As you read this, a small comet is on its way toward making a very close pass of Earth in mid-December — its best appearance over a period of four centuries.
Daily Archives: 1. Dezember 2018
Prepare for Meteors, Comets, Stellar Nights in December
Meteor showers, comets, and planets will dance across December skies and stargazers will want to be prepared, astronomists say.
G20 Summit: ‚Trumps, Bolsonaros, Macris Only Cause Desolation‘
„The Trumps, the Bolsonaros, the Macris, all they leave is looting and desolation of the peoples,“ said Hugo Godoy, general secretary of the Public Workers Association, who added that „we need to build a different perspective of civilization,“ the El Imparcial reported.
Yes, the EU‘s New #CopyrightDirective is All About Filters
When the EU started planning its new Copyright Directive (the „Copyright in the Digital Single Market Directive“), a group of powerful entertainment industry lobbyists pushed a terrible idea: a mandate that all online platforms would have to create crowdsourced databases of „copyrighted materials“ and then block users from posting anything that matched the contents of those databases.
8/ Even 2 hours after I read it, I still can‘t believe that Politico actually published an article by an ex-CIA agent under a fake name saying that if the Guardian‘s blockbuster Assange/Manafort story is false, it‘s Russia‘s fault. Parodying the US media at this point is futile.
This Is a Dark Day for Press Freedom – Our editorial response to today’s Supreme Court of Canada ruling.
(30.11.2018) Lawyers for VICE Canada argued unsuccessfully through three levels of court that the RCMP is fishing for information and is effectively forcing a journalist to be an agent of the state. With this court decision hanging in the balance for years, Makuch has continued to produce fearless and important journalism on sensitive and often dangerous topics. Today’s decision will no doubt have a chilling effect on both sources, who may be reluctant to talk to reporters, and on journalists themselves, who could be less inclined to report on sensitive issues.
junge Welt im Zangengriff
Allein durch diese Maßnahme soll der Verlag 8. Mai der Post künftig jährlich 90.000 Euro mehr bezahlen. Dies entspricht einer Preissteigerung von 28,5 Prozent, ohne dass dafür zusätzliche Leistungen erbracht werden. Auf einen Schlag ist die Existenz der jungen Welt bedroht.
Die 21-Prozent #cdu will bei der nächsten #btw 40 Prozent erreichen. Die 14-Prozent #spd ist etwas bescheidener, sie möchte nur stärkste Partei werden. Die haben doch alle den Knall nicht gehört.
France fuel protests: Tear gas fired in clashes in Paris – BBC News
President Macron struck a conciliatory tone earlier in the week but said he would not abandon his fuel tax. He said it was a key part of France‘s future energy strategy to combat global warming ……….
DIRECT. „Gilets jaunes“ : 75 000 manifestants recensés en France, la situation reste très chaotique à Paris
Après des échauffourées près des Champs-Elysées, des heurts s‘étendent, dans l‘après-midi du samedi 1er décembre, à plusieurs autres quartiers de Paris dans une grande confusion, en marge de la mobilisation des „gilets jaunes“ qui rassemble quelque 75 000 personnes à travers la France, selon le ministère de l‘Intérieur. La préfecture de police de Paris dénombre 183 interpellations et au moins 80 blessés, dont 14 membres des forces de l‘ordre.
Protest der „Gelbwesten“: Eskalation in Paris
Oft ist das Wort Revolution zu hören. Im Unterschied zu Paris sind die Proteste in der Provinz aber bislang friedlich geblieben.
Police repression in Buenos Aires for G20: a dress-rehearsal for dictatorship
As the presidents of the Group of 20 nations (G20), representing the world’s top economies, were preparing to travel to their 13th economic summit in Buenos Aires, this weekend, Argentine authorities were in the process of rounding up and forcibly expelling homeless families who reside in downtown Buenos Aires.
