Daily Archives: 16. August 2019

16.08.2019 - 17:46 [ Heise.de ]

Studie der Friederich-Ebert-Stiftung: „Alarmierender Befund“. Weniger als die Hälfe ist damit zufrieden, wie die Demokratie hierzulande funktioniert

45,2 Prozent der Unterschicht/Arbeiterschicht sind „weniger zufrieden“ und 24,9 Prozent aus dieser Schicht sind es „gar nicht“. Zum Vergleich: Bei der oberen Mittelschicht/Oberschicht sind 41,4 Prozent „ziemlich zufrieden“ mit der Demokratie und 16,1 Prozent „sehr zufrieden“. Bei der Unterschicht sind das nur 4 Prozent.

16.08.2019 - 16:47 [ Sueddeutsche.de ]

Olafs Opfergang


Olaf Scholz will SPD-Vorsitzender werden. Moment mal, stimmt ja gar nicht. Wenn die anderen es wollen, dann ist er bereit dazu – so lautet der Satz, mit dem der Spiegel den Vizekanzler und Finanzminister aus einer Telefonkonferenz der SPD-Spitze zitiert hat.

16.08.2019 - 16:45 [ Zeit.de ]

Arbeiten fürs Essen

(10. Mai 2006)

„Nur wer arbeitet, soll auch essen“, sagte der Arbeitsminister. Eine Erläuterung, die in der Fraktion nicht besonders gut ankam.

Der Parlamentarische Geschäftsführer, Olaf Scholz, war am Mittwoch bemüht, die Wogen zu glätten. Müntefering habe lediglich eine Weisheit aus den frühen Tagen der Sozialdemokratie zitiert, sagte er.

16.08.2019 - 16:35 [ IfNotNow ]

Tell the Democrats: Refuse to Travel to Israel Until the Government Allows Rashida and Ilhan In

Tell Democrats in Congress to commit to not traveling to Israel until Congresswomen Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar are allowed to enter by signing on to our petition right now.

Progressive champions like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Progressive Caucus Co-Chair Marc Pocan have already committed to not visiting Israel until all members of congress can visit — we need the rest of the Democrats in Congress to do the same.

16.08.2019 - 16:32 [ theHill.com ]

Israel approves Tlaib request to visit grandmother in West Bank

Tlaib said in her humanitarian request that the visit may be her last chance to see her grandmother, adding that she would not promote boycotts of Israel while in the region.

„This could be my last opportunity to see her. I will respect any restrictions and will not promote boycotts against Israel during my visit,” she wrote, according to The Guardian.

16.08.2019 - 16:31 [ OTS.at ]

NEOS zu ÖVP: Finger weg von der Unabhängigkeit der Justiz

Überaus verwundert zeigt sich NEOS-Justizsprecherin Irmgard Griss über die Reaktion der ÖVP zu den Ermittlungen der Wirtschafts- und Korruptionsstaatsanwaltschaft (WKStA). „Wenn die ÖVP jeden klagen will, der eine Verbindung zwischen dem Ibiza-Video und dem Schreddern von Festplatten durch einen ÖVP-Mitarbeiter sieht, dann richtet sich das auch direkt gegen die WKStA. Immerhin war sie es, die laut einer Anfragebeantwortung von Justizminister Clemens Jabloner einen entsprechenden Konnex durchaus für möglich hält.“

16.08.2019 - 16:14 [ ORF.at ]

Justiz stoppt Ermittlungen zu BND- und NSA-Spionage

Die Staatsanwaltschaft und das Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz (BVT) wurden aktiv und ermittelten …

16.08.2019 - 16:12 [ Spiked ]

The EU’s latest assault on internet freedom: Soon online speech will be regulated by Brussels.

As things stand, what you can and cannot say on the internet is largely a matter for national law, decided by national parliaments. This means that every nation in Europe currently has different laws and practices.

But the EU has quietly been moving to change this. Take last year’s Copyright Directive, which more or less demands the introduction of automated content filters on social-media platforms. And last month, it became clear that an impatient Brussels wants to turbocharge this process by bringing internet regulation to the EU level, where it can pull the necessary strings.

16.08.2019 - 15:51 [ theSun.co.uk ]

DO OR DIE: Boris Johnson to make ‘totemic’ Brexit move and sign act repealing EU law in days as he FINALLY frees us from Brussels control

BORIS Johnson is set to sign an act to repeal EU law in days and FINALLY free us from Brussels control.

