take place will be decided after another assessment tomorrow with relevant professionals,“ Edelstein said.

18.03.2020 - 19:22 [ Haaretz ]

Gantz‘s Party Seeks Vote on New Knesset Speaker on Monday


Replacing Edelstein could let Kahol Lavan push through legislation to prevent Netanyahu from forming a government while under indictment

18.03.2020 - 19:12 [ i24news.tv ]

Coronavirus surveillance: What can the Israeli gov‘t know about its citizens?

Israel’s interim government, led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, approved an emergency regulation on Monday, March 16, that allows the Shin Bet (Israel Security Agency) to track citizens’ cell phones in an unprecedented move to fight the coronavirus pandemic.

18.03.2020 - 19:03 [ Spiegel.de ]

SPD-Innenminister Pistorius fordert Strafen gegen Fake News

Falschnachrichten und Gerüchte verunsichern in der Coronakrise die Bevölkerung. Niedersachsens SPD-Innenminister Pistorius ruft die Bundesregierung nun zum Einschreiten auf.

18.03.2020 - 19:02 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

NSO Group: Israelischer Spyware-Hersteller will Corona-Tracker verkaufen

Die Cyber-Intelligence-Firma NSO Group behauptet, eine Software entwickelt zu haben, mit der Gesundheitsministerien die Ausbreitung des Corona-Virus verfolgen können. Angeblich nutzen rund ein Dutzend Staaten sie bereits zu Testzwecken.

18.03.2020 - 18:47 [ Tagesschau ]

Österreich überwacht Handydaten

Doch halten sich die Menschen in Österreich daran? Es sieht so aus, sagt die Bundesregierung in Wien. Denn eine Auswertung der “Bewegungsströme“ von Handynutzern habe ergeben, dass sich Bewegungen im Vergleich zur vergangenen Woche fast halbiert hätten. Die Daten stammen von A1 – mit fast fünfeinhalb Millionen Handykunden ist das der größte Mobilfunkanbieter des Landes.

18.03.2020 - 18:45 [ Tagesschau ]

RKI prüft mit Handydaten Mobilität

Angesichts sich rasant beschleunigender Infektionszahlen greift das RKI zur Überprüfung der Mobilität der Bürger nun auf Handydaten zurück. Der Marktführer Deutsche Telekom stellte den Wissenschaftlern erstmals anonymisierte Kundeninformationen zur Verfügung.

18.03.2020 - 11:15 [ Regierung von Venezuela - gob.ve ]

President Maduro thanks China’s support to fight COVID-19 in Venezuela


He informed that the Venezuelan government has formally requested Xi Jinping’s government to send specialists, scientists and doctors that took part in controlling coronavirus in China “to unite knowledge and efforts.”

President Maduro pointed out that Venezuela has received 10,000 doses of Interferon alfa 2b, a Cuban antiviral used to fight COVID-19 in China.

18.03.2020 - 11:12 [ ntv Breaking News / Twitter ]

: Corona-Ticker: +++ RKI-Präsident Wieler: Ohne Regelbefolgung 10 Millionen Infizierte in 2-3 Monaten

+++ Stau an Grenze zu Polen wächst auf 60 Kilometer +++ Bayern verschiebt Start der Abitur-Prüfungen +++.

18.03.2020 - 10:59 [ Trinidadexpress.com ]

COUNTING ON CUBA: Chief Medical Officer seeks more info to combat COVID-19

Trinidad and Tobago’s Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Dr Roshan Parasram, says he has requested more information on a Cuban drug known as Interferon alfa-2b which is said to be successful in treating the deadly COVID-19 virus and has saved the lives of thousands in China.

The drug is giving hope in the face of the pandemic and neighbouring governments such as St Vincent and the Grenadines, Venezuela and Panama have already turned to Cuba for help.

18.03.2020 - 10:53 [ Prensa Latina ]

Ecuadorian government asked to purchase interferon from Cuba

Quito, March 17 (Prensa Latina) The Communist Party of Ecuador on Tuesday demanded the government to make every effort to acquire the recombinant Alpha 2B, a drug produced in Cuba, which has proven effective in combating the COVID-19 pandemic.

