Daily Archives: 26. April 2019

26.04.2019 - 22:31 [ theGuardian.com ]

Sri Lanka attacks: US activist wrongly identified as Sri Lankan bombing suspect

Among those listed was a woman identified as Abdul Cader Fathima Khadhiya, accompanied by a photo of a woman in a headscarf purported to be the individual wanted for questioning.

But the photo in fact showed Amara Majeed, an American Muslim whose parents are Sri Lankan immigrants and who wrote an open letter to President Donald Trump in 2015 about his rhetoric on Muslims.

26.04.2019 - 21:57 [ Washington Post ]

Pentagon set to expand military role along southern border

The documents also note that military personnel are barred from undertaking law enforcement activities in keeping with the Posse Comitatus Act.

The order drew concerns from policy experts who worry about the politicization of the military.

26.04.2019 - 21:44 [ Metro.co.uk ]

Gorilla selfie park ranger explains how he got incredible picture

Mathieu said: ‘In terms of behaviour, they like to mimic everything that is happening (around them), everything we do.’

He said the caretakers at Senkwekwe Mountain Gorilla Orphanage Centre try to give the animals as much access as possible to their natural environment, but they inevitably exhibit ‘almost the same behaviour as humans.’

26.04.2019 - 21:17 [ Reuters ]

Exclusive: Sri Lankan ex-defense chief Gotabaya says he will run for president, tackle radical Islam

Sri Lanka’s former wartime defense chief, Gotabaya Rajapaksa, said on Friday he would run for president in elections this year and would stop the spread of Islamist extremism by rebuilding the intelligence service and surveilling citizens.

26.04.2019 - 21:13 [ BBC ]

Sri Lanka bombings: PM Wickremesinghe says he was ‚out of the loop‘

Sri Lanka‘s prime minister has told the BBC he was „out of the loop“ when it came to intelligence warnings ahead of the deadly Easter Sunday bombings.

Ranil Wickremesinghe said that crucial information about any potential danger in the country was not passed to him.

26.04.2019 - 21:04 [ Munza Mushtaq ‏/ Twitter ]

Maithripala Sirisena is Sri Lanka‘s Commander-In-Chief and Minister of Defence. Ten days before, information was received about a possible attack against churches by a Islamic extremist group, but @MaithripalaS chose to leave for Thirupathi and then Singapore. #LKA #SriLanka

26.04.2019 - 21:01 [ Bloomberg ]

Sri Lanka’s Ex-Defense Secretary Rips ‘Pure Ignorance’ of Leaders After Bombs

Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, the country’s former defense secretary who helped end a brutal 26-year civil war in 2009, said in a phone interview with Bloomberg late Tuesday that voters are looking for a leader more like him in a presidential election that must be held this year.

26.04.2019 - 20:46 [ anuruddha pebotuwa ‏/ Twitter ]

Sirisena‘s excuses: 1. War against drugs made the country a target of terrorists 2. Arresting intelligence officers after the civil war weekend the national security Didn‘t say he went to Thirupathi with the intelligence report in his pocket. #impeachMY3 on #EasterAttacksLK

26.04.2019 - 20:35 [ ABC News ]

Discrepancies in Sri Lanka attack muddle investigation

Some of the confusion may have come down to spelling. Priyalal Disanayaka, the deputy inspector general of police, sent a memo to the directors of four Sri Lankan security agencies on April 11, identifying Mohammed Zaharan as the leader of „National Thawheek Jaman.“

The report attached to the memo, though, identified the group as „National Towheed Jamaar“ and said its leader was Zahran Hashmi.

There were so many variations of the group‘s name thrown around that a separate group, the Sri Lanka Thowheed Jammath, held a news conference to clear its own name.

26.04.2019 - 20:35 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Sri Lanka: Kein Facebook, mehr Sicherheit?

Nicht das Internet ist in Sri Lanka lahmgelegt, aber die Menschen in dem Land können weder Facebook und Instagram aufrufen noch über WhatsApp oder Snapchat kommunizieren.

