Archiv: Huawei (corporation)

08.12.2022 - 19:58 [ Reuters ]

Saudi Arabia signs Huawei deal, deepening China ties on Xi visit

Saudi Arabia and China showcased deepening ties with a series of strategic deals on Thursday during a visit by President Xi Jinping, including one with tech giant Huawei, whose growing foray into the Gulf region has raised U.S. security concerns.

King Salman signed a „comprehensive strategic partnership agreement“ with Xi, who received a lavish welcome in a country forging new global partnerships beyond the West.

20.05.2022 - 12:46 [ ]

Kanada zieht bei Huawei-Verbot für 5G-Aufbau nach

„Das geschieht im Anschluss an eine umfassende Prüfung durch unsere Sicherheitsbehörden und in Absprache mit unseren engsten Verbündeten“, so Champagne.

27.10.2021 - 13:45 [ ]

What has the US-China trade ‘war’ achieved?


On July 6, 2018, US President Donald Trump unilaterally imposed a 25 per cent tariff on Chinese imports of around $34 billion, and further tariffs in 2018 and 2019 — claiming that trade between US and China had been unfairly skewed in China’s favour and needed to be rebalanced. The ostensible reason put forward was the persistence of what were called “unfair trade practices” and “technology theft” by China.

Thereafter, the trade war has continued into the administration of President Joe Biden, and morphed into a technology war, which is probably what it was always about.

20.09.2021 - 16:28 [ ]

Undersea internet cables connect Pacific islands to the world. But geopolitical tension is tugging at the wires

The laying of undersea internet cables has become entwined with geopolitics.

20.09.2021 - 16:01 [ CNN ]

The global internet is powered by vast undersea cables. But they‘re vulnerable.

(July 26, 2019)

Clatterbuck, the Seacom CEO, was skeptical about how much use tapping an undersea cable would be, pointing to the huge amounts of data passing through it every second, creating a huge hayfield in which to look for needles.
„If you wanted to spy on people would you put a giant microphone over the US and spy on everyone?“

27.08.2020 - 03:11 [ NIKKEI ]

Taiwan and US join forces on 5G security in move to exclude China

Taiwan and the U.S. on Wednesday issued a joint declaration on 5G security, strengthening their cooperation under Washington‘s „Clean Network“ initiative to block major Chinese tech companies including Huawei.

29.07.2020 - 07:01 [ NIKKEI Asian Review ]

Chile picks Japan‘s trans-Pacific cable route in snub to China

Japan‘s route beat out a pitch by China that would have made Shanghai the final landing point. This decision comes amid a U.S. pressure campaign to keep China out of global telecommunication projects.

23.07.2020 - 15:26 [ KBS ]

USA legen Huawei-Nutzer LG Uplus Wechsel zu „vertrauenswürdigem Partner“ nahe

Den Einwand, dass ein Austausch der Ausrüstung zu teuer wäre, wies der Beamte zurück. Tatsächlich sei es im besten finanziellen Interesse des Unternehmens, so schnell wie möglich zu vertrauenswürdigen Anbietern zu wechseln, hieß es weiter.

21.07.2020 - 12:15 [ ]

After Pompeo visit, British MPs to ask Boris Johnson to get even tougher on China

Johnson’s government has pleased President Donald Trump’s administration in recent weeks as it blocked telecoms giant Huawei Technologies Co. and took action over Hong Kong, but has stopped short of the kind of sanctions imposed on individuals and companies by Washington. While Pompeo’s goal is not to ask for more, according to people familiar with his plans, the MPs will try to get him to carry their demands to his meeting with Johnson.

21.07.2020 - 11:56 [ ]

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo visits the U.K. — here is what to look out for

The U.S. welcomed the U.K.’s announcement in July that it would remove Huawei from its future telecommunications infrastructure.

The U.K. will eliminate Chinese telecoms giant Huawei from its 5G network by 2027, after pressure from Sino-skeptic lawmakers and U.S. politicians.

“We convinced many countries…not to use Huawei,” U.S. President Trump said after the U.K. announced the removal.

18.07.2020 - 05:34 [ Finian Cunningham / Information Clearing House ]

UK Shoots Self In Foot for Uncle Sam

Not so Britain and other members of the US-led Five Eyes nations: Australia, New Zealand and Canada. They, not surprisingly, appear to have swallowed the “national security” propaganda and anti-China bigotry with gusto.