WATCH: Thousands of French citizens are protesting President Macron‘s fuel taxes near the Arc de Triomphe in Paris #GiletsJaunes
A #Marseille à la triple marche : gilets jaunes, syndicats, marche de la colère contre le logement insalubre ! #GiletsJaunes #StopMacron #LogementIndigne #1erDecembre
The fake patriotism of the liberal Left – How many truly understand the depth of the Left‘s hatred for the nation state?
Something needs to stand in the way of, on the one hand, global corporations, responsible through their ever-increasing hegemony of devaluing national democracy and deracinating communities, and, on the other, liberal internationalists, responsible for the growing sense of cultural and political detachment felt by millions in their own homeland.
The independent self-governing nation state isn’t dead. Not yet. In fact, it may be on its way back.
Has there ever been another example throughout history of a populace winning a campaign for national independence and the political establishment trying so hard to deny it?
Theresa May‘s broken promises and Mark Carney‘s wild claims are damaging people‘s faith in democracy
Although there has probably never been a golden age when a revered establishment was held in high regard both publicly and privately, the current position is worse than normal and continues to deteriorate.
The problem is that people are right to be distrustful, for there is an effort both to frighten and to gull them into acquiescing into a non-Brexit Brexit.
I’ve tabled an amendment to the Government’s Brexit motion which aims to give the UK the sovereign right to leave the ‘backstop’, and to mandate the Government to negotiate a comprehensive free trade deal with the EU. We cannot allow ourselves to become trapped in the backstop.
Never, Ever Forget The Guardian/Politico Psyop Against WikiLeaks
For the first few hours after any new “bombshell” Russiagate story comes out, my social media notifications always light up with poorly written posts by liberal establishment loyalists saying things like “HAHAHA @caitoz this proves you wrong now will you FINALLY stop denying Russian collusion???” Then, when people start actually analyzing that story and noting that it comes nowhere remotely close to proving that Donald Trump colluded with the Russian government to steal the 2016 election, those same people always forget to come back afterward and admit to me that they were wrong again.
How to Beat a Manipulator
(17.8.2018) There’s no need to be ashamed of being conned. Realizing that you’ve been, or are being, conned will naturally bring up feelings of embarrassment, but it’s never your fault that someone’s taken you for a ride. Get clear: conning someone is the crime; being conned is being a victim of that crime. That’s how the law sees it in fraud cases. Manipulators would love you to think that it’s your fault for allowing yourself to be manipulated, but that’s just another manipulation isn’t it?
Manipulators use one of our most astounding, useful, and beautiful human characteristics when they con us—empathy. Our innately trusting nature is the reason why we’ve been able to collaborate on large scales to create and innovate in extraordinary ways unseen anywhere else in the animal kingdom.
The Kroll ID Monitoring System that the #Marriott #Starwood #databreach is offering me because of their data breach that included my data doesn‘t like my password. It‘s Too Long. My confidence is Not increased by this service.
There Is A Lucrative Espionage Industry For Covering Up The Crimes Of The Rich
(7.11.2017) It’s stupid to think that Kroll and Black Cube are the only ones trying to offer the wealthy these services, and it’s stupid to think that Weinstein is the only rich asshole using such services to cover up his personal evils. Weinstein got caught because he happens to have a fetish for women of means, who became wealthy themselves and who can with enough effort can get their voices heard. Imagine crossing a wealthy person and not having such means at your disposal. This has doubtless happened to countless people.
Starwood Guest Reservation Database Security Incident – Marriott International
Marriott values our guests and understands the importance of protecting personal information. We have taken measures to investigate and address a data security incident involving the Starwood guest reservation database. The investigation has determined that there was unauthorized access to the database, which contained guest information relating to reservations at Starwood properties on or before September 10, 2018. This notice explains what happened, measures we have taken, and some steps you can take in response.
On September 8, 2018, Marriott received an alert from an internal security tool regarding an attempt to access the Starwood guest reservation database. Marriott quickly engaged leading security experts to help determine what occurred. Marriott learned during the investigation that there had been unauthorized access to the Starwood network since 2014. Marriott recently discovered that an unauthorized party had copied and encrypted information, and took steps towards removing it.
