Daily Archives: 7. Februar 2019

07.02.2019 - 23:31 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Brasilien: Friedensnobelpreis für zu über 12 Jahren Haft verurteilten Lula?

Unterstützt wird der Vorschlag von zahlreichen berühmten Persönlichkeiten. Zu den Unterzeichnern zählen unter anderem die Soziologen Jean Ziegler aus der Schweiz und Éric Fassin aus Frankreich, sowie Linguist Noam Chomsky, Bürgerrechtlerin Angela Davis und Schauspieler Danny Glover aus den USA . Die Bekanntgabe der Gewinner des Friedensnobelpreises findet jedes Jahr im Oktober statt. Am 10. Dezember, dem Todestag von Alfred Nobel, wird der Preis schließlich vergeben.

07.02.2019 - 21:41 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Europas Kriegsautonomie

Können erstere zusätzliche Luftangriffe durchführen, so können letztere grundsätzlich für unterschiedliche Aufgaben genutzt werden – von Punktaufklärung über die Irreführung der feindlichen Luftabwehr bis zu Kamikazeangriffen auf Ziele in der Luft wie am Boden.[1] Aufgrund der Komplexität des Verbundes ist gewöhnlich nicht mehr nur von einem einfachen „Kampfjet der sechsten Generation“ die Rede, sondern von einem ausgewachsenen Future Combat Air System (FCAS, „Zukünftiges Luftkampfsystem“).

07.02.2019 - 21:36 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Brüche in der Union

London habe mit seinem Austritt die Frage aufgeworfen, welche Form die EU letztlich anzunehmen habe – diejenige eines föderalen Superstaates oder diejenige eines Europas souveräner Nationalstaaten.

07.02.2019 - 18:11 [ Mediapart.fr ]

Macron security aide affair: the secret recordings that change everything

(1.2.2019) An investigation by Mediapart sheds dramatic new light on the affair involving Alexandre Benalla, who was a security aide to President Emmanuel Macron until he was sacked when video footage emerged showing that he had used violence against protestors at a demonstration. In particular recordings of Benalla talking to the former head of security for the ruling LREM party, Vincent Crase, who also lost his job over the scandal, reveal details about a secret meeting that breached a judicial control order, about a security contract with a Russian oligarch close to Vladimir Putin, and Benalla‘s ongoing communications with President Macron. Fabrice Arfi, Antton Rouget and Marine Turchi report.

07.02.2019 - 18:09 [ Washington Post ]

Macron under fire after attempted search of French news outlet Mediapart

Press freedom advocates have criticized the government of French President Emmanuel Macron for attempting a warrantless search of an investigative news outlet days after it published material potentially damaging to Macron.

Representatives of the Paris prosecutor, along with police officers, arrived Monday morning at the headquarters of Mediapart alleging that the news organization’s reporting had violated the privacy of a former Macron aide.

07.02.2019 - 18:04 [ Spiegel.de ]

Macron sagt Teilnahme an Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz ab

Überraschender Rückzug: Emmanuel Macron reist nicht zur Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz. Der französische Präsident hätte dort kommende Woche eigentlich auf Kanzlerin Merkel treffen sollen.

07.02.2019 - 17:45 [ theGuardian.com ]

France recalls Rome ambassador after worst verbal onslaught ‚since the war‘

Di Maio this week met leaders of the gilets jaunes as he declared the “wind of change has crossed the Alps” and a “new Europe is being born of the yellow vests.” France said the comments were an unacceptable “provocation”.

07.02.2019 - 17:44 [ Ansa.it ]

Di Maio sees Yellow Jackets

Chalencon, spokesman of the Yellow Jackets list led by Ingrid Levavasseur, told ANSA Tuesday he and Di Maio and Di Battista „practically agree on everything“ after their meeting at the Hotel de France at Montargis, in the Parisian hinterland.
„We‘re not talking of alliances yet but certainly of dialogue,“ he said.
He said there would be another meeting next week in Rome between Di Maio and Levavasseur, with him present.