Indeed so subservient is Britain to Washington, the government in London seems willing to damage its own economy and the wellbeing of its own people in order to suck up a little favour from Uncle Sam.

The “free world”? Yeah, freedom to be a vassal.

14.07.2020 - 16:42 [ ]

Großbritannien schließt Huawei vom 5G-Ausbau aus

2027 dürfe es keine 5G-Technik von Huawei mehr in den britischen Netzen geben. Zum Jahresende trete ein Einkaufsverbot in Kraft.

Damit folgt Großbritannien den Forderungen der USA.

14.07.2020 - 16:37 [ New York Times ]

U.K. Bans Huawei From 5G Network, Raising Tensions With China

Banning the use of the Chinese tech giant’s equipment in high-speed wireless infrastructure is a major reversal by Prime Minister Boris Johnson — and a big victory for the Trump administration.

17.02.2020 - 21:03 [ Jason Ditz / ]

Emphasizing China Threat, US Insists ‘The West Is Winning’

Instead, the US seems eager to play the Chinese threat up to get foreign allies’ support, the same way they historically have with Russia. Confidence that the West is winning is easy to say, since there is no real conflict ongoing, beyond the US trying to get countries to not do business with Huawei.

17.02.2020 - 17:19 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Deutschlands Selbstbehauptung

Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz: Politiker fordern mehr Militäreinsätze. Washington startet Generalangriff auf die EU in Sachen Huawei

16.02.2020 - 16:14 [ ]

Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz: Propagandaschlacht um Huawei-Technik

Im Kern gehe es nicht um ökonomische und technologische Entscheidungen, erklärte Juliane Smith vom German Marshall Fund der USA auch in einem Gastkommentar der Süddeutschen Zeitung zum Auftakttag der MSC. Es gehe darum, „wie demokratische Staaten ihre Gesellschaften vor dem Einfluss autoritärer Staaten schützten und vor Erpressung, die weit in der Zukunft liegen mag“, schreibt Smith. Angesichts der massiven Propaganda sprachen in München manche Beobachter von einem neuen Kalten Krieg, dieses Mal im Bereich der Technologie.

29.11.2019 - 14:45 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Vor der Zerreißprobe

Nicht nur wegen des Drucks aus den Vereinigten Staaten, sondern vor allem auch aufgrund der Bemühungen, die EU als Weltmacht neben den USA und China zu positionieren, hat nun aber inzwischen die Suche nach Optionen begonnen, die 5G-Netze in der EU ausschließlich mit Hilfe europäischer Firmen zu konstruieren. Der Sache nach geht es dabei um Nokia (Finnland) und Ericsson (Schweden). Beide liegen hinter Huawei zurück und sind zur Zeit außerdem auf Huawei-Patente angewiesen.

21.05.2019 - 01:56 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Deutschland im Wirtschaftskrieg (II)

Sämtliche Bauteile, die Infineon in seinen US-Werken herstellt, werden ab sofort nicht mehr an Huawei geliefert. Allerdings legt der Konzern größten Wert auf die Feststellung, der Boykott, den er in den Vereinigten Staaten einhalten müsse, gelte nicht für seine Fabriken außerhalb der USA. Hintergrund ist, dass die Volksrepublik längst der größte Absatzmarkt des Unternehmens ist: Infineon setzt dort 25 Prozent seiner Produkte ab, mehr als in jedem anderen Land einschließlich Deutschlands (15 Prozent). Der Anteil der Vereinigten Staaten am Infineon-Umsatz beläuft sich lediglich auf neun Prozent.

20.05.2019 - 08:33 [ ]

Google ‚blocks Huawei access to Android updates‘ after blacklisting

Google has suspended Huawei’s access to updates of its Android operating system in a fresh blow to the Chinese technology company that the US government has sought to blacklist around the world.

Google said it was complying with Trump’s executive order and was reviewing the “implications”, after Reuters initially reported the story.

16.05.2019 - 10:52 [ ]

Huawei hits back after Trump declares national emergency on telecoms ‚threat‘

Huawei has criticised as “unreasonable” Donald Trump’s declaration of a national emergency to ban technology from “foreign adversaries” that is deemed to pose a risk to national security.

