Daily Archives: 5. April 2019
These #EuropeanElections are a de facto second referendum. The British people need to go to the ballot box on the 22nd of May and TELL THEM AGAIN that the British people will not be BULLIED into remaining. We need to SEND THEM A MESSAGE that we are leaving deal or no deal.
„Politische Freunde“: Obama bei Merkel im Kanzleramt
Regierungssprecher Steffen Seibert sagte, es handelte sich um einen vertraulichen Termin. Die Kanzlerin empfange den früheren US-Präsidenten zu einem Gespräch – wie es immer wieder vorkomme, dass sie mit früheren Präsidenten und Regierungschefs, „mit denen sie eine Strecke lang eng und gut zusammengearbeitet hat, auch durchaus nach deren Zeit noch einmal zusammentrifft“.
Brexit: Angela Merkel compares Irish border question to Iron Curtain
Speaking alongside the chancellor, Leo Varadkar, the Irish prime minister, said he knew of only three ways to prevent a hard border from re-emerging: Britain staying in the EU, it adopting a soft Norway-plus Brexit or ratifying the withdrawal agreement.
Asked whether she thought a hard border could be avoided, Ms Merkel said: “Where there’s a will, there’s a way”.
A Very Real British Coup Why Britain is no longer a democracy
In Chris Mullin’s 1982 novel A Very British Coup, left wing Labour prime minster Harry Perkins and Member of Parliament for Sheffield, is overthrown by a conspiracy of spooks, capitalists and media moguls. For many of us in the UK it feels like we are living through a coup ourselves. Except it is not one executed by a secret state against an elected government, rather it is one conducted by a government against its own electorate. And at the heart of the conspiracy is a Labour Party which is apparently left wing from top to bottom. Its role in this, the anti-Brexit coup, has been a canny one.
‚…the temperament inside the Remain camp has become hysterical and fascistic… and parliament is duplicitously refusing to implement Brexit. Britain has ceased to be a functioning democracy, ‚ says AFB‘s @michael1crowley in his latest vital article.
Communists condemn ‚saboteur‘ MPs and demand April 12 EU exit
Monday evening‘s votes in the House of Commons confirm that a substantial number of MPs remain determined to bind Britain as closely as possible to the EU and its rules and institutions if they cannot stop Brexit altogether.
These MPs show utter contempt for the EU referendum result – the biggest democratic vote in our history – and make a mockery of their past pledges to ‚honour‘ the decision made by a clear majority of voters.
In years to come, lips will curl at the very name of treacherous Theresa who has surrendered our freedom
When Mohandas Gandhi won independence for India in 1947 he was called the Mahatma, which means „Great Soul“. In 1980 Lech Walesa, an electrician at the Lenin Shipyards in Gdansk, put down his tool box and led fellow workers in overthrowing their Soviet rulers.
Brexit news – LIVE: Tory MP says Theresa May ‚in a bunker‘ amid anger over extension, as EU castigates Rees-Mogg after tweet
Brexiteer Mark Francois and ERG member says on the BBC that Theresa May‘s letter to Brussels is a „mistake“ and says the UK should leave the European Union, without a deal.
„She [Ms May] has completely ignored her own cabinet which is unconstitutional and she‘s gone and done it anyway. Her deal will never pass the House of Commons, it‘s been voted down three times – the speaker may not even allow it to come back.
„I‘m afraid the PM is in a sort of bunker here and is not listening to her own MPs, her own party members, or indeed her own cabinet and that is dangerous for the future of the country.“
Brexiteers must now ‚go nuclear‘ to force no-deal, or face political annihilation
There will be no second chances if we fail to leave on April 12.
The dam has burst.
Newport West’s by-election suggests Labour could struggle in a snap election
Ruth Jones (Labour):
Votes: 9,308
per cent (change on 2017): 39.6 (-12.7)
Matthew Evans (Conservative):
Votes: 7,357
per cent (change on 2017): 31.3 (-8.0)
Neil Hamilton (UKIP):
Votes: 2,023
per cent (change on 2017): 8.6 (+6.1)
Why does the Left sneer at the traditional working class? Labour alienates this integral element at its peril
When some on the Left argue that the term ‘traditional working-class’ is obscure or divisive or racist and should therefore be ditched, what they are really demonstrating, unintentionally, is their own hidden contempt for this group. They would rather it didn’t exist at all in the form it does.