The political party pointed out that the request is made under the protection of Article 358 of the Constitution,

18.03.2020 - 10:41 [ Prensa Latina ]

Salvador requests Interferon Alpha 2B from Cuba to treat COVID-19

San Salvador, Mar 16, (Prensa Latina) The governemnt of Salvador informed that it requisitioned some six thousand units of the Interferon Alpha 2B medicine, used successfully in China to treat the COVID-19.

According to a statement of the Presidential House, the request responds to the policy of President Nayib Bukele of anticipating the eventual impact of the pandemic, although so far no positive cases have been reported in the country.

18.03.2020 - 10:32 [ Spiegel.de ]

Positiver Corona-Test bei Friedrich Merz: CDU-Kreisverband rät nach Großveranstaltung Kontaktpersonen zu Quarantäne


„Ich rufe alle zu Ruhe und Besonnenheit auf“, schreibt der Kreisvorsitzende Armin Schwarz. Als „Vorsichtsmaßnahme“ empfehle man jedoch „denjenigen Personen, die mit Friedrich Merz in der Ederberglandhalle direkten Kontakt hatten“ zu Hause zu bleiben und mit dem Gesundheitsamt des Landkreises Kontakt aufzunehmen. Für alle, die keinen direkten Kontakt zu Merz hatten, „besteht kein Risiko“.

18.03.2020 - 10:11 [ CBS News ]

Coronavirus pandemic straining medical supplies, forcing nurses to reuse masks with „no protection“


„Nurses are being asked to actually reuse masks, including surgical masks, which provide no protection,“ Executive Director of National Nurses United Bonnie Castillo said.

She told CBS News that one of the group‘s main concerns is a shortage of N-95 masks, which filter out 95% of airborne particles. Last week, the CDC posted new guidelines saying health care workers could use looser-fitting surgical masks as „an acceptable alternative.“

18.03.2020 - 10:08 [ New Zealand Herald ]

Coronavirus is airborne, Chinese official confirms


A Chinese official has confirmed a scary new fact about the deadly coronavirus: it is airborne.

18.03.2020 - 09:58 [ Xinhua ]

Update: China takes countermeasures against restrictive measures on Chinese media agencies in U.S.

China on Wednesday announced countermeasures against restrictive measures on Chinese media agencies in the United States, according to an official statement.

18.03.2020 - 09:52 [ Bloomberg ]

U.S. Puts Restrictions on Five Chinese State Media Outlets


The U.S. designated five Chinese media companies as “foreign missions,” a decision that reflects the Trump administration’s view that the communist party of Xi Jinping is imposing increasingly draconian government-control over news services, senior State Department officials said.

18.03.2020 - 09:49 [ GlobalTimes.cn ]

China approves vaccine trials for coronavirus, on par with US

Dozens of countries and regions have joined a „vaccine race“ since the outbreak. Now as China and the US come to the same position in vaccine development, Chinese experts held that China would probably go one step ahead due to systematic advantages.

18.03.2020 - 09:42 [ New York Times ]

Worst-Case Estimates for U.S. Coronavirus Deaths

Published March 13, 2020
Updated March 17, 2020

18.03.2020 - 09:17 [ yna.co.kr ]

Daegu reports another cluster infection from nursing hospital

The pace of daily new infections has slowed markedly as the KCDC completed extensive testing of 210,000 Shincheonji followers at the center of the rapid spread, but the authorities are still on high alert over new clusters of infections, including at a call center in Seoul‘s Guro district and a new case linked to a church in Seongnam.

18.03.2020 - 09:13 [ Hongkongfp.com ]

Coronavirus: China reports only one new domestic infection

China reported just one new domestic case in the coronavirus outbreak on Wednesday, but a dozen more imported infections from overseas.

For the second consecutive day there was only one more fresh infection in Wuhan, the central city where the virus first emerged late last year, the National Health Commission said.