In a statement reported by the state-run Global Times, Huawei said: “If the US restricts Huawei, it will not make the US safer, nor will it make the US stronger. It will only force the US to use inferior and expensive alternative equipment, lagging behind other countries … and ultimately harming US companies and consumers.”

16.05.2019 - 10:49 [ ]

Trump nimmt Huawei ins Visier

Per präsidialem Dekret macht es Donald Trump dem US-Handelsministerium leichter, ausländische Telekommunikationsunternehmen auszubooten. Es ist wohl vor allem ein Schritt gegen Huawei und China.

10.05.2019 - 18:12 [ ]

Are we a sovereign nation, or merely Trump‘s poodle?

Huawei was the pretext, but you couldn’t help but think that Iran was the primary motive for Mike Pompeo’s decidedly undiplomatic visit to London this week. The US Secretary of State’s public dressing down was for Britain one of the most humiliating episodes – and there have been plenty of them of late – I’ve seen in a long time, and can only really be excused in the context of the paralysing chaos into which British government has descended these past two years.

05.05.2019 - 23:26 [ ]

Gavin Williamson urged to force Theresa May to hold judge-led inquiry into sacking over Huawei leak

The former defence secretary is being urged by friends to table a Parliamentary motion demanding a new investigation, which would almost certainly be backed by opposition parties and a number of Tory MPs.

He is also weighing up whether to engineer his own “Geoffrey Howe moment” by making a speech in the Commons that could hasten Theresa May’s downfall, in the same way that the former deputy PM triggered the leadership contest that ended Margaret Thatcher’s premiership.

05.05.2019 - 16:37 [ ]

Gavin Williamson calls for investigation into Huawei leak inquiry

He said that police had not been provided with evidence by the Cabinet Office that a crime has been committed and no crime had been alleged by the “owner of the material”.

05.05.2019 - 16:36 [ Sky News ]

Gavin Williamson accuses May of ‚classic smear‘ over diabetes claim

According to various reports citing government sources, Mr Williamson had told fellow Tories Mrs May‘s health makes her unfit to be prime minister.

A Downing Street source said the briefings did not come from No 10.

04.05.2019 - 15:32 [ ]

Theresa May refuses to release Huawei leak report to sacked defence secretary Gavin Williamson

Meanwhile, there will be no criminal investigation into the affair – after the government refused to refer it to the police, despite experts warning of a breach of the Official Secrets Act.

Ms May was asked three times if she would bow to Mr Williamson’s request to be handed a copy of the conclusions reached by Mark Sedwill, the national security adviser, but refused to budge.

03.05.2019 - 16:22 [ ]

Gavin Williamson accuses Whitehall chief of framing him for Huawei secrets leak

As the latest scandal to rock Theresa May’s government engulfed Westminster for a second day;
– Labour chiefs united with some Tory MPs to demand a police probe is mounted to get to the bottom of what happened.
– Mr Williamson said he would personally welcome a criminal investigation as the only was to “clear” his name.

03.05.2019 - 16:20 [ Financial Times / Youtube ]

Gavin Williamson‘s exit: the first sacking of its kind in a generation

FT Whitehall correspondent Sebastian Payne on the reasons why Gavin Williamson became the first UK cabinet minister in a generation to be fired following a leak inquiry.

03.05.2019 - 15:47 [ ]

Sicheres 5G-Netz? Experten diskutieren in Prag

„Es wird sehr darauf gedrängt, dass Hardware und Quellcode vor der Einfügung ins Netz getestet werden. So bekommt der jeweilige Staat einen besseren Überblick darüber, was in den Komponenten geschieht und was diese enthalten. Die Tests könnten in sicheren Speziallaboren angefertigt werden, das ist beispielsweise in Deutschland vorgeschlagen worden“, so Malý.

Die Frage der Sicherheit drängt auch hierzulande, denn im November sollen die Frequenzen für das 5G-Netz versteigert werden.

03.05.2019 - 15:40 [ ]

Prague conference seeks to find consensus on approaching 5G cyber threats

“Over the past several years we have seen a big growth in communication technologies and systems. This trend will continue with the fifth generation of networks known as 5G. It will fundamentally transform the way we communicate and live.”

