Daily Archives: 1. April 2019

01.04.2019 - 18:14 [ theTimes.co.uk ]

Labour is about to tell the working class: your vote doesn’t count

The Labour Party is at the Rubicon. The first agenda item at the inaugural Labour Party conference of February 28, 1900, was “Object of conference: a resolution in favour of working-class opinion being represented in the House of Commons.”

Even in that first debate, the new leaders made clear that the appeal would need to be beyond the traditional working classes and should not be to encompass the concept of “class war”.

But it set up a political party whose reason for existence was entirely centred on giving voice and vote to working-class opinion.

01.04.2019 - 17:57 [ Labour Leave / Twitter ]

Labour becoming a party of middle class reactionaries who think socialism is having more bike lanes; they are fundamentally conservative people who like the current system. Guardian‘s Larry Elliott at #LeftBrexitTour #brexit

01.04.2019 - 17:47 [ Briefings for Brexit ]

Why the Internationalist Left Should Oppose the EU Customs Union

Labour’s position on the customs union is baffling. For the British left, supporting membership in the customs union is historically incongruous, morally aberrant, and logically inconsistent. Anti-racists, internationalists, and leftists should oppose EU customs union membership for Great Britain.

01.04.2019 - 17:44 [ Greg Hands ]

Five main reasons why an EU Customs Union would be the worst choice of all

In the pages that follow I explain why staying in the EU’s Customs Union, while outside of the EU and without a seat at the table, would be one of the worst Brexit options.

There are very real implications for the UK’s future trade policy. In short, a Latvian MEP would have more say over UK trade policy than any elected politician in the United Kingdom.

01.04.2019 - 17:41 [ Friedemann Kainer ‏/ Twitter ]

#Brexit Neue indicative votes heute Abend, die aber das politische System in UK noch mehr ins Chaos stürzen könnten. Wenn der Clark Antrag (Zollunion) durchgehen sollte, wird es spannend: Das Kabinett würde eine Zollunion zerreissen. Der Guardian:

01.04.2019 - 17:27 [ Sudan Tribune ]

Sudanese families of political detainees hold protests in Khartoum

The 2010 National Security Act (NSA) empowers security agents to detain individuals without a warrant or charges; for up to four and a half months without judicial review.

01.04.2019 - 16:28 [ Jason Ditz / antikrieg.com ]

UNO untersucht britische Beteiligung am Jemenkrieg, Einsatz von Kindersoldaten

Nach Angaben der Daily Mail, die die ursprüngliche Geschichte herausgebracht hat, leiten die Vereinten Nationen nun eine Untersuchung über das Engagement der britischen Spezialeinheiten im Jemen ein, insbesondere über das Verhältnis zu jemenitischen Kindersoldaten.

01.04.2019 - 16:14 [ teleSUR ]

Chileans Take to the Streets to Reject Current Pension Model

The march was organized by „No + AFP“, which as its name indicates calls for the end of the privatized model, based on the individual capitalization of pensions run by the Administrators of Pension Funds (AFP).

01.04.2019 - 16:00 [ Portal amerika21.de ]

Washington über Machterhalt der Regierung von Venezuela beunruhigt

Der Sonderbeauftragte von Präsident Donald Trump, Elliott Abrams, erklärte, Russland werde für seine Unterstützung Maduros „einen hohen Preis bezahlen“.

01.04.2019 - 15:56 [ German Foreign Policy ]

Sanktionskrieg gegen Russland

Venezuela zählt zu den Ländern, die von russischen Rüstungsfirmen beliefert werden. Die russischen Experten sind in offiziellem Auftrag der venezolanischen Regierung in dem Land tätig. US-Präsident Donald Trump verlangt, dass sie umgehend abgezogen werden, und stellt andernfalls weitere Strafmaßnahmen gegen Moskau in Aussicht.