Marriott discloses 4-year breach involving the theft of personal and financial data on 500 million guests at its Starwood properties. No word yet whether this was an extension of the 2014-2015 breach at Starwood prior to its acquisition by Marriott
Marriott Hacking Exposes Data of Up to 500 Million Guests
Marriott International revealed that hackers had breached its Starwood reservation system and had stolen the personal data of up to 500 million guests.
The assault started as far back as 2014, and was one of the largest known thefts of personal records, second only to a 2013 breach of Yahoo that affected three billion user accounts and larger than a 2017 episode involving the credit bureau Equifax.
Moon und Trump wollen an Sanktionen gegen Nordkorea vorläufig festhalten
Kim hatte bei seinen drei Gipfeln mit Moon und einem Treffen mit Trump in diesem Jahr seine Absicht zur Denuklearisierung bekräftigt. Die Verhandlungen treten derzeit jedoch auf der Stelle.
Moon und Trump hätten jedoch in ihrem Gespräch betont, dass der Friedensprozess auf der koreanischen Halbinsel in die richtige Richtung gehe, hieß es.
President Moon calls for global support for his vision of nuclear-free Korean Peninsula
Addressing world leaders on the G20 stage,… President Moon Jae-in emphasized that peace on the Korean Peninsula will open the way for greater global prosperity. Speaking in Argentina on Friday,… President Moon said sustainable development is only possible through peace,… and friendly inter-Korean ties will contribute to humanity.
Moon, Trump agree next N. Korea-U.S. summit will create momentum for denuclearization
Now,… onto the South Korean leader‘s trip to the G20 Summit in Argentina. President Moon Jae-in and U.S. President Donald Trump held talks Friday on the sidelines of the summit. North Korea dominated most of their discussion. Shin Se-min has this story.
Argentina: Xi, Putin, and Modi call for closer trilateral cooperation
Chinese President Xi Jinping emphasized the need for „more close cooperation“ between China, Russia, and India while speaking at a trilateral meeting alongside Russian President Vladimir Putin and Indian Prime Minister Narenda Modi on the sidelines of the G20 summit in Buenos Aires on Friday.
G20: May in Argentina to sell Brexit around the world
The Prime Minister arrived in Argentina for the G20 summit keen to sell the benefits of Brexit. World leaders met against a backdrop of crisis in Crimea and the Saudi Arabian murder of a dissident journalist, but the European Council President Donald Tusk took the opportunity to say the EU stands ready for „no deal or no Brexit at all“ if MPs reject the deal. We speak to Theresa May.
G20: May, Macron and Xi arrive at summit in Argentina
The influential group are in Buenos Aires for the meeting. Here‘s more on what‘s being discusse
Theresa May loses her temper in fiery outburst on flight to G20 as she battles Brexit chaos
The prickly Prime Minister snapped 40,000ft above the Atlantic as the aircraft flew to Argentina for a G20 summit.
Mrs May‘s 500mph, mid-air meltdown came as she was quizzed about her premiership if MPs inflict a humiliating Brexit defeat on December 11.
High five between Russia‘s President Putin and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman at the G20
„Brexit“-Deal: Weiterer Rücktritt in britischer Regierung
Sam Gyimah, zuständig für Forschung und Universitäten, teilte gestern Abend via Twitter mit, er werde bei der Abstimmung am 11. Dezember im Parlament gegen den von May ausgehandelten Deal mit Brüssel votieren.
SPÖ: EU-Kommission genehmigt Glyphosatverbot
Kärnten soll die erste Region werden, in der Glyphosat und ähnliche Mittel verboten sind.
Südkorea versorgt Nordkorea mit Materialien für militärische Kommunikationsleitung
Ein Ministeriumsbeamter sagte, dass die Vereinten Nationen und die USA am 13. Juli eine Sanktionsausnahme für solche Güter gewährt hätten. Die Lieferung sei nach Konsultationen mit den USA erfolgt.