Launching the government’s Prague 5G Security Conference on Thursday, Andrej Babiš emphasised the revolutionary nature of 5G.

03.05.2019 - 11:27 [ Außenministerium der Tschechischen Republik ]

Prague 5G Security Conference

May 2, 2019

9:00 am Start of the Plenary Session
9:15 – 9:45 am Welcome speech by Mr Andrej Babiš, Prime Minister of the Czech Republic
9:45 am – 12:00 pm Welcome speech by Mr Tomáš Petříček, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic
9:45 am – 12:00 pm National Perspectives on 5G Security with Q&A

May 3, 2019 1 pm – 2:30 pm Working Group Chairs to Report Findings to the Plenary

03.05.2019 - 11:20 [ ]

Konferenz in Prag: Neue US-Warnungen vor 5G-Technologie von Huawei

„Wir sind der Ansicht, dass diese Infrastruktur einen Teil der (nationalen) Souveränität ausmacht“, sagte Steinman.
Der EU-Kommissar für die Sicherheitsunion, Julian King, betonte in einer Videoansprache …

03.05.2019 - 11:09 [ Reuters ]

Global security officials to hammer out united 5G security approach

Officials say they hope to conclude the meeting — attended by representatives from 30 European Union, NATO and countries such as the United States, Germany, Japan and Australia — with an outline of practices that could form a basis for a coordinated approach to shared security and policy measures.

03.05.2019 - 10:42 [ ]

Gavin Williamson: Fired defence secretary denied access to copy of Huawei leaks report

Gavin Williamson has been refused a copy of the report of the investigation which claimed he leaked secrets from the National Security Council, The Independent has learnt.

The former defence secretary believes that the release of the report will prove the weakness of the case against him which led to his firing.

03.05.2019 - 10:32 [ Reuters ]

UK investigated Huawei leak because it came from top intel briefing: UK PM spokesman

The British government needed to investigate the disclosure of secret information relating to Chinese telecoms company Huawei because it came from a classified intelligence briefing, the prime minister’s spokesman said on Thursday.

03.05.2019 - 10:25 [ Forbes ]

U.S. Threatens U.K. On Huawei And Intelligence-Sharing


On Monday, the U.S. sent a stark message across the Atlantic: „It is the United States’ position that putting Huawei or any other untrustworthy vendor in any part of the 5G telecommunications network is a risk,” said Robert Strayer, as reported by Reuters. This can hardly come as a surprise to the U.K. Washington has made no secret of its binary view of Huawei‘s equipment, and the U.K. is its closest ally, even within the Five Eyes.

03.05.2019 - 10:21 [ ]

US secretary of state Mike Pompeo to warn Theresa May over Huawei as leak scandal turns to farce

Mike Pompeo will say in a face-to-face meeting next Wednesday that the Chinese technology company poses a risk to British citizens and could breach privacy protections when he meets the Prime Minister and Jeremy Hunt, the Foreign Secretary, in London.

The former head of the CIA will make clear that giving Huawei access could throw US-UK technology partnerships into doubt, according to a senior US State Department official, who said spelling out the risks was „imperative“.

02.05.2019 - 16:50 [ ]

Gavin Williamson demands police probe into HIMSELF claiming it’s the only way to clear his name over leak which got him sacked

Scotland Yard are on standby to launch a probe into claims the ex-Defence Secretary leaked spy secrets.
But they can‘t start their investigation unless they get the green light from No10 – and Theresa May is reluctant to get the cops involved.

02.05.2019 - 13:09 [ ]

Police must decide on prosecution over Huawei leak, says Hunt

Responding to a question from the Press Association during a visit to Ethiopia, Mr Hunt said: “Let me say that, when it comes to issues like whether there should be a police investigation or not, there’s a very, very important principle of our system that those decisions are not made by politicians, they are made independently by police.

“And that has to be the correct way forward in this situation.”

02.05.2019 - 13:06 [ ]

No need to refer Huawei leak to police, Cabinet Secretary says

„The Prime Minister has said she now considers that this matter has been closed and the Cabinet Secretary does not consider it necessary to refer it to the police, but we would of course cooperate fully should the police themselves consider that an investigation were necessary.“

Lidington‘s remarks were echoed by Cabinet Secretary Sir Mark Sedwill – the most senior civil servant in the UK – who said he did not believe it necessary to refer the matter to the police.