They think its members are ‘nativist’ and reactionary and – God forbid – voted to leave the European Union. Because, you see, the group-thinkers and virtue-signallers and woke liberals and quasi-Marxists and echo-chamber-dwellers who comprise so much of the modern Left believe themselves to be Inherently Better People than those of us from the more traditional Left.
This is an exciting moment. We have arrived at a tipping point. The splits affecting the Conservatives and Labour have become so significant they begin to fall apart. This process had already begun.
Nigel Farage: ‚I‘ll stand in European elections – but I‘m not happy about it‘
„Am I happy about it? No I‘m not – actually I‘ve got many other things in my life I‘d like to do, I thought we‘d won the Brexit battle but I‘m not going to after 25 years of endeavour watch British politicians roll us over.
„This is the fightback and they‘re going to be very surprised by what they get.“
If a long extension leaves us stuck in the EU we should be as difficult as possible. We could veto any increase in the budget, obstruct the putative EU army and block Mr Macron’s integrationist schemes.
BREXTORTION: Theresa May begs Brussels to delay Brexit to June 30 – but EU want it to be a YEAR
But furious Brexiteers warned that if the EU forces us to stay another year, Britain should sabotage it from the inside by blocking plans for expansion.
Mrs May is expected to write separately to Jeremy Corbyn today, offering a compromise agreement which both party leaders could push through the Commons.
60 Words And A War Without End: The Untold Story Of The Most Dangerous Sentence In U.S. History
Written in the frenzied, emotional days after 9/11, the Authorization for the Use of Military Force was intended to give President Bush the ability to retaliate against whoever orchestrated the attacks. But more than 12 years later, this sentence remains the primary legal justification for nearly every covert operation around the world. Here‘s how it came to be, and what it‘s since come to mean.
If Congress was serious about passing an anti-war bill they would ditch the AUMF but they do not at all. The only reason they did this Yemen thing is because the Saudis were are proxies in that war and the Saudis botched the whole war and our govt wants to wash our hands of it.
I can’t support legislation that endorses an expansion of the 2001 AUMF and continued intelligence sharing with the Saudis with respect to Yemen operations. Many of my colleagues share these concerns and hope it will be changed in the Senate. I’m skeptical, but I hope so, too.
Yemen: House votes to end US support for Saudi-led war – setting way for congressional showdown with Trump
The resolution, a version of which was passed last month by the Senate, now goes to the president’s desk. The White House says the measure raises “serious constitutional concerns” and Mr Trump is expected to reject it.
At that point, it will be up to congressional leaders to determine whether they have the two-thirds majority in both chambers to overturn the president’s veto.
House Votes to End US Military Involvement in Yemen War
This is the second House vote on the War Powers challenge in 2019. The previous vote was derailed by an amendment on anti-Semitism, which forced the Senate to start over, and the House to then adopt the Senate’s language, as they did in this vote.
Remaining Lords stages of the #EUWithdrawal5Bill are expected to take place on Monday 8 April (5/6)
Brexit delay law will not complete House of Lords stages on Thursday -Labour
Labour Lords said on Twitter that, following internal discussions, the bill would pass the initial stages on Thursday with the remaining stages taking place on Monday.
#ProtectJulian There are spare tents set up for anyone wishing to do a shift in the 24/7 Embassy Vigil Watch to #ProtectJulian from Embassy Expulsion. There is a very real fear of a covert @CIA rendition raid if no-one is watching/livestreaming. Please retweet/share widely
WikiLeaks reports that Julian Assange is on the verge of being expelled from the Ecuadorean Embassy in London. Please fill the street outside the embassy and protect him, and show solidarity with a courageous man, whose struggle ought to touch us all.