Familie des toten Bloggers: „Steffens Tod nicht benutzen“
So hatte NRW-Innenminister Herbert Reul (CDU) nach Ansicht der Hinterbliebenen indirekt den Waldbesetzern die Schuld an dem Tod von Steffen gegeben. Die Familie schrieb einen offenen Brief an die Landesregierung.
Baumhausräumung im Hambacher Forst – Verfahren eingestellt
Ein Video von dem Polizeieinsatz habe nicht ganz zur Klärung der Situation beigetragen, sagte der Direktor des Amtsgerichts Kerpen, Joachim Rau. Man habe darauf nicht erkennen können, was im einzelnen passiert sei. „Aber das war alles wirklich nicht so dramatisch“, sagte Rau.
„Um Fakten zu schaffen, wird weitergebaggert“
Anwohner wehren sich gegen Kohletagebau. Großdemos am Sonnabend in Berlin und Köln.
Anti G20 protest fills streets in Buenos Aires
They paraded with signs attacking Trump and the International Monetary Fund, whose largesse is keeping Argentina afloat at the cost of hard-hitting austerity measures.
UNESCO Adds Reggae Music to Global Cultural Heritage List
Reggae was often championed as a music of the oppressed, with lyrics addressing sociopolitical issues, imprisonment and inequality.
Mordfall Marielle Franco: Justiz in Brasilien zensiert Fernsehsender 0 Globo
Der professionell ausgeführte Mord an der afrobrasilianischen Stadträtin von der Partei Sozialismus und Freiheit ist nach über 250 Tagen Ermittlungen noch nicht aufgeklärt, obwohl es Zeugenhinweise gibt und Tatverdächtige vernommen wurden.
Mexico‘s EZLN Expresses Solidarity With Chile Mapuche Struggle
The National Liberation Zapatista Army (EZLN), the National Indigenous Congress (CNI) and the Indigenous Government Council (CIG) from Mexico condemned the murder of the Mapuche Campesino Camilo Catrillanca by Chilean security forces and expressed solidarity with the struggle to protect their territory.
Guatemala Prepares Law Punishing Criticism of Politicians
Guatemala’s ruling party and allies are preparing a law criminalizing political criticism, with possible prison sentences of between two and five years aiming to prevent political defamation and “social panic.”
USA erklären Nicaragua zur Bedrohung der nationalen Sicherheit
Situation in Nicaragua bedeute einen „nationalen Notstand“ für die USA. Senat verabschiedet Gesetze über Strafmaßnahmen gegen Regierung Ortega
International guests arrive for the inauguration of president Andrés Manuel López Obrador, on December 1st
… The president of the presidium of the Supreme People’s Assembly of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, Kim Yong Nam; the Governor General of Canada Julie Payette; Felipe VI, King of Spain, and Josep Borrell Fontelles, Spain’s Minister of Foreign Affairs; Prince and Minister of State of Saudi Arabia, Mansour Bin Mutain Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud.
The Vice President of the United States of America Michael R. Pence; the adviser of the White House, Ivanka Trump, and Kirstjen Nielsen, secretary of the Department of Internal Security of the United States, among others.
George H. W. Bush ist tot
Unter Präsident Richard Nixon wurde Bush 1970 UNO-Botschafter des Landes, von 1976 bis 1977 war er Direktor des Geheimdienstes CIA.
Trump, George W. react to George H.W. Bush death
President Donald J. Trump and First Lady Melania Trump: Melania and I join with a grieving Nation to mourn the loss of former President George H.W. Bush, who passed away last night.
George H.W. Bush has died at age 94
CNN‘s Jamie Gangel reports.
Alaska: Starkes Erdbeben, schwankende Gebäude
Ein Erdbeben der Stärke 7,0 hat den Süden Alaskas erschüttert.