02.05.2019 - 12:51 [ ]

Five Eyes intelligence experts meet amid Huawei 5G controversy


Representatives from the UK, US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand will meet at the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) annual two-day conference, CYBERUK, in Glasgow on Wednesday.

It comes as the Daily Telegraph reported that Huawei will have limited access to build “non-core” infrastructure like antennas despite warnings of potential national security threats.

02.05.2019 - 12:47 [ ]

Geopolitics – Huawei ban: Australia becomes increasingly isolated among Five Eyes partners if UK includes Chinese firm in 5G network


The US has urged other Five Eyes members – the UK, Canada, New Zealand and Australia – to exclude Huawei from the construction of new telecommunications networks, claiming the company could provide covert access for Chinese intelligence collection, making secure data vulnerable.

However, if the reports from the UK prove accurate, Australia would stand alone as the only member of the Five Eyes alliance – aside from the US – with an all-out ban on Chinese telecoms equipment. Australia, for its part, on Thursday reaffirmed the ban.

02.05.2019 - 11:54 [ Guido Fawkes ]

READ: Gavin Williamson Responds to the Prime Minister

„I am sorry that you feel recent leaks from the National Security Council originated in my Department. I emphatically believe this was not the case. I strenuously deny that I was in any way involved in this leak and I am confident that a thorough and formal inquiry would have vindicated my position.

I have always trusted my civil servants, military advisers and staff. I believe the assurances they have given me.

I appreciate you offering me the option to resign, but to resign would have been to accept that I, my civil servants, my military advisers or my staff were responsible: this was not the case.“

02.05.2019 - 11:29 [ Salzburger Nachrichten ]

Theresa May entlässt Verteidigungsminister Williamson

Bis dato galt Williamson als ehrgeiziger und aufstrebender Politiker, der sich sogar im Rennen um die Nachfolge Mays in Stellung gebracht hatte.

02.05.2019 - 11:24 [ ]

The 11 minute ‚smoking gun‘ phone call: Gavin Williamson admits he spoke to journalist after security council meeting but denies he spoke about Huawei and swears ‚on my children‘s lives that I‘m innocent‘

– The PM sacked Gavin Williamson as Defence Secretary following a leak of secret information last week
– Is alleged he revealed National Security Council discussions about Huawei‘s involvement in UK‘s 5G network
– He has ‚strenuously‘ denied being involved in the leak, despite claims of ‚compelling evidence‘ against him
– Speaking to the Daily Mail, he said it was a ‚shame she didn‘t recognise‘ how he had kept her as the PM in past
– Williamson also suggests that Mrs May‘s investigator Sir Mark Sedwill was settling a vendetta against him
– Growing calls were made for him to face police action, including from Labour deputy leader Tom Watson

02.05.2019 - 11:22 [ ]

Gavin Williamson: ‚I was tried by kangaroo court – then sacked‘

May was told of what she called “compelling” evidence of Williamson’s involvement before she was due to face a grilling from the backbench liaison committee. The defence secretary was later summoned to May’s House of Commons office, where she confronted him with the evidence, offered him the opportunity to resign – and when he refused, immediately fired him.

02.05.2019 - 11:17 [ Sky News ]

Calls for criminal investigation into Huawei leak after Gavin Williamson sacking

Dominic Grieve said the disclosure to a newspaper of an NSC discussion about Chinese telecoms giant Huawei‘s potential involvement in the development of the UK‘s 5G mobile network was „corrosive and undesirable“.

02.05.2019 - 11:14 [ ]

‚You‘re fired!‘ Papers lead on defence secretary‘s sacking over Huawei leak

Gavin Williamson’s sacking as defence secretary leads the papers on Thursday.

The Cabinet minister was fired by Theresa May on Wednesday after an inquiry into an unprecedented leak of information from the National Security Council (NSC).

01.05.2019 - 20:52 [ ]

Western ‘five eyes’ spy chiefs plotted to bring down Huawei over fears it is SPYING for Chinese government


The meeting was first reported by The Australian Financial Review after intelligence officials had publicly voiced concerns about Huawei and China’s „cyber espionage capabilities”.