Eine solche Maßnahme können Regierungen relativ schnell umsetzen. Sie bitten die Internetprovider, die IP-Adressen – in diesem Fall aus Sri Lanka -, die mit diesen Diensten verbunden sind, einfach zu blocken.

26.04.2019 - 15:01 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

BKA startet „nationale Meldestelle für Internetinhalte“

Mit der neuen Abteilung eilt die Bundesregierung der EU-Verordnung zur Verhinderung der Verbreitung terroristischer Online-Inhalte voraus.

26.04.2019 - 14:50 [ Amerika21.de ]

Bolivien: Oppositionelle bitten USA um Hilfe gegen Wiederwahl von Evo Morales

Die politische Opposition in Bolivien hat Donald Trump um Unterstützung im Kampf gegen die Wiederwahl von Evo Morales gebeten. In einem offenen Brief haben sich zwölf Parlamentsabgeordnete direkt an den Präsidenten der USA gewandt und ihn gebeten, „in Lateinamerika zu intervenieren, um die erneute Kandidatur von Morales zu verhindern“. Die Präsidentschaftswahlen finden am 20. Oktober 2019 statt.

26.04.2019 - 14:47 [ Amerika21.de ]

Brasilien: Präsidentensohn trifft ultrarechte Regierungsvertreter in Europa

Bei seinem Italien-Besuch lobte Eduardo Bolsonaro Matteo Salvini von der ultrarechten Partei Lega Nord nach seinem etwa vierstündigen Gespräch mit ihm. Er sei „einer der Menschen, der die auf der ganzen Welt stattfindende rechte Bewegung am besten repräsentiert“.

26.04.2019 - 14:45 [ ORF.at ]

EU und Japan wollen noch enger zusammenarbeiten

„Unsere strategische Partnerschaft war niemals stärker“, betonte EU-Ratspräsident Donald Tusk, der bei dem Spitzentreffen gemeinsam mit Kommissionschef Jean-Claude Juncker die Europäische Union vertrat. „Japan ist der engste Freund und Partner in Asien und wird es auch bleiben.“ Der japanische Ministerpräsident Shinzo Abe sagte: „Die Beziehungen zwischen Japan und der EU vertiefen sich kontinuierlich.“

26.04.2019 - 14:13 [ Spiked ]

‘Disillusionment with the main parties is higher than ever’

But disillusionment with the Brexit process could provide fertile ground for new parties and movements. One of those new parties is a reboot of an old one that many thought long gone: the Social Democratic Party (SDP). Patrick O’Flynn was a UKIP MEP. He managed UKIP’s winning 2014 EU election campaign but defected to the SDP last year. spiked caught up with him for a chat.

26.04.2019 - 14:07 [ theSun.co.uk ]

Cross-party Brexit talks going nowhere leaving Tories on collision course with disastrous EU elections

TORIES are on course for a disastrous EU election in four weeks as cross-party Brexit talks are going nowhere.

Hopes that the PM could hold another Brexit vote in the coming weeks and pass it are fading fast – meaning Britain is on track to fight the EU poll next month.

26.04.2019 - 13:57 [ Anthony Wells ‏/ Twitter ]

The latest Eurobarometer survey figures for UK – Remain 45%, Leave 37%. Or, the Telegraph reports it „Less than half of Britons would back staying in EU, poll suggests“ „Premium“

26.04.2019 - 13:54 [ Telegraph.co.uk ]

Brexit latest news: Less than half of Britons would back staying in EU, poll suggests

The Eurobarometer survey on public opinion found that 45 percent of Brits would vote to stay in the EU. 37 percent would vote to leave and 18 percent are undecided, according to the survey.

26.04.2019 - 07:22 [ Bernie Sanders, US Senator / Twitter ]

We will build a government that works for all of our people. Join us live in Fort Worth:

26.04.2019 - 07:11 [ Justice Democrats ‏/ Twitter ]

Life expectancy has decreased for a third straight year in our country. We need Democrats who will fight racism and inequality with solutions that match the scale of the crises we‘re facing — not piecemeal compromises with corporate America and the party of Donald Trump.