07.02.2019 - 16:19 [ Kate Hoey, Member of Parliament ‏/ Twitter ]

Staying in THE Customs Union is staying in the EU. Would not be able to sign independent trade deals and would be bound by all EU regulations and the EU court. Staying in A Customs Union sounds the same to me !! @labourleave

07.02.2019 - 16:11 [ Guy Verhofstadt ‏/ Twitter ]

Open discussion w/ @theresa_may. Backstop non negotiable. We‘ll never abandon Ireland. I welcome @jeremycorbyn letter making a cross-party approach for the first time possible. From the hell we‘re in today, there is at last hope of a heavenly solution even if it won‘t be Paradise

07.02.2019 - 16:05 [ Guido Fawkes ]

Government Trying to Sneak Death Tax Through by Stealth

MPs may have so little to do that the Commons was adjourned before 3.30pm yesterday, but that hasn’t stopped the Government from trying to sneak a new death tax through on the sly. They are laying a statutory instrument today which will increase the ‘probate’ fees – which families have to pay when administering someone’s estate after they die – from £215 up to a potential £6,000. This is a death tax in all but name, hitting grieving families with a massive bill as they go through the difficult process of dealing with a relative’s death…

07.02.2019 - 16:03 [ Spiked ]

Go to hell, Donald Tusk

Tusk’s insistence that Brexiteers are headed for hell sums up the Brussels oligarchy’s elitism.

07.02.2019 - 16:01 [ BrexitCentral.com ]

Donald Tusk not only unfairly attacked Brexiteers yesterday, but reminded us the EU is anti-democratic

There’s no way that this was an off the cuff intervention from Tusk. It was clearly planned. If you watch him making the remarks on our video, you can see him referring to written notes while he said it. And he then happily tweeted the words out afterwards – prompting an equally inappropriate response from MEP Guy Verhofstadt.

And then to rub salt into the wound, at the end of the press conference, Varadkar is caught saying: “They’ll give you terrible trouble in the British press for that”, to which Tusk replies: “Yes, I know” and laughs.

07.02.2019 - 15:57 [ DailyMail.co.uk ]

May‘s Brexit ‚Hell‘ in Brussels: Juncker says the EU WON‘T give ground on divorce deal as he holds bruising talks with PM – and warns it could be WEEKS before they meet again

– Theresa May is set for rough ride in Brussels as she fights for Brexit concessions on the Irish border backstop
– The Prime Minister will insist legally binding changes to the Withdrawal Agreement package must be made
– Body language between Mrs May and EU commission president Jean-Claude Juncker was distinctly frosty
– Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn has written to the PM with revised demands for backing a Brexit agreement

07.02.2019 - 15:54 [ Standard.co.uk ]

Brexit news latest: Jean-Claude Juncker tells Theresa May withdrawal deal will not be renegotiated at Brussels summit

European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker has told Theresa May during „robust but constructive“ talks that the European Union will not renegotiate the Brexit deal.

07.02.2019 - 13:35 [ Ruptly / Youtube ]

Belgium: ‚Is this hell?‘ – May greeted by Juncker for talks on Brexit deal changes

During the handshake with Juncker, May was asked by several of the press whether she had alternative proposals, with another journalist jokingly asking the UK leader „Is this hell, Prime Minister?“ The question was presumably in response to Wednesday‘s comment by Tusk stating that there was „a special place in hell“ for „those who promoted Brexit without even a sketch of plan how to carry it safely.“

07.02.2019 - 13:24 [ Zeit.de ]

Das Brexit-ABC: Von A wie Artikel 50 bis Z wie Zollunion

B wie BACKSTOP: Diese Notfallregel im Austrittsabkommen zwischen London und Brüssel soll garantieren, dass es nach dem Brexit keine Grenzkontrollen zwischen dem britischen Nordirland und dem EU-Mitglied Irland gibt. Demnach bleibt das ganze Königreich zunächst in der Zollunion und Nordirland in Teilen des Binnenmarkts, bis London und Brüssel eine bessere Lösung finden. Brexit-Hardliner fordern ein einseitiges Kündigungsrecht.

07.02.2019 - 13:23 [ Sueddeutsche.de ]

Brexit: Corbyn fordert dauerhafte Zollunion mit der EU

Der britische Oppositionschef Jeremy Corbyn hat Premierministerin Theresa May Bedingungen für eine Unterstützung im Brexit-Streit gestellt. Seine Labour-Partei werde den Brexit-Kurs der Regierung unterstützen, wenn May fünf rechtlich bindende Bekenntnisse in der politischen Erklärung zu den künftigen Beziehungen mit der EU verankere, schrieb Corbyn in einem veröffentlichten Brief.

07.02.2019 - 13:15 [ The Red Roar ‏/ Twitter ]

EXCL: Corbyn branded EU a „military Frankenstein“ and trashed second Irish referendum in footage unearthed from 2009 rally against the Lisbon Treaty.