Huawei has denied the accusations, and Western intelligence agencies have not released any evidence to back up the claims.

01.05.2019 - 20:36 [ ]

May entlässt Verteidigungsminister Williamson

May wirft Williamson vor, sensible Informationen aus einem Treffen des nationalen Sicherheitsrats an die Presse weitergegeben zu haben. Die bisherige Entwicklungsministerin Penny Mordaunt soll nun seinen Posten einnehmen.

01.05.2019 - 20:35 [ CNN ]

UK Defense Secretary Gavin Williamson fired over Huawei leak

May‘s surprise decision followed an inquiry into how the Daily Telegraph newspaper discovered that the UK government was preparing to give Huawei access to parts of the country‘s 5G mobile network.

19.03.2019 - 02:17 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Die Schlacht um Huawei (III)

Washington hatte die Ausstellung zu nutzen versucht, um den Druck zu erhöhen; eine US-Delegation sei „wie Wanderprediger“ durch die Messehallen gewandelt, um alle Welt zu „überzeugen, dass die chinesische Firma Huawei des Teufels ist“, hieß es anschließend in einem Schweizer Bericht: „Die Szenerie“ mit einem offenbar wenig kompetenten US-„Botschafter für Cybersicherheit“ und „rabiate[n] Leibwächter[n] in seiner Entourage“ habe gewirkt, „als hätten die Protagonisten alle antiamerikanischen Stereotype bedienen wollen“.

12.03.2019 - 09:59 [ CNN ]

US warns Germany that using Huawei tech will come at a cost

The letter, which was first reported by the Wall Street Journal, echoes a steady drumbeat of warnings by top US officials, including Vice President Mike Pence, who flagged Huawei‘s alleged connections to Chinese intelligence and its ability to compromise national security by selling equipment with „backdoors“ that could allow for unauthorized surveillance.

21.02.2019 - 01:45 [ Fefes Blog ]

Neuseeland rudert beim Huawei-Verbot zurück.

In der EU scheinen die Amerikaner mit ihrem Huawei-Feldzug auch einen Rohrkrepierer hingelegt zu haben.

19.02.2019 - 20:37 [ Fefes Blog ]

Huawei-Update: UK wird Huawei-Equipment nicht verbieten.

Oh und aus Geheimdienstbeobachtersicht ergibt sich da eine interessante Perspektive! Aus Chinas Sicht ist es ein großer Sieg, wenn sie die Five Eyes zum Streiten bringen können. Das ist der dunkle Geheimdienst-Pakt, der die ganze Welt abschnorchelt. Jedes bisschen Sand im Getriebe ist für jedes betroffene Land ein Gewinn.

19.02.2019 - 03:49 [ Radio Utopie ]

Heute Huawei-Boykott – Vor einer Dekade Euphorie

Zum derzeitigen Gerangel um lukrative Aufträge im Bereich des Aufbaus von 5G-Netzen in europäischen Staaten ist nur soviel zu sagen: vor zehn Jahren konnte man es kaum erwarten, dass die Telekommunikation zwischen dem afrikanischen und europäischen Kontinent durch den chinesischen Konzern Huawei einen Qualitätssprung im Traffic erreichte. Dazu wurden Seekabel durch das Mittelmeer verlegt.

19.02.2019 - 01:42 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Spionage bei 5G

Das für die Internetsicherheit zuständige National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), ein Arm des GCHQ, habe bei der Überprüfung von Huawei-Technologie zwar immer wieder Sicherheitsmängel aufgedeckt, wie sie in der Branche verbreitet seien, teilte Hannigan in einem Namensbeitrag in der Financial Times mit. „Nie“ seien jedoch Hinweise darauf gefunden worden, dass das Unternehmen, wie die Trump-Administration es ohne jeglichen Beleg behauptet, für „bösartige Cyberaktivitäten des chinesischen Staates“ missbraucht worden sei.[1] „Behauptungen“, laut denen die Benutzung von Huawei-Technologie beim Aufbau der 5G-Netze „ein inakzeptables Risiko“ darstellten, seien „Unsinn“.