May to ask EU for Brexit delay TODAY: PM requests ‚long‘ extension to Article 50 to prevent No Deal next week in letter to Tusk – but wants get-out clause to go on May 22 if she can do deal with Corbyn
– Theresa May will write to EU Council President Donald Tusk to request extension to Article 50 beyond April 12
– Prime Minister wants ‚termination clause‘ to leave EU on May 22, day before European elections if deal passes
– AG Geoffrey Cox we need to use ‚any means to secure an ends‘ and cross-party talks are vital for securing deal
Sky’s FrEUdian Slip
Sky News was mistakenly accurate today when it described Leo Varadkar as ‘Angela Merkel’s Prime Minister’. A handy reminder of where EU power really lies…
There was no plan to leave the Customs Union
Singham: I’m not suggesting that we leave without a deal – we should follow the proposals I’ve outlined. But if we did, for whatever reason, there will be temporary disruption – and part of that disruption will be down to the government’s lack of preparation. It’s certainly possible to prepare for No Deal. Many other countries are more prepared than us, such as the Dutch, who have made lots of customs preparations. To not prepare adequately was a deliberate choice by our government. The only reason not to upgrade our customs facilities was if the government was planning all along to remain in the EU Customs Union.
Brexit: Labour and Conservative talks end after 4.5 hours
Talks between Conservative and Labour teams have taken place for a second day, in a bid to end Brexit deadlock.
The discussions, which lasted 4.5 hours, were described as „detailed and productive“ by the government.
Timeline: A record of some of Wikileaks’ key document releases and some aspects of Julian Assange’s persecution
April: WikiLeaks releases Collateral Murder, a classified US military video showing a helicopter gunship slaying eighteen people in the Iraqi suburb of New Baghdad, including two Reuters journalists and their rescuers, thus documenting a war crime.
July: WikiLeaks publishes the Afghan War Logs, a collection of over 75,000 documents, revealing information on unreported killings of hundreds of civilians by coalition forces, increased Taliban attacks, and involvement by Pakistan and Iran in the insurgency.
August: during his visit to Sweden, Julian becomes the subject of sexual assault allegations. The case was investigated and the most serious allegation was immediately found to be baseless. However, the case was later re-opened by another prosecutor.
October: WikiLeaks publishes the Iraq War Logs, exposing numerous cases of torture and abuse of Iraqi prisoners by Iraqi police and soldiers, as well as proof of the US government’s involvement in the deaths and maiming of more than 200,000 people in Iraq. The War Logs showed the true number of civilian deaths in Iraq and is the most detailed record of war to date.
November: Wikileaks begins to publish Cablegate, now the Public Library of US Diplomacy, a growing collection of 3,326,538 diplomatic cables from 274 consulates and embassies from 1966 to 2010. PLUSD documents 50 years of US diplomatic relations across the globe, its activities, its component corporations, its allies and its enemies.
December: Following the release of the first batch of US diplomatic cables, WikiLeaks and its founder Julian Assange are denounced as “terrorists” by several politicians and media commentators. Former US vice-president Joe Biden branded Julian a “high-tech terrorist” while prominent Republican Sarah Palin called him “an anti-American operative with blood on his hands”, urging his immediate capture by any means necessary. Fox News commentators called WikiLeaks a terrorist organisation, asking the US government to move immediately and aggressively against it. In an interview with CBC, Professor Tom Flanagan suggested President Obama have WikiLeaks director Julian Assange assassinated, saying, “Obama should put out a contract and use a drone, or something…”
December: Julian is arrested at a London police station on 7 December 2010, following a European arrest warrant from Sweden relating to sexual allegations. He appears in court the same day, saying he intends to fight his extradition to Sweden in order to avoid extradition to the US where he would be prosecuted. Julian is denied bail and remains in custody until 14 December, when he is released on house arrest.
Ecuadorian embassy live stream. Will the Ecuador-US-UK governments delay, or accelerate, their plan arrest Assange due to 24/7 media coverage?
BREAKING: A high level source within the Ecuadorian state has told @WikiLeaks that Julian Assange will be expelled within „hours to days“ using the #INAPapers offshore scandal as a pretext–and that it already has an agreement with the UK for his arrest
London court rules in favour of DP World
The London Court of International Arbitration found that by developing new container port opportunities with China Merchants Holdings International Co. Ltd (China Merchants), Djibouti breached DCT’s rights under a 2006 concession agreement to develop a container terminal at Doraleh, in Djibouti, and its exclusivity over all container handling facilities in the territory.