01.04.2019 - 13:25 [ Guido Fawkes ]

84% of Tory Members Opposed to Customs Union

ConHome have done their own set of indicative votes among the Tory membership, finding massive grassroots opposition to any of the options apart from No Deal. Nearly 90% are opposed to Customs Union membership, revoking Article 50 or a second referendum, while 79% oppose ‘Common Market 2.0’, with barely double figures in favour of them.

01.04.2019 - 12:59 [ NationalPost.com ]

Merkel plans talks with Ireland as EU positions itself for a no-deal Brexit

The German chancellor is to hold talks with Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar in Dublin on Thursday and demand a plan to protect Ireland’s border should the U.K. crash out of the bloc without a deal, which could come as soon as April 12. The EU now sees this as a serious possibility and is focusing almost all of its work on how to contain the consequences, EU officials said.

01.04.2019 - 12:47 [ Daniel Zuidijk ‏/ Twitter ]

Angela Merkel will make her most significant intervention in the #Brexit process yet later this week when she demands a plan to protect Ireland’s border if the #UK crashes out of the #EU without a deal .. by @IanWishart

01.04.2019 - 12:38 [ Spiked ]

Germans for Brexit: Why I have written a pro-Brexit book for a German audience.

One journalist says Brexit is the product of an ‘unprecedented lie-and-disinformation campaign’. The result is that there is very little open discussion about Brexit here in Germany. And that is bad for all Germans. Germany might be a country that is tied closely, politically and economically, with the EU – but that makes it all the more important for us to understand what is going on across the continent.

This is why I have written a book on Brexit.

01.04.2019 - 12:37 [ Amazon ]

Brexit – Demokratischer Aufbruch in Großbritannien

Sabine Beppler-Spahl begreift den Brexit als Chance, als einen „kleinen Schritt hin zu mehr Demokratie“, die in der EU zunehmend erodiert sei. Damit ist sie eine der wenigen liberalen Stimmen, die in dem Brexit nicht einen Akt wider alle Vernunft mit unabwendbaren katastrophalen Folgen für Großbritannien und die EU sehen. Mit ihrem optimistischen Buch behauptet Sabine Beppler-Spahl im deutschen Büchermarkt eine singuläre Stellung gegenüber den pessimistischen Auguren. In klaren verständlichen Analysen zeigt sie auf, dass der Brexit nicht das Ergebnis eines demagogischen Populismus ist, sondern eine deutliche demokratische Absage an elitäre Strukturen der EU und eine Expertokratie, die von oben herab bestimmen möchte,

01.04.2019 - 12:15 [ ORF.at ]

Ukraine: Komiker geht als Sieger in Stichwahl

Der Komiker Wolodymyr Selenski setzte sich zwar laut Prognosen klar als Sieger bei der Präsidentenwahl am Sonntag durch. Der 41-Jährige verfehlte aber die absolute Mehrheit. Er muss deshalb am 21. April in eine Stichwahl mit Amtsinhaber Petro Poroschenko.

01.04.2019 - 09:28 [ Haaretz ]

Israeli Arabs Aren’t Flocking to the Polls

This is a serious mistake. High turnout among Arab Israelis isn’t only critical to bolster their sense of belonging to the state; it’s also a necessary condition for replacing the government. Netanyahu understands this very well. That’s why he has made keeping the Arabs away from the polls a key political goal – in order to keep the left out of power.

01.04.2019 - 08:18 [ Times of Israel ]

Gantz said to ask Shin Bet to probe whether Mossad behind leak of phone hack

(today) The Mossad, Israel’s foreign intelligence agency, is currently headed by Yossi Cohen, who was chosen for the post by Prime Minister Netanyahu after serving as his national security adviser.