07.02.2019 - 13:10 [ talkRADIO ‏/ Twitter ]

Julia: „I‘m not angry with Donald Tusk. I want to thank him. Thank you for reminding me and 17.4 million others why we wanted to leave your corrupt, arrogant little club.“

07.02.2019 - 12:57 [ Adam Bienkov, UK Political Editor of @BusinessInsider / Twitter ]

Corbyn‘s letter to May does four things: 1. Shuts off claim that Labour wants to block Brexit 2. Erases Labour‘s previous unworkable six tests. 3. Puts blame on May for no-deal Brexit if she refuses offer. 4. All but kills off a second referendum.

07.02.2019 - 12:51 [ Labour.org.uk ]

Jeremy Corbyn lays out Labour’s five Brexit demands in letter to Theresa May

Corbyn ends the letter by suggesting further discussions with May on these proposals “with the aim of securing a sensible agreement that can win the support of parliament and bring the country together.”


07.02.2019 - 12:47 [ Jessica Elgot, political correspondent for the @guardian in the Westminster lobby / Twitter ]

Big stories on Labour in tonight’s @guardian – Corbyn writes to May setting out terms for backing Brexit deal DROPPING opposition to withdrawal agreement but demanding new clauses, including customs union in Political Declaration & written into UK law

07.02.2019 - 11:51 [ Kritisches-Netzwerk.de ]

Linke Ideologisierung: Hugo Chávez und Nicolás Maduro

Was alternative und linke Medien gerne verschweigen

07.02.2019 - 10:44 [ Ynetnews.com ]

Gantz: Israel should not be ruling over another people

Daum: Moshe Ya‘alon, your partner, thinks the Oslo Accords were a terrible disaster. He opposed the Gaza disengagement and he thinks there is no Palestinian partner to talk to. Where do you stand on these issues?

Gantz: The main question is that of security. It needs to ensure the State of Israel‘s security. Now, there‘s a question of interest here. We—and Netanyahu said this in his Bar-Ilan speech (a 2009 address in which the prime minister backed Palestinian statehood) —are not looking to control anyone else. We need to find a way in which we‘re not controlling other people.

07.02.2019 - 10:43 [ voanews.com ]

Netanyahu Rival: Israel Should Not Control Palestinians

The leading challenger to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in a published interview Wednesday that Israel should „find a way“ to end its control over the Palestinians.

Former military chief Benny Gantz made the comments in an interview with the Ynet news site. It was his first interview with the Israeli media since his maiden political speech last week.

07.02.2019 - 10:18 [ Haaretz ]

Trump Takes to Instagram to Endorse Netanyahu Campaign Billboard – Featuring Himself

This isn‘t the first time Trump backs Netanyahu, who has been boasting of his ties to the U.S. president in content released ahead of the April 9 vote

07.02.2019 - 10:16 [ BreakingIsraelNews.com ]

Netanyahu and Putin to Meet in Moscow on Iranian Threat

Despite tensions between their home countries, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will meet with Russian President Vladimir Putin on February 21 in Moscow, where the two are expected to discuss the Iranian threat.

07.02.2019 - 10:11 [ Haaretz ]

Netanyahu Presides Over a Social Media Empire. Here‘s How He Runs It

5 million followers (many from Brazil) ■ Enthusiastic comments (some by bots) ■ Financed posts (but we don‘t know the sums) ■ This is why Netanyahu no longer needs traditional outlets

07.02.2019 - 09:59 [ israelnationalnews.com ]

Is there an anti-Netanyahu ‚witch hunt‘?

ILTV speaks with Lahav Harkov (Jerusalem Post) about the recent tensions between the Israeli Prime Minister and the Israeli media.

07.02.2019 - 09:22 [ Tulsi Gabbard / Twitter ]

We heard attacks from warmongers in politics/media before. Those opposed to Iraq/Libya/Syria regime change wars are called “dicatator-lovers” or “cozy” with evil regimes. Rather than defend their position, they resort to name-calling & smears. American people wont fall for this.