18.02.2019 - 22:21 [ ]

Britain does not support total Huawei network ban: sources

British security officials do not support a full ban of Huawei from national telecoms networks despite U.S. allegations the Chinese firm and its products could be used by Beijing for spying, people with knowledge of the matter said

15.02.2019 - 03:55 [ Radio Utopie ]

Huawei Marine Networks: Telekommunikations-Seekabel von Libyen nach Griechenland

(2010) Huawei Marine Networks Co., Ltd ist ein Joint Venture, das von Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd und Global Marine Systems Limited gegründet wurde. Huawei Marine kombiniert die weltweit führende optische Kommunikationstechnik von Huawei mit den Erfahrungen im Schiffbetrieb von Global Marine, konzentriert sich auf die Anforderungen der Kunden und ist spezialisiert auf den Bau von globalen U-Boot-Kommunikationsnetzen, heisst es auf der firmeneigenen Webseite.

15.02.2019 - 03:42 [ Fefes Blog ]

Huawei ist zu einem der größten Verleger von Unterseekabeln geworden.

Unterseekabel sind serious business für Geheimdienste und für staatliche Kontrollsphären insgesamt. Möglicherweise haben die Five Eyes schlicht Angst, dass Huawei ihnen ihre etablierten Abhörpunkte kaputtmacht, indem sie alternative Datenrouten schaffen

14.02.2019 - 21:06 [ ORF ]

Österreich: Verkehrsministerium gegen Ausschluss von Huawei

Die Telekom Austria will mit dem chinesischen Konzern weiter kooperieren, erklärte Telekom-Chef Thomas Arnoldner im „Kurier“ (Donnerstag-Ausgabe). „Man darf die geopolitische Diskussion nicht mit der technischen Diskussion vermischen“, meinte Arnoldner. Die meisten europäischen Telekom-Betreiber würden mit Huawei zusammenarbeiten.

14.02.2019 - 18:02 [ ]

Huawei to build data centers in South Africa

The Chinese firm, at the center of global security concerns, will challenge Inc, which is also expanding its presence in the emerging tech hub of Cape Town in a challenge against cloud computing rival Microsoft Corp.

13.02.2019 - 18:19 [ Financial Times ]

Huawei accuses US of ‘political’ campaign against telecoms group

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“Some say that because these countries are using Huawei equipment, it makes it harder for US agencies to obtain these countries’ data,” he added.

Mr Xu also revealed that Huawei would spend more than $2bn to restructure the code used in its telecoms services worldwide after a series of “confrontational” meetings with Britain’s cyber security agency over the issue.

13.02.2019 - 18:01 [ ]

Huawei Works With Arm, Not Intel, on New CPU

(7.1.2019) William Xu, director of the board and chief strategy marketing officer of Huawei, noted that Huawei had worked extensively with Intel. But he said a diversity of applications and data is driving varied computing requirements. “Huawei has long partnered with Intel to make great achievements,” said Xu in a statement. “Together we have contributed to the development of the ICT industry. Huawei and Intel will continue our long-term strategic partnerships and continue to innovate together.”

13.02.2019 - 17:56 [ ]

Don’t use Huawei phones, say heads of FBI, CIA, and NSA

During his testimony, FBI Director Chris Wray said the government was “deeply concerned about the risks of allowing any company or entity that is beholden to foreign governments that don’t share our values to gain positions of power inside our telecommunications networks.” He added that this would provide “the capacity to maliciously modify or steal information. And it provides the capacity to conduct undetected espionage.”

05.02.2019 - 21:27 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Geheimdienstpakt gegen China

Berichten zufolge haben die „Five Eyes“ Anfang 2018 begonnen, Deutschland und Japan in ihre vor allem gegen China, zum Teil allerdings auch gegen Russland gerichteten Aktivitäten einzubinden; von einer „informellen Ausweitung“ des Fünferpakts ist die Rede.[7] Im Falle Japans bezieht sich die Kooperation, heißt es, insbesondere auf Spionage im Süd- und im Ostchinesischen Meer.[8] Darüber hinaus haben die „Five Eyes“ im vergangenen Jahr die Kampagne gegen Huawei gestartet, die darauf abzielt, den chinesischen Konzern möglichst vollständig aus den westlichen Ländern auszuschließen.[9] Die Debatte darüber gewinnt auch in Deutschland an Fahrt;