01.04.2019 - 08:04 [ Haaretz ]

Former Mossad Chief: Leaking Hack of Gantz‘s Phone ‚An Attack on Democracy‘


Even if Iran really turns out to be responsible, it does not amount to more than an embarrassment, Pardo said. „Anybody who understands anything about cyber security knows that if somebody wants to do harm – illegitimately and unethically – they can disseminate fake, fabricated information – and go prove that it‘s wrong.“

01.04.2019 - 08:01 [ Times of Israel ]

Netanyahu asked Shin Bet to tap phones of IDF, Mossad heads — report


According to the report, Netanyahu asked the former head of the Shin Bet, Yoram Cohen, to use his security service’s “special capabilities” to monitor the communications of senior defense officials, including former IDF chief of staff Benny Gantz and former head of the Mossad spy agency Tamir Pardo.

01.04.2019 - 08:00 [ Times of Israel ]

Ex-Mossad chief: In 2011 Netanyahu ordered military to ready Iran strike


“I made inquiries about everything I could do. I checked with previous Mossad chiefs. I checked with legal advisers. I consulted anyone I could consult in order to understand who is authorized to give instructions about the whole issue of starting a war,” he said.

Among the people he spoke to was the attorney general at the time, Yehudah Weinstein. At some point, Pardo admitted, Netanyahu became aware of his activities.

01.04.2019 - 07:29 [ Netzpolitik.org ]

Nichts gefunden: Auch der Generalbundesanwalt hat NSA-Affäre beendet (Update)


Es gebe keinen Anfangsverdacht für Massenüberwachung durch britische und US-Geheimdienste in Deutschland. Mit dieser Aussage hat auch der Generalbundesanwalt die NSA-Affäre für sich als beendet erklärt. Er hat sich damit reichlich Zeit gelassen: Über vier Jahre sind seit den ersten Anzeigen vergangen.

01.04.2019 - 07:11 [ Wikileaks ]



Am heutigen Mittwoch, den 8.Juli um 18 Uhr veröffentlicht WikiLeaks drei weitere NSA-Abhörprotokolle von Gesprächen der deutschen Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel, zusammen mit einer Liste von 56 NSA-Selektoren, die sich auf die Bundeskanzlerin und das Bundeskanzleramt beziehen. Die Liste enthält nicht nur vertrauliche Telefonnummern der Bundeskanzlerin, sondern auch die Nummern ihrer Spitzenbeamten, ihrer Assistenten, ihres Stabschefs, ihres Büros und sogar ihres Fax-Anschlusses. Die gesammelten NSA-Ziellisten, die von WikiLeaks veröffentlicht wurden, belegen die gezielte Langzeit-Überwachung von 125 Telefonnummern deutscher Politiker und Beamter – und zwar aus politischen und wirtschaftlichen Gründen, wie aus den Kennzeichnungen in den Dokumenten selbst hervorgeht.

Die heute veröffentlichen Protokolle zeigen, dass die obersten Ebenen der US-Administration Merkels Pläne zur internationalen Finanzkrise und der europäischen Bankenrettung ausgewertet haben. Auch ihre privaten Ansichten über das Engagement von Präsident Obama gegenüber dem Iran wurden während eines Gespräches mit dem Kronprinzen Shaykh Muhammad bin Zayid al-Nuhayyan aus den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten abgehört.

01.04.2019 - 07:09 [ theGuardian.com ]

‘Any Palestinian is exposed to monitoring by the Israeli Big Brother’


I assumed a role in which people are called “targets”, and those people who really interest us are in no sense terrorists, but rather generally normative people – who interest us because of their roles, so that we can obtain more intelligence and achieve greater access. We take advantage of the capabilities that we have over these people in order to put ourselves at ease. We take advantage of the impact that we have on their lives. Sometimes it involves truly harming a person’s life, or their soul. I mean extortion whereby they must hide things from people around them. It can really screw up their lives. It made me feel omnipotent.

01.04.2019 - 06:48 [ Radio Utopie ]

Das rote (Wurm)Loch


Neues aus Deutschplanet: Die „Linksfraktion“ verurteilt „auf das Schärfste“ einen „Angriff auf die Privatsphäre von Gregor Gysi“ durch David Sheen und Max Blumenthal.