Anaklia Deep Sea Port
ADC is an international consortium comprising TBC Holding, Conti International, SSA Marine, Wondernet Express and G-Star.
Uzbekistan joins China-Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran rail corridor
Uzbekistan joined a rail corridor en route China-Kazakhstan-Turkmenistan-Iran, the press office of Kazakhstan Temir Zholy (KTZ) said on Thursday.
Stoltenberg: Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway contributes to success of Resolute Support mission
Stoltenberg also said that Azerbaijan, under the leadership of NATO introduces military and multimodal transit support within the framework of the Resolute Support mission in Afghanistan.
Attempt to defy international law over Golan Heights sovereignty ‘doomed to failure’ Security Council hears
(27.3.19) A majority of Security Council members on Wednesday stressed the importance of upholding international law regarding the occupied Golan Heights, in the face of the unilateral move by the United States to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over them.
South Carolina should become part of Israel, Syrian UN diplomat says after Trump move
The decision was denounced by Syria and many other world powers that still recognize the Golan Heights as Syrian territory. Jaafari told the U.N. the territory would not “be part of some damned and wicked deal, or a pawn to be exchanged for support in your electoral games,” Newsweek reported.
Go Vote?
60 thousand gold mark, which served as start-up financing, came from German banks, from the export-oriented chemical industry, from the Robert Bosch Corp. or from the National Association of German Industry.
Wählen gehen?
Grenzübergreifend und international – das entsprach auch den prominenten Förderern, die viel Geld in die Europa-Idee steckten…ohne dass Klaus Mann das damals wusste: 60 Tausend Goldmark kamen als Anschubfinanzierung aus dem deutschen Bankenwesen, aus der exportorientierten Chemieindustrie, von der Robert Bosch AG oder dem Reichsverband der deutschen Industrie.
Vorstoß zum Kaspisee
Die deutsch-turkmenischen Geschäfte umfassen auch heikle Bereiche. Im Februar 2018 reiste ein Vertreter des Münchner IT-Sicherheitskonzerns Rohde & Schwarz nach Aschgabad und traf sich dort mit Staatschef Berdimuhamedow. Ihm zufolge will seine Firma die Beziehungen mit Turkmenistan ausbauen. Auf die Anfrage der Menschenrechtsorganisation Human Rights Watch, welche Dienstleistungen Rohde & Schwarz bisher für Turkmenistan geleistet habe und was derzeit geplant sei, gab es keine Antwort. Das Unternehmen baut unter anderem Cybersecurity-Systeme für Regierungen und Militärs.
Capitalism‘s War on Socialism
On the home-front, US capitalists have deployed the US Army, National Guard Units, police, and private security such as Pinkerton National Detective Agency against striking workers since the 1870s. A few of the more famous actions in which strikers were killed are the 1892 Homestead Steel Strike, near Pittsburg; 1894 Pullman Railway Strike; 1903 Colorado Labor War strikes against Colorado mines. The International Workers of the World Union (Wobblies) founded in Chicago, 1905, was attacked by the First Red Scare and the Palmer Raids in which leftist, socialist, communist union members were attacked, jailed and deported.
Warum es keine erfolgreichen sozialistischen Länder gibt
An der Heimatfront haben US-Kapitalisten seit den 1870er Jahren die US-Armee, die National Guard Units, die Polizei und private Sicherheitsfirmen wie die Pinkerton National Detective Agency gegen streikende Arbeiter eingesetzt. Einige der berühmtesten Aktionen, bei denen Streikende getötet wurden, sind der Homestead Steel Streik im Jahr 1892 in der Nähe von Pittsburg, der Streik der Pullman Railway im Jahr 1894, der Streik der Pullman Railway im Jahr 1903 und der Streik der Arbeiter gegen die Colorado-Minen im Jahr 1903 in Colorado. Die 1905 in Chicago gegründete Gewerkschaft International Workers of the World Union (Wobblies) wurde von der First Red Scare und den Palmer Raids angegriffen, bei denen linke, sozialistische und kommunistische Gewerkschaftsmitglieder angegriffen, eingesperrt und deportiert wurden.