Daily Archives: 1. Dezember 2022

01.12.2022 - 21:44 [ Nitter.net ]

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01.12.2022 - 21:35 [ Alec Karakatsanis / Nitter ]

THREAD. A New York Times article on Eric Adams‘ fascist and illegal plan to arrest „homeless people“ who cops „deem“ to be „mentally ill“ is astonishing for what is missing


Nor does the article contain a single mention of universal access to preventative health care, of the massive divestment in our society from mental health care, or of the root causes of mental illness.

01.12.2022 - 21:27 [ Reuters ]

Amid homeless crisis, New York to step up forced hospitalization of mentally ill


Adams, speaking from City Hall, said the city had a „moral obligation“ to help New Yorkers struggling to meet their own basic needs because of mental illness, even if those people resisted intervention.

The Democratic mayor has made addressing the city‘s homelessness crisis a top goal of his administration since taking office in January.

01.12.2022 - 20:50 [ IndependentSocialistGroup.org ]

Protest Strikebreaker-In-Chief Biden in Boston!

Join Railroad Workers United (RWU), the Independent Socialist Group (ISG), and the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) at a protest outside of Biden’s upcoming appearance in Boston. If you are in an organization that would like to endorse this event and is interested in speaking in support of railroad workers, contact:

Nick Wurst, RWU & ISG: 508-335-8633

Paul Bamberger, DSA: 518-860-9378

Day & Time: Friday 12/2 Picket starting 11:30am, Rally starting 12pm. Estimated end time 1:30pm.

Location: Biden will be visiting JFK Library at University Dr N, Boston, MA 02125 for an event. The picket and rally will be held at the corner of University Drive North and Colombia Point, on the parking lot side.

01.12.2022 - 20:22 [ More Perfect Union / Nitter ]

This railroad worker clearly & powerfully explains why workers need to have each other‘s backs, ahead of a potential strike: „We‘re all part of the working people that make society run…. Without us, nothing could happen. When one of us in under attack, we‘re all under attack.“

01.12.2022 - 20:16 [ More Perfect Union - PerfectUnion.us ]

Railroad Strike Ahead? Rail Workers Just Want Sick Leave

Devin Mantz: I voted no on the contract because we deserve more.

Adam Smithey: It does not meet the requirements for quality of life that we need. We need time to sleep, we need time to rest, we need to enjoy our lives. We don’t have any of that now.

Matt Weaver: We’re considered essential employees, and we don’t have a single paid sick day to use when we’re off. We worked through the pandemic, we were considered essential, and now it seems like we’re expendable.

Dave Manning: If a person is sick, they shouldn’t have to use all of their paid days that they had to earn the previous year before to take a day off.

Matt Morty Mortenson: We’re constantly coming to work sick and exhausted.

Reece Murtagh: We routinely work 14 hours and longer every day.

Matt Morty Mortenson: We’ve currently lost 2 BMWED members in the past two weeks and they might have been here today with us if they would have just been able to rest and reset.

01.12.2022 - 20:07 [ Jonah Furman / Nitter ]

People need to understand that we’ve reached this point in rail bargaining because of a failed union strategy to rely entirely on Democratic Party leadership to get a deal, and to avoid anything that could threaten that strategy, from progressive legislation to going on strike

01.12.2022 - 19:59 [ theHill.com ]

Schumer pledges to keep senators in Washington until rail deal is done

“The Senate cannot leave until we get the job done, and Democrats will keep working with Republicans to find a path forward that everyone can support,” he announced on the Senate floor.

The Democratic leader began the so-called Rule 14 process on Wednesday evening to put a House-passed bill to avert the rail strike on the Senate calendar.

01.12.2022 - 19:53 [ @railroadworkers / Nitter ]

This is a legacy defining moment for Joe Biden. He is going down as one of the biggest disappointments in labor history.


01.12.2022 - 19:40 [ White House ]

Statement from President Joe Biden on House Action to Avert Rail Shutdown


This overwhelming bipartisan vote in the House of Representatives makes clear that Democrats and Republicans agree that a rail shutdown would be devastating to our economy and families across the country. The Senate must now act urgently. Without the certainty of a final vote to avoid a shutdown this week, railroads will begin to halt the movement of critical materials like chemicals to clean our drinking water as soon as this weekend.

01.12.2022 - 19:34 [ Steve Morris / Nitter ]

Rail workers: A single day of sick leave please CNN‘s coverage today:


01.12.2022 - 19:27 [ Democracy Now ]

House Passes Bill to Block Rail Strike at Urging of President Biden

The House has passed legislation to block a nationwide rail strike by imposing a contract that has been rejected by unions representing the majority of freight rail workers.

01.12.2022 - 12:47 [ Haaretz ]

Bad Blood: Netanyahu, Smotrich, Ben-Gvir All Spin Terror for Gains

The echoes of the explosions of the coordinated attacks in Jerusalem were still ringing, and the area had not yet been cleaned of the blood and broken glass. Politicians, seeing the promised land of power before their eyes, pounced on the opportunity they were given. Otzma Yehudit urged Likud members to stop with this “nonsense” of negotiating over forming a coalition (meaning: yield to all their demands). Religious Zionism repeated their demand that Benjamin Netanyahu convene the heads of all the relevant parties in a closed room and wrap things up. Needless to say, for the sake of security.

01.12.2022 - 12:14 [ allisrael.com ]

Will a parliamentary override clause for Supreme Court rulings balance power or harm democracy?

Israel’s right-wing majority considers the Supreme Court‘s authority “overreaching” – and the expected incoming coalition plans to pass legislation known as the “override clause” giving parliament the power to reverse rulings from the high court.

01.12.2022 - 11:37 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Wann der Staat Richter entlassen darf

Maier saß von 2017 bis 2021 für die AfD im Bundestag und wird vom sächsischen Verfassungsschutz als rechtsextrem eingestuft. Bis zur formalen Auflösung des völkischen „Flügels“ galt Maier als eine ihrer führenden Figuren. Öffentlich fiel er beispielsweise dadurch auf, dass er die gleichgeschlechtliche Ehe im Herbst 2017 als „dekadentes Konstrukt“ bezeichnete. Im Bundestag erklärte er 2020, der Islam und das Grundgesetz würden sich ausschließen.

01.12.2022 - 11:26 [ Tagesschau.de ]

Geplante Entlastungen: Mitnahmeeffekte bei Gas- und Strompreisbremse?

Die für Januar geplante Strom- und Gaspreisbremse ist heute erstmals Thema im Bundestag. Viele Versorger haben drastische Preiserhöhungen angekündigt.

01.12.2022 - 10:55 [ ORF.at ]

EU-Ratspräsident Michel traf Xi Jinping in Peking

Chinas Staats- und Parteichef Xi Jinping hat heute EU-Ratspräsident Charles Michel in Peking empfangen. Bei dem Treffen sollte es um die angespannte geopolitische Lage, den russischen Angriffskrieg in der Ukraine und die künftigen Beziehungen der EU zu China gehen.

01.12.2022 - 10:51 [ ORF.at ]

Biden empfängt Macron

US-Präsident Joe Biden empfängt Frankreichs Staatschef Emmanuel Macron heute im Weißen Haus. Nach einer offiziellen Begrüßungszeremonie und einem bilateralen Gespräch ist eine gemeinsame Pressekonferenz der beiden Präsidenten geplant.