26.04.2019 - 07:07 [ The Young Turks / Youtube ]

Justice Democrats Speak Out Against Joe Biden

Not all Democrats are endorsing Joe Biden. Ana Kasparian, Jayar Jackson, and Francesca Fiorentini hosts of The Young Turks, break it down.

26.04.2019 - 06:45 [ Andrej Hunko, Mitglied des Bundestages ]

Berichte von der Venezuela-Reise

Mittwoch, 24. April 2019: Treffen mit Präsident Maduro und Parlamentspräsident Guaidó

Habe gestern den Präsidenten der boliviarischen Republik Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, getroffen und die Solidarität mit dem venezolanischen Volk gegenüber Wirtschaftssanktionen und Kriegsdrohungen zum Ausdruck gebracht.

Wir hatten einen langen Austausch über die internationale Lage und insbesondere über die Erosion des Völkerrechts. Maduro betonte die Unrechtmäßigkeit der Sanktionen und der Beschlagnahmungen venezolanischen Vermögens durch internationale Banken auf Druck der USA, die die Lage im Land verschlimmert.

26.04.2019 - 06:43 [ Co-op News ]

Report from Caracas by the member of the German Parliament, Andrej Hunko on his meeting with the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro

Report from Caracas by the member of the German Parliament, Andrej Hunko on his meeting with the President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro

26.04.2019 - 06:32 [ Spiegel.de ]

Frankreich: Macron will Einkommensteuer deutlich senken

Als Antwort auf die Gelbwesten-Proteste hat Frankreichs Präsident Emmanuel Macron eine Steuersenkung angekündigt. Zugleich deutete er eine Rückkehr zur Vermögensteuer an, die er weitgehend abgeschafft hatte.

26.04.2019 - 06:24 [ theGuardian.com ]

Macron responds to gilets jaunes protests with €5bn tax cuts

In his first press conference in two years as president, Macron promised €5bn (£4.3bn) worth of cuts to income tax for lower and average earners as well as pension rises for the poorest and vowed no more schools or hospitals would be closed during his presidency, as he responded to protests.

26.04.2019 - 06:05 [ The New Arab ]

Sisi regime extends repressive state of emergency whilst hosting African Union human rights session

The 64th Ordinary Session of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights began on April 24 and will continue in Sharm al-Sheikh until May 14.

26.04.2019 - 03:15 [ BBC ]

Morocco protests: Thousands demand release of activists

Thousands of people have protested in Morocco‘s capital Rabat, demanding the release of 42 activists who had rallied against corruption and unemployment.

26.04.2019 - 02:48 [ junge Welt ]

Pestizide – Riesengeschäft mit dem Gift

Auch in Brasilien macht die Regierung unter Jair Bolsonaro das Land zu einem besonders lukrativen Absatzmarkt für Pestizide. Allein in den ersten 42 Amtstagen des extrem rechten Präsidenten wurden 57 neue Pestizide zugelassen, darunter zwölf besonders giftige. So verwundert es nicht, dass Bayer dort Stoffe verkauft, die in der EU verboten sind. Deren Zahl sei in den letzten drei Jahren um 50 Prozent gestiegen.

26.04.2019 - 02:34 [ Coordination gegen BAYER-Gefahren e.V. (CBG) ]

Bündnis-Aufruf zum Protest gegen die BAYER-HV 2019

Protestkundgebung 26.4.2019 ab 7 Uhr, World Conference Center Platz der Vereinten Nationen,53111 Bonn

Kommt zum direkten Protest! Konfrontiert die AktionärInnen von BAYER mit der Konzernpolitik!

Protest im Saal der HV selber!

Auf der HV werden RednerInnen zu allen Punkten sprechen, die ihr im Aufruf findet, und noch einige mehr. Pestizidgeschädigte, Betroffene von Medikamenten-Versuchen