Brexit Secretary Stephen Barclay has been ordered by the PM to sign a “commencement order” that will cement his “do or die” pledge to leave the bloc by October 31.

16.08.2019 - 15:45 [ Spiked ]

From Peterloo to Brexit: The political class still feels nothing but seething contempt for ordinary people’s opinions.

Today is the 200th anniversary of the Peterloo Massacre, when working people in Manchester were attacked and murdered by cavalry forces for daring to demand the right to vote. And what is our political class doing on this anniversary of such an important event in British political history? They are plotting, tirelessly, to overthrow something that millions of working-class people, and others, voted for: Brexit.

16.08.2019 - 15:29 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

Germany expects No Deal and will not renegotiate, says leaked briefing

The paper was prepared by civil servants for the German finance minister, Olaf Scholz, ahead of face-to-face talks with the chancellor of the exchequer, Sajid Javid, in Berlin on Friday.

16.08.2019 - 15:23 [ PoliticsHome.com ]

Blow for Jeremy Corbyn‘s unity government plan as Tory rebels say they will not back him as PM

Former Cabinet ministers Dominic Grieve and David Gauke both distanced themselves from the Labour‘s leader‘s cross-party call to back him in leading a „strictly time-limited“ government that would extend Article 50 and then call a general election.

Mr Grieve – who on Thursday agreed to sit down for talks with Mr Corbyn – said he would „not facilitate“ a government led by Mr Corbyn, according to a leaked email.

16.08.2019 - 14:58 [ Washington Post ]

Barring two U.S. lawmakers from Israel is un-Israeli. Trump’s cheering for it is un-American.

As for the principle that elected representatives of the American people should be able to travel where they like — the principle enunciated a few weeks ago by Ron Dermer, Israel’s ambassador in Washington — Mr. Trump has made his rejoinder clear: Principles are for suckers. How many dictators are rejoicing today that a U.S. president has given them full permission to bar members of Congress who in the future might want to visit their countries to monitor elections or speak up for human rights?

16.08.2019 - 14:51 [ Forward ]

Netanyahu Banned Omar And Tlaib Because The Occupation Must Be Hidden To Survive

Most officials of mainstream American Jewish organizations have never been to the places Tlaib and Omar planned to go. They’ve never talked to Palestinians whose homes are about to be bulldozed because they lack the building permits that, as non-citizens under military rule, they can’t get. They’ve never heard Palestinian parents explain the terror they feel when Israeli soldiers come in the middle of the night to take their children to be interrogated, often for days, in the absence of a lawyer.

16.08.2019 - 14:41 [ Haaretz ]

Trump and Netanyahu Just Broke the Special Relationship Between America and Israel

Make no mistake about it, while Trump’s motivation was in part political, it was also motivated by the racist animus that drives Trumpism in the U.S. and, as it happens, shapes the ethno-nationalist views of Netanyahu and his extreme-right wing supporters in Israel.

16.08.2019 - 14:39 [ New York Times ]

Israeli Decision on Omar and Tlaib Inflames Politics in Two Countries

By enlisting a foreign power to take action against two American citizens, let alone elected members of Congress, Mr. Trump crossed a line that other presidents have not, in effect exporting his partisan battles beyond the country’s borders. And he demonstrated the lengths that he will go to to target his domestic opponents, in this case two of the congresswomen of color he has sought to make the face of the Democratic Party heading into his re-election campaign.

16.08.2019 - 09:11 [ Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Abgeordnete des US Repräsentantenhauses / Twitter ]

One thing that is completely undeniable about Bernie Sanders is the enormous political courage he consistently wields on behalf of others. This statement is a big deal. He’s not just standing up for two members – he’s standing for the integrity of the entire US Congress.

16.08.2019 - 08:52 [ All In w/Chris Hayes / Twitter ]

WATCH: Bernie Sanders on Israel’s decision to deny entrance to two elected U.S. officials: “If Israel doesn’t want members of the United States Congress to visit their country…maybe they can respectfully decline the billions of dollars that we give to Israel.” #inners

16.08.2019 - 08:13 [ theHill.com ]

2020 Democrats urge Israel to reverse decision banning Omar, Tlaib visit

Former Vice President Joe Biden, widely seen as the Democratic Party‘s primary frontrunner, condemned Israel‘s move to ban the lawmakers‘ entry and took a shot at Trump for encouraging the country to do so.