18.03.2020 - 09:09 [ ABC.net.au ]

Large indoor gatherings banned, schools to stay open, Scott Morrison tells Australians not to leave the country in face of coronavirus pandemic

The Prime Minister announced measures in the following areas:

– Aged care: Residents of aged care homes will only be able to have one visit per day, of no more than two people
– Gatherings: Indoor gatherings of more than 100 people are banned, with exceptions
– Social distancing: A renewed call for Australians to stay 1.5 metres away from others
– Shopping: A plea to end „un-Australian“ panic buying
– Schools: To remain open, for now
– Travel: The Government recommends abandoning international travel

18.03.2020 - 08:45 [ Bloomberg ]

Can the European Union Survive the Coronavirus?

Germany, for example, caused outrage in Austria and Switzerland by stopping shipments of face masks to its neighbors. Several states have export restrictions, usually hidden in impenetrable legalese, on medical equipment from goggles to gloves and ventilators. Italy, in particular, feels let down. When it first tried to invoke an EU mechanism to share medical supplies, no member state helped. Ironically, only China sent equipment.

18.03.2020 - 08:21 [ Sueddeutsche.de ]

Merkel zu mehr Geld für Flüchtlingspakt mit Türkei bereit

Man dürfe auch die auf Eis gelegten Gespräche über eine Ausweitung der Zollunion zwischen der EU und der Türkei „nicht aus den Augen verlieren“.

Damit kam Merkel Erdogan im Streit über die Umsetzung des Flüchtlingspakts entgegen.

18.03.2020 - 08:16 [ Xinhua ]

Turkey, Germany, France, UK discuss Syria‘s Idlib, coronavirus via teleconference

The leaders of Turkey, Germany, France, and Britain discussed issues, including the latest situation in Syria‘s northern province of Idlib and the COVID-19 outbreak, at a televised meeting on Tuesday.

18.03.2020 - 08:13 [ CNN ]

From crowds to ghost towns: Before and after coronavirus

This astonishing moment when the world hit pause on normal life will never be forgotten by those who lived through it. While some parts of the world are getting back online, the images that remain will populate the historical record, reminding citizens of the world how vulnerable we are and how important it is to take care not only of ourselves but of one another.

18.03.2020 - 01:23 [ PeoplesDispatch.org ]

Cuba leads global efforts against COVID-19 in spite of blockade

The drug, developed in Cuba, is produced in China at the Changchun Heber Biological Technology, located in Jilin province, in a joint venture as part of an agreement between the two socialist countries in biotechnology.

It has prevented thousands of deaths in South Korea. Out of the 8,000 infected peoples, only 72 died. Germany has also bought these antivirals from the ChangHeber to fight the pandemic. Out of the 3,156 infected people, only 3 died.

18.03.2020 - 01:22 [ JamaicaObserver.com ]

Phillips asks Cuba for drug to fight coronavirus

KINGSTON, Jamaica — President of the opposition People‘s National Party (PNP), Dr Peter Phillips, has reached out to the Government of Cuba for Jamaica to access the anti-viral drug Interferon Alpha 2B, which is said to be among 30 such drugs being used in the fight against the COVID-19 virus in other jurisdictions.

This drug is being used in 14 other jurisdictions in Asia, Europe and South America, the PNP said in a statement today.

18.03.2020 - 00:57 [ Researchgate.net ]

Molecular characterization of recombinant human interferon alpha-2b produced in Cuba

(January 1999)

The recombinant human interferon α 2b (IFN-α2b) produced by Cuban technology is obtained from Escherichia coli.This is the active principle of the product registered in Cuba as Heberon alfa R® trademark (IFN-α2b, CIGB, Havana),which has been successfully used worldwide for the therapy of several viral diseases and neoplasms. Here wedescribe the purity and identity tests used for its molecular characterization.

18.03.2020 - 00:53 [ ICRT.cu ]

Cuban drug used to tackle COVID-19


Developed in 1986 by a team of researchers from the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (CIGB), human recombinant Interferon Alfa 2B has benefited thousands of Cuban patients since its introduction into the national health system, and is one of the drugs currently used to combat the new coronavirus COVID-19.