07.02.2019 - 09:11 [ US State Department ]

Statement by Ministers of the Global Coalition To Defeat ISIS/DAESH

9. In 2019, the Coalition expects to concentrate on implementing the Working Group action plans. With the conventional military effort against ISIS in Syria nearing culmination and shifting to a supporting rather than a central role, the Coalition members will open a discussion to plan the next phase of the campaign. This could involve an effort to counter ISIS’s reversion to insurgency in Syria and Iraq. It could also include, addressing ISIS’s trans-border networks, branches, and affiliates, which continue to present a significant, and in some cases, growing threat to the members of our Coalition as highlighted by the June 2018 Coalition meeting of Political Directors with a focus on Africa held in Skhirate, Morocco. In particular, the Coalition should remain united in its efforts to undermine ISIS’s brand by rolling back its access to the information space as a tool to spread its toxic ideology and propaganda. The Coalition is determined to increase the pressure to disrupt ISIS’s trans-regional network through increased information sharing and complementary efforts in counter-finance, strategic communication, law enforcement, the justice sector, and security for our homelands. Coalition Working Groups and members will strive to ensure that our goals are met across the broader diplomatic and counterterrorism ecosystem, and does not seek to duplicate existing mechanisms and lines of effort. The Coalition has gathered unique experience and information while fighting ISIS in Iraq and Syria that can be of value to other international organizations and groupings combating terrorism.

10. We are gratified by the momentum collectively generated by the Coalition and its partners and once again express our determination to deliver ISIS an enduring defeat. Our joint engagement in Iraq and Syria will continue. We recognize the need for sustained coordination and consultation of the Coalition across all its lines of efforts and especially in the Core. The four Working Groups of the Coalition – Foreign Terrorist Fighters, Counter-ISIS Financing, Communications, and Stabilization – are essential, and we remain dedicated to their continued progress. With this in mind, we look forward to the Political Directors’ meeting in late spring and the regular meeting of the Coalition Working Groups in the year ahead.

07.02.2019 - 09:10 [ Ruptly ]

LIVE: Trump delivers remarks to ministers as part of ‘Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS’

US President Donald Trump is delivering remarks at the State Department in Washington DC on Wednesday, February 6 at a meeting with foreign ministers whose countries are part of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS. The 79-member coalition is expected to discuss the future of campaigns in Iraq and Syria, which will focus on safeguarding against a resurgence of the self-proclaimed Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) through stabilisation and security assistance.

07.02.2019 - 09:01 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Trump bei Anti-IS-Koalition: „Nur noch Überreste – aber gefährliche“

Trump sprach bei einem Treffen der Außenminister der Internationalen Koalition im Kampf gegen den IS, der oft auch als ISIS abgekürzt wird. Der Koalition gehören 79 Mitglieder an – darunter die EU-Staaten, die USA, die Türkei und viele arabische Länder.

07.02.2019 - 08:59 [ TEAM ABABU. ‏/ Twitter ]

CAS @AbabuNamwamba arrived in Washington DC last evening to lead the Kenyan delegation to the Meeting of Ministers of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, hosted by US Secretary of State Hon Mike Pompeo at the State Department.

07.02.2019 - 08:47 [ Ambassador Sung Kim ‏/ Twitter ]

We are proud to partner with the Philippines and other members of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS. Multinational collaboration and information-sharing has allowed us to disrupt potential attacks worldwide and diminish ISIS’s online influence.

07.02.2019 - 08:43 [ Margot Wallström,Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden / Twitter ]

Discussing peace & stabilisation of liberated areas in Iraq and Syria with leaders at the global coalition to defeat ISIS meeting in Washington DC. Root causes that enabled Daesh should be addressed and their reach and impact on social media must be countered.

07.02.2019 - 08:40 [ Globalnews.ca ]

Anti-ISIS coalition holds meeting in Washington

A meeting of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS met in Washington to focus on what happens once the U.S. withdraws its troops from Syria. Jackson Proskow reports.

07.02.2019 - 08:14 [ telesur ]

Uruguay, Mexico Present Outline for Montevideo Conference

The conference will foster a platform for respectful negotiations between Venezuela and its opposition.

The agenda for the “Montevideo Mechanism” being held in Uruguay on Thursday will be a four part process, foreign ministers said Wednesday.

07.02.2019 - 02:28 [ teleSUR ]

Macri Would Lose If Argentines Went to Polls Now: Survey

The administration’s slashing of subsidies, reducing entire ministries, selling off peso reserves, and taking out a US$ 56.3 billion loan from the highly unpopular International Monetary Fund (IMF) have all contributed to the president’s decreased chances at winning another term in eight months. Major union and social movement protests have taken place regularly in Argentina since late 2017 to demonstrate against the government‘s austerity measures and the IMF loan.