„I have always been a stalwart supporter of Israel—a vital partner that shares our democratic values. No democracy should deny entry to visitors based on the content of their ideas—even ideas they strongly object to. And no leader of the free world should encourage them to do so,“ Biden tweeted.

16.08.2019 - 07:35 [ Connect the World / Twitter ]

#BREAKING Gibraltar‘s Chief Minister @GibraltarGov tells @BeckyCNN Iranian supertanker ‚Grace I‘ is „free to go“ despite a U.S. request to keep the ship detained, but says the tanker could be seized *again* before it sets sail. #IranTensions

16.08.2019 - 06:45 [ ORF.at ]

Israel verbietet muslimischen US-Abgeordneten Einreise

US-Präsident Donald Trump hatte zuvor auf dem Kurznachrichtendienst Twitter indirekt an die israelische Regierung appelliert, die beiden Frauen nicht ins Land zu lassen. Es wäre ein Zeichen großer Schwäche, wenn Israel die beiden Kongressabgeordneten einreisen ließe, schrieb er dort. „Sie hassen Israel und alle Juden“, und es gebe nichts, was die beiden von ihrer Haltung abbringen könne. „Sie sind eine Schande!“

16.08.2019 - 06:44 [ New York Times ]

N.Y.P.D. Detectives Gave a Boy, 12, a Soda. He Landed in a DNA Database.

According to a 2013 survey, 30 states and the federal government permitted the analysis of DNA samples collected from individuals who are arrested or charged, but not convicted, of certain crimes. These databases generally did not include low-level offenders.

New York State law requires a conviction before someone’s DNA can be included in the state-operated DNA databank. But databases built by local authorities are not subject to the state rules.

16.08.2019 - 04:29 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Hamburg plant ein neues Polizeigesetz mit „Palantir-Paragraf“

Der IT-Konzern Palantir, der solche Software verkauft und betreibt, ist bekannt für seine engen Kontakte zu den US-amerikanischen Geheimdiensten und geheime Deals, mit denen er sich jahrelang Zugang zu polizeilichen Datenbanken verschafft hat. Auch in Deutschland ist die umstrittene Firma keine unbekannte: In Hessen wird seit 2017 »Hessen-Data« eingesetzt, eine Software die auf Gotham von Palantir basiert.

16.08.2019 - 04:23 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Verfassungsschutz in Sachsen-Anhalt soll künftig Rechner hacken dürfen: Wir veröffentlichen den Gesetzentwurf

Nach Baden-Württemberg und Hessen könnte Sachsen-Anhalt damit das dritte Bundesland werden, in dem eine Landesregierung unter Beteiligung der Grünen Behörden gestattet, das Grundrecht auf vertrauliche IT-Systeme mit Staatstrojanern auszuhebeln.

16.08.2019 - 04:17 [ junge Welt ]

Weitere Attacken auf Grundrechte geplant

Die Landesregierungen von Hamburg, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern und Baden-Württemberg wollen ihre Repressionsmöglichkeiten erweitern. Dagegen wollen an diesem Sonntag mittag Aktivistinnen und Aktivisten in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern erneut auf die Straße gehen.

16.08.2019 - 03:38 [ Michel Chossudovsky / Global Research ]

The War on Lebanon and the Battle for Oil

(21.10.2012) The following text written in 2006 at the height of the Lebanon 2006 war examines the geopolitics of energy and oil and and gas pipeline corridors through Lebanon and Syria

Another important strategic objective for Israel is the control over offshore gas reserves in the Eastern Mediterranean, including those Gaza, Lebanon and Syria. These coastal gas reserves extend from Israel’s border with Egyptian to the Turkish border.

16.08.2019 - 03:10 [ France24 ]

Lebanon says US mediation on Israel border issue ‚viable‘

In February 2018, Lebanon signed its first contract for offshore drilling for oil and gas with a consortium comprising energy giants Total, ENI and Novatek.

Two blocks in the eastern Mediterranean are part of the deal, but Israel claims that part of Block 9 belongs to the Jewish state.

16.08.2019 - 03:05 [ U.S. Department of State / Youtube ]

Secretary Pompeo and Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri

U.S. Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo and Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri deliver statements to the press at the U.S. Department of State on August 15, 2019.