Als Frage bleibt, ob das wenigstens als physikalischer Beweis eines Paralleluniversums durchgeht.

01.04.2019 - 06:43 [ CBS News ]

CEO of Israeli spyware-maker NSO on fighting terror, Khashoggi murder, and Saudi Arabia


An Israeli company licenses software around the world that can crack just about any smartphone, but is its use always on the side of good?

01.04.2019 - 06:40 [ Gizmodo ]

Hacking Lawyers or Journalists Is Totally Fine, Says Notorious Cyberweapons Firm


Hulio’s company, worth hundreds of millions of dollars, first made global headlines in 2016 when its tools were used by the authoritarian government of the UAE in order to spy on Ahmed Mansoor, an award-winning human rights activist. The company has never fully addressed the spying; Mansoor currently sits, untried and unable to regularly contact his family, in an unidentified prison somewhere in the UAE on charges of criticizing the UAE government.

The spotlight did not dissuade the company. Instead, it served as an advertisement to other authoritarian governments about NSO Group’s exceptional ability …

01.04.2019 - 06:21 [ Washington Post ]

An Israeli tech firm is selling spy software to dictators, betraying the country’s ideals


Saudi dissident Omar Abdulaziz, who lives in Canada, has filed a lawsuit against an Israeli technology company called the NSO Group accusing it of providing the Saudi government with the surveillance software to spy on him and his friends — including Jamal Khashoggi. The program, known as Pegasus, not only allows the monitoring of all communications from a phone — all texts, all emails, all phone calls — but can also hijack a mobile phone’s microphone and camera to turn it into a surveillance device.

01.04.2019 - 05:51 [ Jerusalem Post ]

Netanyahu: If Gantz can’t protect his phone, how will he protect the country?


“He was supposed to protect his phone. That is his personal failure. If Gantz can’t protect his phone, how will he protect the country?” Netanyahu asked. “Second, Gantz and Lapid supported the dangerous nuclear deal with Iran, the deal that I fought and I am glad that I acted successfully to convince the president of the US to leave and to renew sanctions on Iran.”

01.04.2019 - 05:32 [ Junge Welt ]

Kniefall vor der Rechtsentwicklung: ATTAC distanziert sich von dem israelischen Intellektuellen Moshe Zuckermann

Dass die ATTAC-Regionalgruppe Oldenburg in vorauseilendem Gehorsam gegenüber Netanjahus ­Pressure-Groups in SPD und der Linken mit Moshe Zuckermann auch keinen Vertreter der Zweistaatenlösung in der Stadt zu Wort kommen lassen will, löst bei der Bundesorganisation nicht einmal Bedenken aus:

01.04.2019 - 05:30 [ Haaretz ]

Report: Gantz Demands Probe to See if Mossad Leaked News of Phone Hack

Speaking at a joint press conference with Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, Netanyahu responded to the report about Gantz’s request that the Shin Bet investigate, saying,“They [Kahol Lavan] are trying to drag the Mossad, that magnificent organization that protects Israeli security, into the political discourse. That mustn’t be done, and I don’t plan to let it pass. The leaks about Gantz came from the headquarters of [Yesh Atid Chairman Yair] Lapid and Gantz, so I am calling on them to show responsibility, be statesmanlike, and leave the Mossad and the Shin Bet out of politics. We have enough things to fight about.”

01.04.2019 - 01:15 [ Business Today ]

IAF‘s MiG-27 fighter jet crashed in Rajasthan‘s Sirohi; no casualties reported

In a similar incident, another fighter aircraft, MiG-21, had crashed near Bikaner, Rajasthan on March 8. The aircraft was on a routine mission from Nal near Bikaner.

In July last year, a pilot of a MiG-21 aircraft died when the plane crashed in Himachal Pradesh‘s Kangra district.